Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, May 13, 2011

Feeding Your Dog Unclean Meat

Looking through some of the blogs of Armstrongite acolytes today was really depressing.  What a SAD, unhappy, miserable bunch of people!  Do they not have any joy in their lives??????  Everything is satanic or 'of this world' and not to be enjoyed.  What morons!

So to lighten the mood today, some dog humor:


  1. I stunned a church member/neighbor several years ago when I told him about going to an NBA game where the home team scored enough points for everyone in the house to win a free Pizza Hut pizza.

    The problem: the only option was a pepperoni pizza.

    "But pepperoni is pork!" the neighbor correctly noted.

    "True," I answered. "So what I did was... I had some leftover beef smoked sausage. I cooked it, removed the pepperoni and replaced it with the smoked sausage.

    "I gave the pepperoni to the cats [I had two]. They seemed to like it."

    Left him speechless.

  2. Most people with a dispensationalist background tend to be way too serious and on the constant guard for Satan's constant subtle attacks. The more you laugh the more opportunity you allow a demons to enter you.

  3. What a ridiculous life I used to lead. No bacon. No lobster tail, crab legs or shrimp. No ham sandwich or BLT.

    So glad all that nonsense is over. Religions have to take away people's pleasures to make them feel "holy."

  4. I'm sorry, but cats deserve equal time... especially when it comes to election campaigns:


  5. Interesting conundrum here. Actually most animals, such as cats and dogs, which are kept as household pets are not numbered amongst the clean animals of the Old Covenant. So, why would it be inherently bad for one unclean animal to devour the flesh of another unclean animal? That's what they do.

    One needn't wonder why the Armstrongite didn't voice objections that removing the pepperoni from the pizza left an unclean residue behind. After all, they are conditioned to believe that the reastaruant pancakes they eat on the way to the feasts are perfectly ok even though they were cooked on the grill right next to someone else's Jimmy Dean pork sausage. They also find no harm in drinking commercial vitamin D milk, even though the vitamin D is known to come exclusively from porcine sources. Apparently vitamin D finds itself in its most concentrated form in pigs.

    If you really want to know the ins and outs, whys and wherefores for the "kosher" laws, the Jews could be of great assistance in explaining. But, Armstrongism was always at best a "pick and choose" religion, presuming that HWA and the other top dogs had inherited the primacy of Peter on this and so many other issues.


  6. Byker Bob, I must protest. Cats are not mentioned in the Bible at all, unless you count the "big cats" such as lions, lepards and tigers.

    Dogs are another matter, of course. They are not mentioned in a very positive light.

    Or am I giving that which is holy to the dogs?

  7. It is a Middle Eastern mindset to look down on dogs. I'm glad the West doesn't because I dearly love our three little canines. They are almost human.

    A jewish rabbi once told a friend of mine that the purpose of the clean and unclean laws was to preserve holiness and keep the chosen people separate from their neighbors. From my experience in Armstrongism, it tends to work that way. So called "health" reasons just don't hold water.
