Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, August 7, 2023

Crackpot Prophet Says That Once The European Beast Power (Germany) Conquers The United States It Will Make a Deal To Give Alaska Back To Russia

Gone are the days when we thought Gerald Flurry, Ron Wienland, and Alton Billingsley were the resident Church of God crackpots with their end-time looney tune ideas. The things they have said and still say pale in comparison to the absolute idiocy that comes out of the mouth of our self-crowned end-time prophet to the Churches of God, the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel.

Today the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu had another prophecy/conspiracy-laden pop-tart up about Alaska. There has been severe flooding after a glacial dam burst on the Mendenhall River near Juneau, Alaska. Several homes were damaged or destroyed in the flooding of the river. This event fits nicely into the end-time scenarios that the Great Bwana NEEDS to happen in order to validate his craziness.

Then the great Bwana Bob Mzungu adds:

Floods can cause problems in many places–and do.

Then things drastically switch gears as the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu wets his pants over China and Russia conducting naval exercises close to Alaska.

China & Russia Sent Huge Naval Flotilla Toward Alaska; US Responds By Dispatching Destroyers. August 6, 2023

A large joint Russia-China military exercise which is being described as unprecedented in size has sparked alarm in the Pentagon, given it took place off Alaska, causing the US to dispatch four navy warships and aerial assets in the same waters, a very rare move itself of significant size. Zero Hedge

Which then immediately turned into this:

Beyond being provocative, as I have reported here over the years, Russia wants at least part of Alaska, which it once controlled, back.

Last year, a reader tipped me of to the following that Newsweek posted:

‘Alaska Is Ours!’ Billboards Appear in Russia After Threat to Reclaim State

July 7, 2022

Billboards proclaiming “Alaska Is Ours!” have been spotted in Russia one day after a key ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested that the country could reclaim the territory that was sold to the U.S. in 1867.

Multiple billboards bearing the slogan surprised residents in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk after being spotted on Thursday, according to Krasnoyarsk news agency NGS24. One day earlier, Putin ally and State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin suggested that Russia could “take back” Alaska in retaliation for economic sanctions imposed on Russia following the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

The idea that Russia will regain Alaska is not “totally mad” as the tweet states. I do NOT think it is mad at all that some in Russia think that they should regain control of Alaska.

The Great Bwana then adds this comment from the Governor of Alaska:



In Bwana Bob Mzungu's constant crybaby state of mind, he envisions the citizens of Alaska meekly standing by and allowing Russia to take over the state. Of course, this is after Germany had bombed the hell out of the state and imprisoned Alaskans in concentration camps. That's the kind of scenario crybabies like Bwana Bob Mzungu would allow to happen. 

Considering almost 60% of Alaskans have guns, I see scenes from the original Red Dawn playing out when I read Bwana Bob getting aroused at the prospect of Russia trying to get Alaska back.


Then, for some ungodly reason, he quotes Adam Schiff (one of California's biggest elected morons) who represents CA District 30 which includes West Pasadena, Glendale, Burbank, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and parts of Los Angeles. 

Our big Church of God snowflake continues (remember, Bwana Bob is an authority on EVERYTHING...):

February 3, 2020 
Adam Schiff of California claimed during closing arguments in the Senate impeachment trial Monday that President Donald Trump will sell a U.S. state to the Russian government if not removed from office. 
If “abuse of power” was not impeachable, Schiff argued, “then a whole range of utterly unacceptable conduct in a president would now be beyond reach.” 
“Trump could offer Alaska to the Russians in exchange for support in the next election, or decide to move to Mar-A-Lago permanently and leave Jared Kushner to run the country, delegating to him the decision whether they go to war. Schiff: Trump Will Sell Alaska To Russia If We Don’t Impeach Him

Here is how the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel sees Russia getting Alaska back:

Although Russia does not know how it will happen, I think I do. It is certainly possible that if Russia makes a deal with the rising European Beast power that it may end up with Alaska. 
Consider the following prophecy:

39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain (Daniel 11:39). 
The “he” is the European King of the North (cf. Daniel 11:40). The strongest fortresses in the 21st century belong to the USA, and to a lessor degree its British-descended allies. 
Since Bible prophecy points to Anglo-lands being divided in various scriptures, Russia may well end up with some of all of Alaska and maybe even parts of Canada.

He ends with this:

Russia still has limited ties to Alaska–and it does want it back. 
Flooding aside, yes, I believe Russia will end up with Alaska.

