Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, September 11, 2023

Crackpot Prophet of Doom and Glooms Say People Need To Be More Hopeful


Our most highly esteemed authority on EVERYTHING was sent to earth by his god to deliver the end-time warning message to the world and those lazy Laodiceans. Week after week it is one message after another about impending doom. Disease, famines, money collapse, floods, earthquakes, disasters, wars, and death are just inches away from knocking on everyone's door. 

His god is angry, just itching to destroy 2/3rds of humanity to appease its anger. In fact, it is sooooooooooo angry It needed to send one final warning to the world through the greatest prophet the church has ever seen since the days Abraham walked the earth. No one, and I repeat NO ONE in the entire world is doing such mighty work. Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Wineland, and Alton Billingsley all cower in fear of the Great Bwana Mzungu Thiel, the Great Savior of Africa, and 100 Caucasians.

His constant mind stream of doom and gloom has no end and yet the other day he made a post about how people should be hopeful. Forget the fact his god is going to destroy your world, send famines and earthquakes to destroy your home, starve your children, and kill off your family and friends, our Great Bwana Mzungu Bob says you are to remain hopeful.

The New Testament teaches that Christians are to have hope. What are ways to be more hopeful? Pocket, a secular source, recommended an article about that. In this video, Dr. Thiel goes over many points of that article and ties them into numerous scriptures that teach about hope. Dr. Thiel also notes that multiple times, the Apostle Paul taught about faith, love, and hope together. Dr. Thiel also quotes Jesus related to not worrying and seeking first the Kingdom of God. Furthermore, he refers to mysteries of God’s plan that most do not understand. He also reads what the Bible promises will occur in the new earth.

Of course, brethren, remain hopeful after reading Bwana Bob's articles on:

G20 connectivity to lead to Middle East peace? Perhaps it will contribute to gathering at Armageddon? 
9/11–do not think greater terror will not hit the USA! 

Neither Donald Trump, Joe Biden, nor Michelle Obama are the solution for the USA 
Over 2,000 reported dead after earthquake in Morocco–any tie to Ezekiel 38? 
‘Ruling Class Is Using AI To Censor Posts On Social Media That Buck The Official Narrative’ 
Shofars, Yehuda Glick, the year of creation, and religious end-time politics 
Semaglutide may help some with type 1 diabetes and obesity, but there are issues 
International ‘clean air day’ and Europe’s unhealthy air pollution 
CBS: Earth just had its hottest summer on record, U.N. says, warning “climate breakdown has begun” 
‘Japanese Scientists Find that Covid-19 and all of the variants are Laboratory creations: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Have Been Released Upon Us’ 
NFL 2023: Early Christians would not have watched 
First they banned burqas, now abayas and the AfD is making gains–change is going to happen in Europe 
‘Burning Man’: Debauchery, Temple, and Tower of Babel? 
EU Digital Services Act censorship and the ‘Call of Duty’ to use AI to Spy on Gamers 
Ed Dowd Says a “Mad Max” Scenario Is Unfolding for USA Collapse in Five Years 
ZH: “The Endgame Is Clear” – Gold’s Role Rises As Dollar Hegemony Falls 
BibleNewsProphecy: Biological Weapons and the 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse 
Brazil exporting more corn and soy than the USA–the times of the Gentiles is close 
Sermon: Evil is Affecting the Food Supply 
MS: Wild Mobs Of Young People Totally Out Of Control 

I365: Farmer revives the Biblical Balm of Gilead and Temple Incense 

CNN: Smuggler with ties to ISIS helped migrants enter US from Mexico, raising alarm bells across government 
German Strategies For or Against BRICS? 
What did Joe Tkach identify as ‘Satan’s Throne’? 
Forbes predicted a bad decade for the 2020s, but missed a lot 
I365: Rare blue supermoon to appear with Messianic undertones 

Michael Snyder and Sarah Palin on dangerous USA issues 

EU ‘Digital Services Act’ in place: Yes, it is a prelude to the ‘famine of the word’

Hope is only found outside the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. Its god has nothing to offer to anyone.


  1. I read widely, even materials from those (gasp!) Sunday-keeping Christians. One particularly apocalyptic one made some remarks that have stuck with me for years. He described perspectives as they relate to attitudes about "the end". In the USA, we live a lifestyle with more riches and luxury than any other humans have had throughout history. So, we do not see hope in an apocalypse and reset, because we want our very favorable lifestyle to continue. Apocalyptic messages fail to gain traction in our world, because we are so rich. However, in places like Haiti, where there is such abject poverty, crime and corruption, and mothers have family recipes for "dirt" cookies, cookies that are actually made from dirt or soil, they look forward to the apocalypse. It is seen as changing their fortunes. They see hope in the very things which trigger feelings of doom, depression, and fear in all of us, the fortunate or blessed ones.

    I always had mixed emotions about the end when I was a WCG member. When my Dad read us 1975 in prophecy one sunny Saturday afternoon on our front porch, I immediately hoped that what was in that booklet did not come to pass during my lifetime. No, I'm not so self-centered that I would believe that my own wishes made it go away, but I've met others in the church who also fervently hoped that the end would not come in their lifetimes. It's too terrible to even think about, let alone actually desiring it! These days, I can see why ACOG members would actually look forward to the end. The end would provide relief from ministerial abuse, sermons and articles which take all the joy and blessings out of life, constantly and without relief, and all the lying false prophecies that certain ones use to keep their members on edge. The end would mean that their minister will finally STFU. So, of course they want it to come quickly!

    A much happier church lifestyle would be the result if these ACOGs would simply concentrate on Christian living principles, quit taking food off their members tables, and forget about the subjects they know nothing about, like prophecy. The instant in which I hear someone announce that he's a prophet, or make prophecies, or demand some money, I want to say to him "Congratulations, Mofo, you just joined my $h*tlist!"

  2. Bob would regars the song, "Don't Worry, Be Happy" as a Satanic attack on his messages!

    1. What about The Who won't-get-fooled-again

      and when switching from R. Meredith to a "new" COG hierarchy, that song says meet-the-new-boss, same-as-the-old-boss

    2. 🎹🎹https://youtu.be/SHhrZgojY1Q?feature=shared🎸

  3. The key to gaining a fearful-hopeful, fearful-hopeful, fearful-hopeful sliver of humanity following and imagine yourself to be someone important going you therefore into all the world by posting news stories that "maybe", "perhaps" or "could it be?" and might have imagined prophetic significance... is:

    Instill fear in as many ways as possible with the concept of "unless those days be shortened".

    Provide an imagined way of escape that really doesn't exist but sounds nice

    Tell the fearful to not be afraid and have hope

    ... once they get the concept of hope...

    ...Rinse and repeat to keep them gyrating in their seats....
