Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Aaron Dean: Jesus Is Telling Him To Repent, Return To The TRUE Worldwide Church of God, And Be Pastor General


This is so far off the charts it does not deserve commentary...other than this, COG members will no more follow Aaron Dean than they did Bob Thiel.

So here we have a man, who was a minister of the Worldwide Church of God(Church of God in Philadelphia era), needing to REPENT, in order to receive GOLD to apply to the candlestick!
He already is a messenger of the church OF THE LAODICEANS, a separated group. Jesus Christ calls on him to REPENT, and make purchase of gold tried with fire. The gold, or tithes and offerings, are to be applied to the PHILADELPHIA CANDLESTICK or the WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD! This "good work" will provide "white raiment".
Now since the Worldwide Church of God, the Philadelphia Candlestick, is already in existence,(Rev. 3:10; Rev. 12:14-16) this man switches SUPPORT away from a separate group unto God's Church. He then will ADDRESS THE SEPARATED from a CLEANED UP POSITION. Notice Zechariah 3! And from that position, the TEMPLE WILL BE FINISHED, aka the Church age will be finished at the return of Jesus Christ! Notice Zechariah 6!
Revelation 12:17, explains that those who do not repent prior to the Great Tribulation starting, are SEPARATED THEN, and therefore are the Church of God in Laodicean era when they repent and OBEY GOD. The Laodicean Church is an OBEDIENT CHURCH!
The warning to the Laodiceans, in Revelation 3, is to those who have separated away from the Worldwide Church of God, or Philadelphia Candlestick.
They must return to being the Worldwide Church of God! Those who repent prior to the Great Tribulation, will be counted among Philadelphia!
Those who repent too late, wont be able to flee and will go through the Great Tribulation as a REMNANT. That is when they become the Laodicean Church!
So this messenger, is called upon to repent and be part of the Philadelphia Candlestick, to apply what he has received from Jesus Christ TO THE PHILADELPHIA CANDLESTICK.
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."(vs 20)
A knock is a loud RAPPING of knuckles against a hard surface.
It shows that the Church of God is in a SCATTERED STATE. Now, God has a VOICE He is using to reach the people of God. That voice is Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. He is the voice crying in the wilderness.
So that's how Christ is dwelling among the Worldwide Church of God today, and feeding His sheep. Those who are sticking with His apostle, His Voice, are enduring until the end, and OVERCOMING.
"To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne."
"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."
So when you view Revelation 3:7, you read " And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write"
This is talking about the Church of God INSIDE of the Philadelphia Era.
When you get to verse, 14, however, " And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write"
This messenger, is being talked to, to REPENT, so God could use him in the Philadelphia Candlestick, aka the Worldwide Church of God.
This is the SECOND man of the Two Witnesses!
The Laodiceans, in verse 14, are those SEPARATED in the Great Tribulation(Rev. 12:17), while Philadelphia is in the Place of Safety.
This man will be ministering unto them who COME OUT OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION.
Notice Revelation 11:4 about the Two Witnesses.
"These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth."
Reason for writing this...Mr. Aaron Dean is a minister of the Worldwide Church of God. He is now attending with, and has also been ordained as a minister of the UCG. The United Church of God is a SEPARATE GROUP, collecting the ministers and members of the Worldwide Church of God to PREVENT "one man rule" to be restored back to the Worldwide Church of God.