This is the kind of useless crap that occupy the minds of Church of God spiritual deviates who are consumed by legalism and the desire for their vengeful god to come and wipe out humanity that they see as grievous sinners who defy their god in everything they do. 

If they were actually followers of the New Covenant and dared to recognize Jesus, which they really do not, they would understand that their lives do not need to be filled with endless speculation, worry, and wanton vengeance as their minds currently dwell upon. It really pisses these guys off that here they are trying to do everything right and be perfect while all around them people do what they want and don't care what they, the self-appointed prophets of doom say.

Christians at rest in New Covenant understanding don't need to worry about this kind of pseudo-prophetic drivel. Being at rest and living in confidence in that rest supersedes all of the pop-tart theology of Bwana Bob Mzungu and the rest of the self-appointed prophets of doom in the Church of God movement.



  1. The logistics of supplying an invasion of the USA are much larger than anyone can imagine. That , and an armed population with many military veterans, AND the resultant nuclear retaliation to any aggressor , does not make such a scenario likely any time soon.

    Look at the Ukraine situation as an example, of a stalemate done by a much less Ukraine against the Russians.

  2. According to the Hindustan Times, Germans don't want to fight. Nobody wants to join the ill-equipped German army. No wonder. They gave their weapons to Ukraine. I guess they gave away their outhouses too -- shortage of toilets! Not much of a Beast power. They depend on the USA for money and weapons. How can they fight the US that way?


  3. USA could go broke and have to sell Alaska back to Russians.

  4. Mr. Trump had four years to sell Alaska to the Russians.

    Instead, the land-mass news was more about buying Greenland from Denmark.

    (A comment really aimed toward Rep. Schiff, not Dr. Thiel.)

  5. I've lived in Alaska, and the thought of those folks allowing Russia to take control is laughable. The people of Alaska are tough, and they are different/peculiar/pick your adjective. Let's just say that Russia would have its hands full!

  6. The Ukranians are tough too, but they are losing anyway.

  7. I'm just shocked at how detached from reality the prophecy nuts from the ACOGs constantly show themselves to be. These joint exercises in close proximity to Alaska are a "backatcha" for our own maneuvers in the South China Sea, where China has been asserting control over international waters, and the US Navy has been openly defying that control in an effort to keep international waters open and free. And, that's from China's standpoint. Russia is involved in the maneuvers because of out support for Ukraine, which it considers to not even be a country, but a part of Russia. Not so subtile, anyone could recognize this, but somehow it easily drifts right over the Armstrongite head.

    The big news right now in Alaska is what climate change is doing to glaciers and permafrost. But, since non-voting ACOG members are Republican sympathizers, and also because we just can't have a competing apocalypse, (now can we?) to them, any such news is fake news.
    Evidence of climate change gets the same treatment as dna evidence gets when discussing prophecy!

    So, of course, Bob Thiel is going to attempt to refocus everyone on the Germans! That's the most Armstrongitish trick that I know of!

  8. This is the WORK of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent……

    The simplicity we have in the salvation found in Jesus Christ is obscured by the folly of prediction addiction.
    And it finds a really, but dwindling audience among Armstrong adherents.
    Such is the human condition and that is why our salvation had to be as simple as Christ.
    We have taken wine and turned it to water.
    The pronouncements of these ‘ prophets’ and their ramblings are noticeably becoming more bizarre and extreme as they become further distanced from the gospel. Professing to be wise they became as fools……….

  9. Jesus must have been really dumb when he inspired all those OT prophets to make all those prophecies. I guess Jesus had prediction addition of his own, and so did John, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, ...

  10. Florida, Texas and Arizona perhaps should be offered to Russia and we keep Alaska? Just a thought :)

  11. In TOTAL CONTRAST to Armstrong's predictions, it is the GERMANS, in particular, the RIGHT in Germany who want to scale back the power of the EU!!! They are AGAINST a European Empire. Just goes to show that Herb and the Anti-German American media that brainwashed him could not get it right, at all.


  12. From the post, “The “he” is the European King of the North…”

    Right. Much of this extended prophecy in Daniel reflects the activities of Antiochus IV. About verse 40, the story flow scoots off into the future and does not correspond to any known set of historical events. The imposition of European context on this passage is fanciful. The Bible is not about the Gentile Europeans, it is about the Jews and the Promised Land with the Gentiles as bit players.

    For Christians, the interpretation of Daniel is an interesting but peripheral matter. My guess is that this coming Sunday, Daniel:30-45 will not be preached anywhere from the Christian pulpit. It only gets air time from the Armstrongist pulpit and then with a tendentious interpretation.

