Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 16, 2023

CGI’s Adrian Davis Is Experiencing Déjà Vu, and I Am TOO!

CGI’s Adrian Davis Is Experiencing Déjà Vu, and I Am TOO!

Lonnie Hendrix

In a message that lasted about one hour and twenty minutes, Church of God International’s Pastor Adrian Davis of the Burlington, Ontario congregation delivered yet another broadside against those nasty Globalists! Apparently, since the next election cycle is rapidly approaching, he felt that he should warn God’s people to be on their guard against the wiles of these power-hungry, malicious folks!

According to Mr. Davis, last time around, some of God’s people were duped by the wicked Globalists into following public health guidelines! The good pastor can hardly contain his disdain for those who would have the audacity to practice social distancing, wear a mask, or receive a vaccination! Surely, this time around, God’s people won’t fall for such nonsensical policies! Hopefully, they’ve learned their lesson, and this time will be different!

Indeed, to hear Pastor Davis tell it, the Globalists can’t wait to try to exert their power over all of us once again. He says that they are all motivated by a thirst for more power and love to manipulate all of us like puppets on a string. According to Pastor Davis, these folks don’t care about us, and they can’t wait to crush and control us! He went on to say that it is an ABOMINATION for any minister to persuade his flock to support the Globalist’s agenda and/or policies.

He said that God’s people must not allow themselves to be filled with anxiety over their health and absorb the fearfulness of the people around them. Moreover, Pastor Davis went on to suggest that anyone who adheres to public health measures is exhibiting an evil heart of unbelief. In other words, if we truly have confidence in the immune systems which God has given us and faith in his ability to preserve and protect us, we won’t be getting any injections or participating in any of the practices that the world employs to try to mitigate the spread of disease!

According to Adrian Davis, anyone who accedes to the demands of these Globalists has departed from the Living God! Indeed, he suggests that anyone who would embrace their measures is a “Judas” – a betrayer of the brethren! He asks: Are we going to comply? OR Are we going to exhibit a little backbone? He went on to say that we shouldn’t be censoring each other or trying to persuade anyone to get one of those nasty injections! Indeed, the good pastor suggests that anyone who did anything like that the last time around needs to repent and make sure that they don’t do it again! In other words, everyone in God’s Church needs to be on the same page with Mr. Davis!

Finally, just to be clear, Mr. Davis informed his audience that he isn’t here to make friends! He said that he was going to go right on telling the “truth,” and that he wouldn’t support the lies of those nasty Globalists – no matter the consequences (that must be why his messages appear on Rumble instead of YouTube). He went on to suggest that the science behind the Covid vaccines is sorcery, and that they are slowly killing the folks who have received them! Davis went on to say that the current administration in Washington (Biden) is destroying America, and that public health measures are a form of idolatry! Clearly, Mr. Davis believes that those pantywaists in CGI leadership and those snowflakes within the local congregations need to get with the program and stop dividing the brethren! Are you listening, Vance Stinson and Jeff Reed?







  1. Megamouth Davis will not tell some lies but he is happy to tell other lies. What a dope. He knows nothing about science. But neither does the media or the goverment.

    He is no crazier than most of the people who used to be in the WCG.

  2. Here we go again with Lonnie Hendrix mocking every narrative that doesn't conform to his or the MSMs. On the topic being discussed, there is a New York Times best seller called "You will own nothing" by Carol Roth. This book supports Adrian Davis's sermon. The bible in Ezekiel 8:16 describes the leaders of ancient (and modern) Israel secretly worshipping the sun and other false Gods. But we all need to ignore the evidence and just believe Lonnie cause he says so.

    1. I listen to Carol Roth also. Many people are blind to what’s happening. Adrian isn’t one of them.

  3. Great for Davis! He is 100% accurate.

  4. "Great for Davis! He is 100% accurate."

    No, he's not! Nothing he says is accurate. All he is doing is pointing far right bullshit that has no connection whatsoever to Christ,

  5. 1.20am, Not so. All political ideologies have a certain moral foundation. It's often expressed as "politics is downstream from culture." So politics has everything to do with Christ.

  6. Mr. Davis is entitled to his opinions on religion, politics, or whatever. However, other folks within CGI ARE also entitled to have opinions on these topics which differ from his. Hence, for him to say that his opinion is the only one that matters and demand that everyone else conform to the dictates of his conscience is wrong on so many levels! Once again, the point is NOT whether or not you agree with what he is spouting - the point is that it is inappropriate for a minister of Jesus Christ to share his OPINION/VIEW from the pulpit. It is DIVISIVE! He can refuse to get the jab if he wants to, but he has absolutely ZERO right to stand in that pulpit and tell you or I that we are "a Judas," or that we are departing from our faith or the Living God if we decide to receive it!

