Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, June 8, 2024

PCG Members Disturbed By Enormous Amounts Of Tithe Money Being Spent On Jude Flurry And Celtic Throne Stage Show

Exit and Support Network reports:

Celtic Throne Performances One of the Biggest Scams Ever:
June 5, 2024
PCG is flying its VIP’s around to their Irish dance performances as they are touring the U.S. this summer. The cost for this is astronomical! I know there are many members who are furious about this, but are afraid to express it. Others are just so brainwashed that they believe everything they are told without question. They are made to believe the Celtic Throne performance is “the Work.” In reality, it is not. It’s Amy Flurry’s dream for Jude [her son]. No concert goer is being converted or “warned” or even enlightened about the PCG cult’s beliefs. Not a single person! No one even knows that it is affiliated with the PCG. Don’t believe me? Just check out the Celtic Throne’s website. This has to be one of the biggest scams Armstrongism has managed to shove down their members throats! –Former PCG member. (highlights, Banned)

For many years now the Philadelphia Church of God has been producing staged productions about various Old Testament characters and heroes of the PCG. They have done David the Endless Throne, The Book of Isaiah Musical, The Morning Star Musical about Peter Waldo, The Book of Ruth, The Widows Mite, Undefeated–The Story of Isaiah and Hezekiah, and its latest touring extravaganza The Celtic Throne. Musicals on all kinds of Old Covenant heroes and none on Jesus.

Celtic Throne is based upon the rock that Gerry Flurry went to Oregon and dug up which is supposedly the every rock Herbert Armstrong knelt at in the wooded glen and prayed. If this sounds suspiciously familiar recall that Joseph Smith also went into the woods to pray and then supposedly received heavenly visitation and revelations from the godhead. Herbert did the same thing praying to his god for revelation. 

PCG has placed so much significance on this rock that it is now the most sacred thing the Philadelphia Church of God owns that has reported ties to Herbert Armstrong. It even has its own special display case where it is enthroned on a royal purple dais so the faithful can gaze in wonder. 

The idolatry of the PCG with this rock is appalling and even worse, Flurry has convinced his followers that this is now the every stone Jesus will return to when he establishes the Kingdom on earth. 

Jesus was supposed to descend and sit on the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey until the British returned the stone to Scotland. That was blasphemy to certain Armstrongites. With Herb's prayer rock that terrible tragedy has been averted, Jesus will return to sit on Herb's rock encased in PCG's throne. That is why the PCG uses it in the touring stage show, Celtic Throne.

Celtic Throne is the stage show that tours the midwest and eastern states that showcases Jude Flurry, other Flurry relatives, and children of PCG elite as they sing and dance Irish Dance numbers. Irish Dance is now the official dance of God that Flurry has said that David danced when he was naked dancing in the streets and is the official millennial dance approved by God himself.

Celtic Throne is also a stage production especially commissioned to showcase Jude Flurry and other PCG elite children. Millions of dollars have been put into the production and touring of this show over the past few years. All of this was paid for with tithe money. Every single bit of it. Even worse, the PCG uses its corporate jet to fly Jude and some of the elite children around the country so they can dance in propaganda stage shows presented to the unsuspecting public.

Jude Flurry is admittedly a talented guy and has won several competitions. PCG is trying to promote him as the next Michael Flatly.

PCG, for some strange reason, is also using this stage show to court Republicans, even though the PCG refuses to vote.

Stephen Flurry gloats to the faithful where he had lunch:

Tithe money paid for ALL of the flights of the PCG jet to Florida for Lil'Stevie to hob knob the elite:

Multiple trips to Florida at church members' expense for Stephen Flurry and other PCG elite to hobnob with the Republican elite and for the stage show. This is how you spread the gospel message in Armstrongism today. Poor Bob Thiel was left in the dust once again.

All of this has a strange twist in that Flurry has said that Republicans would be the ones to kick the PCG faithful out of the country when the times of trial hit. It would be them forcing the church to flee to Petra or Pella or whichever idiotic place Flurry has dreamed about.

