Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Building Walls Around The Church


Here is a man who better understands what it means to be "the church" than Bob Thiel and the rest of the self-appointed harbingers of "truth" in the Church of God understand. Bob and his ilk are all about building walls and division in the church.

The church has always built walls to surround itself from others, to keep itself "pure and untainted" by the world. Well, look how well that has worked out for them all so far. They are all just miserable little shells trying to recapture the glory days that are unattainable for all of them.


  1. Just popped some popcorn so I can sit here and watch all the righteous ones get all pissy because he has tattoos.

  2. Would you hire someone with that many tattoos or buy a used car from him?
    Dating sites label women having tattoos as a red flag, claiming that it's a sign of mental issues. Studies show that they are more sexually promiscuous. Tattoos are more socially acceptable for men, but having them on your face??

    1. Yes, I've hired people with tats, and people without ink too. I'm interested in whether their skill set and experience will bring something to the group. Not into putting myself on a self-appointed pedestal, shaking my finger downwards, going "At least I haven't committed THAT sin" and automatically dismissing them without going over the resume.

  3. People like this man who has turned his life around are better examples of Christ-like behavior than some snot-nosed minister in the COG who has no worldly experience and has to rely upon church booklets and critical leadership to tell him what to do. It's like the goody two shoes straight out of Ambassador giving middle-aged couples marriage or sex advice. This was also most likely a man who spent half of his college career banging coeds and then got ordained and went off to a church area to counsel teens on sex.

  4. Amen to what the man in this clip is saying! He is closer to God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit than a great many of the folks who are warming seats all over this nation!

  5. Guessing the "glory days" were from a "power" that was not Herbert's "power" - Daniel 8:24.

  6. 1:59:00 PM Anonymous said:..

    claiming that it's a sign of mental issues. Studies show that they are more sexually promiscuous.

    I suspect it is likely to have been they are seen to be more promiscuous. I suspect whether they are in actuality is another matter and just speculation. Be suited and neat haired characters as we know can be most promiscuous.

  7. The walls were probably meant for "safe sects".

    (The Missing Dimension In Sects)

  8. No. The walls were in the subways and tenement halls, and were intended for the use of the prophets who had nowhere else to record their insights. But, the Armstrong lackeys and other collectors of people misused and abused them to scare people into submission. Every once in a while someone escapes from the collectors and rises from the silence to give testimony. That's why the video is such a beautiful thing.

    The message about the words of the prophets and the silence would never have been revealed if some studio engineer hadn't added the drums and guitar track.

  9. Tattoos or not, he is absolutely correct. Having been a member of a couple of Armstrong's "churches", I have seen these walls. These walls are spewed from the pulpits.

  10. 7.30 PM. I suggest you watch the YouTube video "What You Should Know About Women With Tattoos." YouTube has many videos on this topic.
    Tattooed women are more promiscuous and do have greater mental issues.

    1. I wouldnt know about promiscuity, but I can tell you Ive had to fire a lot of a certain type of people for being maladjusted... and they don't have tats. They're usually unfortunates who were homeschooled and sequestered from day one.

    2. I'll try hard to keep them on if it seems like they might learn fast, but ultimately I cant hold their hands all the time or play shrink to them! Cant have them walking away from cameras in action to go witness to people.

  11. The walls these churches put up to imprison their members involves claiming that they are the one true church, and that if they leave, they will lose your salvation and experience the tribulation. They also chain their members to their group by mentally shrinking them via narcissistic devaluation. It's defined as:

    "The “devaluation” phase is when the dynamics of the relationship start to shift dramatically, and the intense affection and positive attention give way to more negative behaviors.

    The narcissist will become critical, dismissive, and potentially even emotionally or verbally abusive towards their partner. The narcissist may also use manipulative tactics, such as gaslighting or blame-shifting, to control the partner’s emotions and behavior.

    The affection and intimacy that were abundant during the love bombing phase start to diminish, leaving the partner feeling isolated and unloved."

  12. I believe the ancients knew of narcissim on the parts of "masters". Hence, the tradition of the student ultimately besting or defeating the master as part of ascending.

    Obviously, this does not work in Armstrongism, or any tyrannical top down governmental situation. So the student spends a lifetime being oppressed.

    The thing that was so cool about Jesus is that He was confident and humble, and so not narcissistic.

  13. Thus why the "churches" do not grow. They strangle the word of God and choke the brethren spiritually.

    1. And then, after all that non-growth, they'll tell you that it's "God's plan for now" for the church to remain so small & exclusive & secluded. The 8 or 20 or 100 caucasians will say "we are the select, the called out ones, the apple of God's eye, don't try reaching those God doesn't even 'need' right now".

      On one hand they extract tithes in order to "preach the gospel" forth, then on the other hand they claim it'll only be accepted out there by a miniscule percentage who have been selected or called to have it.

      I can see the parable of sower with the seed is true, that Jesus hoped to spread His word & life out to those who'd accept it.

      But instead of always blaming infertile ground, what if a church also stores the seed 1st in containers that corrupt it into wackiness, rendering the seed unable to sprout once it's sown. (stored at the Edmond compound, or in Wadsworth, or NC, or CA...) What if the seed has been rubbed with bleach or soap or hot sauce or bacteria by some presiding evangelist.

      If God "calls" someone, are they doomed to languish negligent unless some COG brings or serves them the info?

      How can you serve clean food on a dirty plate?

      Has Islam been hiding those God has been trying to call or would only call after some COG suddenly begins sowing the never-heard-before-in-history "new truth" now at "the end"? Have those societies been keeping God from rescuing His "laborers"?

      How can God have been kept from an entire society by mere humans? (did God build a rock too big to lift...) We'll be told oh, but this is Satan's world. Who would want to bear children in a satan-world?

      Is Islam & North Korea "strong enough" to have supposedly been keeping God from calling their called-out ones, until some clever, pristine COG decides God has now opened the turnpike toll-booth?

  14. I knew what some folks we all know would say the minute I saw the tats, hip way of wearing the ball cap, and beard.

  15. He’s got some green looking fungus growing on him lol
