Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, January 20, 2024

David C. Pack – My Prophetic Sins

David C. Pack – My Prophetic Sins


Nobody is shocked that David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God un-ended his “Greatest Unending Story!” Series. After all, Part 500 is not going to deliver itself.


Seasoned veterans do not believe the Pastor General even when he confidently declares it finished, with only divine intervention thwarting that certainty.


Flashback Part 489 – January 6, 2023

@ 1:41:51 So, we’re on the clock. This is the end…Lacking something akin to an oracle, the Series is officially done. I’ve told you all that I know.


There are no reports of oracles or visiting angels from RCG. This means Dave just changed his mind.


@ 1:42:29 I don’t have anything else to say. I’ve corrected the things WE got wrong. We’re done. We're on the clock, and it literally can be (by any standard that I can see) any time in the next 21 days. Godspeed the earlier dates. Good night.


The prophetic countdown timer to January 27 on exrcg.org was short-lived. Sliced avocados laugh at David C. Pack’s doctrinal longevity.


You could hope most members do not alter their daily routines and ignore the futile “Watch Mode” as the faux timetable leads to electrifying nothingness. But they are still paying this man to lie to them every week, so anything is possible.


During "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 490)" on January 13, 2024, the plan for the Kingdom of God was improved, and the Tammuz Cooking Table was adorned with even more crystalware the brethren purchased. That extra fraudulent Third Tithe income sure does come in handy.

Altering the kingdom structure required altering the table, which required altering the timeline.


Jesus Christ Returns on Passover 2024

Sunset on April 21 is 8:13 PM ET

Part 490 – January 13, 2024

@ 1:00:54 If that’s true, then you’re gonna meet Abraham and Abraham Lincoln on the same day in about 99 days out after we figure out just how long this Kingdom to Israel is.


@ 1:09:22 When you came in here this morning, the soonest you could meet Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was Passover of 2025. But, now you’re wondering, “Am I gonna meet them at Passover of 2024?”

@ 1:33:11 So, if everything I’ve said has the only obvious answer in sight, then, in 99 days, you’ll look up and see a completely different sky while enjoying The Great Supper and the Feast of Wine on the Lees in the presence of every person who’s ever lived. In other words, all saints will take the symbols with Jesus Christ this Passover. Not in 2025. There’s no other way I can find to read it.


After David C. Pack gets wind of the total solar eclipse in Wadsworth while it is Abib 1 in Jerusalem, he will make more serious “corrections” to his crowded table. Wait for it.



The bulk of Part 490 was a Great Undoing of Part 489. Dave spent a lot of effort proving that when the Bible says a year, it means a year, not fifteen months. Yes, he really does waste the brethren’s Sabbath with such nonsense correcting errors he authored.


@ 00:51 We’re gonna blow some things up. Put ‘em back together and see a picture that is almost infinitely better than what you now believe between now and the time we break for dinner.


Only fools trust the words of David C. Pack. In this, he is vaguely cognizant.


@ 10:49 But I wanna be willing to say all the way through this Series when I’ve had things wrong.


@ 11:07 And you’ll the next thing I tell you that you you can love that I was wrong there. The next thing I’m gonna tell you you will love it that I was wrong. And I do, too.


If that is the standard, there is a lot of “love” in The Restored Church of Another god. But that appears to be the only kind. David C. Pack is not as smart as Forrest Gump because even Forrest knows what real love is.


Part 490 was a 108-minute Correct-A-Thon. No wonder Dave needs to sit. Vehemently un-teaching his own doctrines a week after vehemently teaching them must be exhausting. Sprinkling a little apologetics and framing the “WE” angle throughout always lessens the sting.


@ 08:26 So, did WE make a mistake in concluding that…


@ 09:08 And did WE miss some things? …Did WE miss something?


@ 11:27 Now, I missed something, and I wanna talk about it.


One of Dave’s many problems is sleep deprivation.

@ 30:14 These are things I’ve been wrestling and wrestling and wrestling and wrestling with for years now. And, you know, consoling myself when I'm frustrated, and I'm up at night. Often, Sabbaths for me end around two to three in the morning because I'm thinking about all the things that I covered and other things. And God has blessed me with a lot of energy, and so I'm most grateful.


Manifesting doctrines when he is mentally exhausted has not proven to be a track record that ensures success or longevity. Spending so much time late at night thinking about things that have to be refuted in the following message may not be the most effective use of time. Rinse and repeat for eleven years.


