Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Mission Impossible: No really, Mission IMPOSSIBLE.


...as well as inarguable and cannot be questioned! Just try to argue with it. You can't!

This compilation leaves me personally asking

"What the hell is wrong with this man?"

religious delusion is defined as a delusion, or fixed belief not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence, involving religious themes or subject matter. Religious faith, meanwhile, is defined as a belief in a religious doctrine or higher power in the absence of evidence.

Although many researchers have brought evidence for a positive role that religion plays in health, others have shown that religious practices and experiences may be linked to mental illnesses of various kinds (mood disorderspersonality disorderspsychiatric disorders). In 2011, a team of psychiatristsbehavioral psychologistsneurologists and neuropsychiatrists from the Harvard Medical School published research that suggested the development of a new diagnostic category of psychiatric disorders related to religious delusion and hyper-religiosity.



  1. Science has always had its limitations. Before the microscope the idea of germs causing disease was unheard of. Science doesn't have the tools to study the spirit world, if there is one. The existence of God can't be proven . . scientifically. The best you can do is to ask, "Is it more reasonable to believe than to not believe?" Is it more reasonable to believe that something came from nothing without any cause or that an intelligent power caused it? The Christian apologist Norman Geisler put it this say, "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist." If believing in God is a mental illness of a delusional nature, then some might argue the same for atheism. Which is more reasonable, atheism or theism?

    1. This post is about DCP's delusions not the more plausibility of belief over non belief

    2. The idea that there must be an intelligent designer is a VERY different proposition than the idea that the intelligent designer is in any way guiding Dave Pack.


  2. Intrigued his audience puts up with it. Telling us something of their mental condition too.

  3. Does anyone have a point of view on whether or not Dave really believe all the nonsense that comes out of his own mouth? Or is he just saying these things to string people along and keep the dollars rolling in, knowing full well his "prophecies" will never come to pass?

    1. I’ve thought about this too. I think Dave is deluded in so far that he’s truly convinced he’s a chosen vessel.
      One more like prophets of old I’d say, rather than those individuals chosen to preach the Gospel of whom we read in the Gospels. I say this because I doubt he has many edifying words such as. we read from Paul - and when he does cite Paul he manages to miss the point entirely or even distorts.
      So my answer is every time he announces some prophecy he has a big warm inner glow that he’s being used to make these pronouncements.
      He doesn’t reflect much on the past failures because that reduces the glow - rather he explains them away in the same way as the self professed messenger of God - Armstrong
      Thus, he is driven by the desire to think he is being used by God. That’s about it in a nutshell I reckon.
      Such delusional people can have a show of ‘success’ for a while but it eventually becomes lost because God is not behind their claims.

  4. "God Gives Another Infallible Proof!" - a Harold Camping pamphlet before "Judgment Day" in May 2011. Which didn't happen.


  5. "What the hell is wrong with this man?"

    What the heck is wrong with Dave Pack's remaining followers that they still listen to him?

    Incurable cases of Prediction Addiction?

  6. This question was answered once and for all by the dude who had left Flurry's group and was being interviewed by the ecumenical independent young COG guy with the dark hair and beard. For most people it's "Hey, just another day in church!" Most stick around even when something catastrophic happens!

    1975 fails, and what do most people do? They simply reprogram and explain things away in such a manner as to retain the original "revelation". Still gonna happen, it's just going to be 3-5 years away, and just keep pressing that reset button for the next 50 years.

    DNA research absolutely obliterates any possibility of British Israelism being true. That's OK. Become a dyi geneticist and make up stupid, stupid theories about how people's dna can morph and change.

    Someone comes to church services, depressed over recent sermons and shoots the place up! Just make everyone aware that nothing the minister said could possibly have driven anyone to murder/suicide, and don't change a single thing!

    A minister kills his wife and gets convicted. No other suspects! Ah, must be persecution, they put an innocent man in jail! Could not have been anything related to the church!

    Your leader criminally mismanages your tithes and offerings, enriching himself and family and committing tax fraud along the way. Why that's God's apostle! He can't be guilty. Satan is attacking God's church! Listen to what he preached, not what he was accused of!

    The thing is that once people commit to the idea of some group being "God's", and that that needs to be respected and obeyed, and they invest their lives and money into it, and feel, that if they leave, Satan has stolen their crown, they will endure anything! Just another day in church.

    Even smart people are not immune to lapses into stupidity and stubbornness!

    1. You’ve explained it well.
      The ecumenical independent young COG guy with the dark hair and beard who did the interview also explains why they remain in my opinion.
      That is, the belief is held they really are in the one true church and all is well - apart from one or two things such as prophecy.
      But the error lies in many things beyond prophecy.
      In short, they have not informed themselves of the scriptures - merely repeating what’s been fed via uncle Herbs booklets (most of which he copied anyway ).

      Until they come to know the Gospel taught in the Bible ; desire to be led by the spirit ; know that their alleged law keeping does not save ; know the scriptures more deeply - they simply won’t be questioning the organization , rather preferring
      to defend.
      These are the backs of the heads we see in front of the likes of Pack fronting up each week.
      They excuse all such preachers for reasons mentioned.

  7. ACTS 1:7(a)  And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority....