PCG members cannot understand how this is proclaiming a gospel message and more importantly how does this portray Jesus Christ to the world? 

In the PCG Jesus is always left on the back burner when it comes to how great and glorious Old Testament prophets and heroes are. 

Imagine one's entire gospel message centered on a dirty old rock and an Irish dance stage show. But what can we expect when we have UCG with its blue puppet and Bob Thiel's animations proclaiming a supposed gospel message. Isn't Armstrongism the grandest thing ever!!!!

One thing is for sure, Armstrongism has no limits to the depth they will descend before they have to acknowledge Jesus Christ.

As the person wrote on Exit and Support:

"No concert goer is being converted or “warned” or even enlightened about the PCG cult’s beliefs. Not a single person!"


  1. It sure looks like Stephen Flurry is doing the work. Who comes after Elijah and Elisha? Soon his old man will croak (if he hasn't already) and Elisha II will take power and rule with a rod of iron just like it says in the Talmud.

  2. his old man might be mummified with taxidermy & propped up like Weekend At Bernie's

  3. AICF was another "white elephant" and lost well over $10 Million a year after ticket sales. (About $25 Million a year in Todays Money).

    Can anyone tell me what was the "fruit" of the AICF after more than 30 years? Easily can be argued ... NOTHING!

  4. The roots of Celtic dancing are most interesting. Readily found by simple searching online.
    There's no link with Semitic peoples at all.
    It has a brutal bloody history, enjoyed by ancient heathen peoples, and practiced as preparation for war.
    What this does show, is the 'folly' of the Armstrong movement.
    Idolatry is alive and well within pcog.
    Perhaps Elvis will one day turn up at one of their 'shows'.

  5. Let’s be honest here, NONE of them are hobnobbing with them, in the sense that it is implied. Those people don’t just spend their time with some tiny little pastor from some insignificant “church”. Nope! Just like HWA had to do, they are paying them for their time. Gifts, trips, donations etc.

  6. Bob could compete with Flurry featuring Boston Celtics dancing team 🏀 with star player Bradox Ochieng.

  7. This blog ran an article about the paganism in Irish dance

    Are Philadelphia Church of God Elite Children Now Dancing to Honor the Sun - Their Lord and Father?

  8. PCG has tried to turn off their transponders so their flights cannot be tracked.

    1. Why would they want the plane to not be tracked? Who would they be trying to hide it from? Their members know the plane is being used for Irish Dancers …well Gerald Flurry’s family at least and those who crawl to them . Most with no knowledge of the PCG’s cruel tactics couldn’t care less as they just appear as another evangelical Trump worshipping church. To us who have left , the more we see the more disgusted we are. So maybe it is the ex members they are trying to hide it from.

  9. 7:14 said “ Let’s be honest here, NONE of them are hobnobbing with them, in the sense that it is implied. Those people don’t just spend their time with some tiny little pastor from some insignificant “church”. Nope! Just like HWA had to do, they are paying them for their time. Gifts, trips, donations etc.”

    Actually the have with some of them. They have had Flynn and others hosted at their cult compound.

    1. They have to pay those people to come! It’s so irritating that people don’t know how this works.

  10. Mixed emotions.

    First of all, I never cared for Michael Flatley. Not my cup of tea. I also never liked any of the shows put on as part of the AICF. But, there are many people who do and did, so my opinions are just a very small part of the greater scene. Not that it matters, but my own tastes run more to the music of the Grateful Dead and its successor groups. The multimedia show they are currently doing in their residency at the Sphere in Las Vegas, as an example, speaks to the soul in ways that Irish Dancing simply cannot.

    Looking for positives, it's obvious that Celtic Throne requires much discipline, practice, and talent on the part of the performers. One could also say that it provides the church youth with a healthy opportunity to channel positive energy. It is also much higher profile than any efforts by any of the ACOGs to attract notice on a massive scale. Still, it hasn't created a buzz in my community; the only way I know about it is from reading this blog entry. And, it ain't spreadin' the Armstrong "half a gospel" neither!