  7. Classic Split, Splinter and Sliver mentality of much of the WCG debris. It's why I quit the Ambassador College Alumni 1947-1977 site. I liked the Church better when "My Kingdom was not of this world". Now, it seems it's nothing but politics and pseudo-scientific conspiracies of all sorts with a dollop of British Israelism. Worship of their new Lord and Savior Donald Trump is everywhere. I'm sure there are some Flat Earther's in there somewhere.

    Don't even mention climate change. Rather than understanding that the terms Climate Change and Global warming are two different concepts, it's a word change to hide the conspiracy.

    Any observations about the dangers of a personality like DJT provokes incredible reactions (and probably will here too) and long screeds of "whataboutery" follow. Everyone not in that camp is a leftist, communist, Marxist, liberal, "woke" Democrats who I assume are the Deep State and "they" often referred to. I grew up in NYS and everyone knew if you did business with DJT and didn't get paid, it was your own fault for not doing your homework.

    Personally, and in hindsight, it seems the WCG attracted those given to a positive draw towards authoritarianism and seem to have no ability to recognize malignant narcissism and the qualities sociopaths and psychopaths bring to the table. This is true of a couple of splinter "Apostles" who suffer these personality disorders in their "Gospel" messaging and need to be the first to predict the Second Coming accurately. I guess they want the credit for doing so. Dave Pack leads the pack in the need to fail in this. Yesterday was his latest for sure prediction of Jesus, errr, Christ's return. It was failing number 65 or so for just the last two years or so.

    That boy needs some serious psychological help with his delusions with religious content or it's going to end very badly

  8. PS May the Karma Fairy find Mr.Adrian Davis for giving out medical advice, especially as a requirement for being one of his "true Christians" for which he has no qualifications or the ethical right to do. Like Bob Thiel in religion, Adrian seems to have gotten his degree in epidemiology from Wang Bang University in India.

    Wang Bang University had a sister campus where it offered a degree in Theology in Pasadena, California :)

  9. Time is showing that the anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, anti-lockdowners were/are correct.

    I'm sure that at some point the "powers that be" will release another virus, one they can't control, and it will bring about death like no one in this age can imagine. And you know what? A mask won't stop that one either.

  10. People search for meaning in life. And in this effort, they can fall victim to extremism. A little speculation and biased research can inflate into great and pervasive conspiracies. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. Soon you have people who believe that nothing is random, nothing is happenstance but they incorporate everything into some concocted design they carry in their heads.

    I blame it on shaman. Back in ancient times, a shaman would invent bogeymen to explain adverse happenings. The shrewd shaman sat with tribesmen around the campfire and described these bogeymen in terrifying detail. And he claimed to be a great hero fending off these great forces and saving the tribe. So, when a snake insinuates itself into a Jivaro village, lethally bites a tribal member, the shaman capitalizes on the event and will blame it on someone in the neighboring tribe. The neighbors are the bogeyman in this case. So, the Jivaro will get their spears and attack the neighboring village and then the neighboring village will retaliate and this cycles endlessly. When explorers encountered the Jivaro back when, there were incessant wars and vendettas between the many Jivaro villages – people of the same race, language and religion. A state of conflict had become their equilibrium. For the shaman and his followers nothing is random. Everything means something. Like John Nash in the movie “A Beautiful Mind”. And the quest for meaning has gone awry.

    This is now what is happening in America – inter-tribal warfare. Eventually, in this disarray, ironies result. The far-right loonies invent the fantasy of pedophiles running the Deep State – children are being horrifically destroyed. And at the same time, in the real world, right-wing Congressmen have pursued policies that have resulted in a huge increase in child poverty. Who is really harming children? The most pathetic victim of the unbridled search for meaning is common sense.


  11. Yup, the big bad globalists, out to release another virus, resulting in... people putting a piece of cloth on their faces for the 10 minutes they're in the convenience store. Such a diabolical plan.

  12. Dennis,

    You are absolutely right about that strain of authoritarianism within the Armstrongist culture. You can see it in the comments here in support of Davis. The ACOGs have always had that "It's my way or the highway mentality" "I'm right, you're wrong, any questions?" - no room for different perspectives/viewpoints. I would have some hope for the culture if just one person would say "While I agree with Davis, Lonnie is absolutely right that Davis shouldn't be spouting this stuff from the podium!" Don't worry though, I'm not holding my breath! lol

  13. I know that this is off the subject but, when I was in the WCG many believed that Jesus would return in the year that the Feast of Trumpets landed on a Sabbath. That happened this year. Jesus certainly did not return. Just an observation!

  14. Dave Pack said this exact same thing this year. As usual, he failed.

  15. While Im absolutely against the government forcing someone to take a vaccination, ultimately , the choice should be with the individual. It is not a sin to have a vaccination, nor is it one if you dont.

