Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Today's UCG Resignations 1/4/2011


  1. Will someone tell me WHY is all this happening. What are the REAL reasons behind this growing problem WHY. Who does it profit or benefit? What are the core issues. No wonder the love of many will wax cold. With this attitude of trusted leaders it is a huge turn off. I am hanging my future on one leader, one true shepherd, one Lord of Lord, King of Kings, High Priest, My brother Christ Jesus and on him alone.

  2. To Anonymous January 4, 2011 9:27 PM:

    It is the usual Armstrong COG stuff - liberals vs. conservatives in doctrine, belief and practice all boiling down to money and control.

    However, unlike the 1974 WCG rebellion, there does not appear to be any sex scandals involved in this one like GTA being "in the bonds of Satan".

    Oh the good ol' days. They don't seem to be making church splinters like they use to!


  3. You deserve it. And I dare you to contact Harvard Divinity School on the matter.

    Scott Lord, Boston
