Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, July 4, 2024

UPDATED: Challenging Bob Thiel To A Truth Test

Bob, I challenge you to a truth Test. 

You say I'm an accuser of the Brethren. 

You say I bore false witness against Bradox Ouma Ocheing. 

You say he didn't run in the election of 2022 as an MCA. You said publicly that you accept the truth that Bradox Ouma Ocheing didn't run in the 2022 Election. You say that you accept the excuse that someone put his name on the Ballot. 

You say that I'm spreading lies. 

Admit I'm right and Bradox Ouma Ocheing and his Father Big Man Evans lied to you and fire them or don't say anything at all about this, and people will know who is telling the truth. 

Let's go to Kenya and go to the Election Board and get this resolved once and for all to know the truth. You up for it Bob!!! 

Will you accept the findings and admit!!!! 

I don't want to hear any of your Fairy tale excuses, on this or anything else. 

Do this if you want to show yourself right, or simply shut your mouth and let the people figure out your silence on the subject!!! 

LCG Ministers know you would have destroyed the church, that's why they finally got tired of your demands, I mean you can't even discern fantasy from reality. 

Richard Ames has a clear conscience in regard to you, they see what crazy stuff you're doing in Africa and now they're glad you are gone.

Terry Nelson


Yeah, I know, Bob is in deep Denial, but I figured if he really wants to set the record straight, he'll do it. So until then old CCOG Friends - pressure the Prophet to put this to the Test. Remember you must prove all things. WILL YOU ALL DO IT !!!!!! 

Will you do it Louis Rubin, or are you Afraid? 

Will you do it Teresa D.? 

Will you believe what you can see and read? I think you wouldn't be that gullible. The same goes for everything that was revealed here; it's all True!!!! 

We Pleaded with Dr Thiel and the former Elder Sasha Veljic told me and others he felt Thiel was insane or under A Demonic Spell. I'm 100% sure when you see the truth and ask him, you will be shocked!!!! 

Dr Thiel has deceived himself into believing he is a Prophet of God and these African shim sham men have blinded him and fed him his Delusional Dream of Greatness. 

This could be another JONES TOWN INCIDENT. 

Sasha Veljic concluded.


These Words of Wisdom come from our late friend Sasha Aleksander Veljic. Sasha Veljic before his Death told me former Worldwiders and Believers and other Folks should write and call Dr Bob Thiel. Demand an investigation, call the State of California to determine and investigate what Dr Thiel is really doing in Africa, crimes against Humanity, and Witchdoctors and human Sacrifice financed by a Man that claims to be a Prophet of God

Terry Nelson

Richard Ames Could Be Healed If He Would Acknowledge The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel Was Correct

Just when you thought the idiocy that comes out of COG leaders' mouths could not get any more vile, along comes the Great Bwana to Africa Bob Mzungu Thiel to erase all doubt. Even Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack fail in comparison to the wicked diarrhea that Bwana Bob lets sprew forth from his lips almost on a daily basis now.

Richard Ames, a long-time Church of God member and ordained as an evangelist has been seriously ill over the last month or so. He is in the intensive care unit at the hospital now and some are suggesting he is getting palliative care.

Ames, along with Rod Meredith and other church leaders of the Living Church of God were "warned" by the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu that they were doctrinally wrong on several subjects, particularly when it came to prophecy. According to the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu, he and he alone has the correct interpretation of scripture and prophecy and the Living Church of God was expected to heed his demands. Rod Meredith and others, including Ames, ignored Bwana Bob Mzungu's demands, and that caused him to get his wholistic panties all in a knot, apostatize, and create a new splinter cult.

Ames along with many others counseled Meredith to ignore Bwana Bob's demands and that has left a permanent butthurt on the Great Bwana that he has never recovered from.

Yesterday, the Great Bwana hinted that Richard Ames could be healed and used as a powerful end-time voice IF and only IF he would acknowledge the Great Bwana Bob was right. Healing would be immediate and God's endtime work would go forth in power.

