Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Satan and His Demons Now Zipping Around The World In UFO's So They Can Deceive True COG Members


It's another fun day in COG La La Land. The sun is blazing hot on the central coast and the already fried brain of our resident crackpot prophet has been cooked a little more if that was possible. Since he has a direct line to the throne of God and speaks with AUTHORITY on every imaginable topic a human could dream up, the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel is also the official world authority on UFOs!

A while back, someone sent me an email that claimed:

Since May of 2020, UFO sightings have jumped 2,000% in the New Mexico desert.

He then goes on to quote one person who debunks them as extraterrestrial and then jumps to his favorite NewsMax conspiracy theorist, Mike Snyder:

Extremely strange aircraft are spotted flying through our skies every single day. This is happening in every part of the globe, and those that are having experiences with these aircraft come from a wide variety of different cultures. It has become exceedingly obvious that something is going on, but of course there is a tremendous amount of disagreement about what all of this means. Some argue that these aircraft have an extraterrestrial origin, others argue that they have a terrestrial origin, and yet others believe that most of these sightings can all be explained as “experimental military aircraft”, drones, weather balloons or other man-made anomalies. But at this point nobody can deny that there is lots of strange activity happening above our heads, and it appears to be accelerating.

Snyder's opinion plays really well into the lunacy of the Great Bwana. 

He writes:

A while back, I received an email as well as a letter (which also said it went to numerous COG leaders) from an ex-WCG member who wants the COGs to spend more time examining his views of aliens from outer space. I told him I had written on that topic.
That being said, many in the world are convinced that there are aliens from outer space...

Alien Beliefs and the Return of Jesus
Surveys show that the vast majority of Americans believe in UFOs and aliens from outer space. Could there be any truth to reports of paranormal visits? What about the work of SETI? Are there one or more beings watching the Earth? Are we part of a ‘galactic zoo’? What do Roman Catholics, Protestants, and others believe? Are there many ‘UFO religions’? Does the Bible teach anything about this? What about visits from angels and demons? What about various apparitions? What about signs and lying wonders? Has Satan inspired prophecies to get people to fight against Jesus? Might the returning Jesus be considered ‘the Antichrist’ or possibly an attacking alien? Will the nations fail to recognize the returning Jesus and fight against Him? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

He then quotes this, as his eyes glaze over, as worldly proof, he will soon deliver to the church the ral truth about UFO's:

In the book “One Cosmos Under God” it is scientifically and mathematically proven in exacting detail that the odds of any form of life, much less intelligent life, existing out of chance are tantamount to winning the powerball lottery twenty times in a row. In other words, not possible, therefore a Creator must exist. Why is this not being reported academically when it has just been proven mathematically? Because the Powers-That-Be do not want you to believe in God, which is Truth, because it would lead to the discernment and exposition of their Lies, which they are using for world domination. … 
The top two “u.f.o.” researchers on the entire planet, who have spent decades and most of their lives tracking down thousands of leads on this subject, are now shunned by most in the “u.f.o. community”, who once highly respected them, because of their unified conclusions on the subject of “aliens” and “u.f.o.’s”. Both Jacques Vallee and J. Allen Hynek finally came to understand that “u.f.o.’s” are not from outer space, rather they are from here on earth! Both of these top researchers in the “u.f.o.” field now refer to “aliens” as demons instead! … 
As repeatedly reported by Jacques Vallee and J. Allen Hynek, numerous subjects undergoing an “abduction experience” invoked the name of Jesus and immediately the event was terminated. Of course you have to ask, if these creatures are merely humanoids from another planet, why then would the name “Jesus” mean anything more to them than “Bob” or “Cathy”? If, on the other hand, their origin is demonic, as both of these top “u.f.o.” researchers concluded after decades of study, then you can easily see the why these entities fled at the uttering of one Word. 10/28/13 http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/aliens-outer-space/ 

He continues:

We should expect to see increases in such demonic ‘paranormal’ activity. 
Notice the following prophecy written by the Apostle Paul:

3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. 
5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6 And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-7) 
So, the restrainer will be taken out of the way before the end. 
After the restrainer is out of the way, we will see more signs and lying wonders:

8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12) 
Thus we see, that in the New Testament the Apostle Paul warned that towards the end almost all would be deceived by signs and lying wonders. 
Deception must be clever to work, and would need some type of ‘verification’ to be believed by the masses. 
Throughout history multitudes have already been deceived by signs and wonders coming from statues and alleged apparitions of Jesus and Mary, as well as other demonic manifestations. They have felt that this was ‘proof’ that some false religion was true. But Christians are supposed to walk by faith and not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Also notice something that the Apostle John was inspired to write:

1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; (1 John 4:1)

One thing is for sure, never in the history of the COG have we had so many lying false prophets and self-appointed leaders who are out to deceive the brethren. All of the dreams, visions, and nightmares that the Great Bwana has had are prime examples of the deception at work in the world today.