    Jesus said he was the culmination of both the Law and the Prophets. No doubt there is some prophecy yet to be fulfilled but the focus is on Jesus for Christians. Developing a religion that focuses on prophecy that might describe end-time events and creating a “gospel” that is about end-time events is, pardon me for saying, bizarre. And out of this disarray of unconventional ideas will emerge many more unconventional ideas. Like begets like – even among prophecy weenies.


  13. How do I loathe thy fake prophesying? Let me count the ways....not to mention 3 maybe, possibly, perhaps in thy stupid predictions.

    Bob, get a life. Your continuing shrinking church of another god, doesn't need to hear this garbage. You interpret it badly and wrong and it does nothing for them (or you) to know this stuff. Until you receive Jesus, you and your 100 members are hell bound, your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

    READ GALATIANS BOB. You know, that Book in the New Testament (which is the latter half of your big, fat unopened Bible, written by genuine Prophets and Apostles), which pages are still stuck together. Give it a read Bob. You genuinely have nothing to lose given your likely destination, unless you repent. Jesus loves you just the way you are and don't have to prove anything to Him, except that you believe He died for your sins and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures. Being a Christian is all about Jesus and what He did on the Cross, in our stead. It is never about us and what we think or claim we are doing for Him. He did it all. No amount of works or law keeping will get you into a right relationship with Him. It merely serves to trample His grace underfoot and make His Atonement of no effect.

    Wake up Bob. Death is around the corner and I pray God will send nightmares to you that are so horrendous and life shaking that the penny will finally drop before it's too late. At this point, only a miracle from God could get you to see the truth.

  14. Love your comment Hawk! I totally agree with everything you wrote. If only the cog believing zealots could see it, but at this point, they have been marinating in this unbiblical brew so long their common sense left them long ago. Critical thinking skills no longer exist in many of them. Armstrongism is all they have or will ever know, unfortunately. Jesus wept (again).

    The Holy Spirit will not indwell anyone who teaches/preaches/believes He is simply a force, like electricity and not One in being with the Father and the Son. The ironic tragedy is that it is He who gives us the understanding of Scripture. We are witnessing before our very eyes, a whole lot of men who make that painfully obvious. For Bob to claim he actually received a double portion of the Holy Spirit and then proceed to display in unambiguous ways that he never got the first portion, much less the second, is truly the ULTIMATE, ultimate irony.


  15. What if these ACOG ministers happen to be right about Germany, US & Britain? But actually they don’t make it into the kingdom of heaven because they lived a life unworthy of entering. They don’t get it, the gospel ain’t about what Germany is doing or any other nation is doing. It causes fear among people especially those older members.

    Deuteronomy 18:22. when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. (1975)

    Don’t be afraid of them folks, they don’t have Him.

  16. America has enough issues if its own and highly likely to implode from within.
    Are readers expected to believe that this is an all American blog ?

  17. "History is littered with wars which everybody knew would never happen" - Enoch Powell

  18. Hi all, a ACOG minister here. That white house collapsing into the river is what happens if you ever question or disagree with your minister. So be sure to obey the minister that God has placed over you or your house will be washed away.

  19. If I happened to spot Bob Thiel on the street, I'd probably call out, "Hey, Bob! Have a nice Beast!!!"

  20. Will a ten nation, German led United States of Europe conquer and enslave America and other Anglo-Saxon nations?
    A simply prayer request will settle the matter.

  21. Just because Assyria was used in the past to punish Israel does not mean that Yahweh will use them again to punish modern day Israel. If you study this prophecy out the only adversary that the Bible speaks of is the Daughter of Modern Day Babylon.

    Modern day Babylon is not the EU nor modern day Germany. Scriptures show who this nation is by listing its traits through out the Bible.

    1. Babylon was also not Assyria, though they were once conquered by and then conquered Assyria.

  22. Yes, 12:49, the imagination of a cultie provides the answers to many prayers. In scientific circles, there is what is known as a double-blind experiment. Best way to test the point you were hoping to make would be for devout members of all Christian faiths to ask that same prayer. Then tabulate and analyze the results.

    In Mormonism, prospective members are supposed to pray to see if they are being called to become a Mormon. If the answer is "yes", then they are supposed to feel a warm spot in their chest. The power of suggestion leads most to think they feel that warm spot.

  23. Rudolf was a nazi not a reigndeerSaturday, August 12, 2023 at 4:29:00 PM PDT

    Hitler is coming back with UFOs is anybody paying attention? How many toes do we have? Chicken biscuits? European fascist coalition!
