Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Still a Favorite: The Pre-WCG Program Still Resonates and Runs Deep

The memory of dad, mom and us kids standing together in the Dutch Reformed environment still lives. It was the classic kinder, gentler time with all that came later in the unknown future. 

It's been a trip...

I believe early morning with coffee cup in hand makes me schmaltzy :)

Or maybe just reflective and introspective...


  1. The 1993 WCG Hymnal hAs that song, on page 282.

    Not sure why UCG and COGWA hymnals left it out.

  2. Elvis used to sit around for hours doing old gospel music. That's where a lot of his sound came from. That old praise music will never go out of style.
