Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 4, 2024

Crackpot Prophet Wants RCG Members To Leave Dave And Join Him...It Will Be A Game Changer! Woo Hoo!


Now that we have a couple days before the next rains hit California, our favorite crackpot prophet has time to dry out his office as a new roof is installed. The trauma of this intense persecution by Satan was tough on the guy. Never has a COG leader faced such intense persecution!

Since he wasn't able to sit in his office and sell his homeopathic snake oil supplements, he had time to sit at home cruising the internet for the latest story he could manipulate in his favor. He found it with Dave Pack's latest baloney after reading it here.

Of course, being the most incredible Church of God leader in the history of Christianity and so magnificent that God had to dream him up as the foundations of the world were being formed, he had to turn Dave's malarkey towards his own malarkey. After all, what more could we expect? Has any of these guys ever had an original thought in their heads?

In his desire to gain more Caucasian members to support him with their tithes and offerings, which incidentally are not required of New Covenant Christians, he wants RCG members to leave Dave and join up with him. By doing so this will be a big "game-changer" in their lives and his wallet.

It is sad that RCG still has people who believe David Pack. This will be a "game-changer" if those still supporting RCG wakeup to the truth.

Which is?

David Pack is not God's apostle.

As I have written here for years, I also doubt his conversion as he has shown himself to be a greedy bully and a false teacher.

It is sad that the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" still has people who believe Bob Thiel. This will be a "game-changer" if those still supporting the Great Bwana to Africa wake up to the truth about their leader.

Which is?

Bob Thiel is a false prophet. An imposter sent to deceive sincere Christians in Africa. He is not appointed by God, nor ordained to be a Church of God leader. His dreams are not from God but from strong delusions in his head.

As I have written for years, I doubt his conversion as he has shown himself to be a greedy bully and a false teacher! 


  1. Sadly, there are two types of people and leaders in Armstrongism: Pots and Kettles! Look out, gonna turn this into a mixed metaphor: They simply do not cross pollinate.

    They're also status-seekers. When splinter-surfing, members don't go from larger to smaller. They will occasionally make changes to a group whose leaders make greater sense, management style is less anal retentive, or the group as a whole appears to be accomplishing a larger commission.

    Sorry Bob! Short of some sort of miracle, you lack the wherewithal to attract more than just a couple stragglers. One thing about these Armstrongites. When they do make a change, they do not want to see themselves as just throwing themselves away!

  2. He should really think about this, the people of RCG have no money left so they can't support him financially in any way.

  3. 9:00 said: "He should really think about this, "

    Bob think? Has he ever had an original thought in his head?

  4. Bob's own conduct is a great advertisement for his homoerotic supplements. His intense fixation on certain powerful men tells us that those supplements are working very effectively.

  5. Why go from one false leader to another! They both are a waste of time and money!

  6. Sorry Bob, but Davey has HORSIES and FLOWERS!

    Maybe if you add a merry go round to your facility, you might attract some of Davey's followers!

  7. What will Premier Bob do if a person leaves RCG, & joins CCOG, but at FOT time still wants to attend RCG FOT site instead of Bob's site?

    He has hinted that one needs to attend "Philadelphian" CCOG FOT, but then it's reported that he supposedly will relax the site attendance mandate for certain of his favored "higher level" pillars...& lets some go here, & some go there.

    How tightly does he want former RCGers to become ingrained into CCOG?

  8. Bob Thiels Neighbors dog Rover.Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 2:30:00 PM PST

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