Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, October 27, 2023

LCG Whining Yet Again About Those Pesky Germans! When Will They Ever Stop??????


It's another day in another year and in another decade and STILL, the Living Church of God is freaking out over Germany, all thanks to the absurdities that Herbert Armstrong, Gerald Waterhouse, and Rod Meredith hyperventilated over back in the 1950s to mid-1980s. 

Who can ever forget Rod Meredith's sermons with his red face and veins popping as he pounded the podium screaming about parents eating their children, teenagers sent to Europe to be slaves to the Europeans, concentration camps, crematories, and people being hung up on meathooks. Oh, and don't forget, Hitler was still alive in Argentina gathering his new army of expat Germans together so they could invade the United States and spank our asses. Isn't the Church of God grand?

Never fear though, write in for LCG's Middle East in Prophecy booklet and you too can save your sorry sad Laodicean ass.

The Bible reveals that a future German-led European beast power will occupy the Holy Land and control Jerusalem. The Apostle John wrote that non-Jewish Gentiles “will tread the holy city underfoot” for 42 months prior to Christ’s return (Revelation 11:2). How might these Gentiles come to control the Holy Land? Analysts warn that if the current escalation in Israel and Gaza does not soon cease, it could plunge the entire region into war, drawing in many nations, including the United States and other Western countries. Germany could offer to move into Israel politically and even militarily for a time, in order to protect Israel and prevent further war. Time will tell, and the details remain to be seen. However, God’s prophecies will come to pass. To learn more about events prophesied to engulf the Middle East, read or listen to our insightful booklet The Middle East in Prophecy.


  1. There is no proof that Germany descended from the Assyrians.

  2. To fully understand the absurdity of this, you have to go back to GG Rupert, one of the yayhoos from whom HWA borrowed so heavily, and his so-called "Yellow Scourge". Apparently, Asians were Rupert's boogeyman.

    Next time someone rises up with Millerite fantasies, I suppose they'll pick another group. They'd better hurry, though. The trend is towards a multi-ethnic homogenization of the human race, so Bible prophecy has a very limited future whenever everyone is everything. How can there be punishment when the Israelites have all been Samaritanized?

  3. Simply bizarre.
    British Israelism the German Assyrian mythology. Where does it end?
    These ‘sects’ have no credibility and are fortunately dying a slow death.
    With each day month and year we see a disconnect from reality history archaeology the social sciences and the study of linguistics that underpin the reality that the above peoples are not from a Semitic grouping, as also attested by DNA.
    The science is in, it’s a slam dunk against the theory.
    How events in Europe will actually unfold is as difficult to ascertain as there are theories in the disunited cog movement. And the possibility is for things to occur rather different from what we may have presumed previously.
    But certainly proceedings within and around the state of Israel will dominate the headlines as the ‘children of Israel’ are gathered to their ancestral homelands as the prophets spoke.

  4. America has a lot more to worry about than Germany. Germany is the least of your problems LCG. Besides Babylon is a system. According to their theory, there has to be the beast and false prophet. Where is this leader of Europe, this man of sin? Focus on yourselves. Focus on how the elites are controlling things including the media. Speak truth to power like Paul, Moses, John the Baptist, Elijah. But you can’t , all you do is label a county bad cause you’re soo good. Horrible paradigm that never shifts.

  5. When the jews went into Europe, many became Polish Jews, or Russian Jews, and other types of jews including German Jews? Why, because there was mixing. This happened to the other tribes throughout millennia. These COGS think peoples race stays pure throughout human migrations and captivities. So when they consider prophecy, this is their "key" to understanding prophecies. It's flawed because its looking through and OC lens. They are not looking at concepts such as the Global North or the Global South.

  6. The ACOG leaders believe that their predictions justify all manner of minister abuse, the end justifies means reasoning. This is in sharp contrast to God calling His laws perfect. It's worth downloading and having a look at the essay 'THE NICOLAITANS' by J. H. Allen. Some writings are timeless.

  7. 801 and 910 raise valid points. The churches of God are focusing on the wrong things. The real fulfillment of prophecy in the form of the globalist one world order is now in the works and they can't see it.

    In 1973 the UN think tank Club of Rome proposed a new system which included dividing the world into 10 economic trading blocks, 10 groups of nations which would be designed to consolidate regional control over this world and to be governed by a one world agency. This plan was reaffirmed in 2010 (UN agenda 2010) for the purpose of collectively dealing with climate change, sustainable development, and armed conflict. These agendas are being updated as we speak, but the question is,
    are they a realistic scenario for future prophetic speculation?

