Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Dave Pack's Pristine Record Of Perfect Failures


Perfect Failure


The Winter Solstice slowly creeps upon the doorstep of David C. Pack. The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God had been preaching for weeks that the Kingdom of God would arrive during sunrise in Jerusalem on Tevet 10 of the Hebrew Calendar.


Sunrise in Jerusalem on Tevet 10 is at 11:35 PM ET on December 21, 2023. Yes, that is tonight.


By the time warm sunshine glistens again upon the roof of David C. Pack’s brethren-funded ceiled home on the Headquarters Campus in Wadsworth, Ohio, nature and science will once again prove David C. Pack is a perfect failure. His Tevet 10 failure is only the latest on a long list of failures dating back to August 2013 when the Kingdom of God did not arrive on Elul 24. The one lesson the hireling enablers at The Restored Church of God learned after that was not to declare anything publicly. Dooh!


David C. Pack has a pristine record for perfect failure at everything his grubby little false prophet paws cling to. Whether it is a pagan holiday or Hebrew Holy Day, if you want someone to fail perfectly at it, just ask David C. Pack for the job. He will study the matter until the wee hours of the night and still get it wrong.



As with most “knowledge” spewed upon the brethren of The Restored Church of God, David C. Pack began to slowly soft-moonwalk his Tevet 10 convictions in meeker language than when he trumpeted it pounding on the table.


Starting in “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 484)” on December 9, 2023, the cracks in the ice for Tevet 10 began to appear.


Part 484 – December 9, 2023

@ 00:11 But we're right on time. Nothing's gonna change with timing from what you already know a week ago.


Wow, that sounds pretty certain. But then, twenty minutes later…


@ 21:11 Now, that means we may or may not know the date. We may or may not know the date. I’ve gone back and forth on this so much that I hafta [chuckles] hafta avoid getting saddle sores. I mean, it’s just it’s you we they [the disciples] couldn’t. We can. They couldn’t. We can’t. Certainly, nobody has known.


Dave keeps cutting out the “no man knows the day and hour” verses and gluing them back in. The man is unstable as water, tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine that sails through his head. He further compounds his excuse without admitting what he is doing.


@ 21:48 Now, nothing has changed from the date a week ago. I’m not gonna change that. BUT, I wanna tell you some things that I kinda ran into. Starts with pretty much one thing, and I’m glad I did because it caused me to dig back in one more time to start to explore. Are we absolutely sure of Tevet 10?


Dave presents the same type of flowery story a 15-year-old would make standing in the kitchen with their head down after taking dad's car out for a joyride without permission and getting into an accident. Dave now miraculously sees the bright side of the situation and is glad it happened. Really?


The wishy-washy, always-guessing prophetic precisionish nature of The Restored Church of God must be maddening to those still there paying attention. However few of them there are.



After stating they “may not know” the date, Dave sucker punches the Jewish people to prove Tevet 10 could be the day. Did you know they have lied for thousands of years about the Feast of Trumpets being Rosh Hashanah?


Dave cracked the code of Ezekiel 40:1, and the world opened up.

Part 484 – December 9, 2023

@ 37:06 The Jews took this term (the only place it's in the Bible), and they knew it meant the first of the year. The first. And they and in a corrupt way (but at least with their correct understanding), they took it from a place they knew it didn't fit (or couldn't figure out how it fit), moved it about a hundred days to the start of Tishrei and said that Trumpets is Rosh Hashanah. It was a lie.


@ 38:01 Every Jew who's ever lived who said they're keeping Rosh Hashanah on Trumpets (doesn't know it) they are unwittingly participating in a lie. That’s just a fact.


In case you missed it, according to David C. Pack, Rosh Hashanah is NOT the Feast of Trumpets. It is Tevet 10.


@ 39:00 I know there iddn’t much time left, but don’t ever refer to Trumpets as Rosh Hashanah again. It’s a lie. It’s an absolute lie.


@ 39:18 …there is a start of a year that it is tied by God to the 10th day of the 10th month, which is in the dead of winter, and to the measuring of the Temple, which is what follows. Now, is that all an accident?


