Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Dave Pack's Cruel "god" And Its Elaborate Ruse


Validation, Please.


There have been a few times during “The Greasiest Unending Story!” Series when David C. Pack completely validated the exrcg.org website since it launched in June 2022. One of the perfect examples came during Part 470 on September 23, 2023.


David C. Pack made a "powerful case" for why The Restored Church of God's brethren should follow this site and subscribe to the YouTube channel to receive consistently accurate information. Most of the time, listening to Dave presumptuously bloviate through fits of explosive verbal diarrhea is as pleasant as that word picture presents.


However, I was tickled silly while listening to portions of Part 470.


            Spoiler Alert:

•  The Feast of Ingathering IS Tabernacles, not Trumpets

•  The Kingdom of God arrives at sunset in Jerusalem

            on September 29 at 11:27 AM ET

•  David C. Pack felt “uneasy” teaching about Trumpets

•  A critical church error has been “increasing” Jesus Christ

•  Part 470 is a prophesied “final message”

•  God blessed David C. Pack with illness



Despite September 16 being the Fifth Anniversary of “Nothing Happened on Trumpets” (2019-2023), David C. Pack opened Part 470 with good humor and sympathetic mucus. 


Part 470 – September 23, 2023

@ 00:11 Good afternoon, everyone. So, when’s this gonna happen? [chuckles]


The best way to avoid discomfort in a room full of people you falsely told would experience the Kingdom of God the week prior is to push through it as though the Bible makes no warnings about false teachers and false prophets.


Then, admit you are sick and add more humor.


@ 00:53 …because I feel worse than I look. And I don’t know that you’d say I look that good. [big audience laugh]


“Well, the Kingdom of God did not arrive like we were told for over fifty days for a fifth straight year. But hey, Mr. Pack sure is funny even when he’s sick. All is forgiven. Tell us more.”


Dave showed up at Sabbath Services with throat and nose problems because he had to preach the truth to RCG. He was sick for over a week by then.


Flashback Part 469 – September 14, 2023

@ 1:24:51 Wuddn’t feeling that great last night. I never get sick, but I’m little bit in my throat and I, and I just I I I've rushed to call out something…


The man is a walking contradiction. He never gets sick, but he was in his throat. I wondered if this was more prophetic phlegm, like in 2020 when Dave got COVID-19 after the Feast of Tabernacles.


Part 470 – September 23, 2023

@ 19:30 But now I'm in a position (kinda glad) I did get ill (in a way) that allowed me to prepare a messagewhere we could check every box. So, we’re gonna fix timing, and we're gonna check every box. Simplicity, at some point, should (and really must) prevail.


David C. Pack is an insufferable public speaker with terrible habits. It takes real effort to get through his coughing, sniffing, snorting, and more-than-usual throat clearing without feeling sick yourself. 


Ordinary people just get sick. But, when David C. Pack falls ill, it is unavoidably God-ordained.


@ 23:45 Since we left it [Feast of Tabernacles] and we’re coming back, I feel duty-bound, and God gave me extra time to do it…


God gave Dave extra time after Trumpets failed by striking him with pestilence. You know, the most productive way to motivate a wise and faithful servant to study the Bible and reveal time-critical truths to His people with a clear mind.


When David C. Pack got COVID, God wanted that to happen. When David C. Pack caught a cold, God wanted that to happen. The brethren should be asking: Why would God do that to the Goodman of the House right as he ends the Mystery of God?


I wonder how many in the first two rows got sick after this. They can attribute that to a pre-Feast blessing courtesy of their Pastor General, who had no regard for their well-being. If any brethren showed up in his condition, the hirelings would have told them to stay home on the Sabbath to show outgoing love and concern for their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. But not Elijah That Prophet.


Dave never considered that if God struck him down with sickness, it was to spare His people from hearing more biblical nonsense so that they could enjoy at least one Holy Day without checking their watches and calculating the time in Jerusalem.


Instead of resting at home to avoid exposing brethren to contagious pathogens, Dave accosted the Sabbath, coughing and snorting through another pointless message that tested the resolve of the people in the front rows who used all their strength not to wince and turn away. He is just plain gross during Part 470.