0702/24 a.m. In his latest posted letter, LCG's Gerald Weston reported the following:

I’m sure that Mr. Richard Ames and his wife Kathryn are on the minds of all of you. As of this writing, all I can pass on is that Mr. Ames is in critical condition in an intensive care unit.

Richard Ames and his wife Kathryn remain in my prayers. If Richard Ames will let God use him to reveal various facts he is aware of, I believe God will give him that opportunity soon.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

False Teachers Walk Among Us

Everyone is always out to get LCG/COG members. If they have such "infallible proofs", why do they not have confidence and faith in the one they claim to follow? Living in fear seems to be more comfortable for the church.

Prove Your Beliefs: Many today assume that simply “believing in Jesus” and “accepting Him into your heart” is all that is required of Christians. However, the Bible teaches differently. Numerous scriptures warn of false teachers who will talk about Jesus and deceive people (Matthew 24:3–5), even labeling them as ministers of Satan (2 Corinthians 11:1–15). This is why the Apostle Paul urged Christians to “Test [examine carefully] all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Luke writes that the beliefs of early Christians were based on eyewitness accounts and provide “many infallible proofs” of Christ’s miracles and resurrection (Luke 1:1–2: Acts 1:1–3). The Apostle Peter urged believers to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15) as Paul confidently did before Roman leaders (Acts 26). If we take time to prove our beliefs, we can do the same thing.

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

Is It Your Mission To Become A God So You Can Reign At The Right Hand Of Christ?


Stay Focused on Our Mission: The lessons of history show that mankind and God’s Chosen People have drifted off course again and again. Adam and Eve made wrong choices that sent human history off in a wrong direction—due to Satan’s influence. Ancient Israel turned away from God and reaped serious consequences. Modern Israelite nations are following the same path. Jesus called disciples and raised up His Church to preach the Gospel (Mark 1:14–1516:15), warn the world of consequences of sin, and announce events that indicate His return is near (Mark 13, Matthew 24). The mission of God’s Church also includes preparing individuals to reign with Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God (Luke 1:17Revelation 5:10). To obtain this challenging and exciting reward, we must avoid being distracted by the cares and temptations of this world and stay focused on our mission (Matthew 13:10–23).

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

New Book: The Christian in the Cult – And How to Discover Humanity in Christ, By Jim Valekis

Buy it here: Kharis Publishing

The Christian in the Cult – And How to Discover Humanity in Christ, By Jim Valekis

Kharis Publishing announces the release of The Christian in the Cult: And How I Discovered Humanity in Christ, by Jim Valekis. He uses his life story to take readers deep into the culture of the Greek Orthodox Church,...
Monday, July 1st 2024, 8:46 PM CDT
News Channel Nebraska

Jim Valekis was born in Alabama with a “bouzouki” on his knee. His Greco-American parents raised their family as part of a thriving Greek Orthodox community in Birmingham. As a teenager captivated by the radio teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong, Valekis defied his roots and eventually followed a call to pastor in the Worldwide Church of God. When the former cult transitioned into Evangelicalism, Jim followed, continuing to pastor in Grace Communion International. Most recently, Valekis co-founded the vision for the Tipp Center, a faith-based business and resource hub, where he is the chaplain. It this rich history of faith that informs Jim’s expansive and immersive narrative in The Christian in the Cult.

Jim spent 21 years in the Worldwide Church of God, a Pasadena, California-based American church many called a cult. And spent 19 years and most of his pastoral career pastoring working to transform and replant one of its churches when this cult reformed doctrinally in 1994. He saw God turn a socially isolated commuter church into an outreaching community church, and was at least verbally acknowledged for having done so on a national website. He experienced personally what it took to transform biblically from a very non-orthodox narrow view of the Scripture to a “new covenant” biblically correct one. In the process, he learned what makes a “cult” a cult from personal experience. Jim has an amazing “insiders” story of what really happens when a universally recognized cult attempts to transform, and behind-the-scenes struggles that occur within such a culture. He also has had personal experience with how the evangelical world has “cultural” limitations that go back to a misunderstanding of what Luther intended in the Reformation. Jim is now calling for a reformation to the Reformation and a new way for being church - not just for Protestants, but Catholics and Orthodox Christians as well.

