Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, February 10, 2024

"David C. Pack is gunning for the office of Village Idiot"


Eating Words

Imagine someone going on a very long theological Apology Tour but without the apologies. That best describes David C. Pack during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 492)” on February 3, 2024.

After a two-week self-sequestering, the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God spent 89 minutes discrediting his own doctrines while draping them with the thin veil of new, exciting knowledge.

Half of “The Greatest Untold Story!” has been disputing the other half. Until Part 492. The scales are now tipped to 60% of the Series, being a rejection of the rest.

Has anyone ever lived who loves to eat his own words more than David C. Pack? If his legendary verbal blunders were thoroughly documented, he could quickly fill a volume of Encyclopedia Britannica.

David C. Pack debunks David C. Pack before a live studio audience for sixteen minutes.

Starting thirty seconds into Part 492, Hangry Dave feasted upon his own mutable words, proving how very easy to argue against himself was highly possible.

Part 492 – February 3, 2024
@ 00:28 When do years begin? Were WE right to think that it’s Passover? Is this right? Or is it close? Now, we’re gonna take another look at this. Some pretty exciting things are gonna come out tonight.

When Dave posses the question, you already see the coming answer. A host of rolling eyeballs swayed in the Main Hall as members scribbled in their notebooks, anticipating the words across the page soon to be eaten.

@ 01:36 Let’s begin to flesh out what a year is. It’s gonna be more important than you can imagine by the time we’re done.

@ 03:33 So, to God, a year is twelve months… Now, the first month wouldn’t start from the middle of Abib. You know, I been battling this for a long time. That’s why it took some extra time before bringing this in.

Dave begrudgingly accepted that a year is, in fact, twelve months. I wonder if the sky cracked open with light rays as an angelic choir sang for joy when this jolted him out of bed. Yes, learning such revelations is how the brethren of The Restored Church of God spend their Sabbaths.

@ 04:01 But, it comes down to accepting that there are twelve months in a year.

David C. Pack admits that years begin at the beginning of the first month. His keen prophetic perception caught up with the children napping on blankets at their parents’ feet. Thus, for 89 minutes on February 3, 2024, the Feast of Backpedaling was officially observed at The Restored Church of God.

The Prophetic All-You-Can-Eat Word Buffet opened, and False Elijah was the only one in line. 

While I worked at RCG’s Headquarters, David C. Pack’s continual clarifying reversals forced me to change how I took notes during Services. It became my personal coping mechanism for tolerating two- to three-hour messages three to four days a week.

Absolute misery is sitting in that frigid Main Hall, listening to Dave eat his own words from the previous message. Sometimes, even the next day. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year.

Instead of writing down what he expected us to, I began recording his stupidest comments and the Bible verses that refuted him. Sometimes, those verses were on the very page he was reading from. He blathered for minutes while I stared at the one verse he refused to read that would have abruptly ended his mistaken enthusiasm.

Relief would come when Dave finally accepted he was wrong about XYZ, just as I had noted the moment the false words fell from his ignorant lips. The exrcg.org website is an amplification of my personal process for sanity preservation.

A growing number of current RCG members refuse to listen to David C. Pack. Some brethren learn here what the Pastor General teaches. For real.

Many words Dave taught recently are eaten in Part 492, even though he does not present it that way.

Flashback Part 489 – January 6, 2024
@ 35:48 But, we do know (and this is impossible to argue). This is impossible to argue because it’s literally going forward…The seven years and a thousand absolutely, immutably impossible to argue those begin on the first night of Passover.

Eat up, Dave.

@ 37:49 Now, I ask again, have years always been from Abib 15? We know they will always be going forward. Inarguable.


@ 1:42:02 Lacking something akin to an oracle, the Series is officially done.

Okay. Maybe that is cheating. He already ate those words during Part 490.

Flashback Part 490 – January 13, 2024
@ 20:52 Midst of the years. It very difficult because every year since the Garden has been the same. It’s Passover to Passover.