Satan has a plan and deceit, signs, and lying wonders are part of it. 
Supposedly ‘verified’ paranormal activity, Marian-claimed apparitions, and modern entertainment to a degree, have conditioned people to accept as real, improper manifestations, and will in the future.

We are getting closer to the fulfillment of these verses in Revelation. Likely within the next decade or two. 
Expect to see more ‘verified’ ‘paranormal’ activity. 
This is part of Satan’s Plan. 
Don’t fall for it! 



  1. Since May 2020......sightings of Elvis at McDonalds have inceased by 2000%............and at the WH by 2000.3579%.
    No one as yet has predicted when he will make an appearance 'LIVE' on CNN or Fox or the BBC.....as yet.......These 'sightings' are about as reliable the weather man (no offense to them) and of the numerous Armstrong 'prophets'.

  2. UFOs? Actually I've seen lots and lots of them since around February 2014. Lots of Ukraneans From Ontario.

  3. I used to say that the only thing that would grind Armstrongism to an immediate halt would be the intact landing of a UFO, verifiable, and on national TV.

    After having watched them hold on to their false prophecies for 50 years after they failed, and having witnessed their reaction to the mapping of the human genome, I'm no longer sure that even ET could educate them from their mindset.

  4. I have read some of Jacques Vallee's books. He is an astronomer and had an extensive career in the scientific field. There is a good write up on him in Wikipedia.

    His interest was sparked when working as an astronomer in Paris he witnessed the destruction of the tracking tapes they had recorded of an unknown object orbiting the Earth in a retrograde manner. He wanted to investigate but a superior deleted the tape.

    In his many books he has sought an understanding of the events he documents in detail. He was the first so far as I know to develop a large data base. He did express a view in one of his books, in undogmatic terms, that a possible explanation is the influencing of the thinking and perceptions of people. Just what for he did not know. He is not a Christian or in any religion.

  5. The only verifiable ufos actually existing are ones like the ultralight gyrocopter that ex-postal worker Doug Hughes of Florida piloted onto the pristine White House lawn in 2015.


    Or of course "Lawnchair Larry" aloft in the troposphere with his b.b. gun to eventually land back on earth by selectively shooting down some of the 42 helium balloons he tied to an actual cheap lawn chair he ascended up in 1982 : 


    Hey when Lockheed Martin Skunkworks finally perfected the magnificent sleek SR 71 Blackbird back in 1964, maybe that awesome craft looked like a ufo too until the hush-hush gov't. under LBJ finally admitted it's reality flying in & out of Groom Lake (Area 51) : 


    wheww watch out for Aurora SR 91 pulse craft :


  6. UFO's are a preternateral phenomenon. Before the advent of modern science fiction, people of various ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds believed and understood this type of thing as the manifestation of powers beyond humanity. The Bible itself is full of stories of angels, chariots of fire, visions of the throne of God, and of people being taken up by supernatural powers. In our secular world of today, we are being told that these are visitations of beings from another planet. Since no one has yet proven there's life on other planets, I think the older view is far more correct. If you want to read some serious articles, reports, and books about ufo's , Bigfoot, and other cryptids by a knowledgeable researcher, go to stangordondotinfo. Stanhas been researching these subjects for nearly fifty years, and has come up with some interesting conclusions about what these things really are.

  7. If a follower of Thiel had an alien ask him---


    Would he take him to Thiel or Joe Biden???

    1. or to Frank Nelte?


    2. Kamala Harris, you mean – at least till January 20.

  8. Religious wackos have been making that claim for decades. I still have a book by crazy old Bob Larson that contains a section about how if intelligent extraterrestrials exist, Jesus' sacrifice would apply to them too (huh?) and therefore if they exist, they should be evangelized. It's really funny stuff.

  9. Is this the same crackpot who believes the Anglo-Israel theory is true?

  10. Ah, yes! Kamala! People in the ACOGs won't believe this, but I actually now have a picture of Kamala and her husband as the lockscreen on my iPad! These days of doom and gloom we all need a source of encouragement, and that's mine!

  11. Ah, yes! Kamala! People in the ACOGs won't believe this, but I actually now have a picture of Kamala and her husband as the lockscreen on my iPad! These days of doom and gloom we all need a source of encouragement, and that's mine!

    Twice for emphasis!
