Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 29, 2024

LCG: What is it with their endless obsession with Germany?

I have good news and bad news.

Russia is mass killing in Ukraine
Haiti is a failed state.
Mexican cartels are indiscriminately killing people.
The USA is in a state of civil war.

And what is the bad news?

It has always amazed me how the church has consistently made it their job to be fearmongers. There is always some tragedy, famine, war, or death looming on the horizon ready to strike down all of the rebellious people of the world while the chosen elite yuk it up in Petra or Pella depending on where your resident guru has deemed the place of final training. They for some reason chose to remain oblivious to the beauty in the world that surrounds them, the beauty in the everyday lives of fellow humans and most importantly in their members.

Satan is always looming directly overhead ready to cause havoc, After all, he is the most talked about entity that the church has placed high on the pedestal. Members know more about him than they do that weird Jewish dude named Jesus.

Plus, the church has always needed a scapegoat in order to make themselves look more important and highly chosen. 

None is on the receiving end of this blaming and shaming game than Germany is. From Herbert Armstrong's day down through Rod Meredith and Gerald Weston, Germany was the great bogeyman
Mereidht just loved a good concentration camp with meat hooks and ovens. Nothing seemed to delight him more than seeing Americans gassed in concentration camps or taken away as slaves to Europe.

Week after week, Germany is the headliner for LCG prediction addiction:

This Work has long warned that Europe and Germany will shift into a war-production mode, becoming the military and economic powerhouse known in the Bible as “the beast.” For decades, this warning has appeared far-fetched to many. But that is changing! With the increasing “Russian threat” on their border, Germany has been forced to move into a mindset of war preparation. In January, 300 experts visited Berlin at the request of the Bundeswehr (German Foreign Policy, February 20, 2024) to explore coordinating military and civil actions in the event of war on the continent. Germany’s Operationsplan Deutschland sets out actions needed for the “militarisation of German society as a whole,” and this recent meeting occurred in accordance with that plan. Should war break out, all elements of German society must be able to work together. Germany has greatly increased military spending, is exporting more military hardware, and broke ground last month on a new artillery shell factory (Deutsche Welle, February 12, 2024). Germany’s education minister has even suggested that schools should prepare pupils for war and foster a positive relationship with the armed forces (Deutsche Welle, March 17, 2024).

However, Germany is not alone in preparing for war. In a recent op-ed, European Council President Charles Michel said, “Europe must strengthen its defence capabilities and shift to a ‘war economy’ mode in response to the threat posed by Russia (Reuters, March 18, 2024). He clearly warned, “If we want peace, we must prepare for war.” He also suggested changing the rules of the European Investment Bank to allow for the support of the European defense industry.

Germany and Europe are on the threshold of significant changes. War rhetoric is returning, the engine of the military industrial complex is rumbling, and Bible prophecy is proving right, yet again. To learn what the future holds for Europe, watch “The Beast of Revelation.

From an LCG source 


  1. As my good friend, Mike Feazell recently quipped, "All the Plain Truth had to do was find a picture of a dead goat on parched ground, and that was enough to prove the end of days. So one would be wise to join the true church, repent and send it in.

  2. They want Germany and the end to come so bad, they don't care about the young generation. They care more about being trying to be right (I mean ....) more so than about their fellow man. Its all about trying to prove a point for the last 40, 50, 60 years or so.

    Ethnic Germans and Europeans would have to get their birth rates up.

  3. The LCG isn't the only one obsessed with Germany. A website called shoebat.com has the same hangup. The articles on this site look like they have been lifted from PT's published in the '50's to the '70's.

  4. It is easy to predict that Germany will expand its national military security in the light of Putin's military adventurism. You don't have to be an Isaiah to see this developing. Yet, Armstrongism asserts something quite different from this. They claim that thw Germans are the biological descendants of Assyrians and that they will rise up to be God's tool in punishing Israel (the USA and Britain).

    This, of course, is facetious. The Germans are not descended from ancient Assyrians. Genetics tell us that they are descended from the Steppe Pastoralists that now occupy Europe from Russian to Britain. These are related peoples bearing similar haplogroups. I would even grant that some person of Assyrian descent named Trebata founded Trier and a bunch of other cities in Germany. This is a magnanimous concession since Trebeta is mentioned only once in a document compiled in the Middle Ages yet seems to have galavanted over a large part of centural Europe back around 2000 BC - leaving no historical trail.

    The legend of Trebeta does not make the Germans to be Assyrians. Germans did not claim that. They only claim that Trebeta founded some cities. They do not support a mass migration from Assyrian to Germany. That is a part of the Hoehish Legendarium. A couple of statements from arcane classical histories does not trump the hard science of genetics. The legend of Germany as Assyria went down some time ago in stormy waters and all hands were lost.

    See this for more details:




    "Wenn man etwas richtig versteht, das ist wie Licht in der Nacht oder Schokolade auf Eis." - mein eignes Sprichwort.


  5. Ah yes, WCG opportunists like Dennis and Mike Feazell and Neil Earle will swing to whatever side that gives them a platform or a pay cheque or power. They'll say whatever whenever and take whatever side is winning for their own advantage. They who once wrote this very same stuff and ppreached it about the end times now ridicule it because that's where it's at. These types will distance themselves from what they themselves did and what they enforced in the name of the goverment of God if it suits them to do so. They gave people a really bad hard time for saying then what these same behind the scenes church players now say they believe. Like the Germans and the Nazis who tried to disown and deny and distance themselves from what they themselves did as a part of that society.

