Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Crackpot Prophet Writes Another Book Destined For The Trash Bin of History


Where would the Church of God be without all of its resident so-called biblical authorities who have to open their mouths upon EVERYTHING? Sadly, these kinds of fools are a dime a dozen in Armstrongism. They come out with book after book and article after article filled with some of the most idiotic false prophecies imaginable.

We have highlighted two of the four biggest liars of the church a lot lately, Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry. This leaves Alton Billingsley and the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel.

On Friday, the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel announced a new book on prophecy. But before we highlight the new book, let's see how many of these blockbusters you have read or even heard of:


Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States” explains how, by virtue of his background and policies, Barack Obama is fulfilling, and will continue to help fulfill, various prophecies that will lead to the destruction of the United States. Not intended as an anti-Democratic nor pro-Republican book, “Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States” also tells the truth about Mitt Romney and why his possible election would also lead to destruction. It answers questions such as “Is Barack Obama apocalyptic? ” and “Is Barack Obama the Antichrist?” Citing Islamic, Kenyan, Catholic, Byzantine, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others, “Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States” explains from many sources where, why, when, and even some of how, the various aspects of destruction will come.

Get a load of this crap... Did you know that Bobby Bwana is one of the world's most preeminent scholars of prophecy? I kid you not, this fool actually said this!

Written by Bob Thiel, Ph.D., one of the world's preeminent authorities on prophecies for the 21st century, “Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States” explains why certain commonly reported “prophetic” claims about Barack Obama are false, and yet gives seventeen specific reasons why Barack Obama is apocalyptic. It also lists events that are going to happen that will lead to the destruction of the United States of America, as well as its British-descended allies such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Prophecies related to the roles of Europe and China are also analyzed.

The fact that MSNBC and the Washington Times quoted Bobby Bwana is not something to crow about. MSNBC is one of the least credible news sources today and is widely mocked, and the Washington Times is a mouthpiece of the Moon cult.

As an award-winning researcher cited by MSNBC and The Washington Times, Dr. Thiel took his work seriously, traveling to Patmos, Greece (where the Apocalypse was originally written) as well as certain other places he identifies in his book. He and his wife have visited scores of sites of religious and prophetic interest around the world. After years of compiling and analyzing prophecies and Barack Obama, Dr. Thiel now presents them in a clear, straightforward language, explaining what was prophesied, what has already occurred, and what will happen in the future.

Traveling to historical sites does NOT make one an authority on anything, particularly when it comes to Armstrongite mythology. 

How reliable has Dr. Thiel been interpreting predictions mentioned throughout the book? Released in late 2009, dozens of world events have already aligned with Dr. Thiel’s book “2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect.” And 2012 is not yet over (plus there are many post-2012 predictions in that book that will also come to pass—the book clearly states that the world will not end in 2012). World events have specifically also aligned with a dozen predictions related to the Obama Administration that he documented in that 2009 book (and those are also listed in the Appendix of “Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States”).



"Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States" explains about how, by virtue of her background and policies, Hillary Clinton is fulfilling, and will continue to help fulfill, various prophecies that will lead to the destruction of the United States. Not intended as an anti-Democratic nor pro-Republican book, "Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States" also tells the truth about Republican leaders like Donald Trump and why their practices would also lead to destruction. It answers many question. Is Hillary Clinton apocalyptic? Does Bible prophecy warn about a woman leading the USA? Could Hillary Clinton be the Antichrist? What really will happen to the USA and other lands? Citing Islamic, Buddhist, Catholic, Byzantine, Native American, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others, "Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States" explains from many sources where, why, when, and even some of how, the various aspects of destruction will come. Since Dr. Thiel first wrote about the Obama Administration in his 2009 book, it has taken steps to fulfill, at least partially, at least a dozen predictions that Dr. Thiel recorded. More will be fulfilled as well. Would you like to learn more about what Hillary Clinton has done and the real direction that the United States and its British-descended allies such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are really going? This highly referenced book documents the truth about this.



"Donald Trump and America's Apocalypse" explains about how, by virtue of his background and and stated policies, Donald Trump is fulfilling, and will continue to help fulfill, various prophecies that will lead to the Apocalypse and the future destruction of the United States. Not intended as an anti-Democratic nor pro-Republican book, it cites biblical and other prophecies and shows how events are aligning with, and will align with various of them. It answers questions many question, like: Is Donald Trump apocalyptic? Is he the 'Trump of God'? Could Donald Trump be the Antichrist? Who will destroy the USA? Citing Islamic, Buddhist, Catholic, Byzantine, Native American, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others, "Donald Trump and America's Apocalypse" explains from many sources where, why, when, and even some of how, the various aspects of destruction will come. Since Dr. Thiel first wrote about the Obama Administration in his 2009 book, it has taken steps to fulfill, at least partially, at least a dozen predictions that Dr. Thiel recorded. Plus, four he has written would happen if Donald Trump was elected have already been at least partially confirmed. More will be fulfilled as well. Would you like to learn more about what Donald Trump has done and the real direction that the United States and its British-descended allies such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are really going? This highly referenced book documents the truth about this.

