Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, July 21, 2024

PCG Destined To Take The Kingdom of God By Storm! No Weak Men Should Apply


There have always been a couple of things that the Church of God had a strange obsession about - Satan and weak effeminate men. Satan is the all-knowing all-powerful god of the church that controls everything. Jesus? Not so much. Satan is discussed more and emphasized more than Jesus ever is.

The other thing that set many church ministers off the deep end was weak or "effeminate" men. Who can forget the 98-pound weakling, turned Golden Gloves champion Rod Meredith and his obsession with gay men when he wrote his "The Shocking Truth About Queer Men". This article was probably a knee-jerk reaction to prove his masculinity after Herbert Armstrong said he was the most effeminate man in the ministry. From that point on all men in the church had to be Alpha men. No weaklings need apply. (See: "Alpha Men" In The Churches of God)

The Philadelphia Church of God has a huge obsession with British Royalty and Winston Churchill. Churchill was a man's man in LCG's eyes and could do no wrong. Gerald Flurry wants his followers to be men of integrity like Churchill, powerful and forceful in accomplishing the mission. He wants his men and followers to be "boiling hot".

We live in the Laodicean era. Revelation 3:15-17 reveal that most of God’s people in this era are lukewarm, complacent and self-satisfied. That is human nature. Their love has waxed cold, but God says, I wish that you were hot! That word “hot” is zestos in the Greek, meaning boiling hot.

Flurry wants them to also be filled with passion:

Do you have passion for truth? For righteousness? For God’s Family and Work? For the plan of God? For the Kingdom? Build passion for the things in your life that God supports.

That passion is needed because they are going to take the Kingdom of God by storm!

There is a lot to be said for having proper enthusiasm and excitement. When you put effort toward something worthwhile, good things will happen. The Bible is full of people whose passion was God and His Work.

Matthew 11:7 says, “And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?” Did you expect to see some weak, soft, effeminate man? This man was a messenger for God; he prepared for Christ’s first coming—the first-century type of the end-time Elijah.

“But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings’ houses. … Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” (verses 8, 11-12).

“Suffers violence” comes from a Greek word meaning: “forced, overpowered, taken by storm” (Vincent’s Word Studies). Christ says the Kingdom of God is taken by storm! We seize the Kingdom of God like we are conquering a city. 

PCG members need more passion and foregoing some meals to support the work. Christ's meat is all they need. Besides, the church needs the money you would waste on food.

Christ’s meat was to do His Father’s Work. It sustained and energized Him more than physical food. Mr. Flurry writes in John’s Gospel—The Love of God, “If you are like Christ and you miss some meals to do the Work of God, that’s not bad! Christ had enough passion and excitement that He didn’t mind those kinds of inconveniences. His mind was teeming with the vision of God! He was thinking about the World Tomorrow, not the world today. If you are really doing the Work, you have vision!” 

PCG members and especially the Irish dancing men need more zeal and passion to get the work finished. Prancing around on a stage pretending to talk about a guiding hand from someplace, who will soon send his son to sit on Flurry's golden throne, is about as passionless as it could get. Well, other than printing hundreds of booklets in different languages that no one will ever read like Bob Thiel does.

“According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompence to his enemies; to the islands he will repay recompence. So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him” (verses 18-19). We need more of that zeal and passion—the zeal of the Eternal.

God is stirring us to build the zeal of the Eternal. Ask God for more passion, and He will give it to you. Passion will inspire action and help you surmount obstacles and become a more effective tool for God. You can inspire passion in other people and build a more passionate Family of God.

So get off your lazy butts and be passionate, because your number one reason for being passionate is you will soon be God ruling with power and authority!

Isaiah 62:1 says, “For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth.” Isaiah was eager to do anything possible to proclaim God’s message. The Church’s literature is packed with quotes about the need for passion like the Father and Son have. It should be our number-one passion to declare the message of the God Family. 



  1. Gerald Flurry wants his followers to be men of integrity like Churchill, powerful and forceful in accomplishing the mission. He wants his men and followers to be "boiling hot".

    A couple of Flurry's light-in-the-loafers bigwig ministers aren't just "boiling hot." They are FLAMING.

  2. I've seen more weak and effeminate men in the ministry than I ever have in the membership. It's amazing how delicate and fragile so many of them are when you dare question them or stand up to them.

    1. We saw a fair amount of that in the early 90s as the general confusion of the times meant the ministurds' perceived invulnerability was wearing a bit thin. But you are correct. Many of them werent used to being dismissed and would fall to pieces if you did.

  3. 6:02 said

    A couple of Flurry's light-in-the-loafers bigwig ministers aren't just "boiling hot." They are FLAMING.

