Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Special Needs King Dave Pack: Claims He Cannot Die


Special Needs

More than anything, David C. Pack strives to be special. The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God is a clinical study of malignant narcissism wrapped in staggering insecurity. It is quite a feat for a grown man to whine like a little girl from a position of victimhood while attacking perceived enemies viciously at the same time.

David C. Pack is special because he had a “special relationship” with Herbert W. Armstrong.

David C. Pack is special because he is written about all throughout the Bible.

David C. Pack is special because he doodies in the toilet, not in his pants.

Even though nothing biblical will happen on Iyar 1 (May 8/9), David C. Pack will be moved by special discomfort, leading to special suspicion that will result in the discovery of special knowledge granted by his special god that will necessitate a special message to a special people that reshuffles a special plan for a special kingdom bringing a special Jesus in the background to do a special work proving to the mockers and scoffers that David C. Pack is special, after all.

Because he needs to be.

Special David C. Pack will not die.
Special David C. Pack is royalty.
Special David C. Pack understands New Moons.

David C. Pack has special needs. He needs to be special in his genetics, special in his authority, special in his understanding of Bible prophecy, and special in his role in God’s plan.

“The Greatest Untold Story!” Series is a continuous testament to his specialness in the eyes of his worshipers. The Headquarters hirelings have resigned themselves to accepting whatever falls from his lips because they must all agree if they want to secure their paychecks.

The things Dave says are special…but not in the way he thinks.


Ooh and aah at David C. Pack’s special knowledge.

Part 509 – April 20, 2024
@ 38:32 If time went on, one of the things we would do, I can tell ya right now, and you sh–you you couldn’t possibly argue with this. We would watch New Moon to New Moon. What do you know? Why do you think why do you think recently God had this church and none other begin to focus on New Moons?

Wade Cox just spit out his coffee.

@ 38:55 For centuries, nobody kept New Moons. But I thought, “Well, I’m it I see it in the Scriptures. We're gonna do it."

Wade Cox just started weeping because most of you do not know who he is. Point made.

Part 510 – April 27, 2024
@ 29:52 Now, that’s exquisite knowledge. I feel honored to have resolved it. It’s never been known to anyone before.

David C. Pack was honored to teach the members of The Restored Church of God that the word “half” means half. For real. That was his exquisite knowledge.

Prepare for more goosebumps.

@ 47:25 So, the Flock of Slaughter is the church.

This is some special, powerful stuff, people.


David C. Pack lies when he needs to make a special point.

Part 507 – April 16, 2024
@ 26:45 And the Hebrew carries a capital letter. “He,” meaning God did it.

Why he makes up "facts" easily disproven with the most rudimentary research is still a mystery. The man has gotten so used to lying to others and himself that it is easy for him to make up things and vomit them on the brethren while claiming God’s authority. He must see no consequences for that.

The result is the same, whether due to arrogance or laziness: David C. Pack is a fallacious teacher. This may seem minor, but once you catch him lying, it is wise to frame all else with the same healthy skepticism.


David C. Pack has no fear of God.

Part 510 – April 27, 2024
@ 1:33:02 As I get older, I I I I relate to that. I’m very thankful. I I’m I’m in good shape. But, let’s say I [chuckles] let’s say I died in the next ten days. Would you think, “That’s it. I’m goin’ fishing?” Or would you expect to see me now? Not that I’m any more important than anybody else. I’m just saying. You know, I read that Elijah’s here. Now, he’s found so doing, so I know I don’t die. A couple places say that.

Zero places in the Bible say that. David C. Pack is supremely confident due to his colossal piss-poor reading comprehension skills. What an arrogant, foolish man. Worrying about tempting God must be for us non-special folks.

Some people make fantastic 5-layer dip. David C. Pack makes a 5-layer fantasy.

He feigns humbleness that he is not “any more important than anybody else” and, without even a pause between breaths, comments on his own immortality.

“Ah, gee whiz, fellas. I ain’t more important than you. I just don't die.”

False humility followed by supreme hubris. Which aspect illustrates the genuine David C. Pack?


David C. Pack stealthily undoes years’ worth of doctrine with a passive aside in 3…2…1…

Part 508 – April 17, 2024
@ 20:08 There’s no evidence that any of us or Elijah sits on David’s throne. I I don’t know whether what what that is. Maybe maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. But the point is you hafta have one more [overturn]. What is it?

David C. Pack will no longer keep ancient King David's throne dust-free, but he is still special

No matter what topic is being covered, David C. Pack always finds a way to insert his specialness in the middle of a sentence in 3…2…1…

@ 22:51 An existing king where it has been for a long, long time under I'm, by the way, a direct descendant of most of the kings of England and and uh the Celtic kings and and and uh Scottish kings. I I am. I know for a fact I am. So, it’s kind of interesting. So, being a descendant of David through two of his sons that’s that’s just true. So, I find that fascinating. It’s just gonna go to somebody else who’s descended from David, which was a promise God said would always be carried out. 