Not having learned a lesson after printing these complete failures in prophecy, our favorite crackpot has a new book out, just in time to celebrate Trump being reelected. Notice, though, how he just copies and pastes previous writings secretly, hoping that someday he might hit the mark and something he wrote might actually come true. It never will but at least he gets to dream big.


Most of us living in these exciting and turbulent times go about our daily activities blissfully or purposely unconcerned about the future. We hear and see reports, through various media, of events converging in ever more intensity on a path toward what? Most don’t benefit from an understanding that these events are leading to the fulfillment of many prophecies.

Yet, there are good reasons to “bother” with ancient writings and other sources of prognostication, since we will all be affected by the actions of billions of people who take predictions seriously.

Historically, many powerful civilizations were destroyed through economic, military, health and moral decline. Will alliances like NATO remain helpful through these difficulties? At least 22 predictions/warnings I made about the first Donald Trump Administration were totally or at least partially fulfilled during his first term in office.

Bobby Bwana seeks to answer these topics again:

Is Donald Trump apocalyptic? Is he the 'Trump of God'? Could Donald Trump be the Antichrist? Who will destroy the USA? Citing Islamic, Buddhist, Catholic, Byzantine, Native American, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others...

Does ANYONE give a flying rat's ass what ANYONE thinks about these things? Only the minds of degenerate false prophets of Armstrongism seem to dwell on such detritus grot. Anything they can do to stay away from mentioning Jesus, they will wallow in it, no matter how filthy it is. Does anyone care what Islam or Nostradamus thinks about Trump?

This new book is destined to join the previous three books in the dustbin of history as the epic failures they all were. With the endless stream of false prophecies in each book, they are all destined for epic failure. These books now occupy their rightful place in the boot of the City dump trucks or lining the bottom of your parakeet's birdcage.

Four epic failures, filled with lies and false prophecies. Avoid at all costs! Maintain your sanity




Friday, January 24, 2025

UCG: People Who Have Crosses In Their Churches Or Homes Are Lazy

Church of God "logic" is never boring...

What does the Second Commandment forbid?

The Second Commandment forbids anyone from making or displaying visual images with the goal of incorporating them into their worship of God. Many Christian churches and homes display revered religious images, including crosses, crucifixes, statues and paintings that are supposed to be of Jesus or Mary or a “saint,” mystical symbols, steeples, special shapes, stained glass windows with religious designs, etc. Especially problematic is the practice of directing one’s prayers to God through Mary the mother of Jesus or some other “saint.”

Many religious people don’t understand the Second Commandment and the intent behind using images in their worship is sincere. They feel that the images inspire them and help them to feel closer to God. We can admire their good intentions, sincerity and zeal, but we must understand the problem with this practice.

Adding to the issue is the fact that many “Christian” images are in fact inherited from ancient pagan religions! For example, some pagan religions worshipped a “Madonna and child.”

Please understand that the Second Commandment does not forbid artwork showing people and animals or even artwork showing biblical scenes. God commanded intricate artwork to be engraved in God’s temple and elsewhere. But none of that artwork was regarded as representing God.

Why shouldn’t we use religious images?

It is human nature to desire to see, hear or touch God. That explains why people are naturally tempted to look at something they can see to represent God. Furthermore, human nature is lazy. It is mentally challenging to contemplate God as invisible and infinite. The human mind desires to bring God “down to earth” in some tangible form.

Such practices enormously diminish God in people’s minds. The Creator of all things cannot be equated with anything in His creation! To read how strongly God feels about this issue, see Deuteronomy 4:12, 15-19, 23-29; 7:5; 12:1-5!

By that "logic," the symbols of their "Passover" service are also lazy and diminish God.  The Church of God has always looked at the symbols of bread and wine as pointing to Christ and his sacrifice. Yet a person who has a cross in their home is a deceived, unclean pagan who secretly abhors God and is deliberately diminishing God. 

What about the Feast of Tabernacles, a "symbol" of the millennium to come?  Was it co-opted from the surrounding pagan harvest cultures the Israelites were next to because they were lazy and did not know how to relate to God?

These are all symbolizing God coming to earth in a tangible way.

In Armstrongism, the cross is the most despised symbol of Christianity that it holds in contempt. Who can forget Bob Thiel's OBSCENE display of vile insensitivity when he had a meltdown when Christians in Milwaukee erected memorial crosses for the Living Church of God members slaughtered during a church service.

Yet, the cross commemorates Jesus' death on the cross and thus the central event of the Christian faith. On the one hand, the cross represents the sacrificial death of Jesus, but at the same time, it symbolizes his resurrection from the dead and the reconciliation between humans and God. Christians do not worship the cross and never have, in spite of the lies of COG leaders claiming they do.

What about the Azazel goat that symbolized the sins of Israel being placed upon it which it carried out into the wilderness during Atonement? It is an important part of Armstrongism, yet Christians are lazy.

Then there is the fish symbol that early Christians used as a secret way of identifying themselves to other Christians. I guess they were too lazy to proudly proclaim they were Christians in the surrounding pagan Roman world. It would have meant an instant death sentence, but shame on them! They were too ashamed to talk bout Jesus, much like Herbert Armstrong was.