Maybe Dave should start participating in the opening prayers after all.



Trumpets did not work out, so the Feast of Tabernacles is the runner-up.


@ 19:08 The Bible says, "If it tarry, wait for it." Well, it did. [laughs]




Nothing “tarried” or “hesitated.” Not for a maha or a micron on September 16, 2023. Nothing biblical was EVER going to occur on that date. David C. Pack talked until it became true for him using the power of presumption.


@ 19:13 But I was beginning to be suspicious a while back before Trumpets. I was, and I said that I was. I said, "If this doesn't happen, I think I know, I think I know the explanation." I wasn't completely resolved yet. 


@ 20:56 So, until you got to the very end, the (maybe) the last element of simplicity that needed to come as a Mystery of God would be exactly which day did God choose with His Son beside Him to come build the First Kingdom. So when is that?


Simplicity is the right idea. 470+ Parts of an 8-year circular Series with hundreds of false dates for the return of Jesus Christ are:


1) An elaborate ruse by a lying, cruel god.

2) David C. Pack is just wrong.



David C. Pack has a habit of making public admissions ex post facto, further exposing his character. Why the brethren of The Restored Church of God cannot hear his words is a mystery. The man tells you everything you need to know whether he is of God or not. His actions and words all point in the same direction.


@ 22:29 Well, WE thought many things for a long time, but then WE came to settle on the Feast of Tabernacles a few weeks ago. Then, WE came back, and WE WE WE said, No, it’s Trumpets. But I I was uneasy with with that.


Dave should stop preaching until the “uneasy” feeling goes away. Most human beings have some level of self-awareness about whether or not they should do or not do, say or not say something. Dave blows past those uncomfortable instincts telling him to shut the hell up. Longtime readers know that is not a new concept for him.


Instead of exercising self-restraint, Dave blurts out a date for months while feeling “uneasy” about it. He purposefully instilled brethren with false hope, lying to them by proclaiming how convicted he was about what he said. How many Headquarters enablers also knew Dave had doubts? Did you know, Brad?


One week earlier, this was how David C. Pack expressed being uneasy.


Flashback Part 469 – September 14, 2023

@ 00:15 Well, I didn’t think we’d be here today. I still think we’re right on track. I absolutely do.


@ 37:31 So, nobody needs to doubt whether I think we’re on for tomorrow.


@ 1:25:23 I still believe the Kingdom is tomorrow. But, I wanna just say something. Just wanna say this ‘cause I absolutely believe the Kingdom is tomorrow, and I think I gave you coup de grace in Habakkuk 3:2…Hope you're inspired. I absolutely am stick’n with tomorrow. Good night.


Based on this admission, how is Pastor General David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God NOT a manipulative liar? That is a mind puzzle for the enablers at Headquarters to solve.



Part 470 bestowed unexpected gifts. David C. Pack offered validation, vindication, and justification for the efforts behind exrcg.org.


Part 470 – September 23, 2023

@ 50:27 Now, an interesting point. Ingathering fits the whole world immediately. Now, WE put Ingathering at Trumpets. I'm gonna show you what WE missed.


David C. Pack spent 16 minutes proving how the Feast of Ingathering refers to Tabernacles, not Trumpets. I wonder if he used the article Twisted Scripture as a jumping-off point. Reading that article will encapsulate Part 470 because he read the same verses and used the same logic.


@ 1:06:05 …and I don’t know how I missed this. “And in the Feast of Tabernacles.” So, there it is. The Feast of Tabernacles equals the Feast of Ingathering.


I know how he missed it. David C. Pack has the most astonishingly piss-poor reading comprehension skills of anyone I have ever known. He is incapable of reading carefully with proper discernment. He is a blaspheming liar, hypocrite, false apostle, and false prophet who has fully adopted antichrist thinking.


Worse than that, he did not “miss” anything. He consciously chose to disregard the verses because they disagreed with his presumption. This was noted in the article.


When he reached Deuteronomy 16:16, he opted not to bother reading the entire verse. On purpose. This was his "tell" moment.


Flashback Part 464 – August 26, 2023

@ 34:41 “Three times in a year shall all your males appear,” and then it lists the three.


