Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 23, 2025

LCG Declares Day Of Fasting

Apparently, things are not exactly rosy for many Living Church of god members right now. Trials continue to afflict the church due to all the sinning members.

This Sabbath is a voluntary day of fasting for the Living Church of God. We see a lot happening in our world—2025 is shaping up to be a critical year—and many members are experiencing serious personal trials. Several of us here in Charlotte, therefore, thought it would be good to call for a day of fasting and prayer, as we have not had one for some time. Please do spend extra time confessing your sins and earnestly asking God to show us what we need to do and to deliver those suffering severe trials. —Gerald Weston


  1. I fail to see how fasting on the Sabbath is a rest and honoring that day. The only reason the ACOGs have chosen the Sabbath as a fast day is to coerce members to go along. Wasn't their last fast day commanded by Rod for his personal healing?

  2. The key word in this notice is "voluntary." He's not demanding everyone do it, as some COG leaders have done and might do.

    If LCG members are praying and fasting on a regular basis, they're already taking care of this. Right?

    1. Yes, but how voluntary is "voluntary." Will members be looked down on if they don't fast on that day? These churches are riddled with code words, so scratching the surface is advisable.

  3. Several of us here in Charlotte, therefore, thought it would be good to call for a day of fasting and prayer, as we have not had one for some time.

    Don't they still fast on the Day of Atonement?

  4. Seriously? You guys need to take far better care of your kidneys!


  5. "Please do spend extra time confessing your sins" -- but what if I do not have any sins?

    1. Then they'd remind you of Romans 3:23.

    2. I'm well aware of my shortcomings, so what value is there in spending extra time confessing my sins? The real reasons churches teach this is because it's under the table.narcissistic devaluation. Congregations that are beaten down are easier to control.
      By contrast, in Philippians 4:8, Paul instructs "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, think on these things." There is no fixation on one's faults here.

  6. Unless Weston is prepared to reexamine the canon, he is not serious about seeking the truth or the will of God.

    1. Agreed, 12:33. There is a veritable mountain of additional material and tradition that any Armstrongite would need to reexamine. Don't hold your breath!

      The problem is, Armstrongites around here are regularly treated to examinations of these, but let the posts on those topics fade for a couple months and then come right back at us and recite their Armstrongism once again as if they had never seen the facts disproving their beliefs. (Sigh!)

      "Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?"


  7. Alrighty folks! How about a review of the fast? Any pals of the saddle from the ol' LCG Corral hangin' out with us this evenin'? Was the church-wide fast spiritually enlightening, edifying? Meet expectations? If so, was it a negligibly subliminal experience, or something everyone felt by the seat of their pants?

    Please feel free to share!


  8. Nobody from LCG wanted to share? Guess we're to assume that they learned something other than Armstrongism from the services in their rented Masonic lodges! Looks like fasting is a secret ritual they won't discuss with outsiders.

  9. Those heretics and sinners in LCG need to fast every other day to set an example for the rest of us infidel splinter groups! Meanwhile, on the day of fasting, my menu has on it fried chicken, roast beef, smashed potatoes, french fries (they don't even surrender!) and endless vanilla ice cream!
