Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Festival '23: The Splits, Splinters and Slivers Flee to The Place of Safety and Final Training...

...but then rethink their faith in the insane



  1. This is the most in-depth, meaningful, relevant, and well thought-out article I have ever seen on this site.

  2. Cant even imagine what "Final Training" at some craphole location would look like under Pack , Flurry, Weinland, Thiel or Cox.

    Probably would make Marine Boot Camp, or the TV shows "Naked and Afraid" or "Survivor" look like resorts and playtime!

  3. Those are the people leaving Petra who were already there when Bob Thiel arrived with his rag-tag group.

    After they sat through his first sermon they all decided to leave en masse. They are headed to Pella.

  4. I could see Flurry living in some 5 star resort while his "sheep" living in some slum or cave.

  5. Mixing the meaning of Tabernacles with a specific place of saftey, that only God the Father knows how its going to play out, is as ignorant as mixing Tabernacles meaning with the marriage supper of the lamb.

  6. Who knows? All manner of truly bizarre happenings are making their way into the news. I just about wrecked my car this afternoon listening to reports of a Barcelona-bound flight having to return to the airport in Atlanta due to what the pilot described to air traffic controllers as a severe biohazard caused by a medical emergency when a passenger left a long trail of diarrhea in the aisle on his way to the bathroom.

    Imagine getting your name in the news for that, instead of failed prophecies or tales of witch doctors!

  7. That area of desert is some of the ugliest NV desert. Traveled through there in the mid 90's, it was horrible then and still is now!

  8. One of my sisters-in-law goes to this heathen tomfoolery every year. You couldn't pay me to go to this glorified carnival! There are many reasons why I wouldn't waste my life, time, and money there, but the biggest reasons are it's isolation and the horrible weather. If someone has any type of urgent matter or emergency, it can take hours to get help. And the horrid weather conditions, as witnessed in this year's Burning Man, shows the danger of being in such an isolated place. Thr regular high temperatures are bad enough, but the muck of this year's festival was super bad. If an outbreak of some contagious disease happened, it would have been next to impossible to get help to those attending. If someone thinks I'm going overboard, remember what happened in Guyana over four decades ago? Isolation, a horrid tropical climate, and a deranged leader caused nearly 1000 people to lose their lives. The ACOG's. Who still believe in the place of safety should think deeply about this before going to such a place.

    1. Oh it's ridiculous to think that comment is all lies....oh completely ridiculous.....

  9. If HWA or some leader like Flurry had fled to Petra or some area like that can you imagine the discrepancy in where they would stay and the average lay member? If memory is correct, didn't Flurry go to Jordan several years ago and the Jordanian authorities basically ended up kicking him out of the country telling him never to come back?
