Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 30, 2023

How To Be All You Can Be in the Splinters and Slivers:

Place your hands on your own head and repeat...

I Am an Apostle

"I am The Elijah to Come"

"I am The Messenger of the Covenant"

"I am The Branch."


(Double Portions Not Available in Your Area)

Davelatians 1:11 I want you to know, scoffers and critics, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. No human could make up the shit I can make up. It's also not from any Higher Power. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it because no one tells me nuttin' and I am pretty much unteachable anyway; rather, I received it by revelation to myself and often which is a lot easier than that study to show myself approved and rightly dividing the word of truth stuff. If it wasn't irrefutable and impossible not to be as I declare it to be and I approve of myself, that's all you need to know...

13 For you have heard of my previous way of life in the Worldwide Church of God, how intensely I dominated and disheartened every church of God I got my hands and had pretty much pissed off most of the brethren and wreaked havoc in the churches. 14 I was advancing, however, in my own mind, beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of Herbert W Armstrong, until it no longer served my ego and theological ambitions. 15 But when I set me apart from my mother’s womb and then for all the other stuff, I was pleased 16 to reveal who I really am so that I might preach me to the Board of Enablers, the Go Along to Get Along Ministry and a few remaining brain dead groupies . My immediate response was not to consult any human being because, again, that's not what I do. I have never done it and I have no intention to ever do it. I did not go anywhere to see those who were apostles before I imagined I was, but I went into Wadsworth where, every day, I think up new titles to lay my hands upon myself for and prove it next week with way too many scriptures that I don't even have time to include and cover, brethren. 

...20 I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie. More like delusional, but don't worry and unfortunately, I'm not going anywhere. 




  1. Just hilarious! It's as if Dennis invented AI and asked it for a scripturally-based analysis of Dave Pack's pathology!

    Oi vey, Dave! Just once I'd like to witness you undergoing an existential crisis as you take your annual introspection!

  2. It makes you wonder what the "go along to get along ministry" really believe. They outwardly push the church line, and club members if they question or disagree, yet privately many must harbor doubts or outright disagree. Just like in all dictatorships.

  3. Is Dave P. buying/selling homes on Akron Dr. even though issuing overlapping prophetic dates o'er & o'er again of Jesus' IMMINENT return? Was Jesus "late" already for Dave's schedule?

    Is RCG still raking in tithes & "common" money? Why buy/sell properties if Kingdom came yesterday on Sept. 29?

  4. Anonymous said...
    It makes you wonder what the "go along to get along ministry" really believe. They outwardly push the church line, and club members if they question or disagree, yet privately many must harbor doubts or outright disagree.

    They believe that they are supposed to be in RCG, for such a time as this but now that Dave has gone off the rails, weekly, are hoping it will stop and they can get back to being what they believe then are called to be and do. Time is running out for RCG to ever recover under the insanity of Dave Pack.

    I guarantee they have doubts and disagree with Dave. It is the classic rock and hard place for the ministry. Members as well are caught in this mess all hoping that Dave will simply stop this stupidity they all suffer through hoping it will change back to why they came into RCG in the first place. The outlook is not good.

    Any minister in RCG that "pumps his fist" in joyful wonder and belief in Dave's lunacy, and telling Dave all about it, is ass kissing seeking future advantage or simply a foolish shepherd like Dave.

    If there are any Board of Enablers with the guts enough to confront Dave on all this error, back peddling and self aggrandizement, the time in now. David C Pack needs an intervention and soon.
