Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 19, 2024

The Lone Prophet Podcast


In a compelling continuation of David Brown's story, "The Cult Next Door Podcast" presents "The Lone Prophet." We unravel the complexities of David's journey from Worldwide Church of God to a mainstream Christian church, only to be drawn back into Armstrongism and eventually becoming a member and minister in Crusade Church.

Listeners are immersed in David's recounting of the conditioning that shaped his path, exploring the twists and turns that led him from one religious community to another.

The episode concludes with David's recounting of an invitation to the Feast of Tabernacles, an event hosted by Crusade Church in Arkansas. This enigmatic glimpse sets the stage for the next chapter in David's story, leaving listeners eager to uncover the unfolding events in the next installment.

"The Lone Prophet" stands as a captivating exploration of the subtle forces that guide individuals into and within cults, offering a glimpse into the intricate web of beliefs and conditioning that shape their journeys

A full list of the 21 episodes can be found here: The Cult Next Door.


  1. "This enigmatic glimpse sets the stage for the next chapter in David's story, leaving listeners eager to uncover the unfolding events in the next installment."

    Not really. At least, for me. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. I might look at the last few minutes of the last episode just to see what happened - to see if there is any wisdom to be had.


  2. David was telling us of getting pushed up against the wall by his rotten uncle, & of the dippy grandmother not stopping that stuff repeatedly earlier in their lives. Does anyone know which past podcast episode would explain more about the disgusting uncle? It was a relief when David says he was so sick of the uncle the day he attacked David who then wrestled the guy off him & dislocated the uncle's shoulder etc. The uncle came to visit that day to congratulate Dave for a good performance in a local play, and then the jekyll-&-hyde uncle suddenly pushed Dave up against the wall, & Dave finally stopped the guy after what sounds like years of it.

  3. The person who escaped one cult probably ended up in another one just as bad.

  4. If you define, or allow someone else to define for you what you are looking for, and if that remains in the forefront of your mind, even if you get burned, you will continue to look for that until you realize that it does not exist. People go to great lengths in their "seeker" efforts, to the extent that they will even lower their expectations, and accept partial fulfillment while making lame excuses to explain the shortcomings away.

    Voids are a common occurrence in life. At this point in human experience, people know what these voids are, and shrewd grifters exploit them. The vulnerable who have suffered the worst of life's setbacks are often the most susceptible to the grifters. A better path is just to accept the fact that there are some unfillable voids in life, and learn to deal with that. Unfortunately, not everybody is as logical as Mr. Spock, so there will always be victims, many of whom are beyond help. If you remove Linus's blanket, you will either destroy Linus, or he will find another one.

  5. Meeting the podcast presenter team's Dad of "Crusade" (his name is in the podcast) when he was a guest visiting in Pigeon Forge FOT was a good exercise in learning how many layers we may or may not have inside.

    Very pleasant man at church, but it's eye opening to see how easily it is to conceal tough gaslighting back home which can be happening behind the scenes.

    After watching the podcast series, it looks like a gaslighting patriarch was appearing to be the "victim" of the offspring not "honoring the father & mother".

    Kind of shocking how their Dad pitted the siblings against each other as if they were lifesize pawns in a giant chessgame of "church" or "kingdom", beginning when he was ticked at the oldest for choosing when & who she would marry.

    The most APPALLING event was when she was a kid in the ocean with her swim raft, & she saw a sea animal's fin likely from a deadly SHARK, then she went to shore for safety without the swim toy. And dear old Pops orders her BACK OUT THERE to get the swim toy! Wouldn't that be JUST LIKE if a girl escaped & ran away from a pervert pædophile at the city park but left a toy there, and then Pops also says, GO BACK, & GET IT while the slime ball pervert was STILL LURKING THERE...(like that shark Dad made her return to)

    I wonder what their Dad thinks of Dave Pack's iron rule @ Wadsworth OH.

    Parts of their childhood seem like living under Kim Jong Un in N. Korea.

    I surely pray for their dear Mom, she is a testament to exceptional endurance & patience. She seems like a literal hero, & we know God has huge reward for her!

    To a slight certain extent though, I have to hope their Dad was in his mind honestly trying to use a partriarch role in keeping a large family safe from an unpredictably dangerous world?

    I wish them success in their attractive e-store & podcast!

    They surely love their Dad, you can see that very clear no matter what.