@ 50:59 …every year will start at Passover. That’s why God had to (over these recent weeks) get me to see that.

Falsely using God’s name and deceptively speaking with God’s authority, David C. Pack proves that God had nothing to do with his understanding. Eating words that he claims God inspired should be the most frightening to anyone paying tithes to that spiritually corrupt organization.

@ 1:43:33 …and watch everything get cleared up. So, that’s pretty obvious that we’re right on track, but just not in the way we thought because what God is gonna do is infinitely better.

The Restored Church of God could not be further off-track with a blaspheming liar promoting doctrines of antichrist preaching about himself on the Sabbath, proving he is a human idol.

 Flashback Part 491 – January 20, 2024
@ 17:37 Elijah is raised to restore all things. Would restore all things include a temple?


@ 52:16 Now, I'm actually gonna show you…the Bible tells you explicitly the day that this temple is built before you get to Passover.


@ 1:10:14 Years start on the middle of a month at Passover. That’s a big key.

@ 1:18:13 So, let me explain that this Passover becomes a powerful juncture.

@ 1:39:06 But now you have a hard, fast deadline. It’s a line in the sand. 

Eat. Eat. Eat. Those are only a few samples of the words David C. Pack ate during Part 492. As he continued the message, the leftovers were found further back in the fridge.

Part 492 – February 3, 2024
@ 04:41 …and months always began on the fifteenth? Now, that didn’t work. But I, ‘course, I’m gotta come to why I thought Passover was the day that the Kingdom began.

@ 05:57 But I’m I was trying to be faithful to something that I saw.

In The Restored Church of God, it is now acceptable for the Pastor General “to be faithful” to fraudulent imaginary ideas. But you better not try that, brethren.

@ 06:04 So, Creation [chuckles], think about it. Would’ve been Abib 1. God didn’t start the world on the fifteenth of a month. And I it bothered me terribly. But, I was trying to be faithful to the Passover Christ said we’ll take the Passover that day “in My Father’s Kingdom.”

So, David C. Pack was not technically to blame. The ambiguous words Jesus Christ uttered caused Dave’s confusion. There are always excuses as to why this, that, and the other turned out to be false.

@ 09:45 “…that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s Kingdom.” That just means the designated day. It does not mean the Father’s Kingdom came on Passover. And, by the way, would it be the 14th or the 15th anyway? …It does not say the Kingdom came that day. Took me a long time to see it.

The Kingdom of God arriving this Passover? Eat.

Jesus Christ takes the Passover symbols on Abib 15? Eat.

@ 10:32 So, it does not mean the Kingdom comes on Passover. The Kingdom of God comes two weeks before that.

@ 11:14 And that bothered me terribly. How could that be? Utter chaos. Utter chaos on the Passover. But, if the Passover were kept two weeks later, everybody could be ready for it.

The Day of the Lord occurs on Passover? Eat.

@ 13:39 In Colossians 2:16, the apostle Paul said New Moons are a shadow of a thing to come. Passover's a full moon. New Moon is a shadow. Now, the church already the church, at least (and I think God understood this with Mr. Armstrong). The church always kept Trumpets. So, the church always did keep one New Moon and that was one reason many thought the Kingdom would come on Trumpets.

The shadow Paul wrote of was Passover? Eat.

@ 16:15 I assumed that because they were there for a while, it was natural, “It must be Passover.” They’ve got seven days. No.

Dave assumed a natural conclusion that was utterly false. The Power of Presumption is strong with this one. And he keeps screaming this to the brethren. Why do they not listen?

All of that was just in the first sixteen minutes.

I remember learning in The Restored Church of God that positions of authority were granted from above, and men are not to seek them out. In God's Government, "Offices are given. They are not taken."

Despite that, David C. Pack is gunning for the office of Village Idiot.