The rainbow, which is supposed to symbolize God's faithfulness after the flood, was a sign of the covenant between God and man. He made his promise to the people that he would always provide for them, for "as long as the earth endures, sowing and reaping, frost and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease". (Genesis 8:22).

Symbolism in Armstrongism has always been important. The Church of God has its own set of symbols, myths, and legends that make it who it is as a church today.

And while we are on symbols in Armstrongism, lets not forget Ambassador Auditorium! Hoo doggie! 

The auditorium has its worshippers facing Eastward to the rising sun for worship services. 

Or, the fact it was a Masonic cube that also had an interior room up in the ceiling that symbolized the 33rd degree. This was relayed to me by a construction worker who helped build the building when I gave him a tour years ago, He said the auditorium was filled with Masonic symbolism.

My two favorite symbols of the auditorium are its bridges in front symbolizing the female vagina opening with a phallic fountain erupting in all its glory in the center opening of it...

...and its majestic phallic columns exploding at the tips to the four corners of the earth like the gospel of Armstrongism was doing.

You may think I am making this all up, but these are actually things that people at HQ have said over the years. The best, though, was the man who actually convinced a few people in 1974 into believing that when it came time to flee to Petra, God would make the 5 egrets in the front fountain come alive, which would then pick up the auditorium and fly it to Petra with the 5th egret leading the way.

This is the legacy of Armstrongism.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Are Demonic Forces Trying To Destroy Living Church of God?


We Must Draw Closer to God: 
We live in an increasingly godless, dangerous, and materialistic age. The head of the United Nations recently warned that humanity has “unleashed a modern-day Pandora’s box of ills” and the world is facing “grave uncertainty.” The Bible reveals that as we approach the end of the age, Satan will be actively involved in fomenting discord and division in the world and among God’s people wherever he can (Revelation 12:12–17). Many of God’s people are facing serious trials and Satan will seek to plant doubts and discouragement and stir up strife. We are also dealing with demonic forces that want to disrupt and silence God’s Work on earth. We need to remember that we are not just dealing with physical problems but are in a battle with spiritual forces and must stay close to God and heed His admonitions to get through these trials (Ephesians 6:10–18). Moses wrote that in the latter days, when we are in tribulation, if we turn to God and obey Him, we will find Him—if we seek him with all our hearts (Deuteronomy 4:27–30; see also 2 Chronicles 15:1–4 and Jeremiah 29:13). We also have the example of Daniel, who sought God with prayers, supplications, and fasting in a humble, respectful, and repentant attitude (Daniel 9:3–5). Jesus said that if we beseech God with prayer and fasting, miraculous things can happen (Matthew 17:21). As we fast together to draw closer to God, let’s do this with all our heart so we can be more effective instruments in God’s hands.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

LCG Declares Day Of Fasting

Apparently, things are not exactly rosy for many Living Church of god members right now. Trials continue to afflict the church due to all the sinning members.

This Sabbath is a voluntary day of fasting for the Living Church of God. We see a lot happening in our world—2025 is shaping up to be a critical year—and many members are experiencing serious personal trials. Several of us here in Charlotte, therefore, thought it would be good to call for a day of fasting and prayer, as we have not had one for some time. Please do spend extra time confessing your sins and earnestly asking God to show us what we need to do and to deliver those suffering severe trials. —Gerald Weston

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Salvation and the Art of Not Wetting Your Pants

(By Urs, Fair Use)

Salvation and the Art of Not Wetting Your Pants 
By Scout

This morning, I went for a hike. I was high up on the side of a canyon with mountains off in the distance. I stopped to take a leak and momentarily ran into a problem – a problem specific to me. I am not circumcised. So sometimes, if I am not careful, my apparatus causes the stream to go in an unexpected direction. And I thought I had wet my pant leg but I did not. I did think how that most men don’t deal with this concern. It is a logistical burden and, ironically, I am a little part Jewish. I am your actual descendant of Abraham. I can’t tell you why my parents did not get me circumcised. Probably no good reason.

My son was circumcised on the eighth day. This made me realize that the only valid Mosaic circumcision is on the eighth day per scripture. If you were circumcised as the Torah said, you were part of an elite group that would inherit the promises made to Abraham. But circumcision also has a history in the Gentile community. Historians think that circumcision has been practiced for 10,000 years. The Egyptians in the Sixth Dynasty did it. It is an ancient surgical procedure – maybe the first one.

I am curious about what the Circumcision Party, that clashed with Paul, expected First Century Gentile Christians to do about circumcisions that did not happen on the eighth day. You can’t climb into a time machine and go back and re-do historical events. Do you get a special dispensation for the wrong day from the Jewish priests so your circumcision can be rendered valid? I think originally the Circumcision Party was not making an argument that Gentiles who wanted to convert to Christianity should simply undergo circumcision. They specifically asserted in Acts 15 that it was circumcision “after the manner of Moses.” Not just any circumcision but eighth-day circumcision. I think they were contending that uncircumcised or improperly circumcised Gentiles could not be saved - ever. It was a way of saying that the promises of Christianity were for devout eighth-day Jews only. Maybe after the Jerusalem Conference, the Circumcision Party softened up a little on this.

