Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, June 7, 2024

Does "that smart-alecky little twerp, Bob Thiel" Have No Shame?


The ad in the link below popped into my news feed this morning. I am a member of CG7, so at first I was pleased to see it. 

But eventually, it became clear that the ad was not put out by any of the genuine CG7 organizations from Denver or Meridian or Caldwell or Salem.

The ad was put out by that smart-alecky little twerp, Bob Thiel.

Let’s be clear. The name “Church of God Seventh Day” is not owned by anyone. It is used by several different groups. So Bobby-boy can legally use it. But his organization is called the “Continuing Church of God.” The ad initially looks like it is put out by one of the real Church of God Seventh Day groups. It is not. 
The ad is totally misleading. Has he no shame?

Now I doubt any of the CG7 people will confront Bobby boy. The real CG7s have no desire to get into wars with Armstrong off-shoots. 
In the 90s, I was told by a couple of elderly CG7 ministers that in the 60s the Denver CG7 received a cease and desist letter from WCG. Armstrong’s legal department claimed that the booklet, “Has Time Been Lost” was written by HWA and that the WCG owned the copyright to it. Further, they instructed CG7 to stop printing and distributing it.

CG7 sent Helge et al a copy of an early version of that booklet. CG7 showed they had published it long before HWA was even baptized. 
Now, did CG7 respond to WCG in kind and return the cease and desist favor to them? Nope. The matter got dropped. I am not a spokesman for CG7, but I know they have no desire to get involved in legal squabbles or dirty tricksterism. In fact, CG7 leadership may gently chastise me for calling Bobby boy a twerp.



  1. Love does no harm to his neighbor! DMC, I was in WCG till around 1992.

  2. CG7 showed they had published it long before HWA was even baptized.

    let's accept the fact Armstrong the fake apostle pretty well copied and pasted most of his major teachings including British Israelism

  3. The COG 7 has many members in Africa, and Thiel is shamelessly trying to seduce them with FALSE ADVERTISING.

    Bobby, the name of your cult is CONTINUING CHURCH OF GOD. Stop it with the false advertisings.

  4. Dr. Thiel announced the purchase of that domain name four years ago.

    Perhaps he's only now getting p to speed with it.

  5. Everything about Bob is a con game from fake dreams, fake ordinations, fake theology degrees, fake membership numbers, and fake gospel. All he does is copy and paste from other sources and he has no original thoughts in his head. In light of that, it is a smooth stretch to see why he is trying to imitate CG7 and try and steal their members. He was trained by Rod Meredith and Dibar Apartian, two of the most unethical men in LCG.

  6. Everything about Bob is a con game from fake dreams, fake ordinations, fake theology degrees, fake membership numbers, and fake gospel.

    Also fake history and fake translations. But his witch doctors are real.

  7. Is Bob Thiel's chicanery evident or obvious to the point where people outside of the Banned circle of friends are able to see and recognize it? I'm thinking something must tip everyone off if the best he can do is 100 Crackers.

  8. Bob's chicanery was evident to us in LCG for many years prior to him starting his own group. We watched as he tried to coddle up to the ministry and was seeking to be ordained, but thankfully no one ever obliged him. Can you imagine what a miserable sod he would have been early on if this had happened!!! LCG members rejected him en masse due to his vanity and narcissism. He was the laughingstock of the church for many years and is so particularly now.

  9. LOL! It is posts like this that keep me coming back! Keep up the good work.

  10. Bob can only blame himself when he finally realizes that Big Boss Evans and little Man Radson-conned him Big time in lining their Pockets with Money that was Tithed in good Faith , Tithe Money used for rampant womanizing - Gold Mining operations, Tithe Money used by Evans Ocheing and his Son Bradox Ouma Ocheing in Running for a political office as an MCA( Member of County Assembly) - this was done in 2017 and 2022- Evans Ocheing and his Son should have been fired in 2017, but Bradox was only Suspended for awhile and him and his Father were told not to do that again 🤣/ 2022 election same thing happened- Only this time Bradox said he wasn't running- Really? Bob you are bearing false witness to your members of the CCOG, Google Bradox Ouma Ocheing - he most certainly ran in that election it's in the official Kenyan Documents 2022 and 2017- So Bob, your excuse of telling Terry Nelson and the late Aleksandar Veljic that someone put Bradoxs name on The Ballot and the excuse
    that you believe the word of some Elderly Man in Kenya-over official Documents and Pictures and Posters and News articles and many Eye witnesses says you approve and covered up for your Big Boys in Africa - If this isn't true Write about it on COGwriter and tell Persons not to pay attention to Official Documents/ Tell them to ignore the simple Facts of a Picture of Radson Mulozowa holding his new Wife in a loving embrace and telling Terry Nelson that the Picture is of Radson and his Cousin - Really? Tell them how the Nelson's purchased over 100 Bibles and Radson never handed them out- all documented- Cover up this and so much more and you call yourself a Man of God? Do you think God approves of your doing this? You Don't have 3 or 4,000 people in Malawi-- you might have 100 or less from Radson Mulozowa and Maybe a Few hundred from Sosten L. - but my friend that is it. I mean your Defrocked Former Minister is on record in Emails claiming he has 10,000 members - Really Bob? Even Big Boss Evans Ocheing said in Emails that he Fired Sosten for Adultery - do you deny this also? And you wonder why Terry Nelson and Veljic said you were under a spell from their Witches ;Well what is it- are you that Decived or are you just a Talebearer , spinning lies to cover up your African Shim Sham? I mean you really are in some deep lies- You really need to come out of your Delusions as Rod Meredith pointed out to you in that letter - He really did know you well indeed/ You have caused a lot of criminal and Satanic Behavior by Pumping Millions of dollars to these Crooks in the name of God. I really hope you Wake up. You will be held accountable for what you know or what you didn't want to know. You are in Serious denial and as they say The Dark side of the Force has clouded and decieved your Mind/ Pray for guidance and Wisdom to come out of your Delusions. What you think is True Bob is Just Lies- God will never use you as he has given you the opportunity to change and you are Refusing to even see with your own Eyes - You Really don't know what is going on maybe, I really don't understand how you could be so taken in by these So called Men of God- You don't understand the African Mindset. Bob - you really need an Advisory counsel of Real Church of God Ministers- to show you that you are Wrong and have been decieved & please do it, before you cause more harm in Africa. please I Beg of you to really Think on this!!!! In Jesus Holy Name I pray you be released from this Deception and come to your senses - Amen and Amen