As Dave started on his new biblical fixation, he foolishly repeated the same mistakes he had winced past for sixteen minutes. It is painful to witness. After eating his own words because of his presumptions heaped unto heaven, the man reapplies the same broken logic to his next big thing.

@ 18:46 …and it’s yearly. It’s every year. It kinda sounds suspicious. Like hmm. Is this potentially, maybe, or we talkin' about the start of a year? Hmm. Maybe.

@ 19:43 You might just pause and say, “What’s the most natural time you would offer a yearly sacrifice?” Probably the start of a year.

If you have an annual physical, it does not mean you do it on the first day of the year. Something happening each year does not prove it occurs at the start of the year. That concept escapes Dave.

Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy must be too frightened to offer sound logic to their human idol. Maybe by now, Jim and Andy consider it a good day if they do not get yelled at. Rational thought is banned from the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium.

Presumptuous conclusions for a future word-gorging in 3…2…1…

@ 29:11 Now, that’s powerful knowledge. It changes a lot of things.

@ 29:33 This’ll tell you the Day of the Lord is absolutely Abib 1.

@ 34:00 Again, this is revelatory knowledge. I’m giving you the Scriptures.

@ 35:11 The midst of the years has to be Abib 1. There’s no other time you can have it.

@ 35:54 So, Abib 1 is always the midst of the years. Always.

Hangry Dave loves to eat his cold leftovers.

Flashback Part 482 – November 30, 2023
@ 1:40:03 The midst of the years, it has to be Cheshvan 1 or Abib. Abib will not work.

If Dave could eat pictures, he would want to consume this whether the midst was Cheshvan 15 or 20. Everything he has taught about this before has been eaten.

Part 492 – February 3, 2024
@ 37:38 But I hope by now, it’s impossible to believe that years do not begin on Abib 1, and all iterations of the Kingdom begin on Abib 1, and all years since the Garden into eternity have been Abib 1.

@ 38:23 Go up year to year. Add sacrifices. Abib 1. So, there’s no arguing with that anymore. Not that anybody would want to.

Well, about that. A future David C. Pack may have some stern words on this topic.

The further Dave went, the more historic the words he ate. He wolfed down hours of content in seconds.

@ 1:02:05 “And the messenger of the covenant, whom you delight in: behold, he shall come.” Whether that’s Elijah or Christ (it looks like it’s Elijah, but there’s a case that it’s Christ), dun-make any difference, they’re both there. There are, they're all there, and you're there, too. [laughs] We’re all there.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dave is no longer sure HE is the Messenger of the Covenant? Wow.

Dave rushed to call this out, ignoring all the outstanding "cascade learning" of Part 466 like he was snatching a donut off the counter on his way to a meeting.

Flashback Part 466 – September 7, 2023
@ 24:52 "And the Messenger of the Covenant, whom you delight in." We gotta talk about that.

@ 42:48 God’s people delight in a coming Elijah. We all talked about him. This is a man that people delight in.


An RCG principle is, “If someone is not sure they are the True Church, they cannot be the True Church.” A man is either written about in the Bible or not. Now, Dave is not sure that is him. Double-wow.

The more alarming implication is that whether a Bible verse applies to Jesus Christ or an ordinary man, it “dun-make any difference” to the leadership of The Restored Church of Another god.

So, brethren could be reading about their Savior or Pastor General David C. Pack, and it does not matter. Even those half-asleep in RCG should be concerned about that.

Are they reading about Jesus Christ or the Antichrist? According to Dave, it dun-make any difference.

Dave admitted he might not be the Messenger of the Covenant but doubled down elsewhere.

Part 492 – February 3, 2024
@ 1:09:24 "…and the counsel of peace shall be between them both." Well, the only two people who’ve been mentioned are God and Elijah. So, the Father’s there while His house is being built.

David C. Pack will work directly with the Father even though Elijah is not mentioned a single time in Zechariah.