I am glad that circumcision now is not by hands in the flesh but of the heart. Had I lived in the time of Paul, I would be disturbed if a member of the Circumcision Party sidled up to me and said that if I wanted to be a Christian and be saved I would need to get circumcised. But I have had Armstrongists tell me that I could not eat pork (I don’t like it anyway. Smells funny.) Or tell me I had to unleaven my house. Some Armstrongist denominations have little Mosaic quirks that they elevate proudly to requirements for salvation – like observing New Moons, maybe. Or believing in this or that oddity said from the pulpit. It sets them apart. And it means that they are going to the Place of Safety and will receive a better salvation and everyone else can pound sand. Because the others do not have the special knowledge that they have about New Moons. Or maybe about not eating mushrooms. Or maybe about not eating jell-o. Or whatever it is that makes them the only ones in God’s inner circle.

The Circumcision Party wanted to contain salvation. They wanted to control it and limit access. They wanted only a very few admitted to the inner circle. The Jerusalem Council blew all that away but there are some who still cling to it after 2,000 years. They also want to contain salvation. The smaller and more exclusive their denomination, the better. This plainly goes against the spirit of Christ who wanted the Gospel of salvation in Christ to be spread far and wide. Even among the Gentiles. This containment view will probably be one of the last errors to die when Christ returns. But, let me tell you, I am seriously happy that the Bible unequivocally states that physical circumcision is not necessary for salvation, even though other physical Torahic activities are not so dramatically set aside in scripture. I shudder to think what the misguided zealots might have forced on me.

Gerald Flurry's Open Letter to the ACOGs

Flurry's Open Letter to the ACOGs

Gerald Flurry's Philadelphia Church of God gets my vote for most delusional of the ACOGs - and there isn't even a close second! In my humble opinion, Gerald's slavish devotion to the memory of Herbert Armstrong, along with his attempts to imitate all aspects of "the work" that Herbie founded (including the Worldwide Church of God, The Plain Truth Magazine, Ambassador College, Ambassador International Cultural Foundation, etc.) put him in the "bat sh-t crazy" category! For me, this opinion was recently reinforced by his An Open Letter to the Churches of God.

The letter's opening tells the story about what follows: 

"Herbert W. Armstrong was part of something great. He led the Worldwide Church of God, which was a work of miracles. Do you remember that glorious history? Too many of God’s people don’t. God challenges us to always keep the big picture." 
Hmmmm, I remember that history well, but I do NOT remember it being "glorious." Indeed, from my perspective, I remember a manipulative, corrupt, and authoritarian regime that peddled a plagiarized, heretical theology and squandered the contributions of members and coworkers. I remember a narcissistic old con man and his adulterous son with a tremendous gift for oratory. I remember an organization that immersed itself in the Old Testament and Headline Theology. That's what I remember!

Mr. Flurry remembers things very differently. According to him: "Over Mr. Armstrong’s 55 years in Jesus Christ’s ministry, the work blossomed. It started with nothing and grew into a huge, Spirit-led work that spread God’s beautiful truth across the world." In other words, Mr. Flurry measures success by numbers (income, circulation, influence, etc.). I don't know about you, but that sure sounds like prosperity theology to me! He continued: "Do you remember that history? God put our tithes and offerings to magnificent use, and we were happy to be part of such a noble cause." Indeed, Flurry still believes that things like private jets and Steuben Crystal are a "magnificent use" of church folk's tithes and offerings!

What about you? Do you remember that history? In the words of Gerald Flurry, "Do you remember that glorious history?" Was God responsible for all of that "success" or was it a warped and twisted old man and his minions? Was God responsible for 1972/1975 in Prophecy? Was God responsible for the thoroughly discredited and racist teaching of Anglo-Israelism? Was God responsible for Stanley Rader? Was God responsible for Gerald Waterhouse? Was God responsible for GTA's shenanigans or his catastrophic fall from grace? Was God responsible for the State of California's intervention in Church affairs or the Mike Wallace expose on 60 Minutes? Was God responsible for Joseph Tkach's rise to power and overhaul of doctrine? Was God responsible for the collapse and splintering of the Worldwide Church of God? Was God responsible for all of those ruined marriages, deaths from not seeking medical attention, and abused spouses and children? If not, what exactly should we attribute to Herbert Armstrong?

Flurry finished his "Open Letter" by recounting all of the great "accomplishments" of his own Philadelphia Church of God. He lists the Philadelphia Trumpet magazine, Key of David television program, Armstrong Auditorium ("with its Swarovski Strass® crystal-trimmed chandeliers, Baccarat crystal candelabra, Spanish marble, Azerbaijani onyx, and world-class acoustics, is one of the finest performing arts venues in the world."), Armstrong College, and Armstrong International Cultural Foundation as the key achievements of him and his church. Really? Nevertheless, Flurry considers his greatest contribution to the church the new "truth" which he has introduced through his own booklets and pamphlets. You know, I think he may be right. The same god who inspired Herbert Armstrong continues to work through Gerald Flurry in 2025! What do you think?