Therefore, Jim Valekis’ The Christian in the Cult - And How I Discovered Humanity in Christ uses the author’s life story to take the reader deep inside the culture of the Greek Orthodox Church, Herbert Armstrong’s Worldwide Church of God, and modern Evangelicalism. After journeying through three versions of “the only true church,” Valekis deftly invites his readers to join him in his ongoing discovery of humanity in Christ and what it can mean for the church and the world.

Here is how Andrew Manis, Emeritus Professor of History Middle at Georgia State University, Macon, Georgia, describes The Christian in the Cult: 

Millions of religious believers will clearly recognize the spiritual journey narrated by Jim Valekis in this powerful story. A son of the Greek Orthodox Church finds himself in Herbert W. Armstrong’s Worldwide Church of God, which eventually takes him into more traditional Christianity and out again. Where he ends up at the end of this fascinating pilgrimage will be a big surprise. But Valekis astutely narrates his journey and brings readers along with him to a spiritual destination that includes the whole world. In a religious and political that has become a culture war of all against all, Valekis’s final message of oneness and wholeness in Christ is a welcome antidote.

On his part, Chuck Proudfit, who is president of At Work On Purpose, sees Jim’s work as a testament to how faith in Jesus Christ can get one grounded and stablished spiritually despite the pains of a broken world. According to him, 

In your hands is a book that speaks powerfully to both the complexities of living and growing in the Church, and to the way God moves in our individual lives as believers. Through the story of author Jim Valekis, we see a riveting faith testimony passed from one generation of family to another -- across cultures, continents and denominations. We experience through Jim’s journey how our Christian faith can ground us and cover us spiritually, despite a fallen world, broken relationships, and vocational volatility. Jim reminds us that while our conditions and surroundings rise and fall, our steadfast relationship with Christ is All. I commend this book to you.

For Terry Wardle, Founder of Healing Care Ministries, it was the way Jim seamlessly interwove a complex personal story with historical and scriptural insights that resonated with him. According to him, 

Jim Valekis has written a journey narrative that bends the reader continually toward wholeness in Christ. His writing is deeply personal, clearly theological, and thoroughly biblical, mining the depth of each discipline to unearth the force of God’s transforming love. There is in these pages a complex personal story, interwoven with historical and scriptural insights that can guide the reader through the fog of theological compromise to the clarity that comes when Christ alone is the Lord of life. It has been said that life is a journey of formation, with the looming question, “Into what am I being formed?” Jim Valekis shines an uncompromising light on the person of Jesus Christ and bids us to surrender to the formative power of his Presence, alive in the human heart.

Jim holds a master’s degree in biblical studies from Earlham School of Religion. He enjoys hanging out with his wife Becky, biking, painting, and sharing (especially over Greek comfort food) how his new theological understanding connects back in profound ways with the ancient Trinitarian fabric of his Orthodox upbringing, a relational Christ-centered fabric expansive enough to include every human being.

Buy it here: Kharis Publishing

The truth about Bob Thiel and the Continuing Church of God is one of deception

The Truth about Bob Thiel and the Continuing Church of God is one of Deception, I've been on the ground in Africa 4 times spending months there. Bob has no clue what is really going on there. His numbers for one thing are complete fabrication. I was there. His so-called fake ministers are lying to him about numbers and a great many things. 

Bob calls me and the former Sasha Veljic accusers of the Brethren. We told the truth and we were basically ignored by Bob when we realized what he was doing. We lost all respect for him and concluded he wasn't a Man of God and the Continuing Church of God is definitely a Sham.  

I challenge anyone to go there and check it out to prove me wrong.  

To my old friends in CCOG, you really better prove this to yourselves, because if you don't, that's on you!!!!! Nothing else to say. 