@ 1:10:50 "The mountain of the Lord's House is set up, and all nations flow to it."

@ 1:11:02 But, it’s built after He gets here. It’s not waiting for him on Abib 1.

The Temple is built by David C. Pack before Jesus Christ returns on Passover? Eat.

@ 1:14:13 So, the Temple is now obviously built all while God’s here.

In your face, ALL of Part 491! Eaten. The power of Dave compels you!

Jesus Christ was scheduled to return at sunset on April 8, 2024, at 7:59 PM ET. Have those words also been eaten?

@ 1:11:39 But, God’s gonna let all human beings who have ever lived build that house. Maybe starting Abib 1. Maybe starting before that.

@ 1:16:42 But, I am not sure, and I'm not gonna declare that we wait till Abib 1. We’re to watch. Because the event that’s coming is a thief event.

@ 1:23:28 I just don’t know. I know that it’s not long after the Series is done.

@ 1:26:12 If you ask me, “Mr. Pack, could you give me an opinion?” All I can do is give you an opinion. I suspect…I suspect we’re waiting to the only day I know of that cannot tarry. That will surely come. And that’s the coming of the next year.

Hint. Hint. Abib 1. Wink. Wink. The golden days of Dave emphasizing, “Brethren, you don’t want Mr. Pack’s opinion,” are long dead.

Part 492 was an 89-minute Feast of Backpedaling that chewed up doctrines of the past. Oh, the joys that Part 493 will contain.

David C. Pack is a prophetic bulimic vomiting into and eating from the same bowl. This has been the case since 2013.

The original title, “The Greatest Story Never Told!” was eaten.

The first thirty parts of the Series in Member Services were eaten.

Literature including "Is 'That Prophet' Alive Today?—The Rise of False Prophets," "I Will Send Elijah to Restore All Things," "Herbert W. Armstrong—His Life in Proper Prospective," and "The Bible's Difficult Scriptures Explained!," were all eaten.

Dozens of The World to Come episodes were eaten.

On and on it goes. Words eaten. Money eaten. Lives eaten.

That is the untold story of The Restored Church of Another god.

When there is no accountability, rampant corruption takes hold. Seducing spirits allow no rest for the brethren choosing to stay there.

Eat. Vomit. Eat. Vomit. Eat. David C. Pack will not stop this custom anytime soon.

And I will not be eating my own words about that.


Marc Cebrian



  1. Mr Pack is starting to sound like our beloved Dr Bob with his maybe, possibly, my opinion prophecies.

  2. “David C. Pack is gunning for the office of Village Idiot”

    David C. Pack is already a BABBLING IDIOT.

    Many of those who made the mistake of listening to him are now DESTITUTE IDIOTS.

  3. Anybody think that Dave might have, uh, maybe just a slight hint of a credibility problem?

  4. 2 Timothy 2:
    14] Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.
    [15] Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
    [16] But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
    [17] And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;
    [18] Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.
    [23] But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.

  5. What about Adar II which adds a 13th month every few years to keep the lunar and solar processions in sync? Dave can't even get the basics right!

  6. Somebody needs to take that yardstick (that Pack is pictured in the post with), and SPANK HIS ASS, and make him stand in the corner with a DUNCE HAT on!

  7. Once again the author has pointed out that the teaching's of David C. Pack are those of a mad man, a mentally disturbed individual that for some reason people look up too as a authority figure.

    It would be laughable if not so sad.

  8. I think all of us have certain ideas about how the future might go, and much of it is based on what we would like to see. Speaking entirely for myself, the difference between us and those who own and run Armstrong franchises is that we are not infected with prediction addiction..

    My own errors in prophecy? When I first saw the Rolling Stones on the Ed Sullivan Show, I thought to myself, "These guys will never make it!". The Beatles' long hair from that era resembled ancient Roman haircuts. The Stones, otoh, looked like girls, and Mick Jagger had an uneasy nervous tic as he sang and played his harmonica. Nonetheless, three years later, it was difficult to tell guys and girls apart by their hair, and the Stones were being called the world's best live band!

