Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 26, 2024

The War Of The Worldwide Church of God's Heats Up!


The Worldwide Church of God battle heats up...

Sent this to Ron Stephens this morning.
Dear Mr. Ron Stephens,

Please cease and desist with any attempts on YouTube to report my channel @officialworldwidechurchofgod., and kindly withdrawal your report of me impersonating you. I am not impersonating you or your group. I have ample proof of usage prior to you filing for a new trademark. You not only committed crimes, but you have inflicted damage, and had a YouTube channel removed through a report. Please withdrawal it.
Your "Worldwide Church of God(WCG)" Trademark is not valid until the old usage is killed, and my family has been keeping the original usage alive, through Facebook, YouTube, long before you filed for registration of a new trademark. You had knowledge of this usage prior to filing, and therefore you committed a crime, and lied, and gave false witness. We have proof you had full knowledge, as you came into contact with my family years prior.

I demand you to cease and desist this persecution and suppressive actions you have taken against me and the Worldwide Church of God.
Text me, or email me is best.
In Christ's name,
Samuel W Kitchen


  1. Oh how these guys get their panties in a bunch. About ten years ago I started a website with the URL as a specific ministers name, well let's just say I was reached out to with a cease and desist from his successor. Keep in mind, this ministers name I used, had already passed away 12 years earlier. What he got all bent out of shape about, was the information I had on my website, was antithetical to some things he began preaching. I had to change the URL because I wasn't going to get into a p match with him.

  2. "Full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing." - Shakespeare's Macbeth

  3. Too bad for Sam that people do not take such requests seriously unless the author is a lawyer. He should make an appointment soon, because Stephens will probably just laugh.

  4. I'm sure if each just prays about it and for God to reveal the true owner of the name, it will be clear and work out just fine, and quickly! No really!

  5. "In Christ's name" at the end was jarring.

  6. I know something about trademarks, but it’s better to just let them waste time on arguments and threats that miss the real issue.