@ 39:45 The 10th of Tevet would only line up with December 21st every 19 years… Once every 19 years, it would line up. But, it’s a much, much greater odds than that that we could hit it right because it has to line up with the Winter Solstice on a Friday.


@ 40:29 So, we have to be very, very careful and treat this like the scriptural fine gold of Ophir. Is are do we have this right?


No. David C. Pack is a perfect failure. He did not have Tevet 10 right.


@ 1:04:49 Technically, all you really need on that subject is Rosh Hashanah, and its only place in the Bible. So, we’re getting ready to teach the world for the first time in a long, long time when the real Rosh Hashanah is. It appears to be the 10th day of the 10th month [Tevet 10].


Do not count on that making it to the public literature anytime soon. Dave may need to slowly moonwalk this Rosh Hashanah business while he sips his morning coffee tomorrow.



It only took three more days for Dave to throw serious water on the Tevet 10 fire.


Part 485 – December 12, 2023

@ 1:13:56 Have some ideas when this will be. But I’m not sure we’re gonna know the day. Lemme just tell ya that. I can just tell ya, do not go by Tevet 10. It could be Tevet 10, but Tevet 10 is cited at the end of the year. And if Tevet 10 is the end of the year, is God gonna do the next 1,007 years starting every month on the tenth of a month? Does anybody think that?


@ 1:14:36 …are we are we are we right in the wrong way? Maybe. Maybe.


And another four days to squeeze this out.


Part 486 – December 16, 2023

@ 06:52 But there are other great things we don’t know. Two out of four of them we’re going to learn tonight. One more (I hope) midweek and one more next Sabbath. So, “Uh oh. Mr. Pack thinks we’ve got that long.” Well, yes, I do. So, I guess if that’s a clue, then I let it out.


The “clue” is that he was already planning to speak on December 23. Tevet 10 ends on December 22. At least, we know nobody at Headquarters was going to hold their breath until Friday morning.


David C. Pack was too much of a coward to admit just how wrong he had been. His ego cannot allow himself to see what a perfect failure he has become. He knew nothing would happen on Tevet 10 and was not man enough to just say so. Instead, he dropped hints and left clues for the brethren to ponder.



Alas, the idea of Tevet 10 started with such hope and zeal.


Part 482 – November 30, 2023

@ 1:42:45 Three weeks from today. Tevet 10 has to be in the Kingdom. There is no possible way there’s no possible way that the Kingdom can come after Tevet 10.


Part 483 – December 2, 2023

@ 53:27 …slow and easy. We’re gonna see if we can prove in absolute terms that we are waiting for the 10thday of the 10th month [Tevet 10].


@ 1:09:58 …so it’s the 10th day of Tevet to be “the selfsame day.” It has to be Tevet 10. It has to be Tevet 10, or Jeremiah lied. Or he's a false prophet.


@ 1:35:11 If I’m gonna be faithful to God’s word, I have to be able to say I’m wrong.


A lot was riding on tonight. But instead of thunderous certainty, the brethren were left stale breadcrumbs to figure out for themselves whether tonight was a “go” or not.


These victory laps proved to be embarrassingly premature.


Part 482 – November 30, 2023

@ 01:09 After eight years, there it was. The problem becomes when the final correct picture emerges…the whole Bible lines up around it [chuckles]..because everything lines up and lined up suddenly in a way I never expected.


Part 483 – December 2, 2023

@  1:11:39 I never could get it right, but I was right that we would someday…we would.


No. David C. Pack will never get it right because he only knows how to create perfect failure.



Covetous Third Tithe Thief David C. Pack is a hypocritical, blaspheming liar who promotes antichrist theology. He is a false teacher, false apostle, and false prophet. Tevet 10 is only his most recent perfect failure and will not be his last.


One other failure on the horizon is The Restored Church of God as an organization. Their financial peril is hush-hush internally but visible to those watching. The announcement that all field ministers have been removed from receiving compensation is the newest indicator of their desperation.


