Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Dave Pack reminisces on the good ol'days when bears would rip people apart



  1. Pack is doing like the U.S. Presidents who would start a war to deflect & detract attention away from their own shenanigans conduct & tomfoolery.

    He's using the scary bears to shift focus away from dozens of false fake return dates that Jesus "defied" to obey Pack with.

  2. “Dave Pack reminisces on the good ol'days when bears would rip people apart”

    Bears are so old school and relatively tame.

    Nowadays we have vicious false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack to rip away people's wallets, savings, retirements, houses, families, relatives, friends, crowns, and chance at eternal life.

  3. Sometimes I think RCG is just one big science experiment to see how much ridiculousness it takes to get people to walk away from a personality cult.

    1. that is spot on RSK, totally emphatically agree with your 1:40 comment

  4. Dave is fantasizing that those who don't religiously respect his rights be beaten to a pulp while he regards all others as having no rights at all.
    It's his "what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine" moral code.

    1. Dave is also like John/Paul/Geo./& Ringo's "Taxman"...here's 1 for you, 19 for me.

  5. Doesn't he know about the Magna Carta yet?

  6. Yeah what really upsets Dave’s god is protestors while tens of thousands have died as a result of bombings, starvation, and acts of terrorism.

    These kids are mostly trying to make a change for the better in the world and haven’t lost hope. The COG’s response is generally that’s so sad but it’ll be better in the kingdom and pat themselves on the back. They rarely do good in this world because they’re so convinced they’ll be kings and priests in the next.

  7. Dave is also like John/Paul/Geo./& Ringo's "Taxman"...here's 1 for you, 19 for me.

    You are mistaken. In the 1960s, the highest marginal tax rate in the UK was 95 percent, which upset the newly wealthy Beatles. In RCG, thanks to Common, the highest marginal rate is 100 percent.

  8. Why doesn't Dave go sit in the bleachers at Soldier Field & see how benign the "bears" are nowadays.

  9. Someone re-do the song Taxman, but slightly Al Yankovic-it, as, "Tithe-man"

    tinged with Dave-isms. "and you're working for no-one, but me" TITHE-MANNNNN

  10. The John Lennon "give peace a chance" attitude is still in style amongst young people. I must confess that I am very much on the side of the Jews, and Israel in this conflict. People who want them or their country not to exist executed a horrible attack, not upon their military, but on innocent citizens who were going about their normal everyday lives. In my work, I come into contact with young people. We're on all the major college and university campuses in my state. I was particularly impressed by one individual who wondered why people couldn't understand that innocents on both sides are being killed, maimed, and losing loved ones. This was not a pro-Palestinian agitator by any means, but someone who was taking the high road above both the individual sides. Her heart was in the right place. The world is not quite ready for that yet.

    1. Paul Reubens' Dad Milt put in a lot of effort with others in helping 1948 Israel, & I appreciate Milt, & Golda, & Moshe Dayan, & many others. The US student protestors think they are mustering up another Woodstock or Kent State or something, but even they benefit from some Jewish person in history somewhere along the line.

    2. Well, I think what a lot of people miss is that before some other groups piggybacked onto the current movement (and by that, I am not suggesting some kind of grand old conspiracy - just a natural progression of events, everyone loves a cause celebre), a substantial core of the American protesters were in fact Jewish kids who, while recognizing the awful impact of Hamas' attack in October, also think the Israeli response is heavy-handed and seemingly undirected - and they don't like seeing it funded by their institutions and country. I've interviewed a number of them at this point. Some were born here, some are naturalized, but they all said basically the same thing. Now when I go out to cover these things I'm getting more and more non-Jews with somewhat different agendas or focus.

      In my city, a very strict Jewish group's spokesman even insisted that those kids "aren't true Jews", which is just a stupid thing to say. They disagree with Israel's government's stance/actions at the moment, so they're not Jews now? That's just shit-slinging, and useless shit-slinging at that.

      But yes, you also have to reckon with the idealism of youth.

  11. Oh Hell! If Bibi Netanyahu starts imitating President Trump, he'll start calling those kids JINO's!!! I kind of sense a MIGA movement in gestation!

    Me? I'm gonna stick with the Kohanim! Got my Michael T-shirt on order.


    1. Well, BB, you may not be too far off. There is an "ultraconservative" faction in Israel that's so virulently xenophobic (and I dont just mean towards the Arabs) that it's like they've become the thing that their grandparents and great-grands feared most. And some of them hold elected office.

    2. (Of course, PCG also claimed recently that we black folks are all avid readers of Karl Marx, which I really got a laugh out of.)

  12. His hand gestures and usage strongly suggest this is one arrogant man.