I'm glad God revealed to me the truth before it was too late. God grant Dr Thiel to see and repent for his actions of treating persons he sent to Africa with contempt. He was the one who asked me and Sasha to find out what they were doing down there, and then we were accused of talebareing, only when we told him the truth. 

I mean who ignores official government documents in favor of some elderly man saying it isn't true, not to mention eyewitnesses and pictures and check receipts? 

Same with Malawi. Pictures and video testament from witnesses, including the adulterous Radson's own children and ex-wife. More lies that Bob knows about but hasn't admitted yet. 

Bob, I know all about a great many things, how are you going to spin Sosten L.  Really a repented publicly former Malawian Minister that you publicly admitted on video as having skimmed money and committed adultery and has admitted to Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God leaders in emails that he has 10,000 members members, and you say that this man has repented? Then you tell one of our leaders it's Rumors? 

Bob Thiel do you even remember what you are saying about any of this, and you call us accusers of the brethren! 

All I can say Bob is when are you going to admit you were wrong? 

I honestly can say you will never admit any of this because you are not a humble Man. That's why you won't succeed in any of this sham. You know deep down you are wrong. God help you to be humble and repent.

Terry Nelson

Accusers of the Brethren


It is always fun to watch as little self-appointed false prophets and inept leaders in the Church of God movement get all pissy and indigent when they receive criticism from both inside and outside the church. 

The one that seems to suffer the most from this self-induced martyrdom complex is our Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel. No church leader in the history of Christianity has ever suffered more persecution than our Great Bwana Bob. Never one to practice any humility and look inward at his corrupt self, he constantly looks outward and lays blame on that busybody Satan. 

Jesus gave the following commission:

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)

This involves working to reach people in multiple languages. Jesus’ statements in Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19-20 are the major commissions of the faithful church. The “phil,” as in Philadelphian Christians, means fraternal love/affection, which in the biblical context includes supporting the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God to all that we can.

Satan does not want people reached in other languages.

But as the Apostle Paul wrote of him, “Satan … we are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11).

Trying to cast doubt on God, His word, His ministry, His people, and His faithful church is something that Satan and his associates do. That is one of the reason that Satan is referred to in the Bible as “the accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10).

Sadly, many throughout church history have succumbed to his ways.

The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu loves to let everyone know how many more translations he has every week. The problem is, that he can eventually translate his poorly researched book into every single language in the world does not mean he has now spread the gospel to every nation. All he has done is put a bunch of crap on paper that will end up in the trash, line a bird cage, used to light a fire under a pot of food, or used as toilet paper in some poor nation.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Dave Pack: Third Times The Charm - Jesus Returns July 7, 2024

Tammuz Trifecta

The Restored Church of God brethren are still aimlessly wandering in circles through a prophetic lunacy wilderness, passing their decaying biblical beer cans. The members are not trapped in the middle of nowhere. They can make a clean exit anytime but inexplicably choose to stay.

They must enjoy being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, particularly when it becomes familiar because the same fraudulent doctrines are proven and disavowed in endless cycles.

During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 376)" at the Ministerial Conference on June 13, 2022, Pastor General David C. Pack started declaring the Hebrew month of Tammuz the target time for the return of Jesus Christ. Back then, Tammuz 1 was the beginning of the 1335.

Flashback Part 379 – June 25, 2022
@ 18:23 It’s impossible that God doesn’t start to “revive His work” on Tammuz 1 in the year of His choosing. …I believe that no less certainly than I believe the seventh day is the Sabbath.

Starting with “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 443)” on May 18, 2023, Tammuz 1’s significance was reinstated, but this time, as the start of the Second Kingdom with Sivan 1 as the beginning of the First. The days wore on, and so did Dave's conviction that he was finally right this time around.

Flashback Part 446 – June 3, 2023
@ 21:32 Now, if you just accept that… then the Kingdom of God has to start on Tammuz 1. It’s impossible.I’m gonna give ya many more points… And since it’s a little over 15 days away, it should be on everybody’s mind… Tammuz 1 is June 19th this year. Next year, it’s July 7th. Way out there.