    "According to Adrian Davis, anyone who accedes to the demands of these Globalists has departed from the Living God!"... well then you better stop using a bank, getting a drivers license, having a Starbucks, shopping at Target, or having a mutual fund from Blackrock or Vanguard in your 401k. You better quit your job at Boeing, any Government Agency, Starbucks, or literally thousands of other companies too! It is impossible at this time to avoid interaction with the "globalists".

    If I were CGI I would be careful, as such discourse as Davis' may lead to potential lawsuits if some member dies from their pseudo medical advice. The WCG dodged a few arrows by not having lawsuits against them for some of the ridiculous treatable deaths that happened under their watch. Cases involving children especially, will be acted upon quickly in todays legal environment.

  16. Demanding that people keep Sunday is extremely authoritarian. Yet the people who do so condemn others as being authoritariain.

  17. The slippery egomanic Davis will say whatever they want him to say.

  18. I know people who got sick right after getting the jab, and then died a few months later. Don't tell me it's not a diabolical plan.

    1. And I know more who died before Operation Warp Speed had any results. Whats your point?

  19. You're entitled to believe whatever you want to believe, but you don't have any right to impose that on the rest of us. I lost my father and brother-in-law to Covid. Darlene and I got the vaccines (including boosters), we're still alive and kicking, and we haven't had Covid yet. Fine, you don't want to take "the jab" or wear a mask, don't tell me I'm faithless for having done both!

  20. He went on to suggest that the science behind the Covid vaccines is sorcery, and that they are slowly killing the folks who have received them.

    This is probably true. Studies show that up to 100% of older Americans given the vaccine will tend to die slowly over the next 30 years. Sad really :)

  21. Here is the problem. Some conditions in our modern world are so large, and impact so many people and so many nations, that the only way to effectively manage them is globally. Yet, any teaching of end time conditions based on Revelation and Daniel mentions one world government as an evil impacting those to whom these books are being addressed.

    Back in the day, the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong (boiled down to a few sentences) were that the end is coming. The Catholic Church was going to impose one world government, all English speaking white people would suffer horrible punishment for forgetting their national identity and culture, this was God's doing, and it was simply too big to resist or to escape on your own. Be happy, because it means that Jesus Christ is going to return and finally straighten everything out. The only thing you can do is obey God as we teach you, and hope that you and your family members are counted worthy to be protected so that you can all rise and meet Christ in mid air as He returns.

    Somehow, that teaching has been modified in different ways in the minds of those who have clung to Armstrongism through the different splinters. The message has changed from "obey God rather than man and face the consequences" to one of resistance to, defiance of, and rebellion against these globalists, and protect yourself. In other words, fight against and prolong the end time events as if you can prevent them from succeeding.

    If Jesus is coming, and your tribe believes that is a good thing, why would you fight the conditions leading to His return, as if you were Gog and Magog? Also, what if you are misreading the signs, and you are fighting those who are simply attempting to manage one global problem in the most effective way possible? Is it a lack of faith to heed the red light you see in front of you, and not cross a major street while traffic is flowing against you? Would it make any point at all for you to depart from common sense and to cross the street anyway just because of who controls the red lights?

    Armstrongism has always been about control, ie usurping the job of the Holy Spirit by making the church and ministers the police in your lives. I've come to realize that this control manifests itself in a wide variety of party-line ways, based on the perceptions and preferences of the minister in control at the time. Thou shalt not have any other experts before us. It's a power move to make sure that you as a member are "their" sheep, and not the government's sheep or another expert's sheep. If you don't obey these ministers, they are always going to equate that with lacking faith and disobeying God.

  22. 4.41 Freedom of religion means that ministers can teach what they believe to be true from the pulpit. It's the first amendment. If Miller Jones doesn't like this, too bad.

  23. After hundreds of hours researching covid it is clear to me that it is a hoax and that the top-level experts know this and say so. Don't mock what you don't understand just because of some fool like Davis.


  24. September 17 at 7:59:00 AM declared unequivocally, "Jesus certainly did not return."

    So you say. But what about those who continue to believe he was bound to return, so must have done so invisibly, in the spirit? The closest synonym I know for "spirit" in claims such as this is "imagination." Everybody's got an imagination, and the kindest thing we can do is nod and smile, to help them feel better about themselves.

    If as a result a great pestilence (either from rejection of health recommendations or their acceptance) sweeps the earth and extirpates whole societies, it will have been worth it to bolster people's faith, because faith is a good thing. The very best thing there is. Shame on those who call it into question.

  25. Edward Dowd wrote a book called "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022.

    Check out Edward Dowd on GETTR (short for Get Together), the new marketplace of ideas, at:


  26. Peter A. McCullough, along with John Leake, wrote a book called THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.

