Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Church of God America - We Are Not A Church! Really! Really We're Not!

UCG's new splinter personlity cult is tripping all over it's self claiming they are not a 'new' church.

1. Is Church of God – America the nucleus for a new corporate Church of God?

No. Church of God-America is not a corporation nor was it started with the intention of becoming one. We are a voluntary association of pastors and elders who are committed to implementing the Ephesians 4 model for Church of God congregations.

Anyone with half a brain can read their web site and see that is not true!

As we look to see what God intends for the future, we will go forward as the scripture reveals a church should function. Because it is impossible to set up a perfect church, we will function in the biblical model of a healthy church.

Job descriptions have been laid out for ministers:

Pastors commit to teach and practice the Ephesians 4 model in their congregations. Pastors commit to follow the job description and duties outlined in Ephesians 4. In sermons and Bible studies, we will focus on doctrine, discernment, and application of the truth.
 We hope to have quarterly teleconferences and discuss how things are working. At the end of six months, we will evaluate what we’ve learned in banding together as spiritual brothers. 

God forbid if you as a church member   expect to have your voice heard!  Dream on...

Although we appreciate the interest individual members may have, our goal is limited to mutual support among congregations.

Church areas have been established:

El Salvador
Church of God - Louisiana
Church of God - South Texas
Church of God - Canada

But brethren we really, really want you to know we are NOT a church!  Really! No sirree Bob!  But we will gladly take your tithe money.  Send it to one of the above addresses.  Pretty please!

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