  6. It's what Herbie taught them, that's why the obsession.

  7. Yea (shoebat) he's saying that nations like France and Germany are getting ready for great war in 2027 & 2028.

    I mean it is interesting that Russia is sort of the instigator, meanwhile many of the rest of these European nations are against them. And a war an ensue in the near future.

    However, prophecies can come and go, but love never fails (1 Cor. 13:8-10).

  8. Stuff is definitely happening. Anyone can see that. It's just not happening according to their particular model, but then again it never was going to because HWA was never who he said he was. He turned out to be the twentieth centiry update of William Miller.

    These splinter cults will milk what is unfolding however they can, and to use words to make it appear as if contemporary events conform exactly with the vision of their so-called Apostle, Herbert W. Armstrong. So far, that ain't even ended up being a good fundraiser for them!

    They were expecting an attack from the Assyrians, and totally missed the possibility that one would come from the sons of Ishmael. Now, we all know that the Germans can't possibly be Assyrian (I know some real Assyrians!). But there is no mistaking the sons of Ishmael.

    I believe that our Armstrongite friends, if they applied themselves, could know that there is no way the HWA prophecy mold could be real. That was created for the naive times of the 1950s. All they need do is change their "Herb done it this way" filters.

  9. And what is the connection they also claim of Assyria-Germany?
    Doesn’t exist, a simple search of the ‘net’ about both these nations reveals no link at all between them. Nil.
    Which raises many points, one of which is their credibility.
    Armstrongism has a history of failure and speculative guesswork, which means they don’t have a clue.
    Without the mythology the foundation collapses, like all lies eventually.

    1. Ive mentioned it before, but someone awhile back tried to produce evidence for the claim by showing us a pic of Frederick Barbarossa and claiming the Assyrian influence was obvious. Never mind all the short bearded and clean shaven kings of the Germans....

  10. “Things are happening in the world. This means it is the end of days. Maybe we are off by 3-5 years, and maybe we build some convoluted prophecy based off of headlines but send it in because the end (our end from old age) is near!”

  11. Yea , I mean according to many of these splinter groups , Herbert Armstrong was suppose to be that end time prophet that prepared Gods people for the end time beast power. The false prophet, and German leader back in 1972-1975. Even though no daily sacrifices were going on or no king of the south threat either. Some of these groups still believe in the HWA title, even though the man has passed. LCG doesn’t even do the needed research about ancient Assyrians, but they’re holding on to that HWA dogma, like BI. And simple search is all they need to do. Germany could still be the one, but they don’t descend from Assyria.

    For instance, it’s not that one prays, you can pray like a Pharisee, but it’s how one prays. They “could” be correct about Germany, but it could be a spiritual representation of the king of the north. HWA teachings go about it from a physical descendants OC perspective. They don’t even have pray about it, because they are already right in their own eyes.

    1. They won't do the research, 3:00 PM, because the truth will disrupt what they believe is their calling, if not their agenda. How many members do you think actually know that Manasseh and Ephraim were actually assimilated thousands of years ago, even though we have the Biblical example of the Samaritans right there in our Bibles! We have Assyrians with thousands of years' history behind them living right here amongst us in the USA, and they certainly are not the Arians, Hitler"s master race, Nordic types.

      They know and willfully repress these things because they interfere with their agenda! I believe that HWA's death spoke very eloquently to
      those who did not learn the lesson of 1975, yet they still would not hear.

      The only place where a large Christian religious group is attempting to set up a theocracy is definitely not Europe! I won't even give you the initials though. We'll leave it to others to guess where that might be.

  12. Hard to believe they are still pushing this narrative. Even after Putin's land grabs and threatening actions Germany grudgingly started increasing defense spending. Hardly like the Prussian military of the past. Poland is much more aggressive towards Russia, having suffered under centuries of Russian/Soviet misrule.

  13. Yea I know 6:54, they are pushing a narrative as though Germany amp up their military because of America and the United States. But on the contrary, they may amp up their military due to Russia. Again, the United States Army has over 40 military bases in Germany. Those would have to cease one day if their narrative comes to fruition. The modern Germans still are not descended from ancient Assyrians.

  14. germany has huge demographic problems and would need massive immigration to stem the tide (millions a year) and that can't happen . Military spending is no where near that of USA and Russia and china

  15. Yea the demographics in Germany is an issue. And a good source to get info about it is from their media DW News.


    As was said on an a related post, if they immigrate some actual people that descend from ancient Assyria into Germany, then maybe the COGs might have a case. This article does mention a few from those regions where they wear the beards like depicted on their ancient sculptures and artifacts.

    1. Heh, after reading about Saudi Arabia's vice squad measuring beards, I tried growing one to the required length just to see how long it would take.

      As soon as I hit that length I shaved that mess off. Hated it. Definitely not my thing.

      Assyrian (propaganda) reliefs show their rulers with such ridiculously long, curly beards that I doubt they were fully natural.

  16. Most odd how the most basic silly theories develop by various theologians who are more like propagandist story tellers skilled at the art of selling outlandish ideas - Any number of reputable histories and expert commentary is available showing broad origins of celts, saxons, Germanic peoples, Scandinavian and so forth. And agree none of this shows germany today as descended from Assyrians.