    Check out Peter A. McCullough on GETTR (short for Get Together), the new marketplace of ideas, at:


  27. Pierre Kory wrote a book called The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic

    Check out Pierre Kory on GETTR (short for Get Together), the new marketplace of ideas, at:


  28. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote a book called The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.

  29. Firstly I don't consider CGI (GTA's group) to be inspired. But on a human level Davis knows what he is talking about.
    I am an inactive COG member. Faith will not prevent you from being infected. It should enable you to be healed, if conditions are right. I contracted COVID this year. So have ministers and members, including Pack.
    Masks do not stop the virus, only droplets of fluid. Putting 6 layers of fabric into them and making them snug around the chin is idiocy. Being in busy public places can getcha.
    If you found the right websites you would learn what is going on, but I ain't gonna tell you everything here.

  30. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

    OpenVAERS at:


    VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports at:


  31. It is the case that many more Republicans died of Covid than Democrats. Talking malarkey has its consequences. You can believe that Covid a hoax - it's a free country - but there is a risk associated with that. I don't know what the numbers are but I do know the risk is much higher for Republicans than Democrats. Natural selection continues to work its way.


  32. Too much. This, coming just as it becomes public knowledge that the fossil fuels industry (does this remind you of the tobacco industry?) has known for decades that their products are the primary cause of climate change. There is currently a rash of lawsuits being filed just as there were against the tobacco industry, and it's going to be mayhem. Just sayin' because the same people who are against the globalist mode are in favor of fossil fuels, and against womens' reproductive rights.

    The Church of God movement has always been on the wrong side of history. In a way, I'm glad that Adrian Davis and Bill Watson make such fools of themselves, because it means that good people will avoid being entrapped by their toxic ACOG.

    I detest hard rightists and hard leftists. Both groups are acting as rudders that will cause huge shipwrecks.
    Hopefully, normal people will not be hurt or killed by their poisons.

  33. I try to listen to Adrian over on Rumble whenever I get a chance. He has good information.

  34. What is the right side of history? What a meaningless expression. History is not over yet. Who decides what is the right side? The current groupthink fad? Tommorrow's fad? The one after that? The side that wipes out the other and then controls the narrative? The media? What media? The Western media? The Chinese media? Neither tell the truth. What media? Historians? They lie too, and are brainswashed and biased.

  35. This sermon is proof of CGI's cult status. Davis presented his opinion as God- inspired truth and cursed everyone who disagrees with him. Yet, all of what Davis preached is extra-biblical.

    Regardless of whether Davis' opinion is correct or false, it is not sermon material. The poor people who were hoping to hear the word of God were cheated. I hope they will look elsewhere for Bible-based sermons.

    I've noticed how CGI is fond of saying that they keep the law because it shows love for God. I hope that's true for individuals; however, as a church, CGI doesn't seem to demonstrate much love for God, as evidenced by their extra-biblical sermon topics and writings.

    Like COVID and vaccines are gimmicky rant topics to whip up and mislead the people, so is a British Israelism, and CGI's special blend of what laws must be kept.

    CGI is a deceptive cult to be avoided. I pray that the members will awaken to a desire for strong Christian teaching.

  36. From Reuters Fact Check:

    "Social media users are sharing the false claim that people aged 25 to 44 in the United States experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality due to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.
    The posts include a two-minute video where Edward Dowd, who describes himself as an equity investment executive, speaks about Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data on the War Room show with former Trump adviser Steve Bannon.
    Dowd does not have any medical or public health background listed on his LinkedIn page.
    Bannon has been criticized for spreading misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic."

  37. Here's what ABC News had to say about Peter A. McCullough:

    "ABC News interviewed Dr. Peter McCullough, a Texas cardiologist, who promotes ivermectin as part of a "multi-drug protocol" aimed at early treatment of COVID-19 outpatients -- despite the FDA and CDC's warning that people should not be taking ivermectin at all for COVID-19 treatment outside of a clinical trial.

    Sawyer said that because physicians like McCullough tout unproven COVID-19 treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine while discouraging vaccines, many patients who believe disinformation 'like a matter of faith' become critically ill from COVID-19."


  38. The Men's Health article, The Doctor Who Called Ivermectin a 'Wonder Drug' Caught Covid, had the following to say about Pierre Kory and Ivermectin:

    "Touted by Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers, the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin has been treated as miracle drug of sorts among anti-vaxxer circles. Rumors of it effectiveness led to increased sales of the drug at pharmacies and some people using the veterinary version of the drug (yes, the kind meant for horses) as a preventative or treatment for Covid.