    In 1904, E.W. Bullinger, commenting on Revelation 17, wrote "the Beast himself will be at the time in occupation of the City, while the 10 kings are exercising their authority each in his own part of the world. The kings of the earth reign as the 10 kings. The whole earth is divided to them" !!
    (Commentary on Revelation, 1984, Kregel publications, PG 546-547).

    The Beast may very well turn out to be an Assyrian, but in today's world mindset as well as alternative explanations of Daniel 2 and 7, I see no evidence of Germany or Europe ever becoming the Beast power.

    As John says, time will tell!

  8. Correct BP8, it’s the economic trading blocks that are in play. That’s what the BRICS is about. Trying to get away from the American dollar. And those 10 nations (10 toes) formation “might be” based on economic alliances rather than tribal alliances, but could be both. It’s still strange for Americans to think that Russia was on our side during WWII and actually defeated Nazi Germany. America didn’t create an alliance because the Russians were of the same ancestral tribe as the west, it was about territory.

    What most of these so-called leaders in the ACOGs can’t understand is that America actually exemplifies an empire and not just some California to New York boundary. With territories in Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Alaska and Hawaii with military bases in those areas and others. When you include how the dollar is the world’s principal reserve currency much like how previous empires expanded their currency. This involves trading (buying and selling) Revelations 18:17. They just look at the English speaking peoples talking points. They certainly can’t speak truth with boldness to civic power. It’s all about being bold in addressing their members which is harsh.

    In the prophecy of Daniel, he saw the King of the North and the King of the South properly. Now what these leaders in these ACOGs see may not be entirely correct.

    ..."Time will tell"

  9. “History is littered with wars which everybody knew would never happen” - Enoch Powell

    I wouldn’t write-off Germany too quickly. I like these observations by George Bailey:

    "So the dream of the Holy Roman Empire has remained. It has bemused every generation of Germans since Charlemagne... Those captains and commanders who had no original conscious desire to travel the road to empire sooner or later discovered themselves moving along the railbed of historic progression that had been laid in the time of Charlemagne...

    "Even when institutions are disintegrating and decaying, their leading ideas sometimes live on. And remerge, often in distorted and even horrendous forms. So it was the Berlin-Rome axis came into being; the link was the Church... There was perhaps no basic differences between the attitudes of Pius XII to Hitler and Leo III to Charlemagne. "Heresies," as Sir Thomas Browne wrote,

    do not perish with their Authors, but like the river Arethusa, though they lose their currents in one place, they rise up again in another... Opinions do find, after certain Revolutions, men and minds like those that first begat them. To see ourselves again, we need not look for Plato's year: every man is not only himself; there have been many Diogenes, and as many Timons, though but few of that name; men are lived over again, the world is now as it was in Ages past, there was none then, but there hath been someone since that parallels him, and is, as it were, his revived self.

    "If this is true then can we be sure that history has written finis to what was perhaps the grandest design ever conceived by man: the Holy Roman Empire?

    "It was not by mere chance that the words "of the German Nation came to be added to the title. Germany was the country best fitted to be the home base of the empire. In the very center of the European land mass it formed, then as now, the geographical, economic, and political heart of Europe. Germany was, then as now, a network of roads and waterways knotted together at its intersections by the great commercial clearinghouses at Cologne, Frankfurt am Main, Leipzig, Frankfurt an der Oder, Nuremburg, Augsburg. Inevitably, this central position meant, through all history, pressure from all sides and the corollary of concentric pressure: pivotal influence; both centrifugal and centripetal force. Germany was naturally, and still is, at the center of all east-west and north-south conflicts, between Habsburg and Bourbon, between Spain and the Netherlands, between Catholics and Protestants, between capitalists and columnists. It has always been clear to all concerned that the role of Germany - or the role played in Germany by others - would be decisive. Consequently the governments of major governments nations have always tried to establish and promote their interests (whatever they might be) in Germany. For this reason the country of the Germans has been invaded, divided, subdivided, bought, sold partitioned, and occupied by foreign governments since the dawn of European history. It was because of this situation that the lateral transfer of the Roman Empire to the Germans was bound to be calamitous. The transfer imposed form, gave direction, and imparted thrust to the German natural inclination to believe: it harnessed a griffin to the sacred imperial dream. Within the dream it generated the most mystical of all political concepts: the Reich...

