Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, July 18, 2024

False Prophet Warns Us About That Other False Prophet


Dave Pack's ever-enlarging pile of false prophecies seems to have no end. Almost every day now there is some new revelation that only HE can understand, but if members look closely they too can see it. Then when they can't, he blames them for his epic failures. 

This brings us today to our other official false prophet of the church, the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel. God's greatest living human to ever exist in the history of humanity as he prepares the world for the soon-coming apocalypse.

He has a little tidbit up about Dave Pack:

People like David Pack were warned about long ago:

1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. (2 Peter 2:1-3) 

Yes, you should not believe David Pack is a faithful leader as he has repeatedly born false witness.



  1. Did Bob grab that Dave Pack/false witness alert from this site? It was posted here the other day, of David Pack breaking the 9th Commandment ev'ry time he falsely "witnesses" the next (failed) Jesus return dates.

  2. Yes, Bob took it from here. He is a regular reader here. He is too big of a coward to publicly admit he took it from here after his continual whining about how bad we are.

  3. It just boggles my mind how birds of identical feather fail to realize that looking at one another is looking in the mirror!

    What disease could possibly cause that? Is it a perversity God visits upon certain people somewhat as He did when he confused the construction workers at the Tower of Babel?

  4. How did you figure out that he is a regular reader here?

    1. he has more than once cited & reprinted clips from Gary Leonard

      also he responded big-time to posts Sasha V. placed here

  5. No learned a lot from Herb. A chip off the old block.

  6. Over the years, many of the ACOGs have plagiarised and/or responded to comments shortly after appearing on this blog. I've picked it up many times.

  7. I don't see that as necessarily a 100% bad thing. In our lives, it is important for all of us to know both the positive opinions and the negative opinions regarding what we believe or do. What can be good or bad about that is how we use that information. Even so, it can eventually have a cumulatively corrective influence. People generally have a negative opinion about any one of us for a reason, and it's not always the reason we assume that it might be.

    There is also the old adage that if you are in the performing arts, you should not read or listen to what critics write, because they are not your peers. Therefore, what they say can do a psychological number on you, and become an obstacle to your excellence. Most of the people who teach or spread Armstrongism tend to believe that they have no peers, that they are above it all. So, in that way they also do not fit anywhere else, they've more or less seceded from humanity. They actually expect negative opinions from anyone not part of the group, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. That, too can mess you up.

    I guess what that all means is that Bob Thiel coming here is just going to mess him up worse than he already is. It doesn't impact or change us in any way whatsoever.

  8. Heh, now hes claiming to be Elijah, and Elisha, AND still hung up on that two witnesses business. The man's ego just knows no bounds.

  9. Heh, now hes claiming to be Elijah, and Elisha, AND still hung up on that two witnesses business.

    Just call him 'Legion' and you won't be far from the mark.

    1. So if he is Elijah and Elisha, can he be both witnesses?

  10. At least these false prophets have the common sense to realize that if they did attempt to visit here in order to raise their profile, it would be as welcome as flatus in a crowded elevator. That's about the best anal-ogy I can come up with for their situation.

  11. So glad that Bwana Bob and Dave Pack of Lies are working together on this. They will soon ensure all the hoodwinked people wake up to just how they are both false prophets.