    One of the drug's biggest promoters, Dr. Pierre Kory, a critical care doctor based in Wisconsin, claimed to take the drug weekly last December during a U.S. Senate hearing. Eight months later, he contracted Covid-19, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported on Wednesday. Kory has not publicly stated if he is vaccinated against the disease."


  39. FactCheck.org published the following information about Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Covid misinformation campaign:

    "Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s battle against vaccines — and against the institutions that promote them — goes back to at least the mid-2000s, as we explain in the first article of this series. But the arrival of COVID-19 gave the environmental attorney fresh grounds to intensify his attacks and a timely platform to gain new followers and revenue.
    Kennedy’s organization, Children’s Health Defense, has published thousands of stories about COVID-19, many including misleading claims, some of which we’ve written about. During the pandemic, CHD increased its reach and doubled its funds, according to an investigation by the Associated Press. The extra money allowed the group to open new branches in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia; translate stories into Spanish, French, Italian and German; launch an internet TV channel; and start a movie studio. (Kennedy took a leave of absence starting on April 1 for his presidential campaign.)
    In 2021, researchers identified Kennedy as one of the 'Disinformation Dozen,' or the top 12 most prolific spreaders of COVID-19 misinformation online. That same year, Instagram took down Kennedy’s account for spreading false information, although it was reinstated in June because of his campaign. In 2022, Meta removed CHD’s Facebook and Instagram accounts for 'repeatedly' violating its COVID-19 misinformation policies (the local chapters are still active on the platforms)."


  40. From the FDA about their VAERS Data:

    "VAERS data are from a passive surveillance system and represent unverified reports of adverse events temporally associated with one or more vaccines. Such data are subject to limitations of under-reporting, simultaneous administration of multiple vaccine antigens, reporting bias, and lack of incidence rates in unvaccinated comparison groups.

    When reporting and evaluating data from VAERS, it is important to note that for any reported event, no cause and effect relationship has been established. The event may have been related to an underlying disease or condition, to drugs being taken concurrently, or may have occurred by chance shortly after a vaccine was administered."


  41. "Time is showing that the anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, anti-lockdowners were/are correct."
    Anon Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 6:16:00 AM PDT

    And I'm sure you won't mind if the surgical staff chooses to ditch their masks when you or a family member needs surgery.

  42. A great many charlatans have taken refuge behind the First Amendment freedoms - especially speech and religion. However, when those freedoms have been employed to hurt or harm people, our system has often seen fit to assign liability to the offending party. In short, tax-exempt organizations who stray too far from religious or charitable activities sometimes find themselves on shaky ground, and people who dispense medical advice without the necessary training and credentials sometimes find themselves the subject of both civil and criminal actions. Just saying!

  43. There's the 2022 video 'Suddenly dead,' about the spike in deaths shortly after the COVID vaccine was introduced. It's hard to shrug off.

  44. Anecdotal evidence (personal experiences) is not to be relied upon as proof. A relationship between two events does not mean that the first event caused the second. Robert Kennedy can't be trusted to think critically concerning the information he reads with regards to medicine. How can I trust his politics? Bob Thiel sells nutritional supplements and makes claims as to their effectiveness. He uses anecdotal evidence (stories) to support his claims. I can't trust his critical thinking skills in the area of health, nor can I trust it in the area of theology. Basic rules of critical thinking: correlation is not causation. Don't believe someone because he is an authority figure (apostle, priest, Dr., etc.). Don't rely on anecdotal evidence. Not all studies are valid and reliable. How to think critically should be taught in our schools. It helps us distinguish between facts and BS.


    Do not let Lonnie Hendrix fool you.

    People with no medical qualifications who are pushing the mRNA jabs say that guys like Edward Dowd have no medical training. Well, Ed Dowd is a Wall Street guy who looked at official government data and insurance company data to detect the mRNA jab fraud.

    Anyone who questioned the standard COVID-19 and mRNA jab narrative was accused of being a “misinformation spreader.” Fake “fact checkers” tried to discredit the real doctors like Peter McCullough.

    People who like Big Government forcing Big Pharma's mRNA jabs on everyone accuse those who do not like it of being attracted to authoritarian leaders. The exact opposite is true.

    The official story was that the mRNA jabs were rushed out with Operation Warp Speed, yet everyone and their pet parrot immediately repeated over and over, “safe and effective, safe and effective, squawk.”

    Known safe and effective treatments like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin that had been around for decades were demonized and even banned so that Emergency Use Authorization could be obtained for the mRNA jabs.

    The original story used to justify lockdowns and vaccine mandates was that if you got the mRNA jab you would not get COVID-19 or spread it. REAL FACT CHECK: Many people got multiple mRNA jabs and got COVID-19 anyway, over and over. They travelled around and were the super-spreaders.

