Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Dave Pack: Doctrinal Distancing

Doctrinal Distancing

A disturbing trend in The Restored Church of God revealed itself long ago. The larger the distance between David C. Pack's speaking, the greater the shifts in his understanding of revealed knowledge.

Thirteen days of separation for “The Greatest Unending Story!” Part 491 from Part 492 resulted in the anticipated reinvention of the prophetic wheel. The glasses on the table were swapped. The timing picture was clarified. All of David C. Pack’s eating his own words left no room for dessert.

Right on cue, the thirteen-day respite between Part 492 and Part 493 yesterday garnered a highly-anticipated “big changes” Excuse-A-Thon.

If you want to know what changes in The Restored Church of God these days, scrub to the end of any video, keeping an eye on the table arrangement. Those spare Third Tithe dollars must have been used to open a Pier 1 account.

As of Part 493 on February 17, the table was drastically updated. That will be covered in another article.


At the end of Part 492 two weeks ago, and as is his custom, Dave suggested he grasped several new truths without proving them. He often accepts the glory before the battle is fought.

Part 492 – February 3, 2024
@ 1:27:54 But other subjects can be covered if there’s time.

@ 1:28:00 …how there are absolutely two, two, two different 144,000s at the same time in the Day of the Lord. I will break out how I figured that out. I’ve suspected it for 27 years. Now, I’ve proved it. I’ll explain a little more about how Third Tithe begins at the Feast of Tabernacles. Maybe a little more about timing if I learn something.

@ 1:28:30 “The Lord is in His Holy Temple.” What is God’s Holy Temple? Is it something we’ve not considered before? The answer is Yes. And maybe we’ll talk a little more about the Sixth King. “What happened to him?” Well, I have an idea. So, I’ll detail these points if there’s time. And I and you hope there isn’t. My not by last message is said to end the Mystery of God. Make everything plain.

@ 1:29:11 And you’d rather see the Kingdom than me up here anymore. But you now (at least) have an advanced summary of what could be covered if we’re if we here next Sabbath. I’m I’ll speak next Sabbath and that’ll be the way it is. But Godspeed His Kingdom.

Those who trust in the words of David C. Pack are proven fools time and again.

Despite how David C. Pack wants to spin it, the two-week lulls have not been planned. He said he was going to speak the following week…dooh!

The voices in his head change their stories faster than even he can keep up.

The reasons for the speaking gaps vary. We can all hope he did not get Prophetic COVID-19 again.

During the 2020 Feast of Tabernacles, David C. Pack mocked the members of The Living Church of God for not singing hymns and wearing facemasks during Services. God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony. Dave came home with COVID. But it was very hush-hush at Headquarters.

I knew what was going on when Bradford G. Schleifer's sneaky obfuscation, “Mr. and Mrs. Pack are fine,” was declared to the church during Announcements. He knowingly blurred the truth. Whether this was voluntary or commanded, he knows for sure.

Either way, never trust the hireling enablers at Headquarters. The “Do as I say, not as I do” rule applies.

When regular brethren get sick, that is a consequence of their hidden personal sins. But when David C. Pack gets sick, there is prophetic significance. Being “sealed in his house like Ezekiel” meant there was a special reason for his illness. A Bible type needed to be manifested.

Brethren, when you get sick, God is allowing a trial to test your faith.

When David C. Pack gets sick, it is a predetermined, God-ordained event fulfilling a higher purpose.

Why else would such a thing happen? After all, he washes his hands more thoroughly than anyone who has ever lived. It is not his fault he is the only one at Headquarters who truly cares about personal hygiene. That is not bragging, brethren. It is just a fact we have to accept.

Illness aside, David C. Pack does not require extended interludes to make radical contradictions to his own statements. During the 2022 and 2023 Ministerial Conferences, teachings about Elijah, the length and number of kingdoms, and the 1335 changed wildly day after day after day.

Confusion in real-time is an RCG staple.

David C. Pack throws dozens of doctrinal ideas at the wall. Even when some do stick, it is not for long. Nothing within the sphere of madness at Headquarters is safe from further meddling.


Another way RCG retcons teachings they no longer subscribe to is by omission. When they need to distance themselves from obvious false doctrines, silence becomes a practical, embarrassment-free form of theological communication.

Instead of spelling out they no longer hold to a particular belief, Dave just stops mentioning it. Months or years can pass before a topic is referenced as an aside with an utterly revised angle.

Ideas that even Edward L. Winkfield privately winces at can return to their pre-2013 position without Dave spending twenty minutes un-explaining them as part of a non-prophesying inspired preaching process. That particular “present truth” was never intended to survive the journey to the Kingdom of God. It was just a temporary brick upon which the path was laid.