Camelot? or NOT?

Lonnie Hendrix/Miller Jones 

Dave Pack and the Hypotheticals of R * pe

Dave Pack is a disgusting human being. 
This is a perfect example of what extremist Armstrongism does to people.

Pack claims: 

If you are serving God and are r@ped, God will prevent you from having the baby so that you would not need to have an abortion. 

Talk about bullshit!


Monday, January 20, 2025

Dave Pack: 10 Years Of Wandering Aimlessly As A False Prophet

False Moses

David C. Pack’s failed prophecy Series has wandered aimlessly into its tenth year, dragging along the weary brethren of The Restored Church of God through the dismal swamp of his human steam-driven ego. Inaudibly charged with an uncertain assignment by a fickle god and surrounded by complacent enablers, the Pastor General sounds his own trumpet before his worshipers. At the same time, he beckons for sympathy for his self-inflicted burdens from the very people who pay him for his lies.

“The Greatest Story Never Told! (Part 1)” was given on November 14, 2015. The four-part sermon focused on how the Third Temple would be built and continued through Part 7. The Part 8 inset brushed Jesus Christ aside to make room for Dave to seize His role as That Prophet.

Excuse me, a correction. Elijah is That Prophet. Wink-wink.

As a natural-born quitter, David C. Pack has been specially trained inside his distorted reality bubble by bobble-headed Headquarters mollusks who always agree with this week’s flavor of malarkey.

Mmm… Prophetic Fraud and Blasphemy. It’s what’s for dinner.™

Despite Dave going it alone with no other faux apostles to consult with, rest assured that on the tenth anniversary on November 14, 2025, the most abysmally insufferable Series to ever plague a COG will continue “right on track” toward a promised land that he will never find.


Imagine David C. Pack as Moses leading the children of Israel to the Red Sea, but he cannot decide where to cross. Everyone is watching, eagerly anticipating the freedom they long for. While they expect him to make another bold declaration like he did back in Egypt when the sea was far away, Dave marches toward the shore but slows down as he approaches.

His heart races in panic because he is not sure where they should go. The evidence suggests maybe it is a half mile to the right. A list of proofs point to possibly being beyond those big rocks to the left. It is hard to know for sure based on all the “present truth” available.

Woe! The mind-breaking burden is agony.

Dave offers false assurances instead of confessing the truth and accuses his critics of being faithless. The scribes are labeled as “our enemies.” The trickster god Dave worships ghosted him again. What to do?

Surely, they cannot believe it is just a coincidence that they wanted to leave Egypt… and he came along to tell them he could lead them out of Egypt. The timing was just too perfect.

The crowd of Israelites watch their false Moses approach the water, but then he abruptly turns to the right. So, the zealous people follow him to the right. After two minutes of hesitant strolling, Dave turns around and heads in the opposite direction. The people follow him to the left.

Dave pauses to give a long-winded speech filled with stammering words until it becomes apparent he is stalling. He has no answer but drops flicks and hints to give the impression he does. They just are not ready for it yet.

Now that the false Moses is near the water, his gut feeling is no longer unwavering. He hides from the people how incredibly uncomfortable he really is.

The sea does not part. There is no still, small voice guiding him. His once “This is the hill I die on!” bravado bleeds away as his face goes pale.

Maybe he is getting sick. But only weak people hiding secret sins and practicing poor hygiene habits get ill. So, that cannot be it. Unless it is prophetic COVID again.

The only thing Dave is left to do is to walk back and forth, retreading his own footprints in the sand. The children of Israel reluctantly follow because they believe there are no other options. After all, they’ve come this far. It is too late to turn back now.

The brethren murmur when they see their divinely chosen leader's wavering.

“But his name means ‘Passover.’ That can’t just be a coincidence.”
"The proofs were impossible to misunderstand, but he somehow misunderstood.”
"This cannot be a ruse by God. That would make us all fools."
"He spoke in God's name, but nothing happened. Is that okay?”
"He said he would die before he changed his doctrine. But he still changed it.”
"His logic was impossible to argue with. Maybe I should have argued more."
"How come the laws and commandments apply to me but not to him?"
"He said God showed him this. Doesn't that make God a liar?"

At the first sign of the dust kicked up by the Egyptian army just over the hill, Bradford “Aaron” Schleifer and Edward “Miriam” Winkfield are the first to tuck tail and run to save their own skin because they knew they followed a false Moses but did not warn the people.

Ryan “Achan” Denee had already fled like a shaken leaf even when none pursued.

Though they professed with their tongues that Dave was God’s chosen leader and upheld his arms every time his sign or wonder failed, they did not hesitate to abandon the flock. As hirelings who care not for the sheep, they willfully lead them to the slaughter to preserve their own positions of authority, hold on to their private campus houses, and keep their harping wives quiet.

A troubling discomfort creeps over the people as they watch David “False Moses” Pack pace along the shore franticly pointing this way and that way, contradicting himself one moment to the next but assuring everyone they are “right on track” because he finally figured it out.

This is false apostle and inept prophet David C. Pack leading The Restored Church of God today. The water will never part. The RCG brethren will never cross the Red Sea. He will never lead them into the promised land.

