Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, February 10, 2011

UCG: Everything is all Daffodils and Cute Bunnies

Reading UCG Realtime you would think UCG has had only a minor little hiccup in their organizational structure and everything is phantasmagorically fabulous!  Pretty daffodils and bunnies playing in the fields of the Lord....

Here is their list of hiccups laid out:

For your information, in early 2010, there were 492 credentialed elders in the United Church of God, an International Association. Of that number, 323 (66%) are still with UCG. Of that total, we have retained 62 of 131 salaried field ministers (47%); 15 of 20 elders salaried by the home office (75%); 9 of 14 retired elders (64%); and 237 of 327 non-salaried elders (73%).
In the United States, we have retained 250 of 382 elders (65%). Of that total, we have retained 46 of 100 salaried field ministers and 180 of 248 non-salaried elders (73%).


  1. Indeed, the UCG may be more prosperous and increased in goods to have need of nothing. The churches which left were mostly non self-supporting, which means that they had to have money pumped in from elsewhere. Moreover, paid ministers left and that means less money going out for salaries.

    So indeed, it may be win win for the UCG. They got rid of deadwood. They got rid of dissidents. They pretty much got rid of their International work (which was always a pain, anyway, what with totally independent organizations voting their own leaders in).

    You may suspect, as I do, that the money really is important. I remember years of Dennis Luker standing up in front of the congregation each Sabbath he was there, expressing concern about his salary and retirement and his condo in Garden Grove and a whole host of other monetary concerns. What shall we eat? What shall we wear? These are the matters which concern the ministry and administrators of United.

    But now, things seem to be looking up, even in this economy. Those above the glass ceiling (the paid amongst the UCG), can look down on everyone else and declare that it is good.

    Spiritually? Well, you know, British Israelism isn't exactly mentally healthy. What can we say?

  2. It is interesting that it wasn't stated how many lay members still belong to the UCG as if what is only important is the number of ministers and elders that are still with the UCG. Also there is a higher percentage of headquarter ministers who stayed then field ministers.

    It is clear that the paid ministers that stay in the UCG are atleast for now, until the next split, have a somewhat more secure income.

  3. God is simple. Religionism made it complex. You were born free. You follow God freely. Be good to all humans. Stop being bad.

    No need to pay me anything. We're square. Now go, and do likewise.