Wow. We have arrived at "way out there," and Dave still expects brethren to believe him. Only the most mentally damaged in RCG actually get excited.

2024 is the third year in a row that David C. Pack has fixated on Tammuz. He is going for a Tammuz Trifecta but will never be a winner because he races in vain.

Tammuz 2022 failed. Tammuz 2023 failed. Tammuz 2024 will fail.

When Dave shifts to Tammuz 2025, that will also fail. This is the way things are in The Restored Church of Another god because it is led by a hypocritical blaspheming liar who self-appointed himself an apostle, falsely declared he was a prophet to later deny it, steals titles belonging to Jesus Christ, and teaches antichrist theology.

The religious madness of David C. Pack will never end, and he will never change. Anyone who bets their salvation on his guidance and leadership should prepare for abject failure.


During "The Greatest Unending Story!" Part 519 on June 20 and Part 520 on June 22, David C. Pack quickly got over Pentecost to focus on the new hot chick in his life: Tammuz 1.

This was not a rash decision based on nonsense because Dave has been super busy with his marathon power sitting like nobody else on Earth.

Part 519 – June 20, 2024
@ 20:32 This [“hear the word of the Lord”] changed me when I studied it. Had I seen these verses or, you know, this is a big book. I’ve studied prophecy in this whole period for about 25,000 hours. That shouldn’t be hard to believe because I’ve preached for almost 1,000. And I’m talkin’ about just the Series. And yet, it never occurred to me to to study that.

Just during “The Greatest Untold Story!” Series, David C. Pack has studied the Bible for 25,000 hours and still cannot get it right. That alone speaks volumes about the futility of his unproductive pursuits, and it should scream to everyone in The Restored Church of God that the True God is not behind this.

Dave must think Jeremiah cheated because God touched his lips, and words of truth came out of his mouth. God created the tongue and told Moses he knew how to make his mouth work the way He needed. And it is entirely unfair to Dave that corner-cutter John the Baptist heard an audible utterance from God and knew exactly where to go and what to do.

Throughout the Bible, God helped His servants accomplish their tasks effectively and get prophetic doctrines correct out of the gate. But for David C. Pack…not so much.

A person can become a doctor after studying for 25,000 hours. But imagine that doctor embodied such gross incompetence that every patient died on the table. Think: 100% of his patients died. With that kind of horrific statistical data, responsible governing bodies in the world know to forcefully remove that doctor’s ability to continue killing people.

But in the Church of God religious sphere, inept false teachers like David C. Pack are allowed to continue bungling without consequence because complacency and cowardice are the driving forces keeping people glued to their chairs.

The hireling enablers at The Restored Church of God Headquarters willfully allow their idol madman to vomit poison on the sheep while they smugly sit with their perfect Sabbath haircuts and cufflinks, just knowing they are in the true church leaving it for God to prove who is on the right side of history.

They are not too blind to see the answer was provided in August 2013. They just chose to ignore it.


All those 25,000 hours of study are really paying off now because Dave finally has the simple, correct, and complete picture that will totally never change. Like, totally never.

@ 38:05 So, could our pursuit finally be simple? God is saying, “Get this. I’m telling you it’s a moed.” 

The Kingdom, beginning on a moed, is so important that David C. Pack invented a fraudulent one to make Pentecost fit. He brazenly invented a hidden New Moon on the tenth of each month. But that "new truth" did not last long, and Wade Cox no longer needs to breathe into a brown paper bag.

@ 38:16 If you can’t determine midst of the years, how can you know the coming did not delay? God would be mocking us. “I’m mocking you. I won’t tell you what this date is. But, I’ll tell you it won't delay, and you better hold on to a date, and I'm not gonna tell it to you." Now, you tell me how that works. I've seen that for a long time, but we just never got the right date. We didn’t have enough understanding.

Dave’s 11-year fallback position of never having enough understanding mocks his 25,000 hours.

