Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Error Prone Biased False Prophet Says AI Is As Error Prone As He is

In yet another attempt to not have to discuss Jesus or anything he accomplished our favorite error-prone false prophet is back complaining how artificial intelligence will deceive many. Yep, you read that right, one of the biggest error-filled liars the church has today is complaining about AI as error-prone. Talk about gaslighting members!

The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel considers himself so special that he is set apart from ALL present Church of God leaders and all who have preceded him. No one as magnificent as he is has ever been revealed to the church like he is today. There has been no human leader since Abraham walked this earth who is filled with as much worldly knowledge and spiritual insights as we have in the Great Bwana. He considered himself so special that he is incapable of making a mistake or uttering a false word. No church leader has been filled with more spiritual truth than he has. 

Bwana Bob Mzungu believes that since he is so magnificent it means that Satan, the Prince of the power of the air, is going to be so pissed off at him that he is going to use artificial intelligence to deceive people into thinking he, The Bob has uttered certain things.

The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu quotes a fringe conspiracy-laden site that features a quote from Henry Kissinger on Artificial Intelligence:

Henry Kissinger: AI Will Replace Humans within 5 Years
October 29, 2023 
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has declared that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace humans within the next five years. 
Kissinger, a member of the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF), asserts that AI dominance will be the “biggest challenge” humans will face. 
According to a report published on Insider, Kissinger made the comments during an interview with Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Axel Springer. … 
Experts have pointed out that most white-collar jobs are in danger of being replaced by AI.
Workers in sectors such as technology, media, law, and customer service are especially at risk.
100-year-old Kissinger said he believes that AI will become so dominant that humans could end up serving machines. Henry Kissinger: AI Will Replace Humans within 5 Years

In spite of years worth of deceiving Christians with his nonsense, The Bob has preached several so-called sermons about AI. Nothing about Jesus and how people don't need to worry about such worthless crap as Bob's speculations. The Bob's sermons are nothing more than brain dumps of useless information. It never contains anything of spiritual worth for anyone.

Is AI in the Bible?

The Bible refers to a place that was ruined in the Book of Joshua called “Ai.” Are there any parallels to what is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI)? What did Joe Kovacs say about that? Are there any risks to AI, such as those warned about by Elon Musk? Are common AI sources like ChatGPT and Bing AI always reliable? Are there certain passages in the Bible, such as prophecies related to the militaristic Beast and Antichrist in the Book of Revelation, that point to the use of AI in the end times? Is the use of computer software consistent with the prophecies of the 666 Beast power? Does the New Testament have warnings of impostors deceiving? Is it possible that demons and AI will be involved in the end time? Will the nations of this world fight Jesus upon His return? Could AI affect and deceive humans? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie address these matters. 

Bwana Bob Mzungu is one of the deceivers of the brethren that the Bible warns Christians about. Bwana Bob Mzungu is right there beside Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, Gerald Weston, and other COG leaders currently deceiving the brethren. They are imposters trying to portray themselves as agents of light and truth. None of them are doing this, particularly Bwana Bob Mzungu.



  1. People have been waiting for years, and looking forward to the time when AI would at last become fully functional and viable. Bob Theil seems to think of it as if it has the capability to usurp God! What is he so afraid of? Must be the fact-checking!

  2. A few years ago, it was supposed to be self driving cars , and self driving Big Rigs, replacing all those drivers.

    It turned out to be a lot of hype. For sure there will be driver assists and the like, but totally replacing the human has proved difficult. The same will go with AI as well. There will be some minor level low intelligence things replaced by AI, but I believe that some kind of BORG COLLECTIVE dominating the world within 5 years as a very low probability.

    Electric cars are another ballyhooed thing, but the practicality of replace fossil fueled vehicles is not likely. It will more probably be something of the nature of hybrids, combing both electric and gas technologies.

    We live in the era of hyperbole and outlandish statements and predictions , both in the marketplace and in the COGs , what with the likes of Thiel, Cox, Flurry, Weinalnd, Pack et al.

  3. Is Bob stupid enough to believe his followers in Africa care about this kind of useless information? Oh, wait. I think I just answered my own question.

  4. AI is no different than chess playing computer programs. They cannot truly think. The AI hype is a type of the tulip mania of old, similar to the dot com scams of the late 1990s.

  5. Put AI in cars and they drive over people.
    Generally AI is just computer programs written by people to do specific things. The more stupid the programmer the more dangerous the program. eg AI Customer Service just means multiple choice questions and answers, before handing you off to a live rep.
    But when I see the way AI chats go, I can see that there is a spirit being behind that. The establishment does work with demons and aliens. No surprise there. It will serve their agenda.
    I can't tell whether people like Kissinger know what they are talking about. They did say that by 2020 our coastlines would be flooded due to rising oceans. NOT at all.

  6. 9.05 To Kissinger's credit, he attempted to negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine as soon as hostilities started. He was harshly criticized in the west for this. An interview on YouTube yesterday stated that half a million Ukrainians soldiers have died so far, with 1.2 to 1,5 million wounded. 50,000 have lost lives. It's a nightmare.

  7. 10:54: could you give a link to that video? It doesn't sound right.

  8. @7:29 I’m in the industry. AI is way more than that and absolutely something we should be concerned with.

  9. 8:19:00 AM, what can you tell us about the secrets?