So it is basically serving as CHAINS, on the ministry. And so you see a picture like that of Zechariah 3. Satan is ready to ACCUSE, the ministry.
When I write about Mr/ Aaron Dean, I do not worry about those who wish to do him harm. I believe he is the man spoken about in Revelation 3:14-21.
Now if you notice, Revelation 11:4-5.
"These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
"And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed."
Now, out of all the ministers of the Worldwide Church of God, he was there with Mr. Armstrong, meeting the heads of state, the Kings, Queens, Emperors, Presidents, Prime Minister's etc.
There is NO ONE ELSE, who can provide a first hand testimony, and witness, to those leaders of the world.
Just like Joshua the High Priest, under Zerubbabel, Aaron Dean is the assistant to the end time Zerubbabel.
Now, when Mr. Armstrong examined the Advisory Council of Elders, he found ONLY ONE MAN, and he told Aaron Dean that God wanted HIM to be the next Pastor General. Mr. Dean said he talked him out of it.
But Tkach left Christ. The rest have died or left Christ and only Aaron Dean remains of that "casting of lots".
But because of the wolves, he is now found among another church. He has NO GOLD to apply to the Worldwide Church of God candlestick. He is busy applying gold to a GOLDEN CALF.
Which brings you to the picture of Aaron the High Priest, the brother of Moses, while MOSES IS NO LONGER AROUND, being swayed by rebellious people, to apply GOLD to a "suitable replacement"(quote, unquote) which is a golden calf.
So he is aiding the United Church of God right now.
Jesus Christ is calling him to REPENT, and to make PURCHASE, and that means sacrifice, and CHANGE. When you repent, YOU GIVE UP THE WAY YOU WERE HEADING, and TURN AROUND.
And through repentance, he receives GOLD from Jesus Christ, and as a minister APPLIES IT, uses the Tithes and Offerings, to the candlestick Jesus Christ has raised up. The Worldwide Church of God.
Jesus Christ is saying all you have to do is repent, Mr. Dean, and to turn around and apply your labor to the Worldwide Church of God. The Philadelphia Candlestick.
I'll have to write more on this later. But I will say this...
The Worldwide Church of God is NOT the church of Samuel Kitchen! I am NOT an ordained minister. I am simply a member.
I am not asking for support. I am not asking to be made a minister!!!!!!! And I mean that! What I am concerned with, is making known the Worldwide Church of God aka the Philadelphia Candlestick EXISTS!!!! And to bring attention, to perhaps a man who is the next Pastor General, picked by God, and NOT BY MEN.
I wish to declare the works of God! That's all. But If I am to take the flak, for mentioning this, and become the prey all because of what I am saying... so be it. Bite all you want, wolves. You can't overthrow God and His Word.
If my torn flesh is what is needed, then so be it!
Revelation 3:14-21, is talking about a LEADER of the Church of God, who was part of the Worldwide Church of God, who needs to REPENT from being SEPARATED from the Worldwide Church of God. Jesus Christ is telling him NOT TO GO INTO THE TRIBULATION with that separated people, but to return, and be one of the two witnesses.
So...Im putting my own name on the line, in saying this is Aaron Dean. He seems to fit the picture, and appears to be the one God picked. No man has picked him. No man is voting for him.
I don't support the UCG. I don't believe it to have been established by Christ! So why would I choose Aaron Dean out of anybody, if i was off my rocker and trying to build a church of my own? This isn't the Church of Samuel W Kitchen! The Worldwide Church of God is THE SPIRITUAL BODY OF CHRIST! Jesus Christ is head of this Church! Like I said, Im nobody. Im not a minister. I'm just a member.
But since THERE ARE MORE OF YOU, than me, go and ask questions. Go and search for answers. Take it to God. See if what I am saying is crazy or not. BELIEVE THE WORD OF GOD! It's that simple.