    The bottom line is that here we have a church putting on an expensive extravaganza which in no way spreads the gospel, but is subsidized and supplemented by church tithes and offerings as if it were. It would be one thing if it were a benefit, orchestrated to raise funds for the church, but Andy Hardy would be very disappointed by the balance sheet. The 1940s were a different time, anyway. These days, even major rock acts have corporate sponsors to help the performers with the heavy financial lifting. Otherwise, It's just too expensive, considering the sheer logistics.

    The WCG jets were used primarily for HWA to make powerful people hip to the "strong hand from somewhere", and if those people happened to be of the Muslim persuasion, for HWA to bring them a message from Allah. The personal usage of the jets was always present, but was confined to a minimum. Flurry has turned the equation around. One photo op with (yawn) Donald Jr. This is more akin to Elvis flying himself and one of his concubines off somewhere in the middle of the night to get fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches!

    Finally, we all know this is nowheresville. At least now. But, it's the sort of thing that requires continued watching. Does it lead anywhere? Is it going to be miraculous in retrospect because somehow the law of unintended consequences kicks in and the gospel accidentally ends up being preached?

    Cue up our buddy John: "Time will tell."


  11. So did the Flurrys FINALLY tell the Trump family about how Donald Trump is supposed to fulfill prophecy in the book of Amos?

    For years, PCG has said it's been unable to tell him about it - and he supposedly needs to know.

    1. Maybe that's why Donald Jr.'s grin is more jovial than Stevie's in the golf shop...maybe Stevie "expounded" the precept briefly to Donny⛳

    2. I can promise you he did not!

  12. Anyone notice any diversity???

    We can perhaps make allowances for them in the LGBT+ category, because of their religious beliefs, but where are the POC's? Looks like a total white out!

  13. Agree with 7:10 PM re Celts

    It is a historical fact that Celtic and Germanic peoples had been in parts of Europe much earlier than the hypothesized time of arrival of the Hebrew tribes.

    Celts were early Indo-European people who from the 2nd millennium BCE to the 1st century BCE spread over much of Europe, ranging from the British islands and parts of Spain to far eastern areas near the Black Sea.

    Historians now consider Celts were in mainland Europe well before 1200 BC. Modern research by archaeologists and scientists placed “Celts” in Britain at much earlier times, casting doubt on any big migration occurring from Europe (which had been the extant theory for some 300 years).

    Again, no matter how one looks at it, putting aside some uncertainty about dates which always is the case, the Anglo Israel theory linking Hebrews to Celts around the years post captivity makes no sense whatsoever.

    It is a completely different time scale and amounts to a brazen uninformed attempt to remake history to suit a false theory.

    You need only visit the British Museum to learn about the Celtic history and early British history to realize the big pitfalls of Armstrong’s writings.

    The more one reads about these WCG offshoots the sheer wackiness is apparent. Got no idea why PCG has an attraction to Celts from a Christian perspective as they have no connection in this sense beyond having an interest to know history better.

  14. Agree with 7:10 PM re Celts

    It is a historical fact that Celtic and Germanic peoples had been in parts of Europe much earlier than the hypothesized time of arrival of the Hebrew tribes.

    Celts were early Indo-European people who from the 2nd millennium BCE to the 1st century BCE spread over much of Europe, ranging from the British islands and parts of Spain to far eastern areas near the Black Sea.

    Historians now consider Celts were in mainland Europe well before 1200 BC. Modern research by archaeologists and scientists placed “Celts” in Britain at much earlier times, casting doubt on any big migration occurring from Europe (which had been the extant theory for some 300 years).

    Again, no matter how one looks at it, putting aside some uncertainty about dates which always is the case, the Anglo Israel theory linking Hebrews to Celts around the years post captivity makes no sense whatsoever.

    It is a completely different time scale and amounts to a brazen uninformed attempt to remake history to suit a false theory.