    PCG insider here. There are more than 2 that are black sock wearing light-in-the-loafers kind of a guys

  4. One of Flurry's capos/dons is so flaming hot (C. Culpepper) that the man's pupils disappear at will to only show the zombi-fied white-hots of the eye balls 👀

    for stern x-ray vision gaze to examine the secret desires & intention of their nephesh heart

  5. I saw a REAL MAN the other day wearing a ‘God Guns and Trump’ shirt.
    And that was a REAL MAN.
    A REAL MAN owns a GUN has a TATTOO on his right shoulder marked MUM.
    And has a wife and kids in SUBMISSION to him.

    Jesting aside, I well remember the many ‘topics’ in Spokesmen Club on how to be a REAL MAN.
    Them were the days.
    And I don’t miss spokesmen club in the least ha ha.
    I might add, in my reading of the Gospel accounts, Jesus was a rather different man than what we were encouraged to be, REAL MEN.

  6. "Well, other than printing hundreds of booklets in different languages that no one will ever read like Bob Thiel does."

    Is Bob banking on the assumption that as long as the "technicality" of "gospel being preached (PRINTED?) to all nations" (i.e. simply having those scores weekly of printed printings), that it might not even matter if anyone in those nations reads it?

    Does he bank on a prophet having the ability to assert the gospel will have been preached fully, via in printed form? What if no one reads the pamphlets (or reads all of them)? Can a guy claim, "there, it's been preached to all the world!" as long as all languages have it (in print)?

  7. When with a minister back in the 1980s, I always felt that I was talking to a teenager. They were middle aged back then, but still mentally stuck in the school yard. This is what happens when people don't have "a real job."
    I've noticed this same phenomena with house wives who have never been in the work force.

  8. The paternalism and misogynistic attitudes inherent to ACOG theology is both archaic and ridiculous. As with many other things, they wouldn't recognize true masculinity if it bit them in the posterior!

  9. The preacher mention in the post wrote, ““Suffers violence” comes from a Greek word meaning: “forced, overpowered, taken by storm” (Vincent’s Word Studies). Christ says the Kingdom of God is taken by storm! We seize the Kingdom of God like we are conquering a city. “

    Armstrongism has always had a problem with the concept of leadership. WCG and the offshoot denominations almost always incline toward autocratic and authoritarian leadership styles. No doubt based on the style that HWA personally modeled. Matthew 11:12 plays into this predilection. The passage is seen as endorsing intensity, passion, zeal and maybe being a little unhinged.

    Matthew 11:12 is really about the atmosphere of persecution that descended on Palestine with the beginning of John the Baptist’s ministry. In the surrounding text, Jesus is speaking of John the Baptist and his impact on Jewish society. It is very unlikely Jesus would cut away from this train of thought and suddenly insert a statement about the admirable zeal of believers, a zeal so great that it could be termed violent.

    I don’t like the NLV in general but word studies support its translation of Matthew 11:12 as follows:

    “And from the time John the Baptist began preaching until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people are attacking it.”

    Armstrongists have mistakenly interpreted and appropriated this scripture to define Godly leadership. And at the same time advocating autocracy. This leaves them with an unresolved tension between their interpretation of Matthew 11:12 and such scriptures as:

    “How blissful the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5, New Testament, Hart)


    “You know that the rulers of the gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. It will not be so among you, but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave, just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:25, NRSV)

    The irony is that a group of people who are self-vaunting in their belief that they are the descended from Israel have adopted a Goyische leadership paradigm. This just might hint at the fact that they really are Goyim.


  10. There’s a lot of light in the loafers lisping at the top of that PCG dung, even women. They are a hypocritical joke.

  11. Real Men and Real Christians will not go along with all the evil in the PCG.

  12. ACOG Borg culture emasculates its men, then complains about them lacking masculinity. It's blaming and mocking the victims.

  13. Hard for any PCG guy to be a warrior when they are cuckoled by the Flurrys .

  14. ACOG ministers teach that a wife must be submissive to her husband. But if an ACOG wife tells the minister that her husband isn't submissive to the ministry, the minister will usually support the wife and emasculate her husband.


    1. REAL MEN will NOT help Gerald Flurry to plagiarize and revise Jules Dervaes' Letter to Laodicea manuscript (that Jules had sent to Gerald by postal workers, not by a “mighty angel”) and turn it into Malachi's Mess. and pass that mess off as the “little scroll” mentioned in the biblical book of Revelation.

    2. REAL MEN will NOT help Gerald Flurry to once again suppress the “Great Commission” to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God and replace it with a “new commission” to “warn the Laodiceans” by raging away at former Worldwide Church of God people for not supporting Gerald's perverse and evil behavior.

    3. REAL MEN will NOT help Gerald Flurry to pull off the Identity Theft of the ages with his “That Prophet” scam of claiming that Gerald, rather than Jesus, is the prophet referred to in Deuteronomy 18:18-19 that everyone is supposed to listen to.