    Then the story changed to say that the COVID-19 symptoms would be reduced by the mRNA jabs. Actual data suggests that the jabbed people are worse off. Still, Big Pharma would like to make billions of dollars jabbing people endlessly. Stupid and evil politicians would like to force people to get the mRNA jabs.

  46. So, according to the "experts", the cheap over the counter Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine do not work, but the very profitable vax does, even though the facts prove otherwise? And these are the same experts who said Round up, lead paint, camp Lejeune water and opiodes were safe!

    Also, self appointed fact checkers call Dowd, McCullough, and RFK liars and spreaders of misinformation while proclaiming the CDC and Disney (ABC) as great institutions of truth and credibility because they themselves say so?

    Who and what are we to believe in all this confusion?

    Personally, as God's word instructs (see Matthew 24:4, 2 Thess 2:3), I choose to do my own fact checking and from this usually choose to believe the opposite of these self serving entities of this world system (the gov't, media, big Pharma) who have proven themselves many times over to be as corrupt as Satan himself! But, I guess if you have already taken the shot along with the many booster follow ups, you have no other choice!!

    Good luck!

  47. Amoymous at 6:19, here is the evidence.

    Edward Doud

    Peter McCullough

    No one is making anyone get a covid shot. It is more like an intelligence test. The more educated you are, the more likely you will get it.

  48. I wasn't aware of that, 7:59, even though I came into WCG in '82.

    No, the Lord hasn't arrived yet but 2027 and 2030 are good possibilities, where Trumpets coincides with the Sabbath.

    This will put to shame those who believe that the Sabbath has been done away, when Christ arrives to gather the church up to the marriage supper in heaven, while chaos is happening on the earth.

  49. Herbert never taught Exodus 23:14-16 in truth. To him "times" meant seasons. Not so. There are 3 feasts (Hebrew chag) as listed and 3 annual sabbaths not in the feasts and all the times are fixed times (Hebrew moed) as translated in Lev 23:2 in the Tanakh.

    "Trumpets" is not a feast and trumpets are not specified in Lev 23:24. It's a day of "teruah", a sound or noise mentioned in other verses and can be made by shouting, by cymbals, by a harp. It's a sabbath of noise. It's probably not a time when Jesus returns. A more likely time is Pentecost at the harvest of "firstfruits".

  50. Pfizer's finance chief predicted weaker demand for covid shots this year. Projects 24% vaccination rate this year.

  51. I feel I must warn the readers to avoid the extreme right wing YouTube channel called Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom. It's as bad as Glenn Beck.

  52. 1055 says, "no one is making anyone get a covid shot. It is more like an intelligent test. The more educated you are, the more likely you will get it".

    It's not intelligence or ignorance behind the vax choice. It is estimated that approximately 40% of the population choose alternative natural methods over conventional medical practices, and most of them of the higher end of the monetary spectrum, which even includes Doctors!

    The media would have us believe otherwise, that it's a handful of poor ignorant morons who don't have the sense to do what's best for themselves without " expert" supervision. Whereas the actual evidence, what was witnessed by the resistance movement spanning all scopes of life, proves different.

    It appears to me that those with intelligence and of a higher education are the ones refusing the shot and thinking for themselves!

  53. Pharmaceutical companies are protected from liability regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. That tells me everything that I need to know about Covid vaccines. And hasn't First Lady Dr. Jill Biden been vaccinated and boostered a couple of times yet she is just recovering from another bout of COVID - again!


  54. I don't believe we need to worry too much about viruses this year. Covid 19 is on the way out, for one thing. I do believe that if all the court cases fail, and if Donald Trump is actually re-elected, another virus will be launched. Especially if he sticks to what he has recently been saying about imposing more new tariffs.

  55. Judge Napolitano does not look exactly right-wing. It's a queer distortion in recent politics. The communist /Russian Left attack the western establishment ... because the eastern Left has ALWAYS been against the west. Then American conservatives start agreeing with them, but they are too ignorant to recognize the Left there. It's the Trump effect. I don't believe Napolitano is is real name.

  56. His real name is Andrew Peter Napolitano. He was a New Jersey Superior Court Judge between 1987 and 1995. Donald Trump considered him for a United States Supreme Court appointment.


    Scott Adams, the guy behind the newspaper Dilbert cartoons that have now disappeared due to cancel culture, got some mRNA jabs and was injured by them. He then admitted that the anti-vaxxers were right. Adams had thought that the arguments in favor of getting the mRNA jabs were the more convincing, but he ended up being injured by them. Adams should have known better. As one of his own Dilbert cartoon characters by the name of Wally once claimed, ninety percent of data is just made up anyway.

  58. Anonymous at 10:55 AM said...“No one is making anyone get a covid shot. It is more like an intelligence test. The more educated you are, the more likely you will get it.”