  1. Perhaps Mr. Kitchen needs to get back on his rocker.

  2. Sam Kitchen's is totally obsessed with Kitchen Aaron Dean. I think his obsession could turn dangerous and perhaps deadly. Look at all the stories about people who became fixated on an actress, or some other celebrities. Selena and John Lennon come to mind. If Kitchen tries to have physical contact with him, Dean should take measures to keep him away. It's better to be safe than sorry.

  3. ...and yes brethren, I am also Spartacus

  4. So Sam Kitchen wants Aaron Dean to be the head or figurehead of his new Mickey Mouse church, with Sam Kitchen pulling his strings.
    People like Sam need to let go and get a real life. Maybe do a university course or similar.

  5. Aaron is a very nice man, and willing to talk to others when they have questions about HWA and WCG history. But, with the case of Kitchen, he needs to cut whatever communication he has with him. It is also plausible (i.e. likely) that he already has and this is all in Kitchen’s mind.

  6. Have we seen any of the other Kook-a-boos ever do anything quite so embarrassing or ridiculous???

    This is just me, but if I were Aaron, I'd have a lawyer draw up a cease and desist letter, and it that didn't do the job, file an injunction. Sam has obviously glommed on, and this is not going to end well.

    Armstrongism is driving people crazy. Aging members are suffering from unrequited prophecy. They have a deep need to see the end come before they die, or all their sacrifices and voluntary pariahship will have been for nothing

  7. Have we seen any of the other Kook-a-boos ever do anything quite so embarrassing or ridiculous???

    This is just me, but if I were Aaron, I'd have a lawyer draw up a cease and desist letter, and it that didn't do the job, file an injunction. Sam has obviously glommed on, and this is not going to end well.

    Armstrongism is driving people crazy. Aging members are suffering from unrequited prophecy. They have a deep need to see the end come before they die, or all their sacrifices and voluntary pariahship will have been for nothing

    1. Investigative Reporter Carl KolchakTuesday, May 21, 2024 at 8:21:00 PM PDT

      Sam Kitchen is approaching becoming a stalker of Mr. Dean, a paparazzi

      it will legally approach the offense of "bullying" soon

      How's that, Mr. Kitchen? Does your bible suggest treating others (such as Mr. Dean) politely? & not stalkingly paparazzi-ish close to online bullying...

      do what J. Tkach Sr. often said..."err on the side of mercy" & let Mr. Dean enjoy his U.S. liberty to attend where he wants

  8. Maybe Sam Kitchens can get an AI version of HWA to come be his pastor general of his reborn Worldwide Church of God. One that is programmed to lose its temper easily, frequently preach the same sermon & usually get loaded on some Harvey's Bristol Creme by 8 pm. Heck, let's give him a bogo & get an AI Gerald Waterhouse to boot if they can find a lithium cell that will last long enough for a 4+ hour sermon.

  9. yes along with it's accompanying AI bot of Ramona cutie hubba hubba 23 skidoo

  10. 6.20, I'm confident that many if not most ACOGs ministers yearn for the end to come before they die. To them it's a get-out-of-jail-free-card since they believe the tribulation will justify their 'the end justifies the means' behavior. This has resulted in a string of verbally brutalized, mentally torn down, scarred and oppressed members.
    They're delusional if they think that God will accept this "please understand" excuse.

  11. Kitchen is shown to be stating:

    ''Now, God has a VOICE He is using ... That voice is Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. He is the voice crying in the wilderness. So that's how Christ is dwelling among the Worldwide Church of God today, and feeding His sheep. Those who are sticking with His apostle, His Voice, are enduring until the end, and OVERCOMING."
    and '' ''This isn't the Church of Samuel W Kitchen! The Worldwide Church of God is THE SPIRITUAL BODY OF CHRIST!''

    These words are most disrespectful to God. Why?

    Because the words which cannot be true - knowing the fruits and the acts that have transpired - and these words pretend to have the right to confine Christ to a make believe apostle claiming to be His Voice to the world.

  12. Anon said; ''Maybe Sam Kitchens can get an AI version of HWA to come be his pastor general of his reborn Worldwide Church of God ..''

    That's a good idea as it could well be a most profitable investment for these disparate Armstrong groups. Being programmed to make repeated demands for tithes and special offering because of dire times to get the ''work'' finished - yet it won't have associated with it all of the big greedy expenses of the greedy self appointed apostle.

  13. Anon said; ''Maybe Sam Kitchens can get an AI version of HWA to come be his pastor general of his reborn Worldwide Church of God ..''

    If Oprn AI can imitate the voice of Scarlett Johannson (allegedly), this should not be hard.