@ 43:00 Maybe the Sixth King is the absolute monster from hell that’s called the antichrist and the wolf-thief-killer-destroyer. This is what I’m thinking. This is what keeps me up at night trying to figure out, “Am I getting this right? Am I getting it right?”


Insert your obvious answer HERE.


For David C. Pack being such a bitter, angry man, he sure does express a lot of self-empathy. The infant narcissist nestled in his core desperately projects on the audience the forgiveness he craves.


@ 44:17 You’re beginning to understand why this has been the story of Mr. Pack going, “Three kingdoms. Four kingdoms. Three kingdoms. Four kingdoms. Three. Four. Three. Four.”


@ 59:08 I hope you’ll have (maybe) a little more compassion [chuckles], and I’m sure you do. You're here, and you've been very faithful with the enormous challenge of all this. Three kingdoms. Four kingdoms. Three. Four. Three. Four.



One of Dave’s most dangerous problems is mistakenly believing he is in the Bible and that he was specially trained to fulfill an essential role in God’s plan. History proves that this is not the case.


@ 1:01:11 "It's not for you to know," remember? But it may be for others so that if I do figure it out, [chuckles] I will tell you. But I may not figure it out. It’s tied directly to when I finish the Mystery. And as I am want to say, nobody can possibly believe that the Mystery was finished before I explained [these] things…


@ 1:01:39 I’ve gotta make it plain. That’s my charge.


No one charged David C. Pack with any of this. No one on earth. No one in heaven. This is his own failed self-assignment.

@ 1:03:51 I couldn’t figure it out. Passover in in in [chuckles] in truly blotted out my uh my uh. Oh, what what can I say? My my prophetic sins in this (if you wanna put it that way). I mean, you know, it it just was impossible to figure out.


His laughing during that statement is almost as disturbing as the statement itself. There is a hint of self-awareness that eleven years of fraudulent teachings is a sin. David C. Pack fits the biblical definition of a false prophetfalse apostlefalse teacherantichrist, and foolish shepherd. Deep down, he must know this.


The light-hearted manner of his pointing to a corrupted Passover forgiving his corrupted doctrines is the product of a corrupted mind moved by a corrupted spirit.



During Part 490, Dave did not utter, "Passover is on Abib 15." Even once. Perhaps Church Administration received a bulk of concerned emails from nervous brethren that their Pastor General was botching Passover, too. That kind of wicked meddling is something they should be worried about.


Sadly, David C. Pack’s Passover abomination did not keep the visiting brethren away. They got to hear their human idol offer patronizing comfort in person because all is well at Headquarters.


@ 1:43:33 …and watch everything get cleared up. So, that’s pretty obvious that we’re right on track, but just not in the way we thought because what God is gonna do is infinitely better.


The road to truth is paved with errors that get better each time.


@ 1:33:45 Now, I'll say this: if you don’t think I’m right, I’ll betcha hope I am because I don’t know how to explain all those questions…


If The Restored Church of Another god was populated with spiritually aware individuals, they would hope against David C. Pack ever being right. He preaches a deceitful, cruel god who chose an inept magician to confuse sincere people into unintentionally worshipping a false prophet who loves preaching about himself.


@ 1:34:00 It’s impossible to argue with this. Impossible.


After Part 491 is delivered this afternoon, we will see how impossible it really is to argue with this.


Clearheaded people recognize that David C. Pack will never be right about prophecy because the True God is not using him to end the Mystery of God. He is no apostle. He is not receiving divinely inspired knowledge. His mouth is unable to speak the truth.


David C. Pack's actual prophetic sins are an issue for him and God to sort out. I do not know what is in the man’s heart, but we can all witness what comes out of his mouth.


And that is enough to know: flee before it is too late.

Marc Cebrian

See: David C. Pack – My Prophetic Sins


  1. So wait - is he saying Pres. Abraham Lincoln is going to be in the first resurrection?

    How could Mr. Lincoln be there, if he never kept a Sabbath - with William Miller, Gilbert Cranmer or anybody else?

  2. To put it into the vulgar, figurative, vernacular, Dave has taken a crap on his RCG members 490 times. Actually, he can't take the 491st crap because in Matt 18:22, Jesus instructs us to forgive someone 70x7 times. Do the math, RCG members. You get to leave if he does it one more time!