Instead, they will rot in the salty sand because he was not sent by God, and he operates only on human steam.

Marc Cebrian

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Dave Pack: On Human Steam

On Human Steam

There is a saturated fear warping the minds of the members of The Restored Church of God that keeps them trapped in their spiritually bankrupt organization. They desperately cling to the fallacious notion that they are in “the one true church” even though they have lived through years of evidence that proves otherwise.

Despite Pastor General David C. Pack promising salvation just over the horizon since 2012, even the All-Believing Zealots sometimes privately admit that the guy has not delivered. It is not an accusation but a fact of history. Even after the failed dates documented since March 2022 blow past the 100 mark, the brethren will not move from their seats because they vainly repeat a lie.

“I just need more patience. God is guiding Mr. Pack, and he will be proven right.”

David C. Pack will never be right about the return of Jesus Christ. He is not the usher to salvation. He is not the gatekeeper to the Kingdom. He does not see the plan of God “clearly” and is not even a bottom-of-the-list synonym close to “correct” about the series of events before or after the Kingdom of God arrives.

Case in point as of Part 551:

Jesus Christ Returns on January 29, 2025!
But now this could be a possible maybe.

More likely around then. But it’s so hard to nail down.

No matter how many numbered kitchenware props and wooden blocks adorn the table, the tall tales spun by Dave and his conscience-seared drones will never manifest. Never.

“The Greatest Unending Story!” Series is a fool’s errand eating time and squatting out corn-spotted malarkey placed on the living room mantle as if each discovery is a theological masterpiece.

In reality, David C. Pack is not led by God. The Holy Spirit does not inspire him to study and preach fickle gibberish. Dave is not an apostle. He is not a prophet. He cannot be trusted. He is a proven blaspheming, hypocritical liar. He is a street magician, a charlatan, and a deceiver.

David C. Pack admits he operates on human steam.


Since I was an RCG member from July 2012 until March 2021, I understand how members filter out unbiblical behavior and blasphemous statements made by the Pastor General. We committed our lives to God and were zealous to obey His word. We chose to trust His shepherds tasked with guiding us to the Kingdom of God. We proved that The Restored Church of God was the “one true church.”

By doing this, we willfully put our logic horse blinders on, turned our eyes away from hypocrisy committed six feet away, and stuffed our ears with Silly Putty because “God will work it out.”

God will not work it out because you have to do it yourself.

God is not leading the efforts at The Restored Church of God. God did not designate David C. Pack as His end-time mouthpiece. God did not sprinkle mentions of David C. Pack throughout the Bible. God does not force David C. Pack to study the Bible until 2 AM, skip out on commanded assemblies, or steal money under the “Common” scam.

David C. Pack has been broadcasting to his barely conscious worshippers for years that God is not behind what he teaches. He made it screaming obvious during “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 550)” on December 21, 2024, and continued into Part 551 the following week.

For those bothering to pay attention, David C. Pack informed his audience that he operates on human steam.

Matthew 12:34
…for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

Matthew 11:15
He that has ears to hear, let him hear.

Flashback Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 1:14:32 I’m not prophesying now. Nobody’ll ever get me to say that.

Insert a record scratch here.

Part 550 – December 21, 2024
@ 40:47 When did I first prophesy before doing it again? This is a fascinating thing to to discuss.

The 15-minute ego stroke was not fascinating. It was a pointless vanity exercise wandering in vapid circles.

@ 51:17 So, you asked me, “When did you become a prophet?” I don’t know.

Dave did not know but had to keep talking about it for another five minutes.

@ 55:44 There’s no way to really know how long this has been going on.

This is how members of The Restored Church of God spend their Sabbaths. Try to find that on the public website.

The final prophet of God does not know when he became a prophet nor when he prophesied. That is one helluva hiccup Dave created when he redefined what a prophet does. Since he can go about his business without an audible instruction from God, it is super convenient that he avoids the same biblical standard when faced with repeated abject failure.

Dave does not know because God did not raise or train him to be a prophet or prophesy. David C. Pack's entire career operates on cascading assumptions powered by human steam.


Near the end of Part 550, Dave degraded his stature into an uninspired “woe is me” whine-fest.

@ 1:26:31 Think: Now I want you to I want you to think about something. And this’ll be maybe some of you will care about this. You’ll you’ll understand it. You’ll be sensitive to it.

Dave better pray his audience is more sensitive to him than he is to them.

@ 1:26:54 If you wanna understand my muh my situation with this material and, you know, walk a mile with me for a moment here now in my moccasins. I gotta know the clock we’re on at some point.

@ 1:27:29 But I did notice that it’s written to one man. Now, if you can understand the immense unceasing and here we’re well, you’re gettin’ into my my my moccasins. Unceasing, mind-bake it– [chuckles] buh-buh backbreaking, mind-breaking burden of going as long as I have preaching a thousand hours and studying for 20 or 25 hours. I loved it. No complaint.

The unceasing, backbreaking, and mind-breaking burden is not a complaint? This is textbook Dave contradicting himself in the next breath.