They will hold off on selling homes along Hartman Road for as long as possible. It would be interesting to see what happens when they try to sell one for too much too late. They might unwittingly make things worse. Let God’s will be done in this matter.


The blame for all the financial distress The Restored Church of God currently faces rests solely on the shoulders of a self-proclaimed "businessman" who thinks he knows better than everyone else. David C. Pack is the author of his own destruction. His perfect failures stretch far and wide.


He chose to refinance the buildings over and over and to invest that equity back into the Campus rather than grow the church. The Headquarters Campus does not generate revenue. It siphons it. Trees, gardens, and lakes do not recruit new Common payers. Yet, David C. Pack decided to spend the hard-earned money of faithful brethren on Campus "improvements" like acquiring the $500k property on Akron Road because he despised how the previous owners maintained their lawn.


He chose to end the World to Come program in 2017 because he was “too busy” unsealing Daniel ad nauseam and ending the perpetual Mystery of God. Now, David C. Pack has grown too accustomed to sitting in a comfy chair blathering for hours. He never has to do any real work in the organization. He lets Brad Schleifer handle that.


David C. Pack is a lazy man. He is a professional student surviving off a grant who never has to produce results in order to get paid. His meandering thesis is being ever-written and will never be completed.


That is the scam of The Restored Church of God.


He chose to stop promoting the literature because he knows it is woefully out-of-date and refuses to take the time to keep it current. His prophetic understanding changes week by week, and putting that in print is a fool's errand. But they could at least try. I mean, does Edward Winkfield really have anything else better to do? What other departments can he help sink over there?


Even if RCG gets new people in the door, there is the sticker shock of the doctrinal bait-and-switch when earnest people trying to figure out where God is working realize “what Mr. Pack teaches” when you sit down behind closed doors is wildly different than what is in the books, booklets, and videos.


In the real world, that is called fraud. In The Restored Church of God, that is called the revealing of knowledge to God's only living apostle. But I call that another element in David C. Pack's perfect failure.



*Dartboard concept art courtesy of Frank Kelley.

Marc Cebrian

See: Perfect Failure


  1. Well. The love of money is indeed a root for all kinds of davevils.

  2. If you make enough predictions you will be right some of the time, in spite of yourself. The trick is to report only on your successes and erase the rest of the data. This is how it is done, even in "science".

  3. Dave do yourself a favor SHUTUP.

  4. Dave, It's been said in the past (It's one thing to to be thought a fool, quite an other to remove all doubt.

  5. attn: to Dave the clueless prophet, Correction, it's one thing to be thought a fool,quite an other to open your mouth and remove all doubt

  6. On "The L Word, Generation Q", Rosie O'Donnel plays the part of an aging mannish lesbian, and somehow finds a way to make her character lovable, and elicit empathy or even sympathy.

    Why can't David Pack do that with the religious character of which he plays the part? The reason he can't is that he's not acting. He's being himself. How could anyone have sympathy or empathy for such a person???

  7. Flurry is running a close second to Pack in failed predictions. HWA had a number of them also. I remember one of the Worldwide ministers claiming that HWA never made the prediction of the end time 1975 prophecy in spite of members possessing the "1975 in Prophecy" booklet proving otherwise.

  8. Jesus said feed my sheep. This man is unequivocally a charlatan and biblically is known as a false prophet. Every single person sitting there has the duty to get up and walk out and continue their Christianity somewhere else.

  9. It occurred to me the other night what the DP saga reminded me of. Of course it’s a given what a son of satan he is, but there’s so much for the membership to learn. Remember the story of the Drowning Man? A man was sitting on his roof in a flood. He prayed and prayed God would deliver him from the flood, and soon there after a man in a motorboat came up to the man and said, get in! The man on the roof said no thanks I’m waiting for God to deliver me. So he prayed and prayed and a little while later a helicopter flew over him and asked him to get into the basket so they could pull him up and take him away. He said no thanks I’m waiting for God to deliver me. In a very short time the water rose and the man drowned. He meets God in heaven and asked God, why did you let me drown? And God said I sent you a motorboat and a helicopter! Members of RCG, what more has to happen, what more does God have to tell you before you finally leave that horrible church? You’ve been given many many chances and witnessed so many lies why are you still faithful to that church, to that man? I’m sure God shakes his head in disbelief. What more does he have to do to keep you from drowning?