    You need only visit the British Museum to learn about the Celtic history and early British history to realize the big pitfalls of Armstrong’s writings.

    The more one reads about these WCG offshoots the sheer wackiness is apparent. Got no idea why PCG has an attraction to Celts from a Christian perspective as they have no connection in this sense beyond having an interest to know history better.

  15. PCG is only interested in their fanciful version of history - NOT the narrative about what really happened. Likewise, they have created a fanciful interpretation of Biblical prophecy which bears little resemblance to what's actually written in those documents. Come to think of it, the Celtic Dance performance is the perfect metaphor for Flurry's PCG.

  16. Thank you Tonto for the balance sheet stats on AICF.

  17. For all of these washed up groups jet setting around the world on its members pocket books, there will be a price to pay.

  18. Funny how something "pagan" is perfectly OK when the ministurd's kid wants to do it.

  19. Don't call this Armstrongism, call it extravagantism, unless you think Davidism is the practice of murder and adultery.

    Unless you repent, you also will perish.

    "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."

  20. I think it would be a worthy endeavor to contact local news media in the cities where Celtic Throne will be performing. PCG's racist beliefs and cultic behavior are prime fodder for today's viewers. With enough local pressure some of the performance venues might even cancel the scheduled shows, just like what happened in Colorado last month with Kristi Noem.

    1. You are forgetting the White Nationalists who have come out of the woodwork since 2017, 11:16. Calling the media in some states and alleging racism, as you suggest, will be like giving the Armstrong Dancers a huge stamp of approval.

    2. While I dont fully concur with 1:52's dating of 2017, I do think he's making a fine point in regards to what 11:16 is proposing.

  21. 8:38, the Celts were an Indo-European people? Well, that doesn't narrow it down very much. Just like those people who say, "Oh, Israel just dispersed and blended in with other nations and no one knows where they are..." Nonsense. (Christ said, "Go to the lost sheep", which is where many of the apostles went, as well as to the gentiles, some of which killed them for their doctrines)

    There is evidence that some Israelites left early, well before their respective national deportations. Deborah knew that the Danites had sailed the seas from an early period (Judges 5:17), and we know about the tuatha de Danaans who arrived first in Ireland.

    You can quote your sources and believe them and conclude what you wish but someone else can do the same. You talk about the wackiness in the COGs but the world's scientists, historians and religions don't agree either so take heed who you believe and trust. Wherever the truth appears ready to come forth, there Satan stands ready to destroy it and keep you in abysmal and bitter ignorance.

    Visit the British Museum? If they knew the truth, they wouldn't tell you. And they, like certain irritable members of the church, don't want to know that they are the descendants of Israel either. I'm sure that they have plenty to say about evolution being a legitimate science as well.

    Why do you think Paul sailed to Britain? Because he knew that Israelites were there. Of course, the mainstream scholars would have you to believe that he never went there or believed such a thing.

  22. Anon 11:54:00 AM PDT

    Thanks for your post.
    I haven’t stopped laughing.
    ‘tuatha de Danaans’ etc etc etc…..
    ‘If they knew the truth, they wouldn’t tell you’. etc etc etc
    ‘You talk about the wackiness in the COGs (actually that is true lol) but the world’s scientists historians and religions don’t agree either….’
    We have all been here before, I’m cracking up so hard………..
    Well you are welcome to BI.
    But you lose, the juries in and BI is OUT.
    Paul sailed to Britain….oh no not another ‘lost chapter of the Book of Acts’ advocate, surely not lol.
    Armstrongism has done a fine job on you haven’t they lol.
    enjoy your day.

  23. June 9, 2024 at 1:52:00 PM Visit the British Museum? If they knew the truth, they wouldn't tell you.

    Sure signs of cult. rejecting all the known evidence and substituting false theories dreamed up before Armstrong which he merely copied.
    Twelve did no big missionary journeys, only Paul.