    4. REAL MEN will NOT believe any of the dozens of names, titles, offices, and positions that Gerald Flurry self-promoted himself to in order to elevate his short self.

    5. REAL MEN will NOT help Gerald Flurry to undo the Elijah work of turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers with Gerald's “No Contact Policy” that was inspired by Satan to do the exact opposite.

    6. REAL MEN will NOT read Gerald Flurry's edited and changed versions of Herbert W. Armstrong's old writings, but will instead seek out the original writings to see what HWA actually wrote.

    7. REAL MEN will NOT allow Gerald Flurry to forbid them to look into matters honestly and learn the truth.

    8. REAL MEN will NOT go along with all the selfish and immoral agendas of all the dirty old men and filthy old women in Gerald Flurry's satanic filth cult.

    9. REAL MEN will NOT do Irish dancing.

    10. REAL MEN will NOT tolerate all the godless, immoral, unqualified bums that Gerald Flurry set up as fake “ministers” in the PCG.

    11. REAL MEN will NOT support a satanic imposter cult like the PCG.

    12. REAL MEN will NOT support Satan's False Prophet Gerald Flurry.

    1. Looks like a lot of them are using identity theft, biblically speaking that is.

      The one guy that doesn't, is Mark Armstrong. He keeps his faith, helps his church, his flock, but never dabbles in gaslighting, guilt, blame, or shame. Or fame.

  16. Scout, Monday, July 22, 2024 at 7:19:00 AM PDT, wrote:

    "...Matthew 11:12 is really about the atmosphere of persecution that descended on Palestine with the beginning of John the Baptist’s ministry. In the surrounding text, Jesus is speaking of John the Baptist and his impact on Jewish society. It is very unlikely Jesus would cut away from this train of thought and suddenly insert a statement about the admirable zeal of believers, a zeal so great that it could be termed violent.

    I don’t like the NLV in general but word studies support its translation of Matthew 11:12 as follows:

    “And from the time John the Baptist began preaching until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people are attacking it.”

    Armstrongists have mistakenly interpreted and appropriated this scripture to define Godly leadership. And at the same time advocating autocracy. This leaves them with an unresolved tension between their interpretation of Matthew 11:12 and such scriptures as:

    “How blissful the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5, New Testament, Hart)


    “You know that the rulers of the gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. It will not be so among you, but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave, just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:25, NRSV)..."

    Another interesting complimentary verse, also suggesting non-violence, for those inheriting the K/G could be added to the list of Matt 5:5 and Matt 20:25, and that verse is:

    "Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:" Matthew 25:34

    Those are Jesus' words from His Father!

    So, it does not make sense that any of the following words would also come out of Christ's mouth to say that: "...the Kingdom of God is taken by storm! We seize the Kingdom of God like we are conquering a city..."

    But, time will tell...


  17. Eh, a 98lb weakling can be more of a man than the stereotypical "Charles Atlas" types. We focus on spiritual characteristics more than the physical.

  18. Mark? Never gaslights?

    Somebody needs to read more widely!

  19. "Looks like a lot of them are using identity theft, biblically speaking that is.
    The one guy that doesn't, is Mark Armstrong. He keeps his faith, helps his church, his flock, but never dabbles in gaslighting, guilt, blame, or shame. Or fame."

    Seriously? Mark got on the money-making bandwagon at the urging of his mother after GTA died. Without carrying the church business they would have had no income. He has survived on identity theft since his Daddy died. For years people had no idea Ted had died because they were playing his sermons as if he were still alive without any acknowledgment that he was dead and rotting in his grave.
    Mark is an absolute netter and has fallen for every conspiracy out there.

    He has used guilt and shame to keep followers for years and to keep them board after Ted had been kicked out for not keeping his pants zipper up,

  20. I never really remember any Ministers in Worldwide that made me think of them being red blooded all american men in the vein of John Wayne, Tom Selleck or Robert Mitchum(who liked his weed by the way) certainly none in Flurry's PCOG. Most of them reminded me of being more like Niles on Fraiser only power hungry & seeking rank.

  21. to add to 11:35PM

    REAL MEN will NOT worship/adore a dirty rock from Oregon! They know the 2nd Commandment!!!

    REAL MEN will NOT automatically relegate all NON-PCOG people in other COG groups as Enemies!

    REAL MEN will NOT allow Demonic "Elders" like Cal Culpepper with his eyes rolled back in their
    heads to abuse their families!

    REAL MEN will NOT be Drunks like Gerald, aka "6-Pack" Flurry

    REAL MEN will NOT put PCOG literature ahead of the Bible!!

  22. A-men 9:35. you be preachin' up a storm, amen.

  23. Yeah, real men, like that Irish dancing weasel Jude Flurry.
