Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

A reminder for all Church of God self-appointed prophets and church leaders



  1. what if God sent Jesus to (eventually) condemn El Davo el Packo

  2. Well, God hasn't exactly validated Dave. He's left Dave flapping in the wind making bird noises and flying sillouettes on the wall of the board room with his hands in the light of the overhead projector, like the guy who used the wrong overnight delivery service in the old commercial.

    Let's face it. God has made complete fools out of these fake ACOG prophets. Hasn't validated a single one of them. And some fools give them a pass and make excuses for them, and call us the liars!

    1. One of funniest pics I've ever seen in my ENTIRE LIFE is that one photo shop on here recently of GIANT Dave Pack with angel wings standing above metro Akron lording over & wielding energy bolts beyond the 'burbs & Wadsworth.

  3. Well, if you consider pointing out error as condemnation you might have a point.

    Jesus didn't hesitate to point out error, and neither should the Church. If you feel condemned, that's on you.

  4. John 3:17 (immediately after the statement quoted at the top of this site): “He who believes in him isn’t condemned, but he who doesn’t believe has already been judged (condemned) because he hasn’t believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

  5. Proposed names of the churches:  United C (church) of Shabi;  Living C of Weston; Philadelphia C of Flurry;  C of Ridenbaugh;  Continuing C of Thiel;  C of Brisby the Mortal;  C of Smith Fellowship NW;  C of Billingsley-ff; Worldwide C of Herbert;  Unrestored C of Pack;  C of Ted international; Tkach Communion Int'l;  Pacific C of Railston.............