    The Jewish Museum gave a rundown of where this fake theory came from:

    ''The supposed connection between the people of the British Isles and the Ten Lost Tribes started with the ideas of Richard Brothers (1757-1824). This Canadian-born, self-proclaimed prophet, who spent his later years of life incarcerated in a lunatic asylum, founded a millenarian movement that towards the end of the 18th century attracted many adherents in England. According to Brothers, salvation would include the Jews’ return to the Land of Israel, including that of the Ten Lost Tribes.

    In his opinion descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes can be found among the inhabitants of the British Isles. This idea was later on developed by John Finleyson, a Scottish lawyer, in a book he published in 1849, by Ralph Wedgwood, in a separate book published in 1814, and William Henry Poole (b. 1820) in Anglo-Israel; The Saxon race proved to be the lost tribes of Israel (Toronto, 1889). However, it was John Wilson (d.1871), an Irishman, who turned these ideas into the movement of British Israelism.

    He and his followers strove to discover and describe the historic connection between the Ten Lost Tribes and the British people, via various waves of migrations and immigrations from Central Asia to the north shores of the Black Sea and ultimately to Britain. The movement consequently gained many adherents in Britain and from there it spread to other English speaking countries, especially to the US. British Israelism continued to flourish in the first half of the 20th century and still has followers in many countries”.

    The fake theory by the fake apostle must rank as one of his biggest cons.

  24. June 9, 2024 at 3:09:00 PM I haven’t stopped laughing.
    ‘tuatha de Danaans’ etc etc etc…..
    ‘If they knew the truth, they wouldn’t tell you’. etc etc et

    I agree and concerning Tuatha de Danaan this too is part of the fairy tale myths spread around by the fake apostle.

    The Anglo/Israel hypothesis uses an alleged word association between Danaan, and the tribe of Dan of Israel, in the story they weave trying to show how Ireland was founded by one of the tribes of Israel.

    Tuatha de Danaan is referred to in Armstrong’s book as one of the so called proofs of the theory. It’s repeated by the offshoots.

    A voluminous book by Martin Haverty and other scholars, was published in 1860: The History of Ireland, Ancient & Modern.

    The cover page states : ‘’Derived from our native annals, from the most recent researches of eminent Irish scholars and antiquaries, from the state papers, and from all the resources of Irish history now available’’.

    It’s informative because it uses all known research and State records at that time regarding Irish history. If any person wants a full PDF version of this book please make contact ( albeit 40 mb).

    The several early chapters of this book contain a detailed record on the origins of Ireland.

    There is no record therein of any Hebrew tribe arriving into Ireland in the 7th century BC (or any other time). Please recall this large work was the synthesis of knowledge all of the Irish scholars, and state records, at that time.

    (Reflect for a moment: the Anglo Israel idea conflicts with an authoritative text assembled in 1860 using all of the available records and research of eminent scholars which records nothing at all regarding Hebrew tribes arriving in the 7th century BC. Yet, latter day prophets presume they may dismiss all official history on the basis of a fairy tale myth).
    Just like the cult follower wants to dismiss British Museum history.

    There is reference in this book to the “Tuatha de Danaan”, and I quote parts of it:

    “The arrival of the Tuatha de Denanns took place in the year of the world 3303 , the tenth year of the reign of the ninth and last of the Firbolgic kings , Eochy , son of Erc”; and

    “According to the superstitious ideas of the bards , these Tuatha de Dananns were profoundly skilled in magic , and rendered themselves invisible to the inhabitants until they had penetrated into the heart of the country”; and

    “… the Tuatha de Dananns , whose sway continued for 197 years — from A.M. 3303 to A.M. 3500 ..”

    This text explains how the Tuattha de Dananns, on their arrival into Ireland, brought with them the Lia Fail, or Stone of Destiny, on which the Irish kings were crowned. It records how the founding the Scottish monarchy in the sixth century received the Lia Fail, there were several accounts.

    The year A.M. 3500 is clarified in this book to be “..1700 years before Christ..”. This makes the Irish history concerning Tuatha de Danaan, 1000 years earlier than the Anglo/ Israel notion regarding Ireland as taught by Armstrong.

