Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Bob Thiel's Right Hand Man In Panic Mode Due To The Great Disappearing Churches Debacle


Isn't it amazing how the most important Church of God on the earth today is a swirling mess of corruption, sexual misconduct, and unprincipled intrigue while the Great Overseer plays with his herbs and homeopathic remedies along the California Coast? While Rome burns, the emperor fiddles...

RADSON MOLOWZOA is in panic mode as he doesn't have any churches in Malawi representing CCOG. 
Radson just recently texted a Top Hope of Israel leader, trying to provoke him, by saying he took one of Hope's churches in the Balaka district and that also Wedson Matiya is back with him and the CCOG. 
In reality, Forster Abraham, Hope of Israel's administrator,  disfellowshipped Wedson Matiya and also terminated Balaka Congregation for not following church beliefs and other church protocols, around 2 months ago. 
This latest Radson move is to appease Dr Bob into believing Radson is doing wonders in growing CCOG membership. 
Maybe Dr Thiel will now support the disgraceful Wedson Matiya? 
Hope doesn't play games..... Hope Leadership truly feels bad for Dr Thiel as Radson constantly lies to Dr Thiel for financial rewards. 



  1. I think Bob realizes now I've been right all along, hopefully he'll quit that rubbish saying these happenings are all lies and Talebarering, I noticed Bob didn't report much on anything said here about Radson doings on trying to provoke Forster Abraham, and also the overwhelming proof of Radson having a New Wife PATRISHA SAMBANI!!!!! My hope is Bob really and finally takes action, I really Pray that he does. Any way Bob, if your reading this, just remember we all did warn you and you can't blame us for leaving the CCOG; you talk about my broken promise to you; i can't compromise on truth; Did you want me to lie to my Friends in CCOG about Africa? you sent me and my sons and Sasha to Africa to find out how much they really know; unless your on the Ground like we were , you can't know what is really going on there. Anyway please do the RIGHT THING 🙏🙏🙏

  2. I kinda feel sorry for Dr. Bob. I think he truly wants to do the right thing. I also think he took it upon himself to step over the line and start a church. I think it was something he greatly desired. The "double blessing" thing struck a chord with him and he wanted it to mean God was ordaining him a prophet.
    Sub-Saharan Africa has always been a hotbed of grift and corruption. One must be there to constantly monitor the situation in order to prevent being taken advantage of and wasting tithe funds on frauds.
    We all want to help God, but unless we do it as He instructs we are wasting our time.
