Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, November 20, 2023

LCG Tomorrow's World Presentations Continue Astounding Trend!

Great things are happening in the Living Church of God! Woo hoo!

Tomorrow’s World Presentations
Last week we held one follow-up TWP in Charleston, West Virginia, which was attended by three guests. This week we have five TWPs scheduled. One initial presentation is scheduled in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; and four presentations are scheduled in Fiji. Mr. Rob Tyler will give two initial presentations in Lautoka and Suva in Fiji. Mr. Paul Kearns will conduct the follow-up presentations. These will be the first Tomorrow’s World Presentations ever held on the island. All 897 subscribers in Fiji were invited to both presentations. Thank you all for your prayers and support for these presentations as we continue our worldwide effort to preach the Gospel.

48,000 people live in Charleston and 210,000 live in the greater Charleston area. Three people showed up. Three. They actually bragged about this.


  1. Well the apostles spoke one on one to potential converts of Christianity.

    Why do you nit pick them to death? Constantly year in and year out?? It takes a never ending well of HATRED to do that. Article and posts after article and posts..on and on...year after year...month after month....you must put alot of time and effort in to this. Who funds it?
    How can you live a normal life and do this? Somethings gotta give with all the time spent on this blog.

    1. This comment is the way the 14 or 23 total US CCOG members must feel, they think small numbers in Christianity are logical & believe it proves they are so much more "real" than anyone else. One of their Youtubes proudly calls themselves "The Apple Of God's Eye". And some of them probably still halfheartedly attend the LCG they came out of, where there might be a roomful instead of just a few aisles full.

      Either group's teens & singles must be feeling anguish and isolation to not have hardly any dating opportunities, they branch out and marry non-COG then the parent wonders what went wrong.

  2. Wow!!! What an incredible miracle!!! The 3 guests are probably from another WCG splinter and looking to make a change.

    1. VERY ASTUTE ASSESSMENT on that one 3:36! maybe the 3 were the ones who skipped Dave Pack's purply curtain show on Last Gr. Day, then they needed to make that change after Dave kicks them out

  3. I believe any and all prayers for a plentiful attendance were ignored by the Deity.

    TWP = That Was Pathetic :)

  4. Meredith said the church would do a big work and "shake the nations."

    It seems logical to conclude that nobody is watching their programs even if the programs might have a large "footprint."

  5. Give LCG some credit for honesty. If Pack or Thiel reported on such an event we would be reading about 300 percent increases and thousands of prospective members.

  6. "Why do you nit pick them to death? Constantly year in and year out??"

    The church culture of the ACOGs is toxic. Rights are taboo in these groups. Members lives are viewed as chattel of the church. I attended services for ten years, so I should know. Many members, especially the ministers love the particular blend of truth and error in these groups. It's home sweet home for them.
    Why do you think God isn't adding new members to these groups?

  7. As long as these dastardly toxic cults exist in any way, shape, or form, and have the potential to ruin lives, we can never rest! This is not hatred, although is may appear that way if seen from the perspective of those cultivating their little Rappaccini's garden. It is love for the many, mankind at large, which motivates us. I personally draw much positive energy and feel greatly encouraged by what we do here! When life deals you lemons, the only intelligent thing to do is to make lemonade! Yum!

    1. It is hatred, a worst form of hatred. You lie to yourself that it's not.

  8. People just aren't attending ANYTHING as much as they used to. Clubs like the American Legion, VFW, Rotary, Elks, and churches of every denomination are seeing less and less attendance, and those who do attend are older and more gray.

    Internet has changed a lot of things, including shopping habits, movie going, magazines and more. People enjoy the confines of their own home rather than interpersonal interactions physically.

  9. "Why do you nit pick them to death? Constantly year in and year out?? It takes a never ending well of HATRED to do that. Article and posts after article and posts..on and on...year after year...month after month....you must put alot of time and effort in to this. Who funds it?
    How can you live a normal life and do this? Somethings gotta give with all the time spent on this blog."

    Well, I am an LCG member and am grateful for the things this blog does. I'm disgusted that my tithes are going to fund these charades. Money is wasted on hall/room rentals, people's time as they haul literature and other stuff to these meetings, their own wasted time by being expected to be there, and the wasted money to fly HQ people all over the country for these presentations. HQ is NOT a good steward of our tithes.

  10. You know, I discovered as a young WCG school boy that in order to be taken seriously, one really needs to be seen as normal and well adjusted. Otherwise, one is quickly written off. So, I continue to wonder why some folks have a need to embrace and spread weirdness. A really enlightening thing happened to me following tenth grade. My family moved to a large city area in which there was a heavy percentage of Jewish people. I sensed an opportunity and did not blow it by voicing the cultic craziness which went along with our observance of the sabbath and holy days. Suddenly, I was normal, and taken as seriously as were any of my peers.

    And, of course in the following years, the mainstream of the youthful segment of the population became hippies, and suddenly, hidden people who were non-white emerged from the shadows, giving rise to the diversity which brought people who are more tolerant and accepting into play, because they too were once not taken seriously. Even more saviors from pariahood!

    This is an area of the human experience which has always fascinated me. I found my voice and got it taken seriously by shedding the cultic strangeness. So, I wondered why certain people would make themselves a target, and self-marginalize by deliberately embracing weirdness, and even attempting to proselytize it. It's not just Armstrongites. Look at all the teenagers, and the world in which they are forced to live and somehow make their way. The various advocates to whom they are forced to listen. It seems like a hopeless battle for them because contemporary solutions in many cases involve swapping one form of weirdness and unacceptability for another one, in which they face just as much or more scorn and confusion.

    Recently, I was at the library looking at the DVDs of recent TV series. I ran across one that piqued my interest, because the main recognizable star was Sally Field, who was all over TV when I was a teenager and young adult. And then when I went through my Southern Rock era, there she was with Burt Reynolds in that black Trans Am on the big screen. I wanted to check in on little 'ol Gidget and see how well her Boniva had helped her maintain her career and relevancy. The limited TV series is called "Dispatches From Elsewhere", and it treats many of the scenarios which present challenges to people in our modern times. It helped a lot that the action was based in Philly, home of my Jewish friends who had rescued at least two of my high school years. I had no idea when I checked the DVD out that one of the stars was a transgender woman, or the havoc present in the lives of those born with gender dysphoria. It's a state of existence which no known solution can remedy or bring normalcy. Trust is severely limited if not impossible. Fear is a constant. Friends or supportive individuals would be the rarest of commodities. A viewer would wish to be able to heal such a person, but how would you heal someone of being themselves? It is a conundrum.

    Dispatches from Elsewhere was both entertaining and educational. In our little boxes and tunnels, we often don't know or understand the plights of others unless someone can put a face on it all.

  11. I'm not taking sides here but I find it interesting the Bible gives equal attention to the conversion of ONE (Acts 8:26-40) as it does the conversion of THOUSANDS (Acts 2:41).

    That's not pathetic!

  12. It's not nit picking to point out how bland & stale groups such as LCG are when their meet & greet only has 3 folk meandering in.

  13. Why do you nit pick them to death? Constantly year in and year out??

    Web site ranking algorithms.

  14. Pack ain't getting any growth either but he figured out a solution: go to work on existing members; there's much more money that can be extracted!

  15. Until they learn to resonate and pop, they aren't going anywhere, and, I don't care which of Al Gore's rhythms they choose to use, They're still going to come off like Carlton Banks at the frat party!
