Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Bob Thiel's "Man Of God" In Africa On The Run From The Police


Almost-arrested Radson Mulozowa 

with his kissing cousin wife 

being interviewed by Police

Lets see how Bob Thiel lies about this: 

Here we see a sick Radson Mulozowa begging Police not to arrest him on recent fraud charges as he claims he was too sick to go to prison. So, the Police let him go to the hospital with a warning to see them in 2 Days. Of course, he didn't show up to the Police station, now he's been on the run. 
The charges are as follows: 
My son Andre and me personally sponsored 130 Bibles to a tune of $1,400.00, plus also gave Radson Mulozowa an extra $600.00 to distribute the Bibles. He showed us the Bibles in his house a few days before we left for the CCOG Feast in Malawi 2021. He promised to give out the Bibles to all leaders in Malawi and Mozambique and one Bible to each household. 
Shortly after, I started getting allegations that the Bibles were never distributed. Radson Mulozowa assured me they were distributed but he didn't take pictures as his phone wasn't working and the allegations were false. I believed him because Dr Thiel said Evans Ocheing ordained him and Evans can be trusted as a Man of God.   
Fast forward, when I questioned Radson Mulozowa at the Police station during my recent trip to Malawi, he denied that he even knew me and denied I had anything to do with the Bibles. I was shocked he would lie to my face. So, I knew right then he sold those Bibles and lied. I stared at him the whole time and he wouldn't even look at me. Then I showed the authorities the proof of my receipts of money sent to him to purchase Bibles and also funds given to distribute Bibles. Also, the pictures we took at his house with the Bibles. The Police gave him 2 Days to bring evidence. Radson claimed he had a list of people given Bibles at his office. Police told him to come back on Monday with list. He of course never showed up or called. Can we say not good? 
Another thing that shocked me was Dr. Thiel's letter to the Police in defence of Radson Mulozowa saying I had no right to investigate the allegations. I really lost totally any respect I had for Dr. Thiel, for this action of trying to defend a criminal so the truth wouldn't come out. 
By the way Dr. Thiel knows full well who the American in Malawi was trying to impersonate him. He just doesn't want to admit it, as he always avoids answering questions or carefully guards his words to avoid responsibility. Also, what I find interesting in this videos Radsons' Kissing Cousin Wife that Dr. Thiel has been saying isn't a wife but his Cousin, really Folks!!!!!!!! 
The Rabbit Hole gets Deeper!! Terry Nelson




  1. So there we have it! Bob Thiel has lied about how many members he had in Africa! We knew it all along, but it is nice to see it confirmed. His lies are as bad as Wade Cox's lies about his African membership.

  2. Yes, Sadly Dr Thiel believes this Lie, or is willing to ignore it to save Face

    1. How can a guy who cares so little of Radson's corrupt antics also be the same fella explaining what kind of skirt Lúcia dos Santos told Jose Ferreira de Lacerda & Manuel Ferreira Marques she saw the 'Mary' wearing in 1917 Portugal (detail finally released in 1992)...a skirt as short as what Lady Gaga or Cher Bono-Allman would wear?

  3. WHATTTT??? Radson denied knowing you Terry during your visit with him @ Malawian police station? That alone is mind-numbing, & brings to mind scriptures of "judge righteously".

    B. Thiel issues an executive order edict halting your right to investigate, and smoke-screen masks any semblance of "transparency" so popular nowadays in corporate operations?

    that is tactics used by Elizabeth Holmes at Theranos, or Bernie Madoff, or Jeff Skilling & Ken Lay.

    The Holy Spirit is involved here...we need the Holy Spirit to empower us having clear sight to see facts honestly without spin, and so far, it seems highly unlikely Terry would concoct an untrue report of Radson's denial knowing Terry at jail visit.

    Terry should feel as freely to move about as much as Radson & Evans feel freedoms and permissions granted them by B. Thiel when they conduct their own very storied comings and goings.

