Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, July 29, 2024

Rod Meredith: Mr Golden Gloves?


Anyone who has been in the church long enough prior to the church imploding got to hear Rod Meredith and others brag about how he was a Golden Gloves champion. Many interpreted this braggadocio by him as a vain attempt to prove his masculinity. Plus, titles and recognition are so important to so many COG leaders.

Well, things might be a little different than what Mr. Golden Gloves claimed. A reader here sent me this:

Golden Gloves kept good records of all their champions. Guess whose name isn’t on the list? 😂



  1. There probably is a kernel of truth to the Meredith story. It certainly was not a GOLD GLOVES national championship. He probably won in a city, or perhaps a county competition in some backwoods area of Southwest Missouri.

  2. Did he say he was a NATIONAL champion? He could have been a local winner.

  3. These are the nationals. He could have been a regional or local Joplin Mo, champion, and still be telling the truth. Or he could have done a Bob Thiel before there was Bob Thiel.

  4. His messages always sounded like they were being belted forth as if from an army sgt.

    He seemed just barely likeable, & hardly friendly at the very least. Even Garner Ted seemed way more likeable than RCM.

  5. Maybe he won the "Lavender Gloves Championship." His boxing rank was "3rd in the Universe"

  6. One of the previous posters nailed it. I grew up in Worldwide and i remember meeting many of the "all stars" in Worldwide from that era. GTA actually seemed nice & personable. Rod seemed like he felt my family and normal people were beneath him and he was too important for any normal members . His buddy McNair seemed not too different. Waterhouse seemed like an eccentric personality.

  7. Look, I do not care for Rod Meredith anymore than the rest of you. However, did he EVER say he was national champion? Prove that before you defame someones character.

    1. LCGs official announcement of his death suggests it was a local title in Joplin.

      I do not know what RCM himself may have claimed.

  8. There's the old street racer's meme. "The older I get, the faster I was!"

    The only thing I know about Rod is that a student kind of went berserk one time at Saturday Night at the Movies in the AC Gym, and Rod was right there on stage taking him down.

    Rod had many idiosyncracies, and many of us mocked him for them, but who even knows who and what he really was? Does anyone truly know any of us? I mean is that even possible?

  9. Rod was Sgt. Carter & he thought everyone else was Pyle.

  10. When I was at AC Pasadena I found Meredith to be a condescending jerk, but Raymond McNair was even worse. He thought he was in a social ranking far above any other person in Pasadena.