  14. Maybe Kitchen can settle for KEVIN DEAN!

    1. & 3rd runner up can settle for Howard Dean, 2004 POTUS candidate from VT

  15. I would not put it past the most virulent of the ACOG leaders to put up an AI version of old Hog Jowls, but we have to remember that they are ultra-conservative and extremely slow to embrace change.

    The mapping of the human genome was completed over thirty years ago, and they still have not adjusted their foundational theories or message accordingly.

    I imagine the first ACOG ruler to put out an HWA deep fake will earn the reproach of all the rest of their ilk, until it spawns additional AI clones. But, we'll see.

  16. Aaron Dean is a man of character. Bob Thiel is not.

  17. The Star Wars film makers had to obtain the legal permission of the late Peter Cushing's estate to have his AI version appear in their recent movies. So a AI version of Herb or similar is legally questionable.

  18. It will be a good addition to the Tommy Bartlett Robot World in Wisc. Dells, WI 🤖👽

  19. All this talk of science fiction! Maybe the breakthrough leader of the super blessed ACOG that rises up and finishes the work (cheeky, I know!),will be an AI-infested Android, like Max Headroom!


  20. All this android talk reminds me of the original "Blade Runner" and Philip K.Dick. Maybe we can get a new worldwide booklet about androids dreaming of electric DUMB sheep"

  21. Pink Floyd "sheep" won't put up with the hub bub if they become a.i. 🐑🐑

  22. SamKit wrote: "So here we have a man, who was a minister of the Worldwide Church of God(Church of God in Philadelphia era), needing to REPENT..."

    Oh, Aaron was a minister of some Philadelphian era, and needs to repent?

    What's the problem: isn't it God who grants/gives one repentance taking care of things like that? Where is Aaron in that? Who is trying to get into "God's business?"

    Then SamKit says: "...He already is a messenger of the church OF THE LAODICEANS, a separated group..."

    So, is Aaron into "musical eras?" On one hand he is of Philadelphia, then on the other hand he is of the LAODICEANS!

    Who is confused here? SamKit? Aaron? The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob? Jesus Christ?

    SamKit's entire message is one of "organized confusion," if one were to ask me. Well, maybe it is disorganized confusion.

    SamKit further writes: "...Mr. Aaron Dean is a minister of the Worldwide Church of God. He is now attending with, and has also been ordained as a minister of the UCG. The United Church of God is a SEPARATE GROUP, collecting the ministers and members of the Worldwide Church of God to PREVENT "one man rule" to be restored back to the Worldwide Church of God..."

    When was Aaron ordained a minister in WCG? When ordained as a minister of the UCG, which is an Association? And apparently SamKit believes they're all a bunch of LAODICEANS.

    If true, then why would Aaron even be there, in the first place, if he were really Philadelphian?

    SamKit's writings appear to be full of his own speculations about others not part of his own man-made group.

    SamKit wrote: "...Just like Joshua the High Priest, under Zerubbabel, Aaron Dean is the assistant to the end time Zerubbabel...So...Im putting my own name on the line, in saying this is Aaron Dean. He seems to fit the picture, and appears to be the one God picked. No man has picked him. No man is voting for him..."

    What is the SamKit allusion to in the Book of Zechariah regarding Joshua and Zerubbabel? Aaron "seems to fit...appears to be," etc. What? Just guessing, speculating.

    SamKit, why put any human being, especially Aaron Dean, on a pedestal? And HWA? He's dead. Let him "sleep!" If you want to know more about how God finished using him for anything at his death: go dig him up and ask him!

    Anyway, sorry, but Aaron has nothing to do with Zerubbabel and Joshua (Hint: Zech 3:1-2--remember that incident of Satan wanting to sift Peter? And who got rebuked by Jesus?), who, in the Book of Zechariah, pictured the prophetic lives, about 500 years in advance, of Jesus Christ and the disciple Peter (among other disciples “wondered at), respectively.

    But, time will tell...