@ 38:45 We would have to know the target date. Well, it wasn’t Sivan 1. It wasn’t Pentecost. Then, when? I knew we would eventually (I'm gonna just keep repeating this), hafta know. We just [chuckles] never did yet.

Dave still does not know. Tammuz 1 is his annual flash-in-the-pan obsession despite his optimistic proclamations. Take note of this for later when he admits how uncomfortable he was with Tammuz, the Trifecta Edition.

@ 39:04 Now, we’re gonna examine dozens (actually scores) of points, and it’s time to get it right.

The following statement is so very odd coming from the man who repeats that the Laodicean era is about people who “rule, judge, and decide,” and what a spiritually lukewarm position that is.

@ 39:23 You can be your own judge. You can be and should be and should prepare yourself now to be your own judge of the date you believe the clues we will study point to. I’m gonna give you dozens, scores of them. Some of them you’ve heard before in a different setting, but they they apply more more correctly.

Adults in The Restored Church of God who are their own judges are typically suspended or cast out permanently. If you “grow a voice,” you are shown the door.

If anyone at Headquarters took Dave’s advice and, during the meal, openly doubted what they were taught, the hireling enablers would be all over them as fast as the snitcher could tattle.

David C. Pack is a proven false apostle, false prophet, and false teacher who blatantly lies to the church so often he forgot what speaking the truth is like. Judging anything like that is a one-way ticket to the parking lot. Because, you know, Dave never takes that stuff personally. Wink, wink.

The dozens, scores of points cannot apply “more correctly” because they were never correct to begin with. Taking assumptions already proven false and recycling them does not produce a more accurate assumption. It is just recycled fraud. Garbage in, garbage out.

This is the open insanity of doctrines in The Restored Church of God.


David C. Pack admitted he had to tiptoe through Parts 519 and 520 because of ferocious opposition from his enemies, so the ideal, clear, and tight YouTube fodder regarding Tammuz 1 is elusive.

Part 519 – June 20, 2024
@ 42:54 So, you gotta begin to be a little bit suspicious of of Tammuz 1, which is 16 days away.

@ 44:26 Tammuz is the first New Moon of summer after the latter rain ends.

@ 55:00 And until we understood the Day of Atonement, we had no chance to correctly understand the date we’re looking for. I hope you have goosebumps on your goosebumps right now.

@ 56:16 I got about 60 points here, and we've covered 6. So, we're about a tenth done. You could almost argue let’s just let’s just wait 16 days, and let’s just close the Bible and go have dinner.

Dave finally had a good idea but would never do that. Never. His insatiable ego could never allow anyone to wait and see with what they had already heard. He is determined to bore them to death with every single minute idea, notion, theory, and presumption he can conjure. He longs to be special and needs the limelight to sustain him.

@ 1:00:21 Why on Earth would God bring us to the split second of the midst of those years that have been going on for about 6,000 of them and expect us to think we’re working off of any other math?

@ 1:06:06 And, sure enough, Tammuz 1 was Sunday. It had me very suspicious for over a month. So, Pentecost, ironically, being a Sunday three weeks earlier was also a shadow in the sense of being a Sunday.

@ 1:11:30 And then about a month ago, …I said I'm gonna take a look at Tammuz, and I found a Sunday, and I that’s when I waved my long Tammuz list with proofs that have now doubled in number. And I was suspicious of Tammuz. Along came Pentecost.

@ 1:12:49 This perfectly fits a Sunday Tammuz 1.

Dave held up the Tammuz 1 list during Part 516 on June 8.

Or you can watch his list fetish in action.


If you think this next quote hurts your brain, remember that some RCG members are trying to follow his logic.

Part 520 – June 22, 2024
@ 44:47 If the Kingdom begins on Tammuz 1 and you count forward 1,230 days (this would be the 1,290 moment), you count forward from a dawn 1,230 days, you arrive at a Friday dawn. But only if you count from Tammuz and only if you count from a Sunday. It’s 175 weeks and five days left over. So, from Sunday 175 weeks later is a Sunday. Five more days, it’s Friday dawn. Go! Right now. I mean, and why? Because days are short.