  10. I guess he figures that if he keeps predicting rain long enough he'll eventually be right.

  11. I believe that there are people who do so much harm that it is actually a legitimate thing to wish that they would simply die to end all the pain they feel compelled to cause.

    Inexplicably, those are the people who usually live long, twisted lives.

  12. To Paraphrase the famous quote from Winston Churchill ...

    'Never in the history of the COG , has so much blather to so many , has benefitted so few'

  13. My 84 year old mother in law has dementia. Looks for her dead parents most days and worries about them. I wish Pack was right for once. Ambassador University did not prepare me for her condition. Setting dates is hard on everybody. Thanks for letting me vent for a moment.



  15. I prophesy that Santa will return in three days! I am a better prophet than Dave.

  16. What is Dave? A zombie. Nothing there anymore. Just more blather that nobody is listening to.

  17. Even us cattle (gentiles) have the right to defend ourselves. Dave should be hauled before an inquiry and cross examined, and fined if they can prove he lied about anything. Same goes for all "religious" teachers. Time to put as stop to this bullshit.

  18. It all just ended for me when Tina Turner died. I learned my dance moves from her, and gained some unique perspectives from her world view. I learned from her to put some passion into everything I do. It didn't hurt that she had been married to the guy who
    Invented rock n roll but never got the proper credit for it. People like Dave Pack or Herbert W. Armstrong are nothing compared to Tina. Thank God I got to see her live when she was at the peak of her powers! Imagine what a treat Moses, Isaiah, and Apostle Paul are in for when they get to go to a Tina Turner concert in the Kingdom! Maybe Sister Rosetta Tharpe will even be in that band playing her Gibson SG!

    1. Sarcasm on a level rarely seen. Beware !!

    2. or maybe Sister Rosetta Stone or Sister Mary Oliphant wil call to order : "class,...class..." & then ask you or Dave Pack : "all right young man, stand up & read your essay, please"

      here's Dave : "uhh, I don't have it finished yet..."

      "well read what you have, young man..."

  19. Why unseal Daniel? The book was written long after the events it "prophesied" already happened. Pack is a fool. He should have been more careful when he fell for Herbert's rubbish in the first place.

  20. The New Living Translation puts an exact date on Ezekiel 40:1!

    On April 28...

    They base it on the beginning of the SACRED year. Not "Rosh Hashanah" at all.

    So he could be way, way off... this time...

  21. Dave should spend some of that money on a face lift.

  22. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. Dave learned that lesson a long time ago.

  23. The1950s were an exciting time to be alive. So many new products and trends were being launched. TVwas a new phenomenon, and very exciting. The cars had new powerful engines and two tone paint jobs were optional. Teenagers were being recognized as a separate demographic as opposed to being merely extensions of their parents. Music, movies, television and clothing styles reflected this. Rock music became the sound track for teenage life. Most families attended church, and there were points of connection between public schools and local community churches.

    There was also something very new about Herbert W. Armstrong's amalgamation of doctrines and message. He began coming into his own when the FCC mandated that small local AM radio stations cease broadcasting at sunset each day, opening up frequencies for big 50,000 watt "clear channel" stations, and The World Tomorrow program was carried on some of these stations. How effective were these stations? Well, a teenager in Philadelphia, on a 6 transistor radio, could pick up WABC New York, WBZ Boston, WLS Chicago, or CKLW Windsor Ontario, from about 9:00 PM until he fell asleep on it. The "Radio" Church of God was aptly named. Members were largely scattered across the USA, and ministered to via radio. When we went to Texas for our first Feast of Tabernacles, held in the new corrugated steel building in 1958, it was the stuff dreams were made of. None of the kids at school had such an opportunity, and with over 5,000 people attending, most people of that era were not accustomed to gatherings of that size. In 1959, we flew.