  3. Yeah I heard a sermon once when it was pontificated that you forgive no matter what.

    No. Luke 17:3.....If your brother trespass against you, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.

    It is difficult to believe Dave is even capable of repentance. Members: LEAVE.

  4. Is Dave closing his #500 series the same way as he closed the end times with this date, then that one? (& then some)

    Will Dave's farewell tour #500 session float back open with addendums like Cher Bono/Allman did for her farewell tour(s)?

  5. Why does this man think that he is so important? What ever made him him think he is so special in the eyes of the Eternal. Nothing he ever says ever remotely approaches truth. Why does he think every thing revolves around what he thinks or does?
    Why do people follow his delusions?

    1. Why? He became puff'd & elated years ago when he saw HWA buying jets, salt shakers, & feeling free to marry a young sec'y...then felt empowered to exalt the self with similar chutzpah

      He does not apply the de-leavening spring season onto hisself

      Dave might as well eat loafy fig newtons or hoagie sammiches or Catholic paçzki during next ULB 🍩🍞🍪

  6. Klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies is sick in the head and cannot stop vomiting on his hearers.

    Dave's followers should never have forgiven him for his big August 31, 2013 prophetic date guess that totally failed in spite of his 56 reasons for it. Then they would not have to forgive him now for the more recent 490 times that he lied to them.

  7. So if Abraham Lincoln is going to be in the first resurrection then does that mean "The South Will Rise Again"? Can't wait to meet the heros of the Confederacy, R.E.Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forest, Beauregard, Stewart etc! Just kidding, Aww Shucks

  8. SING ALONG TIME !- Sing to the tune YAKETTY YAK - The Coasters 1958

    Throw out his papers in the trash...

    Dont give him no spendin' cash...

    Just get up and walk out the door...

    You ain't gonna hear his crap no more...

    Yakety yak LEAVE DAVE PACK!

  9. "There's no other way I can read it"

    Well, not until WE find out WE didn't understand it but now I do...

  10. This is symptomatic of what's wrong with the entire Amstrongite system! Members have to listen to and enthuse about their shot caller, who is usually one rotten, inhumane chinga-dera mofo with 10 to 15 IQ points lower than what you've got and is only in place for his unthinking ability to enforce a bogus party line.


  11. Is this series, now up to 500, the only thing David Pack talks about?

    Does he ever give a sermon about one of the ten commandments, or proverbs, or a parable of Jesus, or Romans chapter something, or…?

  12. That's right, we never see Dave covering Joseph in the well, or Jacob at Peniel, or Balaam's donkey, or Mary Magdelene's hair wiping Jesus' feet, or shipwrecked Paul.

    Just Dave trying to place personal addendums into Book Of Acts. Or Book Of Pack.

  13. How can anyone still listen seriously to this man??? There is not a person in that audience who can understand what Dave is saying because Dave himself can't speak coherently. It's a word salad.

  14. Yeah I heard a sermon once when it was pontificated that you forgive no matter what.

    No. Luke 17:3.....If your brother trespass against you, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.

    No. Mark 11:25. “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses." That's what Jesus taught, and that's what He did in Luke 23:34.

    God says, "Vengeance is Mine." When you forgive, you aren't becoming a patsy or agreeing to receive continued abuse. When you forgive, you recognize that it is God, not you, who is the judge of the sinner. You can rebuke and forgive at the same time. If your trespasser doesn't repent in response to your rebuke, you take the matter to God.

  15. It is an interesting exercise to attempt to reconcile the two scriptures Luke 17:3 and Mark 11:25. I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist but it looks like after you rebuke your brother and he does not repent, you do not say to him "I forgive you" but rather do take the matter to God in prayer-Luke 23:34/Mark 11:25-with a forgiving attitude, which means don't hold a grudge, don't continue to be angry about the trespass and you will then be at peace and contented about the matter.

  16. That process was always capable of being abused, because it appears that it was self-policed. I can imagine things which could go very wrong in the hands of self-righteous pricks on either side of the equation. Imagine the ways in which it would be abused by the various factions involved in the CCOG witch doctor scandal. Well, maybe not imagine. We're watching it in real time.

  17. watching those videos, I wonder how many of those poor over dressed souls are in the middle of a personal battle to get the cajónes to quit listening to this senile old lunatic
