Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Aaron Dean Needs To Repent So God Can THRUST Him Into His Rightful Postion

This is so ludicrous it doesn't need commentary: 

People are getting uptight because I am mentioning more and more Mr. Aaron Dean in relation to the Worldwide Church of God.
Some are saying, that I'm trying to force him to take the leadership role or push him into it.
I'm not.
God is going to thrust the man He wants into the spotlight.
But for all of you who haven't made up your mind whether the truth that was given us through Mr. Herbert W Armstrong has any value to hold fast to, let me say something.
When you find yourself in the Great Tribulation....Maybe the name Aaron Dean will mean something, maybe it won't.
I think you are going to find, that when these organizations ARE DESTROYED by Europe, and you are wondering where God's people went...there won't be any more chains on the ministry locking them to all these groups.
So I am emphasizing support of the ministry when they repent. Those who I am warning, are the Laodicean brethren who may not make it to the Place of Safety. So with this warning I am confident Mr. Aaron Dean will do what Christ wants him to do. And whether or not Mr. Dean or someone else is there, you needed the reminder. Samuel Kitchen


  1. Top 5 Responses Aaron Dean could offer to Sam Kitchen

    1) Sam, He hasn't said anything to me about it!

    2) That was never God's will, Sam, or when I excused myself from Mr. Armstrong's invitation, God would have sent a whale!

    3) You actually want me to rebel against the authority structure God has set up in UCG?

    4) Sam, why is it that I've never heard of you?

    5) I hate to be rude, but, uh, get thee behind me!


  2. Isn't PAULA DEAN associated with a KITCHEN??

  3. There are a lot of sci-fi episodes describing this very scenario where Mr. Kitchen presumes to know "what's best" for Mr. Dean, & assumes to "wait it out" for Mr. Dean to "fall in" with the program of mad Dr. Kitchen.

    Mr. Dean would likely only settle in to a church group he is comfortable with (& um, ah, is already in one, eh)? And the boisterous, ego-tinged "prophesying" Mr. Kitchen thinks he is vaguely connected to the spiritual marionette strings he assumes are going to make Mr. Dean dance/perform in a certain way of some sort.

    It is somewhat exciting to keep in mind that Mr. Kitchen shows himself to be an active participant posting & reading here on this site. We can CERTAINLY "communicate" with him here via these walkie-talkie code chats & banter. He assumes portions of his so-called "soon gathering" flock are making periodic check-ins here, where (he thinks) God will lead them all to click together at the "right time".

    Mr. Kitchen will soon punch out at the COG time-clock like Davy Pack will also in disgrace, & they ought to go fly Charlie Brown kites & relax a bit after their years of straining at gnats.

    Mr. Kitchen is basically playing an odd Don Quixote game, & he is jousting at benign, inert windmills. The same crash-test dummys & windmills that Dave Pack & many other charlatans assume God directs them all to suit up & joust at. What a renaissance faire of Punch & Judy vaudeville so many left Tkach Sr. to engage in now.🎪🎠🎡

  4. Why such time and energy spent preaching about Herbert Armstrong or Aaron Dean? Isn't the gospel about something else besides various ephemeral human celebrities, whether Armstrong or Dean or …?

  5. How about bringing out some of HWA's booklets to bring in New members? "1975 in Prophecy!" & " The Missing Dimension in Sex" ought to do the trick.

    1. Wean them in easy on milk 1st, with "The Missing Dimension In Sox"

      then they advance later to heavier, naughty stuff

  6. It's like when Albert Finney brainwashed Jason Bourne, that is what Sam Kitchen wants to do to Mr. Dean.

  7. Sam Kitchen boasts with writing: "...People are getting uptight because I am mentioning more and more Mr. Aaron Dean in relation to the Worldwide Church of God..."
    When HWA died, he was replaced by Joseph W. Tkach Sr. Many years later Aaron Dean admitted that God did not appoint "any physical leader to replace HWA."

    But Joe Tkach Sr. was the physical leader to replace HWA, and the scattering predicted in John 10 became reality:

    :12 "But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.
    :13 The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep."

    The hirelings of the former WCG fled from their Pasadena-based organization, and were all scattered.

    If anyone is "getting uptight," it is you: Sam Kitchen and any who think like you do. And you are just another part of the scattering.

    The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and His Son, Jesus, are not uptight. Jesus told us:

    :14 "I am the good shepherd, and know my [sheep], and am known of mine."

    And they don't need any of your assistance.

    Was Aaron Dean also part of the scattering, too? Of course, but for those unbelievers?

    Time will tell...


  8. Christ taught his disciples for 3 years, and then ascended to heaven. He gave the disciples responsibilities so that they could grow as Christians. Which is why the scattering in Christ's day and also today. Daddy church leaders are no longer needed.
    Surprisingly, the "daddy-kind-of" today turns out to be the internet.

  9. Never understood the 'Aaron Dean was supposed to be apointed after Herbert Armstrong ' thinking that has persisted over the years. But it only persists in a small fraction of WCG splinter groups. Not all perceive Dean that way.

  10. There have been myriad obvious reasons for walking away from Armstrongism since 1975, the later death of Herbert W. Armstrong, and the failure of all that was promised through the "correct interpretation of prophecy". If the Laodicean era (there is no such thing as church eras) began with HWA's passing, then it has gone on for two 19 year time cycles and has been a complete famine, a mercurial one at that!

    So, it is not unusual for die hard Armstrongites to grasp at any seemingly viable straws, or to indulge in all manner of "what ifs". People made great sacrifices directly because of the prophecy element of HWA's evangelism, so there is a panic button in the period just prior to their own deaths. It is "Oh shit!" as they realize that they are not going to see or experience the validation of their beliefs or WCG lifestyle.

    If I were still a member, and my death were imminent, I'd be wondering if since nothing they prophesied has come to pass in any meaningful way, what about all the things we "proved" to ourselves about the kingdom?

    It's all so very disturbing. Speculation is a kind of relief valve to a pressurized system.

  11. Anon, Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 8:12:00 AM PDT, wrote:

    "...If I were still a member, and my death were imminent, I'd be wondering if since nothing they prophesied has come to pass in any meaningful way, what about all the things we "proved" to ourselves about the kingdom?

    It's all so very disturbing. Speculation is a kind of relief valve to a pressurized system..."
    If you'd like some more relief, you may want to reconsider looking at the booklet, Who Is The Beast," which is very flawed. The Beast Chart, is especially filled with much speculation!

    Other than that, you have an interesting question stating: "...what about all the things we "proved" to ourselves about the kingdom?"

    How certain are you about anything you "proved" to yourself? Or, did you just blindly accept what was written in some booklet about God's kingdom?

    Good question, though.

    What about all of the hirelings (e.g. Doug Winnail, Kubic, Weston, Franks, Weinland, Pack, etc.) who fled the former WCG, who preached the kingdom would "very soon" be established on earth with Jesus Christ reigning on this earth for at least a 1,000 years, and then fail. Well, they didn't talk about the fail part, because Satan exiting some pit and messing up Jerusalem wasn't part of their thinking.

    So, will God's kingdom, in accordance with the will of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, "very soon" be established by His Son on earth? I doubt it, because it may be happening much, much later than most have assumed, but...

    Time will tell...