    “With the lateral transfer of the Holy Roman Empire to Germany the Germans became the people chosen by God to implement the Christianization of the world, beginning with Europe. "Germany" became synonymous with the Reich, with the Kingdom of God on earth (a development that made the confrontation between Germans and Jews all but inevitable: one chosen people verses another chosen people)..." (Germans: Biography of an Obsession, pp.363 & 360-61).

  10. Part 1

    Da 7:24a And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:

    "The interpreting angel turned from the historic Roman Empire to its ultimate ten-horn phase (corresponding to the ten toes in Nebuchadnezzar's dream-image [2:41-43])..." (Gleason L. Archer Jr., Daniel, EBC, Vol.7, p.93).

    "Now the direct symbolism of the horns is made" (Leon J. Wood, Commentary on Daniel, p.200).

    "The ten horns which the beast had signify ten kings who shall arise out of that kingdom... from it, the kingdom, i.e., from this very kingdom. Since the ten horns all exist at the same time together on the head of the beast, the ten kings that arise out of the fourth kingdom are to be regarded as contemporary. In this manner the division or dismemberment of this kingdom into ten principalities or kingdoms is symbolized. For the ten contemporaneous kings imply the existence at the same time of ten kingdoms" (C. F. Keil, Daniel, KD, Vol.9, p.650).

    Da 7:24b and another ["little horn," v.8] shall rise after them ["came up among them," v.8];

    " "Another" distinguishes this horn from the other grown horns, and does not imply the existence of other little horns. "Little" indicates only that this horn started small, as it gradually emerged among the grown horns, not that it remained small; for the context, especially verse twenty, shows it finally became the greatest of all. The word for "among them" (benehewn) literally "between them," indicating further that the other horns were all contemporary, not successive. This means that the new horn must symbolize another king, like the others, only emerging later, though while they still rule. Because the description of this ruler, given in this verse and later in verses twenty-four to twenty-six, corresponds to descriptions of the "beast" of Revelation 13:5-8 and 17:11-14, the two are correctly identified. The one so described is commonly and properly called the Antichrist, who will be Satan's counterfeit world ruler, trying to preempt the place of God's true world Ruler, Jesus Christ, who will later establish his reign during the millennium" (Leon J. Wood, A Commentary on Daniel, pp.187-88).

    He is "not given the title of king here" (John F. Walvoord, Daniel - The Key to Prophetic Revelation, p.175).

    Da 7:20d whose look was more stout [rab] than [min] his fellows.

    "The phrase for "sturdier than" is the adjective "great" (rab) followed by the preposition min to express comparative degree. The meaning is that the "other" or "little" horn looked greater or sturdier than the other horns. Though this horn appeared later and was smaller at first, it did not remain inferior in size, but became ever more imposing than the other horns. The last king of the restored Roman empire, the Antichrist, will become the leading king of that time, having displaced three kings and gaining leadership over the rest" (Leon J. Wood, A Commentary on Daniel, p.198).

    Da 7: 24c and he shall be diverse from the first,

    "... the little horn ... "shall be different from the former" horns. This difference consists in matters now to be cited, the first of which is included in this verse..." (Leon J. Wood, Commentary on Daniel, p.200).

    Da 7:24d and he shall subdue [shephal] three kings

    "As Hitler's vision expanded, in the heady days of 1941, it came to embrace all Europe. Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, the whole of France north of the Somme were to be incorporated in a Greater Germany, the names of the cities changed... The Alps would be the boundary between 'the German Empire of the North', with a new 'Germania' as its capital, and 'the Roman Empire to the South'. The Pope would be hanged in full pontificals in St Peter's Square..." (Paul Johnson, Modern Times, (London: Orion Books Ltd, 1994), pp.381-82).

  11. Part 2

    "He arises after the ten horn have been set up and subdues three of these ten to his own direct rule. He will then subject the other seven states to vassalage, somewhat as Hitler subjected Norway, Holland, and the Balkan countries to a leader of their local Nazi Party. In theory they were separate nations, but in practice they were subservient to Hitler. There is apparently to be a strong personality cult attached to this empire of the little horn (cf. the quasi-deification of Hitler)" (Gleason L. Archer Jr, Daniel, Vol.7, p.93).

    Shephal ... "signifies to overthrow, to deprive of the sovereignty. But the king coming after them can only overthrow three of the ten kingdoms when he himself has established and possesses a kingdom or empire of his own. According to this, the king arising after the ten is not an isolated ruler, but the monarch of a kingdom which has destroyed three of the kingdoms already in existence" (C. F. Keil, Daniel, KD, Vol.9, p.650).