@ 47:29 There's no possible way it will ever work unless it's Tammuz, and it's Tammuz this year. This is crucial. Even a one-month delay to Av puts flight at two days later. It’s Sunday dawn after the Sabbath. And Elul is worse. And Trumpets is worse than that. They don’t work. And Cheshvan is the worst of all because you’d be fleeing right on the Sabbath at dawn.

@ 48:47 I knew God was gonna resolve this by math. And there's one more big math thing we're gonna learn here in a bit. But this is powerful.

Something David C. Pack is incapable of performing in 3…2…1…

@ 48:55 An honest reading of Scripture in Matthew 24, I would say, and as God’s servant trying to do his best up here, demands a Tammuz start. And in the year 2024. Because a Sunday Tammuz 1 is required for this.

@ 49:22 It’s it’s math. Was God playing with us? Was He just playing with our heads when He said, “Pray that your flight iddn’t on the Sabbath?” Or did He mean it? I could never figure out which year it it came. While far from the only proof, this may be the most powerful proof of month and year, month and year in the Bible. In 2025, all of that math just vanishes. Poof. Even if you got to Tammuz 1.

In 2025, David C. Pack will devise new stone-cold biblical math that will fit “perfectly.” This new midst of the years triad theory will not last long either.

@ 54:44 How many kinds of years are being unified into one at the start of the Kingdom to Israel? In fact, it’s inarguable that God is unifying all three kinds of years. It’s inarguable, brethren…

@ 55:19 “…and God says, “I’m gonna merge, but I’m also gonna merge them with this year in the fall.” So, where you have three kinds of years, three kinds of years: solar, lunar, and release or liberty, God says, "I'm gonna make one, and it's gonna last for the rest of time."

@ 55:57 He had to have had them in mind when He said, "the midst of the years." So, what we’re looking for is the intersection of three kinds of years. Not two. And it I it you can’t even argue with it because God ends solar years as an independent measurement that’s been around for six thousand years. He ends them.

@ 58:17 …the midst of three kinds of years where God is triangulating a date, and that brings you to Tammuz 1. That is blow outta the water in any year where you don’t have you’re not somewhere near July 1st.

@ 1:01:27 I would say, prove this is not what God intended. [laugh] If you say, well, I mean if it, you know, it’s what He does. So, midst of the years absolutely must be when three kinds of years are integrated into one forever. Prove this is not what God intended when it’s absolutely what the facts say He does.

On Monday, July 8, this will be pretty easy to prove by just hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock.

@ 1:04:16 It meant we’re never gonna figure that out, neither was Mr. Pack until until it was shown to me.

Shown by what? Not God. Not the Holy Spirit. Come July 8, David C. Pack will expose himself as a biblical fraud for the 83rd time and that he is doing all of this on human steam powered by incompetent religious delusion.

@ 1:34:46 The Series is almost over. What things could be remotely big enough to occupy four more weeks through Tammuz should this be necessy–what would I talk to you about?

@ 1:38:58 Could I miss something over the last month-plus of examining Tammuz? It would have to be so big, so massive, so so Everest-like, so Titanic that it can outweigh all a this. [lists] It’s all I can say. I’d settled Tammuz 1 in mid-whet May but then turned to Pentecost for reasons we all know. Because of the last about 55 points, Tammuz 1 appears to fit the date that cannot delay.

@ 1:39:34 But, you gotta be your own judge. I mean, you’re supposta be looking at the facts and and ask yourself, “What do I believe?” Not, “What did Mr. Pack say? I’m-uh-nuh hide behind him.”

Brethren of The Restored Church of God, obey your Pastor General and be your own judge.

This Tammuz Trifecta is a losing endeavor, and by the time you sip your coffee on July 8, you will be shown plain evidence exposing David C. Pack as a false teacher and that God is not inspiring him.

Or you can keep racing in circles with no winning finish line because you are backing the wrong horse.

Marc Cebrian

See: Tammuz Trifecta