    Yes, the military-grade PsyOp (Psychological Operation) known as the COVID-19 plandemic/scamdemic was an intelligence test, and you FAILED.

    That is what happens when you get your flimsy so-called “evidence” from Big Government, Big Pharma, the Mainstream Media, and biased, fake, “Fact Checkers.”

    You can try to refuse to get the mRNA jabs but then you might be unable to travel, get banned from university classes, and lose your job. There was even some talk from politicians about fining unjabbed people or imprisoning them.

    People with less formal education but plenty of street smarts do not get the mRNA jabs. People with some formal higher education who want to think that they are educated do get the mRNA jabs. Really highly educated people who actually know the facts do not get the mRNA jabs.

  59. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in reporting statistics on COVID-19 infections and deaths in the United States, said vaccinated people in all age groups had a lower risk of testing positive for COVID-19 and dying from COVID-19, compared with unvaccinated people.

    The results were even stronger for people vaccinated with a bivalent booster, which includes messenger RNA components of the original COVID-19 virus and the omicron variant.

    According to the CDC, based on data from April 23 to Oct. 29, 2022 from 22 areas of the United States:

    In October, people age 5 and older vaccinated with the booster were 18 times less likely to die from COVID-19.

    In November, they were three times less likely to be infected.

  60. Anonymous at 12:29 quotes the CDC with total trust. The secret fact is that the vaccines have zero ingredients that combat COVID. They are part of the NWO Beast plan to control the population. They contain nano-particles that can be electronically tracked. And there's more.
    The virus was custom-created in Israel, with labs in US and Wuhan. It was meant to be deadly to gentiles, but not affect Jews. Wuhan was the testing ground not only for COVID but for 5G, which kills life depending on the strength.

  61. Since YouTube censors some good information, go to Rumble instead and do a search for Steve Kirsch. He is a Silicon Valley tech guy who donated over ten million dollars to the Democrats and carelessly believed in the mRNA jabs. Now he is much more informed about the issue and is in a lot of interesting videos about the topic. Steve Kirsch calculated that the Amish, who do not do mRNA jabs, died at a rate 90 times LOWER than the rest of America.

    Steve Kirsch is also looking into the effects of the traditional vaccines and they are not good.

  62. From an MIT Technology Review article titled "This tech millionaire went from covid trial funder to misinformation superspreader" by Cat Fergusson:

    "In the early days of the pandemic, as billions of dollars poured into the hunt for novel treatments and vaccines, veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Kirsch did what he’s always done: He went looking for an underdog.

    Since making a fortune as the founder of Infoseek, an early search engine that was the Google of its day, Kirsch has spent tens of millions of dollars fighting humanity’s biggest threats. He prefers iconoclastic approaches, whether by directly funding asteroid detection or advocating for nuclear power to combat global warming...

    What has alarmed many of the scientists associated with CETF, though, are Kirsch’s reactions to the work he’s funded—both successes and failures. He’s refused to accept the results of a hydroxychloroquine trial that showed the drug had no value in treating covid, for instance, instead blaming investigators for poor study design and statistical errors.

    He’s also publicly railed against what he claims is a campaign against drugs like fluvoxamine and ivermectin. And, according to three members of CETF’s scientific advisory board, he put pressure on them to promote fluvoxamine for clinical use without conclusive data that it worked for covid.

    More recently, he’s adopted extremist positions on covid vaccines, which he alleges are “toxic.” He has claimed that one in 1,000 people who have received mRNA vaccines have died as a result, and even claimed the vaccines “kill more people than they save” at an FDA public forum, which was first reported by the Daily Beast.

    As Kirsch has gone deeper into the anti-vaccine scene, many professional associates have increasingly distanced themselves from him. In May, all 12 members of CETF’s scientific advisory board resigned, citing his alarming dangerous claims and erratic behavior..."



    Ronco at 7:50 PM said...“And I'm sure you won't mind if the surgical staff chooses to ditch their masks when you or a family member needs surgery.”

    About the only thing that those face masks are good for is preventing surgical staff from drooling and sneezing inside the patients that they have cut open and are operating on.

    Typical face masks do not stop viruses. They just cause people to re-breath the carbon dioxide that they just exhaled. Face masks actually cause harm.

    Of course, some people are born ugly or get burned with acid and might prefer to wear a face mask. Old women have wrinkles to hide and old men have gray beards.

    The only good reason to go along with mask mandates is so that you do not get a ridiculously large fine for not complying with stupid and evil politicians who are playing doctor and practising medicine without a license.

  64. EPA Researchers Test Effectiveness of Face Masks, Disinfection Methods Against COVID-19

    Found that all masks filter out some of the infectious particles in a space, but that some of them are much more efficient than others. In other words, the research contradicts the September 19 @ 9:17 PM comment in this thread.