David C. Pack finds himself fascinating. Wow. It is because he is so special.

Hmm. Someone else descended from David, who has a promise from God. When I attended The Restored Church of God, they taught me it was Jesus Christ.

@ 23:22 You know, if there’s some other David out there who’s gonna step in at the last minute, [chuckles] then then [chuckles], you know, then you understand. Then, that'll happen. [chuckles] But, but then Israel does what they always do.

The people called Jesus Christ “the son of David” in the New Testament for a reason. At least, that used to be RCG doctrine, but those days are long gone. Heresy, blasphemy, and corruption are what they spread now. And this is all under your watch, Brad.

David C. Pack wonders a silly question to which he knows the answer is NO in 3…2…1…

Part 508 – April 17, 2024
@ 06:02 So, it’s something to just keep your your eyes on, and I I you you do wonder. Those who have left us are they wondering, “Was The Restored Church of God right?” Because this world is all wrong. 

That is laughable. Nobody in RCG wonders about that. Nobody outside RCG ever looks back. Not a single person.

Everyone who has fled that spiritually corrupt organization—EVERYONE—knows they made the right decision. If you ever want to experience a 100% success rate, examine everyone who has fled The Restored Church of God and ask them if their life is better because of it.

David C. Pack is a hypocritical, blaspheming liar. He fits the biblical definition of a false apostle, false teacher, and false prophet. Tomorrow, he will be a prophetic fraud for the 80th time since spring of 2022.

There are no pillars of salt anywhere in the eyesight of The Restored Church of God. Not a single one.


David C. Pack expresses a staggering level of blindness by revealing himself as a hypocrite five times in seventeen seconds. Now, this is special.

Part 510 – April 27, 2024
@ 39:44 I have known many ministers who were in it for the money. They said, “I'm rich. It's all good.” They drove their big-mobile and had people bring 'em coffee, and carry their their briefcase, and do all kinds of other things. Serve them instead of the other way around.

Money: Paying Common in The Restored Church of God is required for salvation. Dave will claim that the money does not go to him, but it does keep the Campus afloat. Common funds built Dave’s house. Common funds built and maintain the pasture his horses graze on. Common funds allow him to be a perpetual Bible student who never needs to produce anything or do any real work. “It’s all good” for David C. Pack. [Hypocrisy? CHECK!]

Big-Mobile: David C. Pack drives a black Lincoln Navigator. I found a used 2022 model on Carfax.com listed for $67,000 and a 2023 for $84,000. [Hypocrisy? CHECK!]

Coffee: David C. Pack never gets his own coffee. Four ladies at Headquarters are trained to prepare Mr. Pack's coffee properly, not including his wife. They must put hot water in the coffee cup to get it warm before putting coffee in it. His coffee must be “the right color.” Too light means too much cream. Too dark means not enough cream. [Hypocrisy? CHECK!]

Briefcase: Over the years, trusted men at Headquarters have had the privilege of being special enough to carry David C. Pack's briefcase. Today, that honor belongs to Jim Habboush and Andrew Holcombe. During my first month at Headquarters, when we were still at One Park Center, I watched Dave get into his assistant’s face with a pointed finger, chastising him in front of a room full of people on the Sabbath because the man dared to move his briefcase like he usually did but without Dave’s knowledge. [Hypocrisy? CHECK!]

Serving: David C. Pack serves no one, but everyone serves him. Minions carry his umbrella for him. Minions clean his fingernail clippings off the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium Boardroom Table. Minions put gas in his big-mobile. Minions mow his lawn. Minions pick up his dry cleaning. Minions make his lunch. Minions do his bidding. Minions do his dirty work. [Hypocrisy? CHECK!]



When David C. Pack needs to feel extra special, he preaches about himself while avoiding those troublesome first-person pronouns. By distorting the language, he obscures what he is really saying to prevent triggering the internal alarm bells of anyone left who still might be awake in The Restored Church of God.

Is anyone still awake over there?

Part 508 – April 17, 2024
@ 1:16:09 Now, you hafta come to grips with that. So, clearly, whatever THIS MAN does last is prophesying. Now, if it's, here's the thing. HE is a prophet. If HIS last action is talking to the church, then, like John the Baptist, ...no miracles, and so he just got an utterance. And God works through the Spirit to prophets, um if if if that's like John the Baptist, we could say, “Well, it’s been the last month.” …However, if HE’s actually gonna prophesy briefly to people in the Seventh Era, a Flock of Slaughter, for instance, or (and I'm not sure), then that would be HIS last action. And HE’s not a prophet yet, but HE would be.