    Further, the period of their influence was less than two centuries. While very skilled in magic and other arts, because of known monuments and Irish historical tales, the book concludes they were a real people; and considered gods and magicians by the Scoti, who subdued them.

  25. RSK, I was referring to the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville in 2017, but you could also make a good case that these White Nationalists were well known prior to that event. Cuarenta y Cinco gave them his Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval following that rally. Coincidentally, that's when he permanently lost me as a fan, as I realized that something was dreadfully wrong. Damning evidence has continued to accumulate and to make him an existential threat to planet Earth.

  26. While I dont fully concur with 1:52's dating of 2017, I do think he's making a fine point in regards to what 11:16 is proposing.

    I agree with you both, hence why I didn't say "contact the news media in ALL of the cities". Gerry's song-and-dance show has passed through some extremely blue cities, at least according to their tour log. In the remaining crop of destinations for this season, the most logical city where to inform the news media is Colorado Springs.

    Although Colorado Springs is moderately conservative, it is really part of the greater Denver region. The news media in Denver would go totally apeshit over Gerry's cult. The Denver Post especially. Denver is a far-left deep blue city akin to Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco. The state government is also far-left. All anyone would need to do is contact the Post and say "hey, there's a racist white supremacist cult performing soon at a public venue in Colorado". Shortly thereafter you will witness an eruption of left-wing venom big enough to see from space. Bring the popcorn......

  27. Flurry is following the same terrible path HWA forged several decades ago. Spending countless sums of cash on worthless endeavours that in the end will have nothing to show and there is no accountability. His phoney college will one day fall into ashes just like Ambassador did. Lives are being scarred on his pagan idol HWA rock.

  28. On a more humorous note... as Ive mentioned before, I'm overly familiar with Near Eastern art of antiquity... and judging by Israelite art, if they actually went to Ireland, it must have been one hell of a cultural exchange. Israelite artisans seem to have been... rather unimpressive. :)

  29. Spending countless sums of cash on worthless endeavours that in the end will have nothing to show and there is no accountability.

    indeed worthless but these characters love the pull man lifestyle don't forget - no concern for the members

  30. Same with etymology, RSK. Total dearth of Hebrew root words to the language..

    Other cultural aspects as well. No Havah Nagilah in Irish dancing


  31. Anonymous said.....

    re lack of Hebrew roots in Ireland. This comes through in archeology too.

    The excavation at Heuneberg ,in central Germany, an established walled Celtic town of significant size - shows no Hebrew origin whatsoever- rather excavation shows trade and other link to Greece. Including construction methods. The word “Celt” was first used by the Greeks to describe these northern tribes. The Latenium museum, one of the best examples of Celtic culture, also shows no Hebrew connection.

  32. To me anything Celtic equals pagan. Nothing Biblical about Celtic Throne or any other trashy performance put on by PCG, which is clearly a complete waste of members' donations.
    "Preach the Gospel," Christ said. PCG says, "We did that. Now we're bored of that. So we put on a pointless pagan show instead. Is that okay?"
    Christ replies, "I never knew you, depart from me you workers of iniquity!"

  33. They sure didn't get Leprechauns from the Torah, Talmud, Kabbalah, or anything Hebrew!

  34. “PCG Members Disturbed By Enormous Amounts Of Tithe Money Being Spent On Jude Flurry And Celtic Throne Stage Show”

    Why would Philadelphia Church of Satan members be disturbed by the cult spending money on Celtic dancing?

    If they were not disturbed by all the money being spent by the Flurry cult to suppress the preaching of the gospel (with a “new commission” for the cult), wreck families (with a “No Contact” policy), help Gerald Flurry to pull off the identity theft of the ages (with his “That Prophet” stunt), and edit and change Herbert W. Armstrong's old literature (such as Mystery of the Ages), then why would they be disturbed by the cult spending some money on Celtic dancing?

    Or are Flurry's cult members thinking that the money should be used to do something even worse than Celtic dancing?
