Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, December 17, 2010

Another One Bites The Dust: Greg Sargent Out...

Sargent resigned on Friday, and announced he would IMMEDIATELY start holding 'sabbath' services.

To Whom It May Concern:

Today [December 17, 2010], I resigned from the corporate body of the United Church of God.

The reason I was asked to resign is because I have supported the good faith efforts to address and to solve the divide and conflict in which UCG now finds itself. The administration of the United Church of God considers my stand as not supporting UCG management. This is a sad irony. Unless I am allowed to use the exact same criteria I have used for over 44 years in the ministry—following and supporting leaders as they follow Christ’s example, I have no other recourse except to resign.

Examples of my conflict with promising unquestioning loyalty to the administration is laid out in the three documents, What Really Happened in Latin America?, What Are The Real Issues? and What Were The Real Efforts To Seek Reconciliation? (available on request).

My responsibility as a shepherd is to feed and protect the flock. If I remain silent about tainted food being distributed to God’s flock in order to promote peace and harmony in God’s congregation that I pastor, I prove myself to be a hireling and only interested in peace among men. Truth sometimes brings conflict. Despite the uproar caused by Christ when He spoke the truth, true disciples had peace with God.

We are reminded that in April of 1995, a leader tried to intimidate those he called rebels by stating, “In congregations where the pastors have taught faithfully the focus on Jesus Christ…there is little discontent and turmoil. But in congregations where pastors have avoided following headquarters…there is turmoil.”

As we all learned then, living in peace with a contented but deceived congregation was not our main goal. We chose contentment with godliness. Thus we parted ways.

The apostle Paul chose truth over harmony when writing to the Corinthians about immoral behavior. He incited godly disharmony when he later corrected them for accepting and putting up with a different spirit, those whom he defined as deceitful workers.

Dealing with disharmony and standing up for what is right is a necessary part of growing in the character of Jesus Christ. In fact, there must be divisions among us so that those who are approved are recognized (1 Cor. 11:19).

In all this, I do not claim perfect behavior or excellent wisdom in my every approach. I ask for forgiveness for any less than fitting demonstrations of the mind of Christ in me. I can truly say with the apostle Paul that I have not already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid on me (Philippians 3:12).

I will continue to labor in God’s Work until the mind of Christ is formed in all of us (Gal. 4:19) in order that God’s Spirit will give life to our mortal bodies and an inheritance into the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ. 

In Christ’s Name,

Gregory L. Sargent


  1. I believe Greg Sargent pretty well describes his position and those that are against the current administration and council at UCG very well when he says "Unless I am allowed to use the exact same criteria I have used for over 44 years in the ministry..."

    He has not changed his style of leadership and control in over 44 years of the ministry. The three documents he refers to are filled with half truths. Rather than seeking out the full truth, he would rather continue perpetuating lies to continue his style of government, Leon Walkers style of Government, Clyde Kilough's form of government, Jim Frank's form of government, and on and on, which was never the style of government that UCG began with.

    1. I was in one of his San Antonio Texas Church's about
      47 years ago. I never saw him really asked for anybody else's perspective on anything during the time I knew him.

  2. Sadly, Greg Sargent displays the same arrogant and condescending attitude he has demonstrated his entire career. Jesus was a carpenter, Paul a tent maker, Peter a fisherman. What has Greg done? Here is another one of "Herbert’s Hirelings" who spent his entire career leaching off the tithes of people who actually work for a living.

    It is my pray that before he dies he will have the opportunity to contribute something positive to the world. Maybe this will force him to get a job.

  3. So here is yet another charlatan… like Leon Walker and Larry Salyer who admits he was collecting a paycheck while stabbing in the back the organization that was supporting him. Was it something in the water at Ambassador College that taught the “entitled class” to be so hypocritical? These phonies make Judas Iscariot look dignified.

  4. Anon 2 wrote: "...Maybe this will force him to get a job."

    Don't count on it. He will look for support from Ambassador International Outreach. they will give him money till he joins full force with Walker and Salyer's new group which will then pay him a salary. Walker and Salyer are taking tithe money right now that keeps their pockets lined.

  5. Anon 3 wrote: "Was it something in the water at Ambassador College that taught the “entitled class” to be so hypocritical? These phonies make Judas Iscariot look dignified."

    UCG is getting a does of it's own medicine.

    Kubick, Webber, Salyer and others spent months on WCG's payroll while they planed United. They stayed for their salaries, their housing allowances, their cars, their expenditures, the money to travel to Texas, etc.

    They got as much money out of WCG as they could before they were terminated.

    UCG's hierarchy is morally and ethically bankrupt. These men were legalistic tyrants when in WCG and still are to this day in the UCG. WHy the members put up with them I will never understand!

  6. NO2HWA said, "WHy the members put up with them I will never understand."

    MY COMMENT: What else do they have? Whichever organization they run to, they will claim that it's "gawd's church", and continue following the heirarchy that scratches their itching ears. Those who still odolize Herbie will follow their favorite "minister" who gives lip service to Herbie's false doctrines. I have shown my relatives, still in UCG, from the Scriptures how wrong their beliefs are, but it all goes in one ear and out the other. They only listen to "ordained apostles".

  7. So goes the never ending collapse of the Pope Herbert empire. As to Mr Sargent, I consider him to be a sincere man with integrity, but he must have blinders on to fail to understand the ramifications of Herbert's massive indiscretions. If you read this Greg, I got out in 1995 and got born again. You can read my expose of WCG and its offshoots in my book "Coming out of Hell - A Journey from Chaos to redemption.

  8. Did Greg know of the corrupt GTS and HWA sex scandals and not walk away then? Tithes were for supporting their corrupt ways. I anguish in the thought that I was part of that tithing group. Money corrupts . My eyes are open now after 30 yrs. Shame on all.

  9. I wholeheartedly agree with comments about Sargent being an arrogant charlatan. He sorely needs to join the list of repentant ministers who saw the light and repented. HWA effectively ran a cult off the backs of his congregation for decades. The pain that Sargent and his cohorts exacted is immeasurable!!!