@ 1:27:54 You can understand why I would say, “Yes! This is almost over.” But not want the brethren to see me do that ‘cause they might think I hated it. I didn’t.

Dave does not want the brethren to know how he feels by explaining to the brethren how he feels. He continues with the explanation of his non-complaints about the backbreaking burdens of his office.

@ 1:28:03 That the endless array of frustrations and agony and lying in bed. I I never never I haven’t been to bed before two o’clock on Saturday night, sometimes three o’clock. I don’t know. Couple years other than maybe at the Feast.

Prolonged sleep deprivation does not improve brain function. If the divine process of ending the Mystery of God were Holy Spirit-inspired, it would not be an unceasing, backbreaking, mind-breaking burden requiring exhausting hours of late-night study that proves fruitless the following week.

However, if you are motivated by human steam, it makes perfect sense.

@ 1:28:21 I just I'm or or, and then I’m up all morning, and my wife is working around, and I'm doing things. Looking and checking all kinds of stuff.

David C. Pack may be “up all morning” being busy, but he produces nothing. He manufactures work for himself that nobody tasked him with. God did not assign Dave this task. He is the author of his own long, wasted hours motivated by human steam.

Which is why he is so frustrated and miserable.

@ 1:28:28 Turns out it wasn't so hard, but it it was hard getting to what was pure simplicity in Christ.

Dave quickly turned up his nose to that same “simplicity in Christ” the next week and nullified the temporary relief from his self-inflicted pressures.

@ 1:28:37 And I needed to know we’ve crossed the first threshold and the end is in sight.

On New Year’s Eve, Dave’s god pushed the “end in sight” further down the road. But that is what happens when you operate on only human steam.


No prophetic confidence was provided during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 551)” on December 31, 2024. The year for RCG ended with a whimper when Dave front-loaded his not-so-certain discoveries.

Part 551 – December 31, 2024
@ 02:48 First, I believe we are either waiting for before Shevat 1, which is January 29thBefore Shevat 1 or also potentially just after it. But we're on track toward this time period for very different reasons. There is a greater chance we’re not gonna get to Shevat 1 than that we will go past it.

There is a greater chance pigs will fly than David C. Pack figuring anything out.

Dave's broken mind cannot hear the words falling from his mouth. The brethren of The Restored Church of God do not enjoy the same excuse.

@ 03:25 Many incredibly important discoveries have come the last ten days or so. I I seem unable to [chuckles] keep them from piling up. They are they are very interesting and, I think you’ve been seeing that.

Ten years into the Series at Part 551…five hundred and fifty-one…there are yet more “important discoveries” that alter the understanding again as they continue to pile up. Is that how the Holy Spirit works with THE end-time messenger? Or is that further evidence that David C. Pack meanders on human steam?

@ 03:39 But but may I be personal for a moment? I wanna just be personal as we near what I believe is the end of the Series.

God would make it clear to His servant when the Mystery of God is ended. Not so much with Dave.

Flashback Part 200 – August 27, 2019
@ 00:02 Well, brethren, over the last nearly four years, as I introduce Part 200 that ends the Series, we've seen various “present truths,” …And that that series of adjustments of present truths, if you will, ends tonight.

Part 551 – December 31, 2024
@ 04:07 I love teaching what God is doing.

David C. Pack has no clue what God is doing because God is not involved in his process. Dave’s astonishingly piss-poor reading comprehension skills are only the tip of the iceberg of his problems.

He throws down the sympathy card again to defuse the anticipated criticism coming his way.

@ 06:40 I’m being very personal. I love teaching that [God’s plan]. WHEN God will start all of this is hard and not nearly as enjoyable and, in many ways, isn't enjoyable at all. And I wanted just to say that.

David C. Pack admits he operates on human steam
in 3…2…1…

@ 07:59 So, I I I hope you understand, and if I had it to do over, I wouldn’t try as hard to figure out WHEN God is gonna do WHAT He’s gonna do. I may have come to the point where I finally understand it, but I I’m I don’t wanna claim that. At least, not at this point.

The members of The Restored Church of God who refuse to hear their Pastor General speaking plainly have only themselves to blame when they go bankrupt financially, spiritually, and mentally.

David C. Pack would not “try as hard to figure out.” God did not send him. God did not inspire him. Dave charged himself with the task of figuring out timing. He just said it.

@ 08:18 But, WHAT God is gonna do is just amazing fun. It’s just amazing fun and thrilling to to to to be able to teach.

@ 09:50 I mean, WHEN is interesting. It just not fun for Mr. Pack to research and try to get right. It’s just very difficult. It invites the attack of enemies. If I if I had not done that, I mean, and these same enemies who couldn't care less what the Bible says God is gonna do. Couldn't care less. But, boy, do they wanna catch a wrong date. So, if I can [chuckles] do that all over again, I I probably I wuh I’d definitely would. You know, hindsight is is always 20/20.

20/20 hindsight has never stopped David C. Pack from repeating the mistakes he decried he would never do again. His cup of coffee endures longer than his memory.

God’s chosen Branch and “That Prophet” Elijah would not need to “try to get right” anything. His words would be accurate the first time and for all time because God sent him and gave him the words to say.