    According to the Mayo Clinic article: How well do face masks protect against COVID-19?

    Yes. When used with measures such as getting vaccinated, hand-washing and physical distancing, wearing a face mask slows how quickly the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads.


  65. Whether or not face masks are effective depends upon the quality of the mask. At the beginning of the Covid pandemic, there were viral videos showing how to make masks from your underwear, people wearing biker bandanas, and taking other very unscientific approaches, such as wearing the mask to cover one's mouth and not one's nose.

    I wore KN-95's. I hated them. I also used hand sanitizer frequently, and did the hand bump. Many companies on which I called scanned my forehead to take my temperature. It all seemed so surreal. After waiting 6 months to determine whether the shots would kill others, I got mine. And my booster. I lived.

    I feel that the masks served another purpose in addition to providing protection. They became a "danger" sign, demonstrating that what we were experiencing was serious.

    To me, the most ridiculous aspect of the entire Covid experience was the politicization of it. Such a dangerous, deadly virus (as it was prior to mutation) defied and transcended politics. We had a president whom people either idolized, or wished were dead or had never been born. How they reacted was often not based on science, or sound, rational thought, but upon how they voted. This polarization continues into the present. It's just absurd.

  66. The Mayo clinic: "when used with measures such as getting vaxed, hand washing, and physical distancing, wearing a mask slows the virus . . "??

    I would expect the Mayo clinic to support the "official" narrative, their existence depends on it! But I remember a few years ago, a situation arose locally where they had run out of the flu vaccine during the flu season and people were wondering what to do.

    The advice and actual quote? "All you really need to do is wash your hands and distance yourself from others. That will stop 90% of it"!

    Good advice and we can do that for FREE!

    Who needs a mask or shot? Follow the money, who's getting rich?

  67. I was "embedded" as press into a hospital's COVID wing during the initial outbreak, when information about the virus and how to treat it was extremely limited (this is way before the vaccines), documenting what was happening. Slept in the hospital with my cameras, recorders and a laptop for over a month. It was insane.

  68. As we come to the end of this commentary thread, two things are very clear to me: 1) the extremist elements among the current and former members of the ACOG culture are alive and well (the right-wingers, conspiracy theorists, and authoritarians), and 2) CGI is extremely reluctant to confront these elements within its own ranks (the absence of commentary/reaction from Vance Stinson, Jeff Reed, or Mike James stands in stark contrast to this very aggressive message from Adrian Davis).

    This exemplifies the current situation within America itself. The fringe on both the right and the left is the loudest, most aggressive, and most successful in putting forward their agenda(s). Common sense, compromise, accommodation, and function are sacrificed on the altar of ideological belief. The true believers are going to have their way come hell or high water!

    Once again, whether one supports the views of Adrian Davis related to the efficacy of public health measures or not, we should ALL be able to see that this is NOT an appropriate topic for a minister of Jesus Christ to discourse upon. The notion that a minister would even be suggesting to his flock which way to vote on political candidates and issues is both unethical and absurd. In my humble opinion, any minister who desires to be a shill for one political faction or party over another should IMMEDIATELY resign their pastorate and go to work for the folks/causes which they support. A TRUE minister of Jesus Christ will be following the example of their Savior and preaching the message which he promulgated and commissioned his disciples to preach!

  69. About masks: What you don't understand is that a virus is not an insect or a particle. It is a molecule like air and will go wherever air goes.
    The official masks are also embedded with the nano-particles and you get those into your system.
    You will trust sources according to your biases.

  70. Well, 12:53, I have to admit to having wondered if someone with Covid farting could spread the virus.

    Covid 19 was spread by moisture droplets from open or uncovered sneezing. KN95 masks did filter those fine droplets. In addition to having the right mask, you did need to know how to use them. I always removed mine very carefully, threw it in the big garbage can outside, and then washed my hands with sanitizer. Even now, I frequently sanitize.

    This stuff all works. The reason people pretend that it doesn't is because they don't like to be told what to do, even if it is over life and death matters. So they make stuff up. At one time in my life, I honestly believed that the members of one political party were more intelligent than the members of the other. Boy, did that idea ever go out the window!

  71. Some Humble Reflections on Modern Sorcery

    If those newfangled mRNA jabs really are so “safe and effective,” then why do those who believe in this sort of sorcery and get endless booster jabs still fear catching COVID-19? Why are they so deathly afraid of the innocent, healthy, unjabbed, unpolluted, pure-blooded people? Don't the mRNA jabs protect those who get them over and over for the rest of their (shortened) lives? Or is this just a rigged game to make Big Pharma rich -- and maybe even to help out with some depopulation agenda?