    And, there are other instances where my own guesses have been wrong. As an example, once so many of the states legalized marijuana, and all of the dispensaries sprung up, I was certain that the majority of the voters would undergo a profound mind-set change, and there would soon be no Republicans. Unfortunately, I got that wrong.

    Back in the early 1970s, I was driving one of the factory supercars. It was a 14 second car that would burn rubber for half a block in spite of my G-60 15 tires in the rear. These cars were soon pretty much legislated out of existence, and I thought that type of performance was gone forever. I mean the cars from about 1973 on were gutless! Choked with analog smog devices, dish pistons instead of pop-ups. Then they killed off the octane in the gasoline. But, again I was wrong, In the late '80s, I had a Fox- Bodied Mustang that was a 15 second car, ran on regular unleaded gas, and got 22 MPG with the overdrive transmission. And the performance of cars continued to escalate. Now I've got a 14.2 second Impala with V-6 and six speed automatic with ABS brakes that gets me 25 MPG, and if I'm not careful, I catch front wheel rubber taking off from a light. And, the funny thing is, it's only an average car! Some of the pony cars out there have upwards of 700 horses!

    Trends I hated and thought would never catch on ended up becoming "a thing". I thought it was cool if a girl got a butterfly in her shoulder, or a heart on her chest. But, the first time I saw a woman with full shirt sleeve tats, it reminded me of some unfortunate burn victims who through no fault of their own, had awful, defacing scars. And I thought, why would someone deliberately uglify their skin with tattoos that demonstrate no sense of artistic appreciation? And, it's gone on for years. A nice grandmotherly type lady at the checkout counter in a store where I shop has shirtsleeve tattoos. I don't judge, but I still cringe that someone would willingly do that to herself.

    I never would have anticipated the opioid crisis or fentanyl. What kind of risk-reward analysis results in people seeking a high from something with such grim stats?

    I did realize sometime in the early 1970s, about the time that the Japanese launched their "full processing factory fishing ships", that we, the human race, would be killing the planet on which we live. Look where we are today!!! New shipping lanes through the formerly frozen Arctic. Surfing in Iceland! Ice bergs the size of states or small nations are being calved from Antarctica! The glaciers which supply the world's great rivers disappearing! Met by denial and apathy from rabid business interests.

    The one thing we do not see is the Armstrong prophecy mold that was supposed to ruin all of our lives being fulfilled, although his acolytes continue to fan the flames. If it were just another theory to these people, it would be one thing. But, it isn't. They allow their leaders to leverage their lives, behavioral patterns, and finances. And, some of these people are our loved ones. So sad.

    1. Modern legal pot dispensaries may not have converted all Republicans out of their party, but they sure converted many vehicles at the stop lights now to become rolling dispensary parties emitting clouds of dangerous 2nd hand pot smoke out the rolled down windows at you while strolling past them on the crosswalk. 

      And the drivers at the wheel are immersed in 1st hand heavy D.U.I. THC impairment on the publicly tax paid roads now, where safe drivers hope it's still safe despite the huff'n 🚬 & puff'n 🚬🌬️🚗🚬🚙

    2. I've mentioned this before, but I had to take a road trip through the forgotten "hollers" of eastern Kentucky a couple of years ago, and I was shocked at what the period of high opioid availability had done to the area. So many zombies, burnouts and rehab houses everywhere. I wasn't there to do a story on that but I'd love to just canvas the area asking about people's stories.

  9. In fact, Anonymous 6:09, 2024 on man's calendar HAS an Adar II - making it a 13-month "Jewish" year! That's why Passover won't be until late April.

    1. Yeah, 4:56. That's what they used to do with the extra days in the month in the times of the lunar sabbath. They were just extra until the new moon hit and the count restarted.