David C. Pack's enemies point out when he gets the dates wrong for the return of Jesus Christ. Is that because Dennis, Gary, and Marc are just a bunch of mustache-twirling meanies? Or did we learn to justly mock Dave from the same book?

Deuteronomy 18:22
When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD,
if the thing follow not, nor come to pass,
that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken,
but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously:
you shall not be afraid of him.

David C. Pack claims to preach the Bible's truths in God's name yet excuses himself from biblical accountability. An authentic servant of God does not label people enemies because they accurately hold him to the same standards he dishes out.

Mark 4:24
…Take heed what you hear: with what measure you mete,
it shall be measured to you…


The Pastor General occasionally love bombs his audience to convince them he cares. But his actions tell a different story. One small moment illustrates that he can get reports about the mindset of the congregation, but he will do whatever the hell he wants anyway.

@ 08:37 Mr. Schleifer tells me this, few others, too, “They [members] don’t really even seem to care WHEN‘cause they know God’s gonna do it. The WHAT is just it is so exciting.”

@ 09:30 So, I’ll I’ll just say that and being personal. WHEN is a lot harder. But most of today, almost all of it, is gonna be about WHEN because I have learned a number of things.

Brad is very slick at dulling the edges of potentially perceived criticism. Brethren admitting they find WHAT more exciting is just a polite and safe way to say, “Stop setting dates. We are sick of it.”

Dave heard it. He told the audience he heard it. Then, he ignored it because he “learned” things. It makes you wonder why he brought it up in the first place if he was going to plow over their preference.

Do not wonder too much. David C. Pack truly cares only about David C. Pack. The common folk are as valuable to him as the accolades they shower him with. They serve him, or they are useless.

A portion of David C. Pack's psyche understands that God is not behind what he preaches and is doing this all on his own. He has exposed himself before.

Flashback Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 1:18:40 But people wanna throw stones sometimes at Mr. Pack can’t figure [chuckles] all of this out. I mean, I I get deeply frustrated with myself. I never get frustrated with God, but it just I thought, you know, maybe it would be good if we just went really deeply into how difficult some of this is so you could be just as periodically miserable as I am. I I mean, misery loves company. This some of this is hard.

Flashback Part 516 – June 8, 2024
@ 00:47 WE’VE had a lot of different aborted dates. If you wanna say while WE’VE learned more and more about God’s plan, WE’VE never really pinned down when it would start. But, you will stand up on Monday …and you will say, “This really is the day.” That’s what you will say. You will not doubt it.

In June, the members who did not doubt were revealed to be gullible lemmings who abandoned thinking for themselves. It is theological buffoonery to accept anything Dave says. One week after proving January 29 was it, he transformed the faithful RCG brethren into misguided idiots for professing agreement.

Part 551 – December 31, 2024
@ 1:06:55 Go over to Acts 3. What a powerful discovery I made, and I'm gonna share it with you now.


Motivated by the inspiration of Dave's false god, he speaks with unwavering power and clarity. Kinda.

@ 1:15:17 The First Kingdom, I’m gonna just say, the First Kingdom has to start on a Sabbath... It wouldn’t be wrong if it were a new moon. I guess you could say Shevat 1 is a possibility, but it’s not a Sabbath. I absolutely rule out Shevat 1 [January 29]. I I actually don’t think we’re gonna get there. But you it cannot be Shevat 1. Now, if it’s gonna be a new moon and a Sabbath, it could be Adar 1 [February 28].

Did his authoritative certainty give you goosebumps?

@ 1:30:52 The evidence for all this general timing has become so strong I would have no idea what other period of time would work. I have no idea.

David C. Pack often lies to the brethren of The Restored Church because he cannot help himself in 3…2…1…

@ 1:31:02 And I’m not literally going to eh–ever get into date setting.

The Pastor General is a sad, confused man who lives only in the present and cannot remember the past or contemplate the future. He proves with his own human steam-powered lips that his words cannot be trusted.

Flashback Part 172 – April 27, 2019
@ 1:03:50 I’ll never ever, ever again say the day.

Flashback Part 389 – August 24, 2022
@ 52:41 Therefore, if you're gonna say the same thing again…it looks like he didn't say the date the first time either, and I won’t do it. And I’m sorry that I ever did.

Figuring out the date for the return of Jesus Christ is the effort of human steam. True God-fueled inspiration is correct the first time. It is not a process of “trial and error or hit and miss” theology, as Dave promotes.

Part 551 – December 31, 2024
@ 1:31:09 I’m not absolutely certain of the exact date but but I’ve long held WE’VE gone back and forth on it. I’ll just say, to a strong idea that’s grown far stronger over time. It's all through the Bible, and it’s before Shevat 1 [January 29]. It may not be true, but it cannot be far off, and you you you now understand why.

David C. Pack operates on human steam because God is not guiding him. And he knows it.

But don’t believe me. Believe your Bible.

2 Timothy 3:7
Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Ephesians 4:14
…be no more children, tossed to and fro,
and carried about with every wind of doctrine…

Jeremiah 23:21
I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran:
I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.

Marc Cebrian
see: On Human Steam