Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 28, 2024

UCG Is More Unifed Than Ever And Ready To Take On The Catholic Church As The End Times Draws Nigh


After UCG's recent turmoil in Italy with another defecting minister, UCG has come out to say that the Italian church is as strong as ever and stands in fear of NO man or the Catholic Church. 

Why do so many Armstrongist churches have to thump their little chests instead of acting like real grace-filled Christians?

As for exposing the "evils of the world" the COG has a long history of running off at the mouth in sermons and sad magazine articles and then doing nothing. They can't even keep their own churches morally or spiritually clean, so why really worry about the world?

Most importantly, the Church there is united and at one with God, poised and ready to do the work God has called us all to do. God has been doing a work in Italy for years, dating all the way back to the time of the apostle Paul. Rome was the seat of the gentile world then, and Paul witnessed strongly of God’s ways. Today, Italy is the seat of the leader of one of the world’s leading religions. As time moves forward, God will lead His true Church in the work to be done in Italy, without fear of man, as we preach the truth and hope of the gospel and expose the evil of this world (Ephesians 5:11). Where He leads, we will follow. He will provide the direction and reveal His will as we move forward.


  1. I don't understand, I thought Bob Thiel was going to take on the Catholic Church? How can UCG do this great work when it is Bob's mission?

  2. What?? A church who thinks Sunday is a third day - Luke 24:20,21 - from a Wednesday crucifixion??

  3. Bob Thiel better not take on the Catholic Church. He thinks on his website Jesus died in 30/31 AD: two years. He probably was thinking in terms of the Jewish Calendar but years identified as in AD do not conform with years of the Jewish Calendar. So which is it Bob? 30 or 31 AD?

  4. So which is it Bob? 30 or 31 AD?

    Bob knows that HWA and RCM consistently taught a 31AD crucifixion, but he also knows that WCG experts proved that there is a far stronger case for 30AD.

    An actual prophet would discern the correct date and then tell the world about it clearly. But since Bob isn't a real prophet, he equivocates so as not to deny the truth but also not to offend HWA loyalists.

  5. I tend to automatically doubt anything like this that emanates from any branch of Armstrongism, having seen and heard so much over the years that never panned out! To show you how these folks rank on my sliding scale, I honestly assign more credibility to a salt of the earth guy, good altruistic person, who reads his Bible, and prays and tells me that marijuana is very beneficial to him in his relationship with Jesus Christ. In Christian circles the highest level of consciousness is attaining the beatific vision. People in Armstrongism simply do not operate in that realm. Not even the leaders! They use their supposed "special" knowledge to rip off and control others, and to refuel their own Pharisaic attitudes.

    This latest news from the UCG in no way reflects any sort of advanced consciousness, or beatific vision. I'm not saying that a cannabis enthusiast has the answer, but I find him to be more likable and alas, vastly more Christlike than most COGlodytes I've known, even myself when I was a COGlodyte.

  6. The YouTube 22 Nov 2016 "Where you lead I will follow" by Carole King is far better than the 1971 version posted here. Back in the 1970s, they had crappy microphones by today's standards.

  7. UCG SPEAK: “UCG Is More Unified Than Ever And Ready To Take On The Catholic Church As The End Times Draws Nigh”

    TRANSLATION: UCG is more DIVIDED than ever before and ready to ADOPT some more Catholic heresies.

  8. This is so hilarious! You'd think that in the first stages of the rise of a theocracy, there woukd be certain signs. The first and most obvious one would be getting rid of abortion as a state-sanctioned right. You just don't see that happening in the European nations.

    There's more food for thought spawned by things which actually are happening that counter and refute the Armstrong prophecy model. Just don't know if everyone is ready for it.
