Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 15, 2024

Dawn Blue: The Restored Church of God Failed Prophecies & Death Threats 3/15/24 Part 12

The Restored Church of God Failed Prophecies & Death Threats 3/15/24 
Part 12

Dawn Blue interviews Marc Cebrian for WCTV How It's Done program

If you are getting sound with no video feed then try this link: 
if this still does not work then switch to a different browser...Safari seems to be having an issue but works in Chrome


  1. Ooh these sessions with Dawn & Marc are great, been waiting for these next chapters thanks Marc C. & Dawn B.

  2. They don't play when I tap on them!

  3. "They don't play when I tap on them!"

    Checking on this, it is audio for sure.

  4. Video & audio played for me fine.Friday, March 15, 2024 at 6:59:00 PM PDT

    2 puzzles were raised in the video :

    1., Q. : how does Dave P. justify his attempt to keep the "secret" "special" videos to remain exclusively viewed only within RCG despite Jesus mentioning to preach such "to the world"? (Marc & Dawn showed us they get leaked out anyway via internal whistleblowers still attending RCG).
    A. Dave surely is using a kind of perceived loophole from Jesus of how parables are meant to "confound" (or go-over-the-heads) of "general folk". Certain lessons/parables are "only for the elect, etc." & not for the common man...that would probably be Dave's loophole-ish reasoning to try keeping exclusive RCG videos to not be "leaked" out here.

    2., Q. : Who are the RCG attendees Dave claims he can name (but won't), who he says have the "death threat" from God onto them if they are the ones who leak videos out...
    A. : a good guess on how Dave thinks he knows who they are, is by Dave catching up on inner RCG gossip & chat & banter betwixt brethren there "ratting out" each other during potluck banter etc. Additionally, he keeps his special "eye" on brethren who just "do things a little differently" than the super-straight-laced RCG "standard model" (whatever that is). And by keeping tabs on which families "leave services earliest" or who "depart the FOT on or before Last Gr. Day".

    Dave likely uses the "radar" x-ray vision (that Cal Culpepper of PCG utilizes) on campaigns of "purging" for church "purity"...rolling the pupils up into forehead to only show the Culpepper-style whites-of-the-eye-only spooky glare.

  5. The really GOOD NEWS is that klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies is one of the most EXPENDABLE characters around. Nobody needs him and his lying and stealing at all.