One example was revealed during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 471)” on September 30, 2023. David C. Pack revealed that the White Horse of Revelation 6 was not false Christianity but the true Jesus Christ with a bow like Elijah had.

Interestingly, he has not mentioned it since. One might wonder why it has not been revisited or expanded upon for something so significant to end-time prophecy.

Claiming no authority and as an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic, my theory is that Dave backed away from this and is allowing ample doctrinal distancing to erase that from the brethren’s sleepy minds. It is as if his words were never spoken. 

RCG New Moons:
Trouble in Paradise™

Considering how often doctrines mutate in The Restored Church of Another god under David C. Pack's “leadership” and the techniques utilized for disseminating that information, this brief Headquarters update posted in Member Services and the Announcement Bulletin caught my attention.

Member Services/Announcement Bulletin
February 3, 2024
New Moon Update

Please note that with the new moon of Adar 1 falling on the Sabbath of February 10, there will not be a Friday evening Bible study from Headquarters on February 9.

The messages you will hear during Sabbath services will provide ample spiritual food, so there is no need for a separate new moon Bible study.

Has the Restored Church of God begun backing away from keeping New Moons?

Those two sentences speak VOLUMES.

RCG admits that New Moons are not commanded and do not need to be observed separately.

RCG is admitting that New Moons are optional services subject to the administrative judgment whims of men.

RCG admits that New Moon services do not provide “ample spiritual food” worthy of their own gathering.

RCG is signaling to the brethren that if they can skip one, they can skip them all.

RCG allows members to interpret for themselves whether they want to have a personal New Moon tradition.

The next New Moon is Sunday, March 10. That is way out there. All Headquarters needs is a bit of doctrinal distancing to let that concept sink in where neglect becomes policy.

Will March 10 come with another “I pray you have me excused” update?

Sure, Ed will leap at the chance to spend his Sunday preaching to an empty room, but I will put $20 on the table that a Sunday Bible study is not in our future. After all, if the Sabbath is "ample" to cover a Friday, the exact same concept applies to Sunday.

If Dave explains the abrupt moonwalking, he will dust off all the doctrinal papers and articles from The Worldwide Church of God archives that Herbert W. Armstrong sanctioned to list every reason brethren already knew from May 1999 until Part 479 on November 11, 2023.

Will we hear this? “The New Testament Church did not keep New Moons. Jesus Christ said not one word about New Moons. Thus, The Restored Church of God will not keep New Moons until the Kingdom of God arrives.”

After reading this update, this comment during Part 492 made more sense.

Part 492 – February 3, 2024
@ 03:50 I’ll show you some things that no one has ever understood [chuckles] about years and how to observe new moons (at least) on some occasions.

The stealth waffling was already creeping in. New Moons are to be kept on “some occasions.” Like Trumpets and Abib 1, no doubt.

Most brethren will have long forgotten what was taught recently because the information is so convoluted it is not meant for human retention. Adding a few weeks into the mix is like having a clean canvas on which to paint more prophetic malarkey.

We will see if New Moons fade into the background or if a bloated document is posted in Member Services.

David C. Pack has taught all members of The Restored Church of God that maintaining proper doctrinal distancing is the best way to keep things changing without signaling they are changing.

Oh boy, they are still changing.

Marc Cebrian

See: Doctrinal Distancing


  1. Dictionary definition of a QUACK and its use in a SENTENCE-

    noun: quack; plural noun: quacks
    a person who dishonestly claims to have special knowledge and skill in some field, A charlatan. .

    Use in a sentence-- DAVE PACK IS A QUACK.

  2. Bucky Beaver says Brush with Ipana!Monday, February 19, 2024 at 9:48:00 PM PST

    The purpose of social distancing was to lessen the possibility of becoming infected with a life threstening illness.

    Everybody should practice doctrinal distancing from Armstrongism to avoid being infected by these "ministers". Beware! You will contract psychosis from their halitosis!

  3. What came first, the Moon Phases or Man's calendar's with pagan names of planets? The light from above. You either have the light or you don't. And it's called DARKNESS.

  4. Interesting. Dave's initial super power was his ability to change nothing of Herb's doctrines, literature and culture. All while explaining the reasoning behind the apostasy and changes within the splits. This allowed him to claim Herb's titles and true church mantle.

    After being burned by change, now, it seems, he wants to create this excitement of change but not really changing anything for fear of backlash and more defections.

  5. “Dave Pack: Doctrinal Distancing”

    Doctrinal distancing is very important when dealing with a blabbering false prophet like Dave Pack, but it is not enough. You also need to physically and financially distance yourself far, far, far away from him.
