Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, August 18, 2024

New Video Series: "Getting Free" of the WWCOG Hooks (That Keep Us Stuck/Bound) Part 1 of 7 (series) UNCLEAN Meats!



  1. ‘Getting Free’ of the WWCOG Hooks.
    Many ‘hooks’ not just the great clean and unclean meat debate.
    The struggle many have here in the ex Armstrong movement is similar to those of ex JWs and ex Mormons and many others. The issues of perfectionism, of trying to meet unmeetable expectations is and can be mentally and psychologically challenging. We call take comfort in Jesus Christ who did it for us, for we would not do it by our own endeavours. Impossible. With that comes hope and healing. Myself personally, I do not eat ‘unclean’ foods, and I keep the 7th day Sabbath and I won’t blink an eyelid if you don’t follow what I choose to do. Our liberty is in Christ our Saviour.

  2. Works of the law alone.......vs........works of the law with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. There is a difference.

  3. "...giving the New Testament teaching..."

    That alone tells me they don't know what they're talking about.

  4. Dan and Angelia seem like nice enough people, and I'm not familiar with their family and church dynamic, but I do think the solution their series offers is faulty and does not address the real problem.

    Angelia says, the solution is to "let go of the belief system (the hooks)", meaning, let go of the sabbath, holydays, meats, etc.
    If that's the real problem, how does that help Dan, being an ex Jehovah's witness?

    You can exchange Sunday for Saturday, Christmas for the feast, get rid of meats, but that buys you nothing if you are still TRUSTING IN MAN!

    Jeremiah 17:5 says, " cursed be the man who trusts in man". . . which covers BOTH the WCG and the JW. This is the real "hook" and problem.

    Nobody has ever been abused by anything God would institute (sabbath, meats, etc.). Abuse comes from men who "say but do not, who bind heavy burdens grevious to be borne" (Matt.23:3-4). Those who "teach for doctrines the commandments of men" (Matt.15:9), who "through covetousness make merchandise of you" (2Peter 2:1).

    This is also confirmed by the fact, as many have acknowledged, that Scripture (Romans 14) still allows one to observe sabbath and to eat or not eat, if done for the right reasons, NOT to earn salvation, or displaying blind faith in some man. If that's the case, what's the real HOOK here?

    I hope the Clark's take this reasoning into account as they proceed with their series. Trusting man is the real "hook", not the law of God. Understanding that will help both ex WCG and JW members alike.

  5. No pb8 I don’t think simply resting on Saturday or not eating pork hurts people. After Sinai and before Christ’s resurrection the sabbath identified the people of God (along with circumcision).
    But, when one believes this today and judges other Christians as non-Christians for not observing the sabbath, that hurts plenty.
