Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, January 29, 2024

Friendly Athiest Podcast Interviews Eric Wendt, a Former Member of the Worldwide Church of God

Eric is a writer currently living in Chicago. He was raised in California in the Worldwide Church of God, a Christian organization that is now known as Grace Communion International and has been considered by many to be a cult. Jessica spoke with him about his upbringing in the church, how it affected his childhood, and how he ultimately left it all behind.


  1. The Wendt family was very well known in the Pasadena area for many years. I'm wondering if Eric is one of Jim's grandkids.

  2. What a lovely atheist lady. Continually saying hey it's not that wierd, I have seen that in that and that religion. And Eric talking about the "Cult" only born after HWA's demise and having had to google what he was saying.

    I knew people married into the Wendt family. I guess some were speakers or at least attended AC.

    I totally agree with Eric in the end where one could not have had a more "interesting" surroundings to learn how to question things in the manner that we (former youth) or jews in general for that matter question everything that goes on.

    Perhaps people can learn this in other ways, but we were the ones having this experience and journey.