    Nobody at the time was preaching a message like HWA was. There was interest and rapid growth. We had no local churches in the East. A church in Pittsburgh was raised up, iirc, in 1959, followed later by New York City, but they were only viable for us for occasional trips, and the holy days. Without a local church, it really was not an organized thing for us, and we had no exposure to church government. As we started to be able to attend church more, and our parents met and spoke with the parents of children our ages, they began really zealously applying what was in the child rearing booklet, wrecking my whole concept of family, and we suddenly needed all manner of special exceptions at school, turning us pretty much into pariahs. One thing was definitely universal, and that was the belief that we'd be going to Petra in 1972, and Jesus would return in 1975. That's where Dave Pack learned his shtick. The only way in which he is different is that he doesn't just make one false prophecy and backpedal. He makes them repeatedly!

    As 1975 approached, field ministers were requesting that some of the doctrines be reviewed. Divorce and remarriage beliefs had caused much hardship when viable families were split up. People were dying from ailments treatable by doctors. Loma Armstrong was one of them, her death being a profound shock to members. Farmers lost their farms due to keeping land sabbaths. And, it was looking like 1975 was going to be a nonevent. When it was, the ministers backpedaled and lied, saying the church had never set dates, but they had indeed done exactly that. Some of the more scholarly members began doing their own studies, which is what we should have all done at the beginning, instead of simply memorizing the materials in the Correspondence Course. Their research exposed huge problems with the doctrines.

    There are probably people who see the sad state of the splinters today and wonder how the Armstrong empire got into its current mess. The Tkaches get blamed for so much, but the leaders of the splinters are most certainly responsible as well. Some ask what if Garner Ted had not been the spiritual equivalent of an Eddie Haskell. But, the seeds were sown by false prophecy, which failed, and apparently nobody has learned any lessons from that. The false prophecy may have fit the zeitgeist of 1955-1970. Time and date stamp of Armstrongism expired shortly thereafter.

  24. ...a king shall arise....but shall be broken. Daniel 8:23-25. One minister told me this prophecy refers to a secular king. But "king" in Hebrew can refer to simply a leader......of locusts, for example! - Prov 30:27. But this king kills, destroys. No, he can, instead, corrupt. The text has to be checked with the Hebrew. Then decide: could this prophecy possibly be HWA? Possible. "...mighty and the holy people"? Could be numerous people, in a church.

  25. Dec 23 1:54
    If NLT meant April 28 was the 10th from April 19 = Nisan 1, whoa. Nisan 1 is never that late in April.

    1. Anyone that says he can’t teach people of other religions of another country about the Gospel is not a minister of God. Or that says people that defied the Catholic Church and was slaughtered, was not true Christian’s is not a man of God especially when he funded the Anwar Sadat peace embassy for 1 million dollars is not a man of God. Anyone that gives gifts of a phallic of Stouben Crystal is not a man of God especially at the cost to the Church of over 68,000 dollars. Anyone who claims God speaks through him and no one else and that has received all power and authority is not a man of God. Anyone who plagiarized the writings of others while claiming no man taught him anything is not a man of God but a liar. The very first teacher of the British Israel and the United States was in the 1700’s his name was Brothers and he was put in a sanitary and HWA was the 24 person to teach that…hmmm so how can he claim it came from understanding the missing key and not by man teaching him when he stole almost word for word from Brother’s words. And he had over 200 failed prophecys! He made himself to be god because he thought he was going to be God, a lie from satan. Anyone who defends or whitewashes his heresy is delusional. He is dangerous in that he denied the deity of Jesus Christ. Never follow a man read from your Bible do word searches and listen to the true Apostles of the Bible not self appointed power hungry so called apostles and people need to stop looking for Herbert to be resurrected and be the Elijah or one of the two witnesses stop 🛑 committing idolatry he was a false teacher. And how dare anyone ask a question if he saw it as threatening then look out! His false minister’s still do that. Because no man was going to tell him ANYTHING! Apparently God either. Wow to refer to God as Allah shows his ignorance and not a man of God.