    B. Thiel on one hand is an innovative teacher regarding prophecy, current events, Paul's love in the epistles etc., but if he has a side to him of sweeping corruption under the rug all in the name of him & sidekick S. Dupuie passing out unconditional "love of the brethren" pollyanna cute hugs onto folks like this Radson wise-guy while disregarding diligent efforts of folk like Terry & Mr. Veljic, then he's gonna make us feel like WCG coworker Bobby Fischer did after gettting scammed by HWA's bloated ego.

  4. Thiel, still doing his father Satan's work I see. Deceiving people and preaching false doctrines...

  5. Sooner of later, this will reach the point of no return, and he will no longer be able to deny it without appearing as a total fraud.

  6. The only way Thiel can get out of this and still save face is if he can claim his entire flock in Africa was "deceived" and "led astray" into another church's fold. This will still cause him some embarrassment but not nearly as much as if he was forced to admit he made multiple errors in judgment.

    So stay tuned, dear readers......and remember, you read it here first!

  7. Those types of holes are often dug in Africa. They use them as nature's toilets.

  8. Bob used to attack Rod Meredith for the kind of deceptive behavior we are now seeing from Bob.

  9. I debated whether I should post this comment, as Bob probably reads the comments here just like he reads the article. But I'm told that one of his Wisconsin site attendees this years will be a family member who is "PIMO" (physically in CCOG, but mentally out, having concluded that Thiel is a liar and a fool). As unhinged as Bob seems in his recent writing, it's easy to picture him completely losing it, Dave Pack style, during the Feast this year. It may not be just in Africa that Bob loses members and makes an embarrassment of himself. If he does, we may receive some sad but eye-opening firsthand witnesses of his collapse.

  10. Well if you really want to find out his mood this year on how he responds to this recent transparency tipsy prove-all-things-Malawi hub bub, just attend either LCG or UCG Dells services as a guest one day up the street from his site then dew-drop-inn @ CCOG site as guest the next day, and try to note any body language discrepancies.

    Then promptly report back here the results. In UCG it was noted that R. Close would pass through the revolving door of CCOG/UCG that same way as you can do this year at Dells.

  11. When LCG's heads got together and declared Bob an enemy of the LCG corporate logo, he stood without a chance. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, Bob can't turn on his own corporate minions, even if they have been found guilty of many sins, for the sake of saving the face of the CCOG corporate logo.

    It's called corporate idolatry. Everyone has to be wrong because he is always supposed to be right and smarter than anyone else.

    To him it seems that everyone in the world is lying and slandering against him except him, Ochieng and Molozuwa.

    This "everyone is out to get me" syndrome is a paranoia also found in the devil.

    Shame on our elders who are trying to build God's house with their own dirty hands.

  12. He'd rather turn on the guys forking over tithes

    than to turn on the bible & laptop re-gifters & scammers

  13. So True, So True, Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa, can never do any wrong/ Bob Thiel just gave Money to Radson within the Last Week to Hire a Lawyer to charge me with Reporting the Truth,on banned in the last 18 Months, Sad thing is Thiel knows Radson is avoiding a warrant for his arrest/Thiel knows me and my son sponsored the Bibles , yet it doesn't matter to him, that Radson Mulozowa stole them for his own Profit/ hes forgetting, Radson lied under Testamony in Front of Me/ Thiels done for unless he Fires Radson/ his choice, I guess/ I seriously am beginning to see Thiel has serious issues

    1. Please try to prove that B. Thiel is helping hire a lawyer to sue you Terry because today I sent a Yom Kippur offering to Grover Beach & I may want to reconsider next time if they are skirting the "avoid jury duty" precept if they are suing a fella.