This was only part of his “uneasy” feelings about Trumpets.


Then, a hilariously embarrassing moment for David C. Pack in 3…2…1…


Part 470 – September 23, 2023

@ 1:06:48 It’s impossible to read it any other way.


Says the guy…who made it possible to read it another way all through Part 464 until Part 470. This once again reveals that when David C. Pack says something is "impossible," you can rest assured that it is not only possible, it is likely.



@ 23:28 What I want to do is just blow away all possibility that it it there's any chance (even a sliver) that we would leave the Feast of Tabernacles for another date yet again.


Oh, Dave. Tracking statements like this is my “thing.” Five Bucks says Dave is already making adjustments during the Feast TODAY.


@ 23:57 I wanna just absolutely destroy all idea that this year does not sit exactly from one Feast of Tabernacles to this (now, I mean the start) to the start of the next Feast of Tabernacles. As surely as 1-2-3 Kingdoms or one year, seven, and a thousand…


@ 24:21 And if the Goodman of the House at some point had figured it out, he was supposta tell the House.


The alternative is that David C. Pack is not the Goodman of the House. Or even a good man at all.


@ 38:27 We're beginning to see it, and I didn’t see it quite clearly enough. Now I do. And I’m gonna remove all doubt about what WE misunderstood.


The last time David C. Pack offered to remove all doubt, he admitted his long-standing doubt the week after. He "didn't see it quite clearly enough" because he did not see it clearly AT ALL. Trumpets failed for the fifth year in a row, just as the Feast of Tabernacles will also fail this week for the fifth year in a row.


The “I didn’t before, but now I do” theme has been running for over ten years and is long past due for retirement. But, in the church, you retire into the grave.



David C. Pack does not seem to fear tempting God or putting his own life on the line for the sake of his latest presumption. The new thinking was that it HAD to be The Feast of Tabernacles THIS year.


@ 51:56 If you overshoot Tabernacles, that would make that would almost that would make God a fool.



the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk. Blasphemy is an insult that shows contempt, disrespect, or lack of reverence concerning God…


Dr. Ranney, I know $1.5 million is a hard thing to walk away from, but you do yourself no favors cleaving unto Dave. If you ever hear the sound of thunder, take at least three steps away from him.



The Kingdom of God will arrive on September 29, 2023, at 11:27 AM ET because that will be sunset in Jerusalem and the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles.


Um. Well. That was the theory.

@ 57:30 I will never ever ever ever again (if time went on) I would never again believe it's remotely possible and I’ve given (we got powerful stuff here) remotely possible that God doesn't build His Kingdom at the Feast of Tabernacles, probably in the morning. Not Opening Night. You could wonder, “What about the hour, Mr. Pack?


@ 58:21 So, God works off Jerusalem time. Sundown Jerusalem time to start the year. Sundown to end the year. So it balances. I wish I'da thought of that…


@ 1:39:55 “He that shall come will arrive and will not tarry.” Guess why He can't tarry. Christ cannot miss the Feast of Tabernacles.

@ 1:44:34 A final message is given in season. I am so doing that message now. And right between Trumpets and Atonement. …There was a final message that had to occur after Trumpets before Atonement and certainly before Tabernacles where I would tell the House when Christ is coming. And I’d be found having done that.


Part 470 was not the final message. David C. Pack did not tell anyone when Christ was coming. All he has been found so doing is exposing people to spiritual and physical sickness, lying, and blaspheming God.


@ 1:45:25 So, a final message was always foretold to come in season. He's so doing that, and I am right now telling them when Christ was gonna come, and it's inarguable now.


Those words ring even more hollow on this side of reality. Today is the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, and the brethren have already slipped their third of four green envelopes into the passing basket.


At this very moment, Headquarters accounting personnel are feverishly defiling their High Day counting the funds that need to be deposited today and immediately report the tally to Headquarters so that by supper time, David C. Pack can know what the tree budget will be in the spring. Or which mouth at his table will need to be wished away into the cornfield.


