Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 26, 2011

UCG Ethics Committee

Ethic's and UCG in the same sentence is the ultimate in paradox.  UCG has a long history of being unethical.

It's very formation was one of unethical behavior.  Most of the men in charge at UCG now, and also those that split off to form the new COGWA, are the same men who sat for months and months in the 380 and 390 apartments on the Pasadena campus planning and plotting their new church all the while still raking in their paychecks and standing up in church each week supporting the changes.  Some were even firing men left and right who disagreed with the changes coming down, while they were plotting their new church.

Mario Seiglie is the new head of the UCG Ethics Committee.  Seiglie is also the one that UCG sent to South America to 'straighten out' the issue with the family that was operating a day care center on the so called 'sabbath.'  What was unethical about that?  These 'sabbath breakers' were extended members of Seiglie's own relatives!  We now all know the result of that 'family intervention.'  The break up of UCG and the defection of a huge number of it's ministers.

UCG ethic's involves church members who embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from a bank and built UCG a church meeting hall in West Virginia.

And, we cannot forget some of the current UCG ministers who are committing adultery and others who are raging alcoholics.  Yep, ethic's is a real concern for UCG right now.


  1. You forgot stalkers and fondlers. Or maybe not. The posting was long enough and we get the idea.

    There's a bigger ethical question though, and it's not just for UCG: What about being false prophets who promote false prophecy? What about the heresy of British Israelism which is the foundation of all Armstrongist coGs (except one obscure one) which produced the false prophecies?

    And what about the false history of the false church based on the known lie that Waldensians were nothing more than Good Catholics back then, and Sunday keeping Protestants today?

    They are all useless: They have very little truth, bashpeme and commit idolatry with the Science Fiction type earth alternative history and the relentless description of dystopian destruction always just 3 to 5 years away.

    Just how are they different from Sabbath Keeping Scientologists.


    Bah. Humbug.

  2. I can hardly wait.

    After "The Plaint Truth" I'm issuing "The Goof News".

  3. Seeing how the ministers ARE without ethics, we can see how the members can still support false prophets. They follow their masters lead and forsake scripture and embrace lies.

    If even one of them ever could admit that HWA and many others of the ministry are false and misleading and yet they stay year after year, we can say without doubt that they love their worldly church more than their Savior.

    Hence they are the goats Christ spoke of. If five percent of these people made it into the wedding supper, I would consider that an extreme. They forsake truth for a lie....and they get financially raped for their efforts!

  4. Herbert Armstrong taught them everything he knew about ethics.

    They learned well.

    The end justifies the means: What ever you have to do to retain what you have corporately is what you will do, no matter how illegal, corrupt, unethical or immoral it is, because saving the CoG is more important than anything else.

    It must exist because it exists and it must continue existence because it must exist.

    The only problem is that it is all lies: They lie and then they take the money.

    So what use are these folks to the rest of us?
