Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Failed Okie in Oklahoma Trying To Impress

Six Pack Flurry recently opened his new mini-Me auditorium at his cult compound in Oklahoma.  Like HWA, he spared no expense.  Onyx, marble, swarovski crustal, imported carpets, bird fountains, etc.

I wonder to this day if Six Pack ever has an original idea running around that 'brain' of his.

Happily he is nothing more than the Okie version of HWA and it is just nor working.  At least Herb had some class and good taste, while Six Pack is bankrupt in all those departments.


  1. I can't tell from the picture...did they strip the ugly white paint off the egrets that Maranatha slapped on?

  2. No, those are the swans from Big Sandy that Six Pack bought from Alert Academy. He even flow over David Wynn to rededicate the swans fountain.

    For a group that is ready to flee at any moment to Petra Six Pack McFlurry is sure spending tons of tithe money to build his monument to himself.

    Oh wait! Jesus has delayed his coming because it is PCG's members FAULT that they are not dedicated enough, so Jesus is waiting for them to get their act together before he returns. Same old, same old.

    Added the swan picture above

  3. Thanks. Any word on what happened to the egrets? I know Maranatha painted 'em white, but I remember reading somewhere that they got snapped up by one of the False Prophets of CoG-dom...I could be wrong....