@ 1:45:40 So, because a man was willing to be faithful to a faithful little flock who stayed with it (they were just as faithful as he was), they're now gonna lead the entire world starting in season at Tabernacles. But it's gotta be coded in a way that we could never understand until God removed enough of the impediments.


There must be more invisible impediments Dave’s god has thrown in his path because Jesus Christ did not return yesterday at sunset in Jerusalem, sunset in Wadsworth, or sunset on the planet.


It will be a very long eight days for the brethren of The Restored Church of God. They know what is coming. More Parts, more presumptions, and more excuses.


David C. Pack has validated exrcg.org while invalidating himself. The website has been consistent while David C. Pack has wavered. The website has presented facts, while David C. Pack presented lies. David C. Pack feels uneasy when he preaches, but I am at peace when I write about it.


Brethren of God, your concerns are valid. It is up to you to act on what you know to be true.


A special thank you to David Crowl Pack

for validating the content of exrcg.org

and granting it absolute legitimacy.

Marc Cebrain


  1. maybe Dave meant Sept. 29 on Mars

    or on some exo-planet

    1. and since Pluto's "year" is 247 of our years it allows Dave's fudge to fit on the "Sept. 29" of Pluto's long seasons hahahahahahaha such as maybe back when Queen Victoria or Abe Lincoln or Geronimo were still children

      maybe he'll even spin it to actually encompass and agree with the Mormons' tale of Jesus stopping over here to visit native Am. or First Nations people...maybe it was "that" Sept. 29

      so wait long enough, and Dave will spin his dates somehow or another 📆🪐

  2. Dave would choke to death on "I was wrong again".

  3. As someone who had spent 25 years deliberately ignoring Armstrongism, I was amazed by the players when I became aware of them as I signed on to the internet in Y2K. That's when I became aware that Dave Pack still existed, that there were splinters, and that he had started one of them. I still didn't know about Bob Thiel, because he wasn't even around back in the day, but I learned about his Cogwriter site, which seemed to be dedicated to brown-nosing Rod Meredith. Later, at a local supermarket, I saw magazines in a rack that looked like the old Plain Truth, but had a funny name, Philadelphia Trumpet. So, I then learned of Gerald Flurry, who was a nothing elder back in 1967 at Ambassador College. I also learned about the splinter my parents had selected, UCG, after having initially escaped into the safety of the New Covenant.

    The point is, that with the splintering, and all that had happened to HWA's church, I would have expected the splinters to have died a quiet death by the last quarter of 2023. The rigid thinking, which was the only type of thought of which these people are capable, would have precluded all of the craziness we see today, or so I thought. There was a factor I missed. These people needed validation for their lives of denial and sacrifice. The lives they would have had and enjoyed were literally commandeered, so they didn't just want, but actually needed, all the end times events they were promised for 1972-75 to happen before they died! This is what drives the craziness! It's either that, or arbitrary decisions made that the lynchpin, the hook, the prophecies or timeline used as pressure were wrong, but it doesn't matter because the lifestyle is actually good and our reward awaits us in the Kingdom.

    It's the people who thought they'd be the leaders, presiding over the end times, and ushering in the new era who have gone the most crazy. Their time clocks are ticking away, and they are becoming very inventive soas to avoid losing their pipe dreams. HWA had his fame and photo ops to fall back on after the failure of 1975. The original evangelists are dead and gone. Those from the "second generation" have nothing but their empty and mostly unknown empires to provide solace. However, what good is an empty empire without the events of the end times which were the entire reason behind those empires? That is enough to drive anyone crazy!

  4. maybe Dave reads these Sept. 29 predictions on an interstellar ticker-tape text message through a seer stone down inside a men's dark hat like Mormon Joseph Smith in 1820s 🎩

    or maybe Dave's prediction date text is flashing him from a spinning casino game app. on a cheapie android phone down inside the RCG hat...or flashing from the hand-held Twiggy/A.I. device 📱 that Dean Stockwell/(Admiral Calavicci) was poppin' & squeakin' in front of Scott Bakula on old TV show "Quantum Leap"

    so during the feast now Dave P., what new date will your device spin us with next...(hope he doesn't have his RCG aides use Spokeo or Intellius to google me up and drive north to egg my car out front)