    Rev 17:16a And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast...
    Rev 17:17b ... give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
    Rev 17:14a These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them:

    In the Gleason Archer Jr., Leon Wood and Carl Keil view there remains eight kings after the "overthrow," including the "beast". An alternative scenario, would have 'ten' kings remaining, which would include the NT Antichrist. In this situation the "beast" overthrows the leader of his own country, compare a somewhat similar situation with the OT Antichrist, becoming its leader, and also overthrowing two other kings subjecting them to vassalage, "somewhat as Hitler subjecting Norway, Holland, and the Balkan countries to a leader of their local Nazi Party". The other seven kings being allies, having a similar relationship to him as that between Hitler and Mussolini. Later when the "beast" transfers his capital out of his native country, a person loyal to him may be appointed as king in his absence, thereby coming back to eleven horns.

  12. Anon 12:24:00 PM PDT

    ‘History is littered with wars which everyone knew would never happen’- Enoch Powell

    And rightly one could say, ‘ history is littered with the speculations of prophecy written within scripture ‘ by many well intentioned people and otherwise.

    When one looks at the prophetic speculations of the Armstrong movement and it uncountable offshoots and sects and that of unknown numbers of churches down through the ages one is none the wiser……until the next prophetic announcement.
    God tells us He is not a God of confusion. Yet what we see is just that amongst the deeply divided Christian world when they try to unravel the messages of the prophets.
    As Jesus said His coming would be like the days of Noah……..and so it is……….perhaps we should be listening to His simple words of wisdom and live accordingly.

  13. Agreed 3:51.

    I like this speculation from over 120 years ago - before HWA turned 10:

    "... Kaiser Wilhelm II ... took his white horse ... to the Holy Land... [He] arrived there in [Jerusalem] in 1898 in a ceremonial entry of preposterous pomp, preceded by brass bands, white-liveried Uhlans, Arab cavalry and German sailors, and wearing on his head a helmet surmounted by a gigantic golden eagle... In Jerusalem ... the Augusta Victoria Hospital [was] originally built to commemorate the Kaiser's visit, but [it was] supposedly designed as the Government House of a German-conquered Palestine..." (Jan Morris, pp.248-49, 177, 263). (Cp. Revelation 6:2).

    "... for many pre-millennialist Protestants on the eve of the twentieth century, the significance of Wilhelm's visit and efforts in behalf of Jews took on a biblical significance, for it seemed to promise the impending return of Christ. For example, Merkley quotes the Anglo-German missionary William Hechler (a Protestant ally of Jewish Zionist leader Theodor Herzl) as saying, just prior to the Kaiser's arrival in Palestine, "Now we await the visit of the German Emperor to the Holy Land ... But maybe what we will have is the privilege of welcoming Jesus, Who has promised that He would come again ... Many signs are multiplying around us, announcing the Coming in a very brief time"" (Alan C. Braddock, Painting the World's Christ: Tanner, Hybridity, and the Blood of the Holy Land, http://www.19thc-artworldwide.org/autumn_04/articles/brad_print.html).

    As an aside:

    "The June 1914 assassination [of the Austrian Archduke Francis-Ferdinand] is one of the best-known examples in history of a particular event triggering a general crisis, and then a world war... There was indeed much truth in the old cliche that the archduke's death was merely the spark which lit the tinderbox" (Kennedy, p.327).

    .... a yet future political assassination will signal the beginning of World War 3 or 4.

  14. Thank you 3:51 !!
    All that quoting from all those unbiblical sources. Each of these splinter groups having the “more sure word of prophecy.”

    Some of us look at the world news other than our mainstream western media. Others would like to just live a godly life without all the confusion.

    What these groups attempt to do is fit any military event into their prophetic narrative. This is what they are doing now regarding the nation state conflict. Now if Germany had a evil dictator right now and Catholicism had a charismatic pope, along with other European countries following him, then there would be cause to pause. If it happens later on , then it happens.

    But it’s on Gods time, not ours. Focus on yourself and your own spiritual salvation.

  15. Ode to the Armstrongite Soon Coming God of Germany:

    Oh Germany, Germany, Germany, thou font of Armstrongism orgasms for ninety years.

    Oh Germany, tis you who ignites our passions as thou stokest terrible fears.

    Oh Germany, how thy brutality doth delight, excite we of Israel chosen.

    Oh Germany, we alone see thou art fierce Assyria hiding in silly lederhosen.

    Oh Germany, come, through windows leap, spank those who rebel against our home-brew law.

    Oh Germany, Jesus’ grace and redemption we speaketh of not, tis only you that inspires our awe.
