Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Did One UCG Minister Forsee the Current Debacle 15 Years Ago?

From a Yahoo board:

When UCGaia was created there was one individual, unknown by me, who knew about
the potential for "fractions and factions" to occur. How do we know that?

For what it is worth, there was a special memo written by a concerned minister
regarding his "Hopes for Indianapolis." That memo, which follows, was read to
all in attendance on the last day of the Indianapolis Conference, May 2, 1995,
by Victor Kubik, to all of us there.
CAN IT EVER BE? That cohesive, Christ-led entity that we all want so dearly?
Or does Indy seal our fate to fractions and factions? The hopes are high, the
stakes are critical. Indy will be either a dawning of a New World Tomorrow, or
the proof of our folly.

PIE IN THE SKY is what the detractors say. Some of them are us, you know.
Our "leaders" have already laid foundations and are even laying superstructure.
The meek words of just a few weeks ago... "We've just started this in case it's
of any help, but we'll gladly dissolve it" are seemingly replaced with corporate
structures lauding the wisdom of "follow me." Has "unity" already slipped to a
cliché, a buzzword of egotists? I've seen that once people invest time, money
and gain supporters they "have God's blessing." After all, they prayed about

Dissolution of their structure for a greater cause becomes too great a defeat.
The show must go on.

WHAT IS INDY? It's a chance for a ground up, New Testament organized body of

WHAT WILL INDY BE? I know what you and I want it to be. But do you know what
many see it as? Separate leaders of several pre-formed groups pushing their
system at each other, followed by the winner selling it to the ministry. The
ministry is invited to view the outcome and cast in their lot, depending on who
"wins" and if they like the smell of it.

WHO LOSES IF INDY FALTERS? The churches back home. The little flocks who are
staking their faith in Indy. The loyal pastors who have forfeited everything to
wait on Christ and to come learn His will for their next step. I hope He's
there. He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.

Just some concerns and fears ... I don't know what it WILL be, I know what it
MIGHT be and what it CAN be. I'll be there in support. Be careful who gets
control. Make sure it's God.

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