Even Dave had a hard time blurring who he was talking about and started to give up.

@ 1:17:55 It’s either HE’s talking to the church, and we have to accept or whatever I wanna say or not that HE’s a prophet now (THIS MAN is a proph–) or that it’s just about to happen because it is quick. …That was hard to see.

@ 1:20:10 It’s the same Messenger in Malachi, ready? The same Messenger in Malachi who, right in the face of God coming, prepares a people. Okay? In Revelation 10:7, in the days of the voice. That's always troubled me. Voice. You mean like MY voice now? Or MY voice like in a bigger way as it occurs in the Seven Years? I don’t know. Never been able to resolve it. When HE’s about to sound, the Messenger, the the Mysteries of of God will will be um uh finished as God declared to it says to prophets. It’s interesting. It’s before HE sounds and eats the book and and then talks to all mankind and measures the Temple.

Boy, David C. Pack is the Seventh Angel of Revelation, there are days of his voice when the world hears him speak, he eats the book, and he measures God’s Temple. That would be quite the assignment if he were not already so special. 

David C. Pack is special and needs it to be that way. The alternative is that he is mistaken, and God is not using him to drone on for over seven years and set 80 dates for the return of Jesus Christ since the spring of 2022.

If he ever were to stop, he would have both feet planted on the “False Prophet/False Apostle/False Teacher” square. And he cannot have that. His delusional reality would come crashing down if he ever had to face the chilling truth God is not dropping anvils of inspiration out of the sky onto his head, the Holy Spirit is not making him uncomfortably suspicious, and he does not know even a fraction of what he believes he does.

David C. Pack is a sad, little, angry man.

The Kingdom of God will not arrive tomorrow, but he will push through his latest failure blanketed in pitiful denial with the cowardly support of his hireling enablers. There are no signs of any of that stopping.

And that is not so special.

Marc Cebrian

See: Special Needs



  1. Titus 1:10-11
    New Matthew Bible
    10 For there are many contrary, who speak vanity and beguile minds, namely they of the circumcision, 11 whose mouths must be stopped. They pervert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for easy money.

  2. "David C. Pack drives a black Lincoln Navigator. I found a used 2022 model on Carfax.com listed for $67,000 and a 2023 for $84,000"

    Don't let anyone insist on New Moons...Col:2:16

  3. Dave needs a new diet of institutional food daily as a client at Windfall Industries on Quadral Dr.

  4. As long as Dave keeps taking on new names, and given his desire to tie himself in with his presumed roots among the Hebrew circumcision, maybe there's another name he should consider: Hugh Bris.

  5. My observation about narcissistic people, they always blame and accuse others of what they do. It’s also really weird that they do it with so much conviction. It’s also really weird that everyone in that room knows what he said applies to Dave.

  6. why do you think recently God had this church and none other begin to focus on New Moons?

    Not true. Living God Ministries (Haggai114.net) has started New Moon special telephone evenings in the last couple of years.

    But then, it's probably like Wade Cox. Mr. Pack hasn't heard of that ministry, either.

  7. It's after sunset in Jerusalem. Do you know where your false prophets and false apostles are?

  8. The confiscator of COMMON from the poor lives well: new house, $100k car, horses, acres...

    Don't let anyone try and tell you you have to observe dietary restrictions, holy days, New Moons, weekly sabbath days as these merely pointed to the coming Christ" Colossians2:16-17

  9. Understanding the Psychology of Power

    Why does power often lead to corruption? Psychologists have extensively researched this question and uncovered some key insights.

    Power has a profound effect on how we think and act.

    When we feel powerful, we become more focused on our own goals and desires, paying less attention to others' perspectives. This can make us more optimistic and willing to take risks, sometimes leading to reckless decisions. Additionally, feeling powerful can make us more likely to stereotype others and harbor prejudices, as we become less inclined to question our assumptions.

    Power can also create a sense of entitlement, where we believe that rules don't apply to us and that we deserve special treatment. This feeling can be enticing but also perilous.

    A significant study found that power:

    Is addictive.
    Encourages self-righteousness, moral superiority, and hypocrisy.
    Reduces empathy and compassion.
    Fosters overconfidence and disinhibited behavior.
    Encourages unethical conduct and a sense of entitlement.
    Promotes aggression and dehumanization of others.
    Leads to sexualization of social interactions.
    Hinders cooperation.
    Increases reliance on stereotypes when judging others.
    Grants credibility.
    Understanding these psychological dynamics can shed light on why power can be so corrupting and help us guard against its negative effects.

  10. Dave is the shepherd of his church. He shears his sheep and then slaughters them. That's both spiritually and financially.

  11. Dave's problems began when he started reading the Bible.

    Or, perhaps, the day he was born.

  12. Why does he have so many glasses of water on the table?