  11. Some of us are on here posting & our comments are honestly on a fact-checking endeavour. And we often use a different name for ourselves here, because we have good friends over in "that group" following "that guy" & the use of our stage name can help our pals not feel hurt or picked on or poked at etc.

    If those COG "leaders" including Gerrys, Ricks, this Bob guy, etc. knew who we were, they'd say, "...see! you folks are on that Banned site using different stage names, so why can't I also" (for example, the trickily snide use of the guy guising & di-guising his group/org. under this new/4 yr. old fakey-wakey name CG7).

    If anyone challenged Bob for him using "CG7", he'd likely reply something like "well you're doing it, so why can't I".

    But when an official, organization begins to concealingly camoflage it's corporate name around into multi-quasi dimensions, that strategy does seem a little high-handed.

    Another reason we individual bloggers post under a nickname is : a fake-name-a-day, helps keep the telemarketer-away.

    Bob did seem to shave off a tad bit integrity this time.

  12. Bob is either a pathetic simpleton or a brazen deceiver. Anyone in this modern internet age can learn about Kenya's election laws and determine that Bradox couldn't have run for office in 2017 and 2022 without consenting to do so, no matter what some elderly man has been paid or coerced to tell Bob. Anyone who professes to believe Bob in this is being willfully ignorant.

  13. I'm not a tale bearer/tail bearer, I don't let my carhartts & BVDs sag that low.

  14. The particular politicians ACOG members looked to and trusted have turned to lies, deceit, and denial to further their all important agenda, and their followers love it and allow them to get away with it because it's given them many wins and much power. It's horrid for a person to whom facts are still important to watch that all unfold and to change our lives in so many ways. One would think that "gospel" would be a field in which such methods were eschewed, but sadly, one would be wrong. The weak, and the grifters will seek to use any advantage.

    The plot mills which concoct the frameworks for TV shows have given us decades of examples of guru-imposters, and have exposed them and the ways in which they work and ultimately diminish the quality of life of their followers. Still, somehow, that sort of con remains effective. Certain types of people are susceptible to those whom they believe have influences which transcend the human element and condition, and are willing to use their guru as a pattern for their lives. These people even profess to know all about fakers. One can cite the obvious examples to them, but one will only be confronted with "Yeah, but mine's different!" That was said to "unconverted" relatives occasionally throughout my childhood.


  15. Campaign Finance & TransparencySaturday, June 8, 2024 at 11:15:00 AM PDT

    How 'bout 20 translations weekly 52 x 20 of a pamphlet : "Bradox Ouma Ochieng Candidacy & Campaign, MCA"

    Chapter 2, "Campaign Funds siphoned from Pop & his CA Church"

  16. It's difficult for some to fathom, but the witch doctors probably have more influence in Africa than the leaders of Armstrongism and Bob Thiel.

  17. Bob Thiel has no clue what he is doing in Africa, all he is accomplishing is Feeding his Delusional Ego- the CCOG is the laughing stock of the Churches of God and will always be remembered for supporting criminals and WitchDoctors/ anyone one who remains a Tithe Payer in that organization will be held accountable as there is just to much evidence pointing to the Sick Satanic Shim Sham of Bob Thiels Delusional Nightmare!!!!! Hopefully Bob will council with an Advisory counsel of legitimate Church of God leadership who can point him out of his Terrible Mistake - Bob Thiel - will you Do it, or is your Pride and Vanity, preventing you from being corrected???? Seriously Bob it's not to late to admit your wrong doing in creating this Nightmare, Please Pray that God opens your eyes, and realize even you can be Decieved- I Pray you Repent and turn from your Vanity and come to your Senses 🙏

  18. Holy simply means set apart. These people are not set apart from the world. They are in it, of it, doing whatever their eyes desire. The calendar they follow is man-made, from our clocks to calendars, it has the 666 attached to it. Paganism all the way. Enjoy your saturnalia from one saturn to another. I won't even go into the cup of Devils that you take, The symbolism of the whole thing is fake.
