Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The truth about Bob Thiel and the Continuing Church of God is one of deception

The Truth about Bob Thiel and the Continuing Church of God is one of Deception, I've been on the ground in Africa 4 times spending months there. Bob has no clue what is really going on there. His numbers for one thing are complete fabrication. I was there. His so-called fake ministers are lying to him about numbers and a great many things. 

Bob calls me and the former Sasha Veljic accusers of the Brethren. We told the truth and we were basically ignored by Bob when we realized what he was doing. We lost all respect for him and concluded he wasn't a Man of God and the Continuing Church of God is definitely a Sham.  

I challenge anyone to go there and check it out to prove me wrong.  

To my old friends in CCOG, you really better prove this to yourselves, because if you don't, that's on you!!!!! Nothing else to say. 

I'm glad God revealed to me the truth before it was too late. God grant Dr Thiel to see and repent for his actions of treating persons he sent to Africa with contempt. He was the one who asked me and Sasha to find out what they were doing down there, and then we were accused of talebareing, only when we told him the truth. 

I mean who ignores official government documents in favor of some elderly man saying it isn't true, not to mention eyewitnesses and pictures and check receipts? 

Same with Malawi. Pictures and video testament from witnesses, including the adulterous Radson's own children and ex-wife. More lies that Bob knows about but hasn't admitted yet. 

Bob, I know all about a great many things, how are you going to spin Sosten L.  Really a repented publicly former Malawian Minister that you publicly admitted on video as having skimmed money and committed adultery and has admitted to Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God leaders in emails that he has 10,000 members members, and you say that this man has repented? Then you tell one of our leaders it's Rumors? 

Bob Thiel do you even remember what you are saying about any of this, and you call us accusers of the brethren! 

All I can say Bob is when are you going to admit you were wrong? 

I honestly can say you will never admit any of this because you are not a humble Man. That's why you won't succeed in any of this sham. You know deep down you are wrong. God help you to be humble and repent.

Terry Nelson


  1. Thanks to Terry for this insightful letter. I knew Sasha many years ago, and am glad that he saw through Thiel and left CCOG. Sad that Sasha recently passed away.

  2. Bob spouts off continually about One Man rule and Church Government, but he fails to realize that when the Man in charge overlooks Sin and corruption, that Government is Rotten from the Head to the Feet and God will replace it. Bob knows the scriptures , we must work out our own salvation. Nelson and Veljic couldn't stomach what they found out to be true - so they obeyed God rather than Man. Bob are you now that Prophet , equal with the Father and Christ? Your making a complete fool of yourself; but as they say- there is no fool like an old FOOL!!!!!

  3. Is the son Bradox still a gov't. politician, despite general church directives to not be? Has he become an independent COG person, or is he still active in church with his hierarchical dad?

  4. He lost the last Election he was running in by only about 200 votes, it's even recorded in the Official Kenya Documents , also shows he tried to overturn the Election in his Favor, but Bob admits publicly that he believes someone put Bradoxs name on the ballot, As far as I know Papa Ocheing has him still Preaching/ blinded members, I challenge you to Google Bradox Ouma Ocheing and see what you find- maybe then if your not to afraid, ask the Prophet how this can be. See what answer he gives you. If you don't care , thats on you- Louis R, Teresa D., Jimmy Parr, Parr family , all of you I've known, I know it's hard but truth is truth- Dr Thiel isn't the person you think he is, So Sorry to burst your bubble - someday hopefully you'll all wake up. Until then know God's Money is being wasted on Women, WitchDoctors and all forms of corruption - What a Joke!!!!!

    1. See, I knew there were only 5 caucasians, not 100.

  5. Any Caucasians Bob Thiel attracts would more accurately be described as "caukkers".