  14. I would like to comment on a couple of things: numbers of CCOG believers in Africa and this latest move to sue Terry Nelson in Malawi. First of all, we have all known for years that "thousands" of CCOG members in Africa has been a big lie, and that "open door" in Africa was actually an open "hole" in Africa. A hole that sucks in money and until recently used lap tops. I say recently because the lap tops donor, upon learning what happens with his donations, stopped sending them! As Terry Nelson co-founded Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God, 27 congregations in Kenya approached him and tried to convince him (and me) of their loyalty and desire to be part of Hope of Israel. They did not know that we were closely observing their deeds and that we were not to fall for numbers and send financial aid they obviously expected and thought they would extract from us. That didn't happen and they ultimately left us alone angry that we would not give them what they wanted and that I appointed Hope of Israel representative in Kenya who was not their man. But while we were in communication with leaders of those 27 Kenyan congregation, I asked them about supposed 10,000 CCOG members in Africa. They were all dumbfounded and wondered where from that many people came into CCOG?! In other words, they had no idea that Evans Ochieng's common claim in CCOG was that it had 10,000 members in Africa, nor were they aware that Bob Thiel was promoting that lie to CCOG members worldwide. So, that tells us that many CCOG members in Kenya and Africa do not really get reports from Africa about Africa. The reason is obvious: behind their backs Evans Ochieng sends lying reports to Bob Thiel.

  15. Now about a lawyer to sue Terry Nelson. Bob Thiel never spared money when it comes to Africa and the false Christians there who cling to him and adulate him because they are constantly being financed by him. So, Bob Thiel is now financing a criminal in Malawi, a criminal on whom the very government of Malawi has a file because for quite some time the government of Malawi has investigated Radson Mulozowa, and has indeed reported to us that Radson Mulozowa was on the run, and they also informed us when they issued the arrest warrant. So, accused criminal and liar in Malawi, Radson Mulozowa, got funds from Bob Thiel to hire a lawyer to defend himself. One has to wonder when such an act of kindness of Bob Thiel was extended to any other CCOG member? Five years ago, during the Feast in Serbia, I asked him to donate 100 euros for a Church member in Serbia who wanted to dig a well on his property. I was flatly refused. An Australian family that came on brink of bankruptcy could only count on Bob Thiel's prayers for them. Also, a hard-working widow that does so much for CCOG, did not have enough funds to travel to the Feast, but that did not bother Bob Thiel at all. But as soon as an African criminal and witchcraft practitioner was finally arrested by the authorities, here comes "saviour of Africa" to help in prosecution of the man (Terry Nelson) whom he, Bob Thiel, sent in the past to Malawi as his representative. Moreover, Bob Thiel writes to Malawian police that Terry Nelson has no right to investigate any misdeeds of Radson Mulozowa. Well, just those facts prove to any person who knows the Bible that Bob Thiel not only is not a prophet for the end times, and the one man heading the only one Philadelphian remnant in the world, but that he is a plain sinner without any regard for the holy Word of God. For, the Word of God, in the writings of the apostle Paul, tells us in 1 Thessalonians to be checking (investigating, if you wish) all things and to hold on to what is true. The apostle Paul also tells us in Romans 13 to respect the civil authorities. In this case, there is a criminal on the run being hunted by the government of his nation for the crimes he committed in his country. So, by supporting him, Bob Thiel is also not heeding Romans 13, besides that his action is defying the common sense. So, he has proven (once again) by his actions and his reasoning that he is certainly not a prophet, and that he defies the Word of God believing to be above it.

  16. From my Malawian sources, I heard that Radson Mulozowa was arrested having two cuts on his body. The authorities have recognized the two cuts as being from Radson hiring witch doctors to sacrifice his blood to the demons to be healed.

    My Malawian sources have also informed me that other than money, the witchcraft doctors ask their clients to do something to please the demons. So, to the list of crimes of Radson Mulozowa there are two more abominations to be added: he slept with his mother and raped his daughter. Truly, what a great "man of God" so worthy of financial support to hire a lawyer. What a cesspool that Bob Thiel is financing! I am not sure that the Malawian authorities will be very happy with that.
