Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, March 27, 2011

This Months Third False Prophet! Strike Three!

COGdom is banging out false prophets every day now. James Malm, the self appointed authority on ALL COG truth and end time prophet, over on the Shining Light blog is now speculating about the date of the end times.  According to this false prophet, the abomination of desolation will be in late September of this year:

Of course he dances around saying he does not predict exact dates.  Dance, dance, dance. IF, IF, IF.....

And I will tell you now that the end of the 1290 days is the resurrection from the dead on the 6th day of Unleavened Bread; and 45 days later brings us to the end of the 1335 days, which must fall  before the Feast of Pentecost. And on the feast of Pentecost, after those days Joel 2:28; God’s kingdom will be established. God’s spirit will be poured out on all flesh even calming the savage beast. And the Kingdom of God will be established and the millennium or thousand years of peace will start.

The proof of this will be in the fulfilling!  If we find the earliest possible sixth day of Unleavends and then count back from there 1,290 days and the abomination [final false prophet] is actually set up at that time; then we shall know that this concept is true.  Each year I have published the POSSIBLE date that the abomination might be set up. 
 I have NEVER published that any year is the set and established year that the abomination would be set up.  I only pubhlished that IF a certain year were to be the year, then the abomination could be set up accourding to the 1,290 day count; at a certain date.  This year that date would be in late September.  I am NOT saying that this is definitely the year; I AM saying that IF it were to be the year, then based on the count the abomination would be set up in late Sept.
One might go forward and calculate this possioble date for many years into the future, however if the abomination is set up according to the 1,290 day count; then this concept stands proved.


  1. "The proof of this will be in the fulfilling!"

    Now there's a brilliant statement.

    What is this obcession with acting like one knows and then retreats in a cover of "ifs" "I have nevers"
    "I ain't sayin now that" and "I just said it 'could be'"

    Ahhh, I know....there is money to be made in Jesus ALMOST Coming back. There is NONE in his actual coming back. How do I know? The proof is in the fulfilling :)


  2. Didn't Christ say in Matthew 7:15 that we should embrace false prophets?

    Isn't obeying Jesus with that Scripture the reason that we engaged Herbert Armstrong?

    And isn't that the reason we should absorb what James Malm is saying?

    Doesn't Deuteronomy specify that we should follow false prophets when what they say does not come to pass?

    What's the problem with clear simple Scriptures which indicate that God sends false prophets to the people so His Word will go forth and we shall surely know what is not going to shortly occur?

  3. "...I am NOT saying that this is definitely the year; I AM saying that IF it were to be the year, then based on the count the abomination would be set up in late Sept."

    Very clear. Too bad that spiritual retards can comprehend it.

    Later, scoffers...
